Kendall pops the question
"Girls it's almost time for the ball drop" he calls to them cause it was almost time
The girls were ready and he was ready as well cause he had everything set up flowers, rose petals, balloons, and sparkling as well so they could toast after he had popped the question
"James, what is this?" Rachel asks when she sees the room once it was transformed
"You will see in two minutes," he says as he was smiling at her
They counted down till midnight
"Happy new year," they say as James got down on one knee and he had the ring showing to Rachel
"Rachel will you marry me?" he asks her
"James thousand times yes I will marry you," she says as she was crying tears of joy cause she was going to get married to the man of her dreams and she was ready to start her life with him
Leslie saw that James popped the question and she was wondering when Kendall will pop the question
(Months later)
"Now what ring will be perfect for Leslie," Kendall says as he was at the jewelry store with his girls, and he was picking out a ring for Leslie cause he was going to be popping the question
Kendall picks out the perfect one that will be perfect for her cause this was going to be a surprise, and he was going to pick the perfect location to pop the question to her cause he was serious about this and he wanted it to be perfect
"I think Leslie will be happy with this," he says as he was getting it engraved with he wanted it to say
Kendall was going to see where he wanted to pop the question at and he was going to see about taking her on a spring retreat and do it that way cause it is more romantic
K = Kendall
L = Leslie
K =Hey Leslie doing anything next or the following weekend?"
L= "I have to check my schedule to see what I have going on give me a minute"
K = "Okay no rush"
Leslie saw she did not have anything going on that weekend or the following weekend so they could make it a two-week retreat if they wanted to or longer if they wanted
L = "I have nothing going on that weekend or the following weekend. I don't have anything going on until the weekend after that Kendall so that is perfect
K = "Okay I will get it booked and I text you all of the details
L = "Okay talk to you then"
K = "Will do, and I will get a cabin with the perfect view, so we can see for miles and the perfect backdrop as well"
(Weeks later)
Kendall took the girls out first so they could get used to their new surroundings, and he was able to buy the cabin cause it was on the market, and that was going to be their little getaway or summer home, and it was plenty spacious and it had a path that went to a waterfall, and they had a lake off the side of the house as well cause it was perfect, and he was going to take her to the waterfall to pop the question cause it was idea and the perfect backdrop too
"Hey Leslie," he says as he came out to help her with her bags
"Hey Kendall," she says as she was going to follow him
"I'll show you to your room," he says as he was taking her bags to the room
"Thank you," she says as she was following him to the room
(Leslie's room)
"Oh Kendall I love the view," she says as she sees the views she had outside her room
"I'll let you freshen up before this evening," he tells her
"Thanks, Kendall," she tells him
(That evening)
"Girls ready for our walk?" he asks them
They nodded as they looked at him
"Okay let me leave Leslie a note first," he says cause he was going to line the path with petals to take her to the spot where he was going to pop the question cause it was almost the perfect backdrop
Once the note was written to Leslie him and the girls leave to go to the spot cause it was almost time for the sunset, and that was perfect to pop the question
"I might as well go head down to the waterfall to see Kendall and the girls," Leslie says as she was going to leave the cabin to go and meet Kendall
Leslie saw the path was lined with her favorite flowers and that made her day of course, and she was excited what was to come
"Oh Kendall," she says when she sees him down on one knee when she entered where the waterfall was, and the sunset setting as well
"Leslie, will you have the honor of becoming my wife?" he asks her
Leslie was blown away
"Yes Kendall, of course, I will marry you," she says as she was crying up a storm
The wedding will come hang tight
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