big time dance
A dance is something Dani never has the chance to attend, let alone be asked to one.
It may not seem like her thing, but Dani has always dreamed about going to the dance, wearing a sparkly dress as she dances the night away with her date.
"Okay, everyone, pencils down." Miss Collins said, causing everyone to place their pencils down on their desks, the sound of papers being passed forward was heard through the entire class. "Pass your finals forward, and I'll see you all at tonight's end-of-year Palm Woods' school party."
The class filled with groans, causing the boys to look around confused; even Dani knew how bad those school parties were.
"Wow, everyone seems really not excited." Logan sarcastically spoke from beside Dani, causing the girl to chuckle.
"No, it's great." Camille said, turning around to face the group. "We get cupcakes, punch, and entertainment... by Bitters."
"Miss Collins," Kendall called, holding up his hand, gaining everyone's attention. "Don't you think we could do something remotely cool for our end-of-year school party?"
"Like a dance," James suggested.
"With slow dances," Logan added.
"And dates to slow dance with." Carlos gasped excitedly, causing the class to cheer out in agreement.
"Well, we've never had a school dance before, because we're really just one small classroom." Miss Collins explained. "But if a certain band wants to be the new school dance committee, that sounds great."
Once again, the class cheered as Dani sat there, shaking her head because she knew how much work it would take to put on the dance.
"So you need to find a theme, snacks, decorations, chaperones, and we have no money, no place to have it, and since today's the last day of school, we need to have it tonight."
"Don't worry, they'll get it done." Dani reassured, sending their teacher a smile.
Knowing that the dance was in reliable hands, Miss Collins dismissed the class.
Dani walked with some of the girls in the lobby of the Palm Woods.
"Do you really think the guys can pull this off?" Stephanie asked.
"I'm sure they can handle one dance." Dani answered, causing them all to give her a serious look. "By them, I mean me. I probably will end up doing most of the work, even though I don't know how a dance is supposed to be. I've never actually been to one."
"You've never been to a dance!" The three girls exclaimed, causing the blonde to quickly shake her head.
"Well, we need to make this a night you won't forget." Camille exclaimed, causing the other two to nod.
"Starting with a date," Stephanie says.
"Oh, here comes Kendall. I think he's going to ask me to the dance."
"Jo, hey, I need to ask you something." Kendall greeted, causing Jo to send the boy a smile and bat her eyelashes. "Could you go to the convenience store and get them to donate some snackage for the dance?"
"Oh, sure, Kendall." Jo replied, causing her to send the girls a look, making them shrug before she turned back to Kendall. "Is that the only thing you wanted to ask me?"
"Oh, no, um. Could you get some sodies too?" Kendall asked, causing the girl's face to fall.
"Sure," Jo agreed, unsurely, before standing up and making her way out of the Palm Woods.
"Now we need a dance location." James stated, causing the four boys to head over to Bitters' office.
"That wasn't supposed to happen, right?" Dani asked, looking over at Camille and Stephanie.
"Okay." Dani mumbled, nodding her head as she looked away as the boys made their way back to them.
"Where else can we have the dance?" James asked.
"Got it." Logan said excitedly as his phone beeped, gaining all of their attention. "There's a warehouse we can rent for 28 bucks. Now, where's L.A.'s murder district?"
"Why don't you idiots just ask Gustavo to have it at the studio?" Dani suggested, causing the boys to shrug as they nodded. "I mean, the worst he can say is no."
"That's a great idea, Dani." Kendall smiled, snapping as he pointed at her. "Grab her."
The next thing Dani knew, she was lifted off the couch and thrown over James' shoulder.
"Hey, put me down!" Dani exclaimed, hitting on James' back.
"No, I can do." James said, walking away from the couch as he followed the other boys out of the Palm Woods, making their way to Rocque Records.
"Can I at least know why I'm being taken?" Dani asked as she stopped hitting James, letting her body just hang.
"Well, Gustavo seems to have more of a liking for you than us, so we think there is a 25% chance more of him agreeing if you are there," Logan answered, causing Dani to nod in agreement.
'You know I could have walked right." Dani said, causing James to put her down. "Thank you."
