Kendall gets his little ones
James told Kendall to go to the same orphanage where he got Tiffany to get his little one or one's if he wanted to get more then one which he was going to go to once the rooms were ready. Kendall was going to adopt a baby and a little girl too cause he thought having two girls will be perfect and if he had two girls that need him in his life. If the girl had a twin he will take her too, so they would not be split up at all cause that will be just too cruel to do to them to rip them apart and they will never see each other again
"Well everything is read two loft beds in one room and one crib in the other room, so all o have to do is bring them home from the hospital and get them settled in for the rest of their lives" Kendall says as he left the house to go to the orphanage to get his little ones and bring them home
Kendall made sure he had an outfit and a diaper bag just in case the baby or one of the girls were still in diapers and they had to be changed
"Well the car seats are secured and everything i guess it is time to go to the orphanage and get my little beauties, and bring them home to stay and raise them to be the perfect little angels" he says as he got in the front seat to head to the orphanage and bring them home
Kendall stopped at the toy store to get a toy or something for the girls to make them feel welcome and that it will be okay for them when he brings them home to stay. Plus he got some paci's just in case they were a little fussy and he could not comfort them as he was driving home
"Here goes nothing" he says as he heads into the orphanage to see which little one or one's will work for him and that could join his family
Kendall looks at all of the little kids that were playing or were helping out what needed done at the orphanage which was a good thing cause that was going to help him out a lot in the long run, but he wanted them to need him too when they could not do things on their own
"Hello can i help you?" the lady asks Kendall when she saw him come into the orphanage that day to adopt
"Yes do you have any more kids in here?" he asks when he sees the few little one's that were playing and helping out with some of the babies since the older one's were doing the other chores right now
"Yes we do if you will follow me I will take you to them" the lady says as she leads Kendall up the stairs
As Kendall was walking he heard one of the babies crying from the room
"I am so sorry I have to take care of her" the lady says as she excuses herself to take care of the baby that was very upset
"Can i come too?" Kendall asks her as he follows her to the room to see the baby that was quite upset right now
The lady didn't say anything as she let Kendall come with her to the room where the baby was crying up a storm. Once in the room Kendall decided to go to the crib to where the baby was
"Hey sweetie" Kendall says as he picked her up and held her in his arms
The baby calmed down once she was being held by someone different the the caretakers that took care of her
"Did you have a bad dream huh?" he asks as he was taking her to the rocking chair to rock her
"I am sorry we don't rock the babies" the worker says to him as she took the baby from him
"Then I think she will be okay with me and she wanted to be rocked" he says as he took the baby from her to hold and rock her a little bit to have her calm down on her own again
Kendall rocked her and she was okay in a matter of minutes
"There we go you want to be with me huh?" he asks as he was looking down at her as he was heading to where the others were and see if they were okay to take home
The baby was cooing up at him as they were walking a little bit
"You talking huh little one?" he asks as he looked at her as they were walking to the one room
The caretaker leads him into the room where two girls who looked liked that they were twins were laying in their beds
"What's wrong with them?" he asks her
"They are very dehydrated, and are sick" the caretaker says to him
"Why aren't they in the hospital getting care?" he asks as he looked at her cause he was mad that these girls were getting care at all
Soon one of the three years old comes in cause she was really scared
"I am taking these two that are in the bed and this one as well and if she has sisters they are coming too" Kendall says as he went to get an ambulance for the one's that were in bed and looked like they were hanging on for dear life right now
"Fairly well" the lady says as she went to get the papers and get Nellie, and Bridgette, so they could leave with their sister
"Okay it looks like I am going to have six daughters" Kendall says as he counts how many kids he will have when he gets them home
Kendall was quick to sign the papers and waits for the girls that were sick to come down so he could take them to get better care
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