"Get in the van if you want to live."
Emily's breath hitched as she kept her eyes trained on the gun, slightly shrinking back behind the guys.
"Yeah, what if we want to live but don't want to get in the van?" Logan winced. Emily gasped, hand over her mouth as Logan was shot with yet another dart, crumbling to the ground, "Not again."
"Getting in the van!" James cheered as his friends hauled Logan up and carried him inside.
The interior had traces of blue lighting and filled with equipment of sorts. The woman sped off, distractedly conversing with James as she tried to escape the Swedes. Kendall put a pair of goggles over his eyes, looking at Emily. He shrugged when they did nothing and took them off.
Carlos reached in a compartment. Emily slapped his hand away, "Dude, no." She jumped, crouching on her knees as James fell backwards, being punched by a boxing glove from the front of the van. She gaped at Kendall, looking for instructions on what to do now that two of their friends were passed out.
"Swedish agents approaching fast."
Emily and the two boys peered over to the dashboard, hearing an automatic voice. "Did the van just talk?" Carlos asked.
"Oh, bravo, Captain Obvious."
Kendall scoffed, "Um, did the rude van just talk?"
"V.A.N. behind us!" The girl shouted. Emily turned, seeing a shallow image of two guys on a bike through the darkly tinted windows.
"Might I suggest a nice oil spritzer," V.A.N. offered, the screen revealed a red button. Emily mumbled questioning thoughts as the girl pressed it. A light rumbling came from the van before distant screams ran out, slowly dying.
"So, did that do anything?" Emily wondered. Her heart leapt out of her chest as the van shook and a loud explosion hit her ears. "Okay, yes."
"And that's twice I've saved your lives today," she remarked, unbuckling. "You, take the wheel," she nodded to Kendall. Emily shrugged, waving at Kendall to hurry and grab the wheel before they crashed as the girl crawled to the back of the van, inspecting the backpack.
"I hope you can drive better than you sing."
Emily scoffed, gaping with Carlos in offense. "Okay, how do you turn this thing off?" Kendall muttered, pressing random buttons.
Carlos gasped, gripping Emily's shoulder, "This is just like my dream. It's all coming true."
"No!" Logan shouted, sitting up besides Emily, regaining consciousness. "It's not!"
"Oh, hey," Emily commented, nodding at Logan.
"Where's the Beatles, huh? No where. And the princess is perfectly safe," Logan retorted, Emily shaking her head at her character's mention. "Unless, Shoot Me Girl is Eleanor Rigby or Rita the Lovely Meter Maid, then you stop with your stupid dream."
"I'm Penny," she answered, taking off her sunglasses, "Penny Lane."
Emily let out a small whine as Logan slid down, uncomfortably laughing.
"I'm Diamond." The boy popped us, smirking at Penny, "James Diamond." Emily rolled her eyes. "And I think we got off on the wrong foot."
"It was a boxing glove," she corrected. Emily stiffed a short laugh, knowing she would like her. "And my father is MI6 Agent Simon Lane, who borrowed my backpack yesterday to sneak whatever this is out of a lab owned by Sir Atticus Moon."
Carlos gasped, seeing the man's portrait appear on the screen. "Stop gasping," Kendall snapped, hitting his arm from the front seat.
"Next thing I know, he's missing and you've got my backpack," Penny continued, sending pictures of the floaty thing. "And I think Moon has my father. Which is why we are going to arrange a little meeting."
"I'm sorry, "we?'" Logan recounted. "What do you mean we? Why are you saying we?" Emily furiously nodded, pointing at Logan anxiously.
"It occurred to me Moon may have an army with him, so I need one too."
Emily nervously laughed, "Yeah, we're not much of an army."
"And did it occur to you to just go to MI6?" Kendall asked.
Penny sighed, "Right now, all MI6 wants is the backpack, but I want my dad back."
Emily pursed her lips, staring into the floor of the van, not liking how she was considering helping out despite the world tour and sound check coming up.
"She helped us, we can help her," James smiled, putting an arm around the girl who quickly removed it.
"There you go with that word "we" again," Logan mumbled.
"I must advise against this Penny," V.A.N. advised. "My senses are getting a strong reading of idiot."
"Hey!" Kendall snapped, slapping the screen.
"We have the most important sound check of our lives, now," Emily reminded them, stressed.
Kendall nodded from the front, "The plan is to go to the police, clear our names and-" Kendall stopped, "What is that?"