The five teens all stood in front of Gustavo's desk, not saying a word, causing Kendall to lightly bump Dani's shoulder, making the girl let out a small groan.
"Gustavo, we were wondering..." Dani started but was cut off by the boys leaning forward.
"Can we have a school dance here tonight?" the four say in unison, quickly covering their ears, waiting to be shot down.
"Sure," Gustavo answered, looking back down as the boys broke out complaining, not realizing what he said.
"He said yes, idiots." Dani snapped, causing them to stop.
"You said yes?"
"You can have your dance at my studio on one condition." Gustavo said, sticking up his pointer finger. "You must sing tonight onstage in front of everyone."
"We need to start getting you guys some stage practice." Kelly explained, causing Dani to nod in agreement.
"And since you will be terrible tonight, at least the audience won't boo and throw bottles at you." Gustavo said, causing Kelly to give him a look.
"Oo, I will." Dani happily volunteered, causing the boys to send her a hurt look, making her shrug.
"So we got a deal?" Gustavo asked.
"Great." Kelly smiled, clapping her hands, before she began to grab her things as Gustavo stood from his chair. "Let's hit the studio and rehearse a dance."
"We need to find dates; we got it." James said, causing the four boys to quickly make their way out of Gustavo's office.
"Since it is my day off, I promised Camille I would meet her by the pool. So... see ya!" Dani waved, quickly making her way out of the office.
"Smoothie?" Dani offered, holding out a pink smoothie towards the Roberts girl, who was rehearsing a new script out by a cabana.
"Oo, thanks." Camille said, taking the smoothie from the girl's hand and sending a smile of appreciation.
"So let me guess, new audition?" Dani asked, sliding into the seat on the other side of the small table, taking a sip from her own smoothie.
"Yeah, I must say this is very romantic." Camille admitted, causing Dani to slowly nod, remembering Camille angrily moving her arms around when she approached.
'Oh, okay."
"So how's O.M.T.T.B.N.O.D.L.E. going?" Camille asked, placing her smoothie down, causing Dani to give her a very confused look.
"O.M.T.- what?"
"Operation, make this the best night of Dani's life ever!" Camile said in a duh tone, causing Dani to shake her head. "Has anyone asked you yet?"
"No, no one has, but I mean, it's fine; I probably will be working anyway, so what's the point?" Dani shrugged.
"Come on, Dani, it's your first ever dance! You have to go with someone," Camille said. "What about one of the boys? How about James?"
"I'm pretty sure he has lines of girls waiting to be asked by him, and he's too self-involved for me." Dani explained.
"Understandable. Kendall?" Camille asked.
"Carlos?" Camille suggested, as Dani noticed someone approaching them out of her peripheral vision.
"Logan," Dani spoke, causing the boy to send her nervous smile.
"No, I said Carlos," Camille said, looking up from her script to see Logan standing in front of the two. "Oh, hey, Logan. What's up?"
"I was wondering, m-m-me and James were actually on the --" Logan started pointing behind him, and that's when Dani noticed James was not far behind. "SSS, It's just... bleep, blap, bloop."
Logan quickly turned away, grabbing James by the shoulder before turning him around as they made their way into the Palm Woods.
"He's pathetic."
"Very," Dani agreed, shaking her head, causing the two girls to chuckle.
"So, back to your date." Camille started but was cut off by the sound of Dani's phone buzzing.
"One sec." Dani said, pulling out her phone to see a text from Kendall. "It looks like I am stuck decorating after all. Seems, the boys are busy, so now I have to go decorate the studio and make the theme banner. I'll catch you later."
"See ya." Camille bid, causing Dani to grab her smoothie before making her way out of the Palm Woods before making her way to get everything she needed before heading to Rocque Records.
"Banners hung, check... snacks and punch, check... lights and decorations, check..."
"Music, check." Kelly said, walking over to the stressed girl and taking the clipboard from her hand, causing Dani to let out a sigh. "Relax; this place looks amazing, and it's your first dance; just have some fun."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Dani nodded, sending her a smile of appreciation. "Thanks, Kelly."
