Voicemails {Tadashi} + New Book Info!! (Again!... Sorry)
Alright guys, bear with me.
Here is yet another book I have prepared for you guys.
It's called 'Me', and it's about anything you guys want it to be.
I do a lot of the work for this book. Answer questions, give advice, solve problems, give information, etc. And all you guys have to do is participate. Ask questions about me. I'll try and answer all your questions the best that I can. They can be about anything, my fears, my dreams, my life, anything.
If you guys want more info than what I've given you, go to the book and read the description because really right now I'm kind of rushing right now. So again, bear with me.
Before I publish anything else in that book, I want to ask you guys a question.
What I mean about that is, will you guys actually read this book, will you ask questions and try to talk to me, will you leave me comments?
While you answer that question, read this sad Tadashi x Reader that I randomly thought of.
Sorry for the feels.
"Hey 'Dashi, it's (Y/N), you missed class today and I just wanted to see if you were sick or something. The building is rebuilt from the fire, and today was the first day back. Everyone was avoiding me today... Do you know anything about that? I don't know, maybe they're just busy. First day back can be a hassle. Give me a call when you get this. Bye."
"Hey, (Y/N) again. You missed class again today. If your sick then let me know and I can make you my special (favorite type of soup). Everyone's still busy, so I'm really bored. Call me."
"Tadashi it's been four days and you still haven't come back. I'm starting to worry... Are you okay? If your hearing this right now but can't get up to get the phone, then get Hiro to answer it and tell me what's going on...... I got to go work on my new project. I can't wait for you to hear about it. Bye."
"Tadashi Hamada, it has been a week. I'm starting to get the feeling your ignoring me... But you wouldn't do that right...? Please call me."
"Alright Tadashi. I'll make this easy for you. If you don't call me In the next 24 hours, I will know you don't want to be my friend anymore. I really hope you still wanna be friends."
Your thumb hovers over the number that you've been calling for a week and a half.
You try your best to calm yourself down, but tears spring to your eyes as you press the number with the caller ID ''Dashi'.
"Alright Tadashi." Your voice wavers as you start. "You don't want to be my friend anymore?"
You pause, as if he might suddenly answer the phone and say that he does still want to be your friend. But there wasn't anything from the other end of the phone.
"Fine." You put your hand over your mouth and try to stop the sob from escaping your mouth. The tears are starting to pour out, but you don't let it be evident on the voicemail. "Goodbye... Tadashi."
You hang up, and the sobs finally come out. You don't know what you did, but it must have been bad. Everyone at SFIT avoids you. They look at you strangely, then rush away. Even Honey doesn't smile at you anymore.
But for Tadashi to ignore you to the point where you break down?
You lay on your bed, and close your eyes. Your almost asleep until your phone rings. You look at it, but don't pick it up.
You steady your breath first, and clear your throat. You grab the phone.
You answer the phone, and put it to your ear. "Hello?"
"Hiro? Why do you have Tadashi's phone? How long have you had it?" You start to feel uneasy.
"I've had it since the incident..." He says in a small, sad voice.
"You mean the fire?"
You start to get confused as he doesn't say anything.
"Hiro? What incident?" You feel a knot start to form in your stomach.
"The fire..." You feel relieved that he was talking about the fire, but then the knot gets tighter at what he says next. "Tadashi didn't make it..."
He breaths loudly, and then you hear a muffling noise. You think Hiro is wiping his face.
"You weren't there..." He says finally, and his voice is unsteady.
"No, I was at home..." You trail off.
"And no one told you..."
"Told me what?" You feel the knot get as tight as it can be, and you feel like your gonna puke.
"The building caught fire... Tadashi ran in for Professor Callaghan... There was an... An explosion..."
"Tadashi's..." You can't say it.
"Dead..." He whispers, and then you hear a sob.
"He... He can't be..." You drop the phone, and let it all out. You hear Hiro sniffling too, and you wrap your arms around yourself.
You shakily grab your phone and listen to him cry as you cry too.
He suddenly stops and you hear movement on the other end.
"(Y/N)." He whispers.
"Yeah?" You try your best to not continue sobbing.
"I have something of Tadashi's that you might want to have."
"What is it?"
"Just be over here in ten." He says. You nod, but realize he can't see you. You mumble an okay, and hang up the phone.
As soon as you get to the cafe, Cass has her arms around you. She's crying and you try your best to not join her.
"Tadashi... Would've wanted you to have some pastries." Cass cries, and warily holds out a tray full of (Favorite/Pastry) pastries. You take a couple, then Cass starts shoveling the rest into her own mouth.
"Hiro's upstairs waiting for you." She says with pastries in her mouth. You nod, and make your way up the first set of stairs, then the second. Hiro's sitting in his bean bag chair, staring at Tadashi's side of the room.
You softly knock on the wall, and he looks up. "Hi (Y/N)."
"Hey Hiro." You walk over and kneel in front of him. "How are you doing?"
"I'm getting better, I guess." He says. His voice is weak and hoarse.
"What is it you wanted to show me?" You say, trying to change the subject.
He reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a phone. Once he puts it out for you to take, you realize it's Tadashi's phone.
"Hiro, why are you giving me this?" Your eyes widen. Your about to try and give it back, but Hiro stands up and walks to Tadashi's side of the room.
He comes back with a box, and on top of it is a sticky note that says '(Y/N)' on it, in Cass's hand writing. "Aunt Cass and I figured you should have all of this, and Tadashi's phone. We don't know the password to it anyways, and we figured you would know it."
You nod. You did know the password, it was (random date like 09-16), the day you and Tadashi met.
"Hiro I can't take all this from you!" You say, not taking the box from his arms. He looks into your eyes for the first time since you got here, and you saw the pain and sadness.
"Please take it." He whispers. You hesitantly take it from him.
"Thank you, Hiro." You smile a sad smile, and set the box down so you could give him a hug.
"And Aunt Cass wants to know if you'll come to dinner tomorrow night." He says while you guys hug. "The gangs gonna be there."
"I'll be there." You agree. You guys huh for another minute until you let go.
"I'll see you then." You smile, and give him a look that says 'hang in there.' "Bye, Hiro."
"Bye." He sniffles.
You grab the box and stuff Tadashi's phone in your pocket. You make your way downstairs, and out the cafe door, preparing yourself for whatever's in this box.
Le cri. I'm so mean to myself.
Anyways, I just went through comments on this book, and I realized I missed like 20. So yeah. I've got some work to do.
Vote, comment, like, and comment more.
Tell me what you thought about the chapter.
I'm out, byeee.
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