Emily looked up at the screen on the ceiling to see an urgent warning from MI6 that Big Time Rush is wanted in London. "London Police wants Big Time Rush arrested for assaulting four MI6 agents and crimes against a hotel room," Emily read.
Sirens filled their ears, looking out to see various police cruisers chasing after the van.
"Okay, so going to the cops is out!" James yelled.
"My father can clear your names, but you have to help me save him," Penny pleaded.
Emily nodded, "But you have to help us get to our sound check and save the world tour." She held out her hand.
"Done," she nodded, shaking Emily's hand. The girl turned as Kendall groaned. There was a barricade of police at the end of the road.
"Yup, we're done alright," Logan commented.
"Get out," Penny instructed. Kendall crawled back as she took the wheel, activating a battery ram. Emily let out a shaky breath as the car sped up.
"We're going to crash," she muttered to Kendall. The boy nodded, fearfully.
"We need a ramp to fly over them," he pleaded. Emily's eyes widened. Kendall curiously looked to her as she tore the backpack open and took out the floaty thing.
She looked up to Kendall who nodded, pressing the center button and tensing up as the group screamed in the car and green glowed from the device. Emily gasped feeling her body weightless and rising to the top of the van ceiling, holding her stomach, feeling it drop inside her.
"I'll close it slower this time," Kendall assured his friends who stared in shock at him and Emily with the floaty thing.
"Where is your sound check?" Penny shouted to the back.
"Hyde Park!" They all exclaimed.
"Then that's where I'll arrange our meeting with Moon."
V.A.N. supplied them all with disguises to individually get through the park to the theater without being detected by surrounding police. Kendall had long hair and wore a track suit. Carlos looked like a biker with a spiked mohawk. James had long straight hair and resembles a hippie from the 70's. Penny dressed as a school girl, wearing the backpack. Logan was a dog and not happy about it. And Emily had tight ringlets in her hair, extremely done up, and wore a light pink, grey, and white tweed skirt, with a matching top, four golden buttons on the front.
She stepped out, the heels still in hand and not on her feet. Nodding irritatedly to Penny as the two girls watched the guys exit the van.
Logan took off the head, "Really?" He grumbled at Penny.
"Really," she commented.
Kendall chuckled small to himself at Emily's ironic disguise, "Em's a princess."
Carlos frowned, "Where's the dress and tiara then?"
"Modern princesses in London wear more professional, modest clothing," Penny informed him. Emily bit her lips together, breathing through her nose in annoyance as she slipped the heels on.
"Well, it's better than that rubbish you wear on stage," V.A.N. remarked.
"Okay, that's it!" Kendall snapped. "Can your sensors detect this?" Despite Penny's pleas, Kendall kicked his foot back into the side door, only for the van to swing it open into Kendall.
"I've had enough. They are unauthorized and denied all van access."
The boys pleaded as the van slid the door shut. Emily bitterly nodded, "Good job, Kendall," she mumbled.
"Okay," he exclaimed. "We can work this out. We are hench-boys for the daughter of a secret agent, and also on Britain's Most Wanted List, but we've been in worse situations, right?" He nervously laughed.
"Not even close," his four friends deadpanned.
"We can work it out!"
"The park is across the street," Penny pointed. "Split up," James appeared behind the two girls, grinning. "Avoid police, any fans who've arrived at the concert early, and good luck."
The three guys nodded, jogging off as James sneakily attempted to wrap an arm around both of them, eyes on Emily. He staggered back as Penny shoved him off. Emily sighed, snapping her fingers for him to go.
Penny quickly turned to Emily, "I'm not going with him."
Emily sighed, "Then I have to. Him and Carlos can't be left alone." Penny gave a helpless shrug, running off. Emily rounded the van, seeing the guys paused on the walk path in the street, much like a Beatles cover.
She slowly walked past them, spooked by the coincidences to Carlos' dream. She breathed out, "James, you're with me."
The boy grinned, skipping over to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, "What a pleasant surprise."
James frowned, taking his arm off her as they split from the group, taking the pathway to the park.
James had made it clear, kind of, but also not really, before they left for tour that he was still interested in Emily and her feelings might of started to resurface. And now he was flirting with Penny, guaranteed Emily wasn't surprised but still confused.
Penny was obviously not amused by James like Emily could be. Granted, her father was in danger and was entirely occupied with other things.