"Okay, class. Welcome to the first-ever Palm Woods school. Move your butt dance." Miss Collins excitedly announced, causing everyone to cheer as Dani approached Camillie, Jo, and Stephanie.
"Dani, this place looks amazing." Camille complimented, looking around the room in awe.
"Thanks; let's just say the guys owe me big time."
"Oh, Olaf, you're so famous and my date tonight." One of the Jennifers said, walking into the dance on Carlos' arm, but he was dressed in a costume, catching almost everyone's attention.
"Yeah, Jennifer. Olaf will meet you on the dance floor," Carlos said in a terrible accent before quickly running away from the girl, only to appear at the end of the hall with blonde Jennifer in an entirely different costume.
"Yeah, Jennifer. I am not just a soccer king, but I am your date, mon." Carlos spoke in a horrible Jamaican accent.
Dani watched as Jo took Stephanie's plate before she and Camille pushed her forward towards Carlos and the two Jennifers.
"Carlos?" Stephanie asked, confused.
"Yeah?' Carlos answered in his regular voice, causing the blonde Jennifer to hit him, making him talk like he was Jamaican. "No, I am Olaf. No, I am Ronaldolo.''
"Ahem!" Curly-haired Jennifer said from the end of the hallway, causing everyone to look her way as she strutted towards Carlos, causing the boy to quickly change back into the first costume he had on.
"I mean, Marcello."
"That's Olaf." Brunette Jennifer pointed out, turning to curly-haired Jennifer. "You're dating Marcello."
"I'm dumping Marcello." Curly Jennifer announced, grabbing onto Carlos', or, should I say, Olaf's, arm. "He's stupid."
"Marcello is not stupid!" Carlos gasped.
"Actually, Olaf dumped you for me."
"Actually." Dani interjected, pulling the boy out of their grasp as she snatched the blonde wig off his head. "Carlos is dumping all of you and taking Stephanie."
Before anyone had the chance to say anything, Dani quickly pushed the boy towards Stephanie, causing the two to smile at each other.
"Do you want to dance?" Stephanie asked, causing him to take off his glasses as he looked at the Jennifers.
"Carlos would love to dance." Carlos replied, grabbing the girl's arm. "Marcello, Olaf, and Ronaldo have left the building. And how hot is Stephanie?"
Dani couldn't help but chuckle as Carlos high-fived the small blonde girl as he made his way into the studio with Stephanie on his arm.
"Well, Stephanie got a date to the dance, and I can't believe Kendall didn't ask me." Jo complained.
"I'm sure there's a meaningful reason why he didn't ask." Dani said, hearing the sound of a neigh filling the hall, causing them all to turn. "Exactly like there is a meaningful reason why Logan is riding a fake horse."
"Hello, Milady," Logan smiled, doing a bow while still on the horse. "Would you like to accompany me to the dance?"
"Say yes!"
"Heck, yeah, I will!" Camille exclaimed, throwing everything in her hand behind her as she quickly climbed onto the horse with Logan.
"Onward, trusty steed!" Logan exclaimed, smacking the horse's neck, causing the sound of James screaming to come from the horse before they slowly made their way into the dance.
"Well, I guess it's just you and me?" Dani said, turning to Jo and sending the girl a smile, when she noticed Kendall making his way towards them over Jo's shoulder. "By you and me, I mean just me."
Before Jo had a chance to question anything, Dani quickly walked away from the girl, sending a smile to Kendall as they passed each other.
Dani made her way into the studio where the actual dance was taking place, causing her to smile as she saw everyone having a good time.
She realized it was time for the boys to sing, and she quickly found the three others together.
"It times." Dani announced, sending the boys a smile. "Now get up on that stage."
"Wow, Dani, you look amazing," James complimented, causing the other two to agree, causing her to look down at her dress.
"Why thank you, Now get your butts up on stage." Dani ordered, pushing them towards the stairs that lead to the stage as she made her way over to Gustavo and Kelly.
