Rachel's birthday and being with Chloe
James was tired of waiting so he went to see what was going on with Chloe and see if she was going to be admitted or not
"Yes can you tell be the status of Chloe Maslow please?" he asks the nurse at the window
"You can go on back" the nurse tells him
James heads back and he sees the doctor from earlier
"Mr. Maslow we are going to admit Chloe and get that fever down, and see if she has anymore seizures as well" the doctor tell him as they were getting ready to take Chloe up to her room
"Can i stay with her?" he asks her
"Of course you can" the doctor tell him as Chloe was heading up to to her room
Rachel was going to go to the gift shop to get balloons and anything else that might make the room look good and brighten it up as well
"Rachel i will be right back" he says as he was going to leave to get a few things cause since Rachel's birthday was coming up and he wanted to celebrate it with her and he had a special gift for her
"Okay i will be with Chloe" Rachel says as he left
Rachel held CHloe close to her as they walked around the room a little bit
"Look Chloe look at the tsars" Rachel says as she was talking to the little girl as they looked at the night sky a little bit
Chloe cooed at her as she was being held by her
"I love you already Chloe" Rachel says as she kisses Chloe on the head a little bit
Rachel was going to sit down with her since she didn't want to put her down just yet
"Your sister is doing good at your Uncle Logan's house" Rachel says as she reads the text on James's phone cause James left his phone there
Chloe goes to sleep on Rachel and she loves it
"Oh night little one" Rachel says as she was going to tuck Chloe in for the a little bit cause she had to go pee really bad
Rachel left the door open a little bit just in case she woke up and she was not happy at all
James returned with balloons, presents, and a cake for Rachel for her birthday
"Rachel come with me" he says as he came into the room to get her for her little party with the two of them
"What about Chloe?" Rachel asks him
"She is going to be okay" he says as he was going to have a nurse check on her since she was asleep at the moment
"James what's going on?" Rachel asks him as they were walking with him to the secret location
"Wait and see" he says as he was going to the room he had set up for the party that was close to Chloe and everything
"James what is this?" Rachel asks as she entered the room
"It's a little party with just the two of us" he says as he was going to give her a party hat as well
"Oh James how did you know it was my birthday?" she asks him
"I have my ways" he says as they shared a kiss together
James gave her one of her presents
"Open it Rachel" he says as he was looking at her
She opens it and it's a ring
"It's a promise ring Rachel and in time this will be an enagement ring" he says as he gave her another present
"James i don't know what to say" she says as she looks at him
"I knew i loved you from the first day i met you and i want to marry you one day Rachel" he says to her cause he wanted to build up to the engagement speech where he was going to ask her to marry him
Rachel started to cry a little bit cause she didn't think this was going ot happen that fast at all
"Let's have your party" he says to her
She nods cause she wanted to see what else he got her for her birthday
"James you didn't have to do this you have the girls to worry about" Rachel tells him
"Tiffany is doing okay at Logan's, and Chloe is sleeping right now so if Chloe needs me i can go to her" he says as he was going ot shut his phone off and be with Rachel for a little bit and spend some time with her
James got some food so they could have a dinner just the two of them for her birthday
"James this is over the top" she says to him
"I know it is" he says as they were going to eat
James and Rachel had a little date as they celebrated her birthday cause he didn't want to leave Chloe and Tiffany was getting ready to go to bed too so he was going to be okay on their date that night and they were going to go back to the room to be with Chloe cause it was going tobe a long night with her
"James that was marvelous" Rachel says as she was cleaning up from their dinner that night since they ate together
"I know it was" he says as he looks at her as he was going to show her the cake he had picked up for her and give her more presents for her birthday as well
Rachel loved everything she got from James and could not be more happier then to be with him cause he really cared about her
"James i love my cake" Rachel says when she saw the cake he had gotten for her
"I got you your favorite flavor" he says to her a he was going to cut the cake
Rachel could not wait to see the flavor he had gotten her
"Is it good/" he asks her
She nods as she eats it
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