Emily felt a short tug on her hand. She yanked it away, walking in silence with James, not drawing attention to themselves. He kept trying to grab it. Emily wanted to hit him for confusing her, but her caught the eye of a police officer patrolling the park. She gripped James' hand, tugging him close to her, smiling innocently as they crossed paths with the officer.
"That was nice," James sang as Emily pulled her hand back.
"You bother me," she mumbled, rounding the corner.
"I know," he smiled, putting an arm around her.
James sighed again in failure. "Where is this theater anyway?"
Emily glanced around, seeing a few signs, "That way," she pointed.
Stepping off the path to cut through the grassy area, the Swedes jumped in front of them, holding out a tiny gun. Emily's heart stopped, looking for a way out. James threw himself in front of Emily, wincing as he waited for a dart to shoot him.
Stunned by James' action, Emily glanced around him to see the Swede hitting the gun when it wouldn't fire. She slinked around the other side of James, tugging him off into a run as they made a break for it to the theater.
"I can't run in this," she snapped, kicking the heels off and feeling the skirt cut into her knees as she attempted to push pass its barrier.
"Em!" James shouted. The girl turned as James tugging on her arm, pointing at the sign telling them they were going in the opposite direction they needed to. "Just take it off!"
Emily ran, distractedly as she unhooked the skirt, her tightly rolled up jeans exposed and granting her ability to run.
"Go," she pushed James, who also began stripping his disguise, towards the stage as she tore off the buttoned top and hopped while unrolling her jeans.
"Try to see it my way," Kendall sang, reaching the mic with the guys. Emily sighed in relief, jumping onto the platform in the middle of the audience with the sound panel. She briefly smiled at a confused man in all black, no doubt the promoter. "Only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong."
Emily gave a big thumbs up, taking over the sound board when Kendall pointing upward for the mic's to be turned up. She brushed the curls from her face, sliding the key up connected to Kendall's mic, before reaching the same levels on the rest.
"While you see it your way," Carlos sang, "there's a chance we might fall apart before too long."
"We can work it out. We can work it out," they sang, stepping back in relief they made it.
Emily smiled at them. They shrugged, holding out questioning arms to the sound table. "They sounded great," the promoter said, surprisingly.
The girl smiled, giving them a small jump of joy behind the man. Her smile dropped hearing the roar of screaming fans get louder as a herd of them crowded into the space, chasing the boys off the stage.
Emily jumped off the platform, "Thanks!" She called behind her. The girl ran up onto one of the tour's loading trucks, climbed up the front onto the roof. Once reaching the back, she was on the other side of the fence.
Below was Penny and the guys, breathless, having outrun the fans and locking them out. Emily jumped off the tall truck onto a few loading boxes, and back onto the ground.
James incoherently mumbled in awe as Penny took out Emily's real shoes, handing them to the barefoot girl.
"Is anybody going to say anything about the Beatles song?" Carlos gasped.
"I'm blocking it out!" Logan snapped.
Kendall hummed, "Sound check went well though."
"It did," Emily nodded, stepped into her shoes.
"But now it's time to get my dad," Penny reminded them.
"Whoa, whoa," Carlos stopped her. "If you exchange the floaty thing for your dad, then the evil villain will have the floaty thing."
"No, you're going to exchange it," Penny corrected, throwing the backpack into Carlos' arms. "We'll be in the woods," she pulled Emily over, carefully handing a slim gun to Emily who gasped, "ready to sleep-dart Moon and his goons as soon as he takes it."
"I'm so excited," Emily gasped, holding it up in awe as she pulled back the trigger.
"Okay, but can we get a cool, dramatic entrance?" Carlos asked.
The wind picked up as the sounds of a passing helicopter passed over head. They all looked up to see a chopper belonging to Moon was close enough to land in the park.
"Yeah, cooler than that?"
The boys squealed in excitement for about five minutes too long when Penny set up a fog entrance for them coming out of the woods.
Emily peered through the bushes, steadying the gun on her forearm like Penny taught her. Through the scope, she could clearly see the guys standing in front of Moon, a carbon copy of the picture that kept popping up, two men in blue jumpsuits, and another man in a black suit, presumably Agent Lane.
She whimpered as four more men stepped out, training guns on her friends, circling them. "Penny, there's so many," she mumbled.
"That's why there's two of us," she reassured her. "Okay, that's it," she muttered to herself. "Just give him the backpack and-"
Penny abruptly stopped talking, her breath hitching. Emily briefly glanced over, before her eyes locked on the tall bald man with a hammer from before standing over them, smiling menacingly.