There were so many things
That I never ever get to say
'Cause I'm always tongue-tied
With my words getting in the way
If you could read my mind
Then all your doubts would be left behind
And every little thing
Would be falling into place
And I would scream to the world
They would see, you're my girl
But I just keep getting
Stuck, stuck
But I'm never giving up, up
In the middle of a
Perfect day
I'm tripping over
The words to say
'Cause I don't wanna keep you guessing
But I always end up getting stuck, stuck
But I'm never giving up, up
I'm over the chances wasted
Tell me it's not too late, it's
Only the nervous times
You keep me bottled up inside
Oh, oh, oh oh oh
Keep getting stuck, stuck
But I'm never giving up, up
In the middle of a
Perfect day
I'm tripping over
The words to say
'Cause I don't wanna keep you guessing
But I always end up getting stuck, stuck
But I'm never giving up, up
Dani had to admit that the boys had a great stage performance, especially for it being their first time. She could tell everyone was enjoying it, as much as they were. Dani swayed to the music with Kelly.
The next thing Dani knew, Gustavo had shoved a microphone into her hand, telling her that she had to talk to them as she was pushed onto the stage while the boys were walking off.
"How was that performance?! Amazing, am I right?! Give it up for Big Time Rush one more time for that incredible performance and putting on this amazing dance." Dani announces, causing the room to fill with screams and cheers as she notices the boys had made their way over to Jo and Camille as they all smiled at the girl, knowing she did most of the work. "Anyways-"
Dani started but was cut off by the sound of a familiar guitar riff playing, cutting her off and confusing her as she quickly looked over at Gustavo and Kelly, but they both shrugged, confused as well.
Dani looked back up as she heard everyone begin to turn towards the door. Her eyes locked with not just any blonde but the blonde that broke her heart, causing her heart to skip a beat.
"Who's that?" The four members of Big Time Rush asked, turning to the two girls they were standing with.
"Mac Avery. Lead vocals and guitar for his family's band called 'Rewind'. They used to live at the Palm Woods but left last year for a world tour." Camille explained. "He's also Dani's ex."
"We don't like him."
The students started making a path for him as he began to sing, lnot once did he take his eyes off of the Jennings girl.
The ocean is heavy
Your current is strong
You're pulling me deeper
Been here all along
Dani quickly looked behind her as she heard the sound of other instruments being played, only to find the rest of Rewind as they all quickly sent her smiles before her attention was back on Mac.
Remember the time I first saw you
I thought you'd be mine and it felt so good
One look in your eyes and I swear I knew
Mac soon stopped in front of Dani as he began to sing into her mic. She tried to avoid eye contact, but she caved in and sang along with him.
Of your kiss, your touch, your love
And I can't breathe
I'm struggling
My hearts at ease
Cause I'm drowning
Cause I'm drowning
In your love
It seems that the love songs have got it all wrong
I thought I would fly (we'll fly, we'll fly)
And it's getting darker the further we fall
But I'm feeling high (so high, so high)
I took all the lies and played the fool
I found there's no getting over you
And all of this time I never knew
Of your kiss, your touch, your love
And I can't breathe
I'm struggling
My hearts at ease
Cause I'm drowning
Cause I'm drowning
In your love
Oh, don't you break my heart now
Don't leave me wanting more
Give me love, give me someone to hold
Messing with the stars
Didn't get us very far, oh no, oh no
I'll never break your heart
You're what I'm looking for
All I need is you forevermore
Messing with the stars
Didn't get us very far, oh no, oh no
And I can't breathe
I'm struggling
My hearts at ease
Cause I'm drowning
Cause I'm drowning
In your love (love)
Drowning in your
Drowning (drowning)
Drowning (drowning)
Drowning in your love
In your love
Messing with the stars
Drowning in your love
"Hi," the blonde boy said, smiling down at the girl. Frozen in her spot, she stared at him. "Dani."
"I can't do this. I'm sorry, Mac." Dani croaked out, walking past the blonde as she quickly made her way down the stairs as she shoved the microphone into Gustavo's chest, racing out of the dance before the tears had a chance to fall, ignoring the calls of her name.
Dani made her way to the place where she felt calmest: the recording studio. Quickly rushing into the recording booth before sliding down the wall, she let the tears fall as she placed her chin on her knees.
