Getting Ariel and Anna settled in
"Where is the parents sleeping room at?" Kendall asks the doctor after the doctor had talked to them about the girls and what going to be happening to them
"The nurse will show you once we get the girls settled in upstairs in their rooms" the doctor says to Logan and the guys as he leaves to go tend to other patients
"I want to go up with my girls" Logan says to the doctor with a sniffle as the doctor was leaving
"You may cause the girls are going to be going up there right now" the doctor says to Logan as he walks back to the E.R
Logan and the guys get up and head to where the girls were at so they could go up with the girls to help them get settled in for the night, and then they will go to sleep themselves
"Logan we are going to be right here with you the entire time the girls are in the hospital, and getting better" Carlos says to his best friend as they head to the girls rooms, so the band members could be with them as they head up to their rooms, so they could get settled into their rooms for the night
"Yeah we can all walk with the girls cause they are going to be separated into different rooms I think, and we will make sure each of the girls are settled in completely" James says as they see Ariel come out of her room first
Logan felt better that he was going to be with both girls as they head up to their rooms to get settled in for their stay in the hospital
"Can we wait for Anna to come out, so both Henderson girls can go up together?" James asks the nurse when he sees them move Ariel's bed to the elevators quickly
"Sorry we got to get her up there" the nurse says to him as they head to the elevators
"My girls are going up together not separate like you guys want" Logan says as he begins to lose his cool cause no one makes papa bear upset with his cubs
The nurses wait for Anna's bed to come out of her room
"I'm going to see if she is ready to come up" Kendall says as he goes and sees about Anna if she was going to be coming up behind her sister cause he wasn't going to let one little mistake mess this up
"Uncle Kendall" Anna says when she sees her Uncle Kendall come into the room
"Anna it's okay we are all going up with you girls" Kendall says as he goes over and comforts the little girl who was scared out of her mind about what was going to happen to her
"Is she okay?" Logan asks as he pops his head in cause James and Carlos were going to be pushing Ariel while Kendall and Logan had Anna
"Yeah just a little scared is all" Kendall says as he makes Logan feel comfortable cause both of his girls were going to be admitted that night
"Logan I'll go up with Anna since Ariel wants you to go up with her" Carlos says as he switches places with him
"Okay thanks pal" Logan says as he goes over to Anna so the team can start heading up with the girls and getting them settled into their hospital rooms
"Train daddy" Ariel says from her hospital bed
"Yes sweetie we are going to be a train going up to your room" he says as Kendall and Carlos start coming out with Anna, so they could head up with two of the nurses helping them a little bit cause the nurses had the girls hospital rooms and where they were going to be at while they were in the hospital
Ariel loved the train
"All aboard" Logan says to make it fun for Ariel cause she was little
Ariel loved that as daddy and her uncles and her sister started to make train sounds as they left the emergency room to head up to her room where she was going to be at for her stay
"Sorry sweetie the train has to come apart for a little bit cause you and your sister can't go up in the same elevator at the same time" Logan says as he hits the up button to take the girls to where they were going to be
Ariel wasn't happy about that at all
"You will see Anna as soon as you or her get off I promise and the train can link back up cause I think you are going down to your room first" James says as he checks with the nurses to see who was going to be dropped off first and low and behold Ariel was getting dropped off first
Ariel was happy about that
"Okay Ariel up we go big girl" Logan says as he pushes the bed into the elevator, so she could go up to her floor
"See you later Ariel" Anna says as he sister gets into the elevator to go up to the floor that the girls were going to be on
Ariel bye as the elevator closes
"You are going in next Anna" Kendall says as he pushes the bed into the elevator that had opened for the bed to go up
Anna was glad she was going to see her sister soon
"Up we go" Carlos says to her as he tries to make it fun for her until she sees her baby sister again
"Look Ariel there's Anna" Logan says as he holds her in his arms cause Ariel wanted daddy to hold her in his arms
"I'm getting off this bed and walk to my room cause I am not helpless" Anna says as she gets off of the bed and walks with daddy and her I.V pole
The nurses try to get the girls back on the beds but they were determined to either walk there or be carried by daddy or their Uncles
"Ariel your room is going to be the first one" the nurse says to her as they enter the first room
"Look Ariel it's so big" Logan says as he brings her in with Carlos bringing the pole behind her
"Yeah you can see out" James says as he looks to see if Ariel had the room with a view and she did
"Can i be in here?" Anna asks as she gets on the bed with her sister
"Sorry sweetie" the nurse says to her
Logan got Ariel all settled before walking with Anna down to her room, and where she was going to be at while she was in the hospital
"I hope it's close, so if Ariel has a bad dream I want to be able to get to her quickly" Anna says as they continue to walk for a bit longer
"I know you do Anna but I think your room is a little farther down" Logan says as they continue to walk for a bit longer
"Drats" Anna says to him
V & C
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