Emily swallowed a lump, breath quickening as her and Penny surrendered the tranquilizers. His hand grabbed a tough handful of Emily's hair at the roots, pulling her to her feet as she cried in pain. The man put Penny in a tight headlock, the hammer locking her in as she forced them out of hiding and across the grass to the group.
"Okay, okay," Penny snapped. Emily, silently bent back as she held onto her head, attempting to push the roots down so it wouldn't tug so hard at her scalp, stumbled forward, the man only ripping her hair more.
A small cry of pain escaped her mouth in response. The boys had already realized they were caught by now.
"Hey!" James snapped, "If you hurt one hair on her head..." he threatened.
"He's hurting them all, James!" Emily snapped. He tugged the girl back to a stop besides Logan, holding the two tightly as Penny shamefully smiled at her dad.
"Hi, Daddy," she winced.
"Rule number one, sweetheart?" He questioned.
"Always check your perimeter," she mumbled.
"Let's recap, shall we?" Moon remarked. "You have the backpack, but I have you all surrounded, and Maxwell has a silver hammer." Maxwell held the hammer up to Penny's head, everyone grimacing as he continued to hold a tight grip on Emily's hair.
Despite the pain, she felt a small brush on her hand. Unable to look down, she glanced her eyes over to Logan who gave her a sympathetic nod, squeezing her hand in reassurance.
"I think you know what comes next, hm?"
"Rule number two:" Carlos smirked, "Always have an escape plan." Before Emily could fully frown in confusion, knowing there was no escape plan, Carlos swung the backpack harshly at a surrounding guard. Agent Lane kicked Moon and a guard down in the knee, accidentally setting off a shot into Logan for the third time.
"Seriously!" He cried, collapsing again.
Maxwell abandoned Penny and let go of the tight grip on the blonde's head, stalking off to attack Agent Lane, who only kicked him forcefully in the head, knocking him out.
Emily crouched down with the guys while Penny freed her dad and assisted him in fighting off the guards. She roughly rubbed her scalp, her nerves tingling.
"Are you okay?" James worried. She shakily nodded, focused on the fight while Kendall reassuring rubbed her arm.
Once freed, Agent Lane was able to knock out Moon's army much quick than with just his legs. Emily glared in confusion when she noticed Kendall and James holding up threatening hands, like they would strike.
"What are you doing?" She judgmentally asked, shaking her head, knowing they were going to help. The two shamefully shrugged. Carlos, however, jumped forward, handing off the backpack to Agent Lane who whipped the final guard in the face with it.
The four stood before the man, "How are you boys at running?"
"Great," they replied. The group bent over, picking up Logan and running off and Moon and his army began to rise to their feet again.
"Who has eyes on the princess?" Carlos exclaimed, whipping his head around, looking for Emily.
The girl groaned, "I'm right here!" She shouted.
"Quick. The toilet," Agent Lane instructed, leading them into one of the oval shaped bathrooms in the middle of London all over.
"The toilet?" James repeated.
Agent Lane opened the door, urging them all to flood in. "Inside!"
"A bathroom!" Kendall incredulously snapped, "That's your escape plan?"
Inside, door locked, Carlos kept Logan upright as Agent Lane ignored Kendall's judgement, typing away into some key pad.
Emily jumped at the sound of a forceful bang behind her. She turned to see the indent of a hammer in the metal door. James grabbed her shoulders, turning the girl to face him.
"This could be our last chance to kiss."
"What?" Emily questioned, taken back by his sudden initiative.
Another crash came, this time the hammer successfully breaking through the door. A small yelp came from James as Emily jumped back into him.
"Brace yourself," Agent Lane stated.
Before anyone could question him, the floor disappeared and screams rang out as the group dropped into a hole. They quickly collided with a hard surface sliding down the ramp, entangled in one another before pouring out onto a soft landing.
Emily groaned in pain, pushing herself off of Carlos, holding out a hand to pull him up.
"Okay!" Logan snapped. "Everybody stop shooting me!"
Emily rose to her knees, regaining breath as she looked around to see a silver room, covered with gadgets and screens.
"Done," Lane said, "And I don't like you putting yourself in danger like that," he scolded his daughter.
"Then maybe we should have skipped all those take your daughter to work days," she retorted, throwing her father the backpack. Emily hauled Kendall to his feet, engaged by the sudden change of scenery.