Dani and Mac met in kindergarten at the age of 5, both growing up in a small town in Colorado. Mac started his band Rewind at the age of 14, and Dani was beyond supportive; she was at every band practice, every local concert-you name it-and she was there. It was also the same year Mac asked Dani to be his girlfriend. Rewind got an opportunity to go out to Los Angeles to record a demo, and of course they accepted the offer on the spot. Mac didn't want to leave Dani, so he begged her to come along with them, but her mom wasn't on board with the idea of her teenage daughter moving to a different state because they didn't have the money for it. So Dani did what she had to and applied for jobs out in L.A., and that's when Gustavo found her and offered her a job as an assistant at Rocque Records. Dani packed up her things, not even thinking twice about looking back and losing everything-her childhood, her life, even her family-and she headed off to L.A. to be with Mac. Fast forward nearly a year, and Rewind is offered a world-wide tour. Of course they went, leaving Dani behind, but the thing that hurt Dani the most was that Mac left without telling her; he just disappeared.
Dani was pulled out of her thoughts as she heard someone enter the studio as they called out for her.
"Dani, are you in here?" Logan called, walking into the recording booth before finally spotting a crying Dani.
"Here I am." Dani said sarcastically, fake chuckling, as she wiped her eyes as Logan slid into the spot beside her. "What are you doing here?"
"We were all worried about you," Logan answered truthfully with a sad smile as he watched the blonde girl.
"Yeah, well, I'm fine." Dani replied, sniffing as she wiped her face. "So, don't worry about little ole me; you should head back to the dance and have some fun."
"I can't have fun knowing one of my best friends is in here like this." Logan said, guestering towards her, causing her to laugh at herself as she glanced over at the boy. "Was that a laugh I just heard?"
"I'm such a mess, huh?" Dani asked, causing the boy to send her a genuine smile before she placed her head on his shoulder as she let out a sigh. "Why are feelings so complicated?"
"I know what you mean. I mean, I spent all afternoon trying to ask a girl to the dance, but all I did was make a fool out of myself."
"At least you got a date; all I got was a surprise visit from my ex, who I haven't seen in who knows how long." Dani groaned, looking over at the boy. "Is this how dances usually go?"
"You've never been to a dance before?" Logan asked, causing the girl to shake her head. "How come?"
"I guess it's because I've never really had friends to do things like this with." Dani admitted. "I mean, I had Mac and his siblings, but they were all homeschooled and were mostly focused on their band, and I didn't really talk to anyone else back home. It wasn't till I got here that I actually made friends."
"Come on, there must have been someone you wanted to ask you. I mean, what about Carlos?"
"Carlos? I mean, yeah, I love being around him, but I could never date him. He reminds me too much of my younger brother, Luca. He is so adventurous and daring, but also very caring; he always found himself getting hurt with his own personal stunts. Luc would always just sit there and watch me bake for hours just so I had company; he was my designated test taster for every single thing I made. I guess Carlos just makes me feel like I'm still back home watching him grow up. As for the date, the only guy I could possibly think of going with came with another girl, and she's kind of head over heels for him. Besides, I wasn't really worried, I mean, with decorating and organizing everything; besides, all the other half-decent guys seemed to have already had dates."
The two sat in silence before Logan leaned in, kissing the girl before they both pulled away quickly with wide eyes.
"What was that?" Dani exclaimed, standing from her spot on the ground as she looked at the boy. "You're with Camille!"
"I'm sorry, I thought you were talking about me!" Logan exclaimed, quickly standing from his spot on the ground.
"I was talking about Kendall!"
"Kendall? You like Kendall!"
"I never said that!" Dani snapped, pointing at the boy. "Why did you kiss me?"
"I don't know! I don't know what came over me!"
"We never speak of this!" Dani said, causing the boy to quickly nod his head.
"Speak of what?!" Logan nervously chuckled.
They both quickly made their way for the door, but both stopped as they tried to leave at the same time. Finally, they pushed their way through the door as they both made it out, going in different directions.
Logan headed back to the dance while Dani went back to the Palm Woods.
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