First night in the hospital
"Ariel your room is going to be the first one" the nurse says to her as they enter the first room
"Look Ariel it's so big" Logan says as he brings her in with Carlos bringing the pole behind her
"Yeah you can see out" James says as he looks to see if Ariel had the room with a view and she did
"Can i be in here?" Anna asks as she gets on the bed with her sister
"Sorry sweetie" the nurse says to her
Logan got Ariel all settled before walking with Anna down to her room, and where she was going to be at while she was in the hospital
"I hope it's close, so if Ariel has a bad dream I want to be able to get to her quickly" Anna says as they continue to walk for a bit longer
"I know you do Anna but I think your room is a little farther down" Logan says as they continue to walk for a bit longer
"Drats" Anna says to him
"I know sweetie at least you have some space and be on your own a little bit before you get to come home, and you guys are together again" he says as they go to her room where she is going to be while she is in the hospital recovering
"It's not the same dad I love her" Anna says to Logan
"I know you do and she loves you will all her heart and when the others are picking on her she goes to you for comfort" he says as he picks up Anna cause he could see that she was getting tired from walking so much to her room
"Where is her room?" Kendall asks as they continue to walk for a little bit more way past Ariel's room
'Here is her room" the nurse says as she opens the door
"That is a closet" Carlos says to the nurse
"Yes she is staying in her cause she is such a brat" the nurse says as she puts Anna in her room and shuts the door and goes about her business
"How rude" James says as he goes and gets another nurse so Anna could go to a room and get settled in
The head nurse said that Anna was going to be in the closet during the whole stay and Logan wanted her out of the closet and in a room with her sister or he was going to go to the head of the hospital and report the floor for neglect and abuse of a patient
"Hang on sweetie I'm going to get you out of that closet and you can be with Ariel and daddy is going to stay with you tonight" Logan says as the guys got the head of the hospital down to the floor so he could get Anna into a room, but Anna didn't go into a room she went some place else again and the head of the hospital stayed until Anna was put in a room
"Here we go Anna" he says as they finally enter a room cause the head of the hospital was really mad that she was in a closet in the first place and the nurses didn't want her to go into a room at all until the head of the hospital decided to put her in a room with a view and he was going to take care of Anna's bill for all of the trouble t hat the nurses have put Logan through, and he was going to let Logan stay there with both girls as they were in the hospital getting better
"Okay Anna in we go" Kendall says as Logan left to see if she was close to Ariel and if Ariel needed her sister he wanted to see how far her room was from her sister's room
"Thank you Uncle Kendall" she says to him as she was put in the bed that she was going to be in while she was in the hospital
"You are quite welcome Anna" he says as he gives her a kiss on her nose and she giggled cause she loved that
"James where did you get the baby?" Kendall asks him when he saw the baby that James had in his arms
"From the nursery she looked so lonely in there all by herself and she doesn't have a mommy, so I might adopt her and make her mine" James says as he rocks the baby that he had in his arms to soothe it back to sleep
"Can i see her?" Anna asks since Logan was still gone
"Sure Anna be careful though" James tells her
Anna nods as she holds the baby gently in her arms
"Ariel is asleep" Logan says as he comes back in the room to see Anna and makes sure she was still okay
"That's good" Kendall says to Logan as he left cause he had to go to the bathroom
"Yeah she looks so cute when she sleeps" Logan says as he sits next to Anna who was trying to see what was on T.V for her to watch
"Is there anything on baby?" Logan asks her
"Nope" Anna says as she sits back on her bed cause she was very bored
"I'll bring you some games tomorrow baby okay, so you won't be bored" Logan says as he tucks her in for the night cause visiting hours were almost over for all of them
Soon Kendall comes in with a baby in his arms as well
"It looks like the nursery just got a lot of babies in and they are going around asking if anyone wants a baby" Kendall says as he comes in with a little one in his arms
"Can i see the babies daddy please pretty please?" Anna asks Logan
"Okay sweetie since there isn't anything for you to do" he says as he gets her out of the bed so she could go and see the babies
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