"Yes," the boy gasped, running over to the a table, "A real phone. Now I can use it to call Gustavo and tell him that-"
Emily gasped as a bright laser burned through the wall when Kendall hit a button. He nervously smiled, putting the device away, "That's not a phone," Emily mumbled.
"Sorry, about the bag switch boys," Lane apologized. "But I had no choice."
"Oh!" Carlos gasped. "You stole the floaty thing from Moon so he couldn't use it to take over the world."
"Carlos, no one is trying to take over the world," Logan rolled his eyes.
"No, he's right. Moon is trying to take over the world," Lane stated.
Emily gaped over to Carlos, shocked he was getting all this right.
"Oh, is he?" Logan muttered. "Okay."
"Even I know that's impossible," James mentioned, pointing to himself.
"Well, so is a device that allows you to defy gravity, but here it is," Lane corrected him, opening the backpack. "And no matter what Moon's evil plot is, he can't do it without the beetle."
A gasp escaped Emily's mouth as Logan choked on air. They all turned to Carlos in horror. "I'm sorry. Did you say beetle?" Logan asked.
"And 'evil' and 'plot' and 'can't do without,'" the agent said, confused.
Carlos grabbed a weapon off the table, in thought, "All that's missing is..." he trailed off, looking at Emily. She shook her head in confusion, before noticing all the guys were hooked on her in terror.
She rolled in eyes in realization, "I'm not a princess," she scoffed.
She knocked into Kendall from the force of Carlos who set off the gun, firing at the wall.
"Nice shot," Lane complimented, holding his hand out, "I'll take that." Carlos nodded, fearfully handing it over.
"Okay, so now that you have the beetle, you can just call up the Queen or the Vice Queen," Kendall said. Emily sarcastically hummed at his mistake. "Tell them Big Time Rush had nothing to do with this so we can kick off our world tour tonight."
"Close," Lane answered, scrolling through a map. "By now I suspect Number One thinks I've gone rogue, so you stay here where it's safe. I'll go back to MI6 headquarters, brief them on the situation, bring Moon to justice, then you can clear your names and kick off your world tour."
Emily beamed in relief, smiling gratefully at the man, "Thank you."
"Not to worry, fellas," he assured them. "I've got everything under control." He let out a small grunt as within a flash a dart shot into his chest.
The man fell over. Emily whipped around, seeing Logan gaping as he held up a pen. "I thought it was just a pen," he gasped.
"That's a knockout pen that lasts for 12 hours!" Penny realized.
"Well, I'm having a bad day, okay?" Logan defended, putting the pen down.
Emily shrugged, looking for answers, "What do we do?"
"There's nothing we can do," Penny sighed.
"Wait!" Logan said, running off. Emily narrowed her eyes in confusion, sighing as he ran back with a large bucket of water. He smiled, tossing it onto the unconscious agent. "That's odd," he mumbled when Agent Lane didn't wake up. "It usually works in the movies."
Carlos took the pale away, as Kendall starting stressing out, "Well, no matter what, if we don't wake him up, our whole world tour comes crashing down!"
Emily felt a harsh tug, falling into James' chest, who encased her in a hug, "Don't worry, we'll get through this."
"You're not helping," she snapped. James sighed, letting her go as the girl frustratedly kicked the water spilled on the ground.
"How are you still alive?"
Moon appeared on the large screen, smirking at them. The group pushed through each other, running in front of the screen.
"What do you want, Moon?" Penny snapped.
"Actually, it's what Big Time Rush wants," he smiled, stepping aside. A hand flew over Emily's mouth at the sight of Katie Knight tied to a chair, wearing her princess costume. She insisted on bringing it as part of her mission to marry into royalty. Emily was supposed to be the princess. She never believe in it, but now that every piece of Carlos' dream came true, she'd give anything to be there instead of Katie.
"You can't take over the world, moron!"
"No, no, no," Kendall gasped.
"And if you ever want to see the princess again, bring me the beetle," Moon said.
"And bring a shrink, cause he's nuts," Katie remarked.
Moon sighed, "How do you live with her? Seriously, she's dreadful."
Carlos gasped, looking at Emily who couldn't take her eyes off the screen, before putting a comforting hand on Kendall's shoulder, "Katie's the princess."
"You have one hour to bring me the beetle. I believe Agent Lane knows the address. Moon, out!"
The feed went static, cutting out, leaving them with impending worry and for one, guilt.
Part two!
Enjoy :)
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