Comforting {Fred}
Depressed Fred x Reader
Requested by @BayMaxisBae123
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, it's just that I've been busy with holiday things 😋
Hope you enjoy.
You were extra happy today. SFIT is having a three day weekend, and you were glad you didn't have to go to school.
The only bad thing was that you had nothing to do. You had plans to go over to Fred's house, but he cancelled, and said his parents were supposed to visit home.
So, you decided to just see if Honey Lemon wanted to hang out. But first, you were going to the Lucky Cat Cafe for a (favorite pastry).
As you walked, you skipped to Cass. "Hey Cass!"
"Oh hi, (Y/N)! The usual?"
"Yep." You popped the 'p'. You gave her the money, and laughed.
She handed you your (F/P), and you sat down at an empty table. You looked around, and spotted Fred. Alone.
You grabbed your muffin and went to him. "Freddie?"
He looked up. "Hi (Y/N)." He said. But it wasn't normal the normal, cute, or happy spirit you usual saw.
"What's wrong?" You ask. You look around. "Where are your parents?"
"They aren't coming." Fred sighed.
"Oh. I'm so sorry Freddie. Wanna go hang at my place?" You asked trying to cheer him up.
"Nah. I think I'll go home, lay down..." He trailed off, messing with a napkin.
"You shall not be alone. Come on. I'll come with you!" You grab his hand, and pull him out of the shop.
When he was still looking glum, you intertwined your hands with his. He was surprised that you did that, and looked into your eyes.
"Come on! Cheer up, Freddie. I hate seeing you like..." you gestured to his frown "that."
He stayed silent, but didn't pull his hand away from yours.
When you got to Fred's house, you both went straight to his room.
"Alright, Freddie. What's the real reason your sad." You asked.
He gave you a confused look.
"Come on. I mean, your parents are always away. And I know for a fact, that you are used to it and don't mind." You stated.
"Fine." Fred said. He sighed, then said "I just, feel like I have nobody. No one to talk too. No one to go to if I have problems."
"Freddie," you whispered. You went and sat next time him on the couch. "You have me. You can talk to me."
"Yeah. I guess your right." He says. But he still doesn't smile.
"And you know what?" You say, getting closer.
"What?" He asks, also leaning in closer.
"You're never alone. Because I'll always be here." You put your lips to his.
Almost immediately, he was kissing back. It was a soft, passionate kiss. His lips moved in sinc of yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, one hand getting lost in his hair, and he had his hands on your waist. You guys kissed until you needed air.
Once you pulled away, you saw Fred smiling. "There's the smile that I love." You said.
"Yeah." He laughed. "I have two more things to tell you."
"What would that be?" You smile.
"One, I love you." He gives you a peck on your lips.
"And I love you. Two?"
"I didn't think that would ever happen to me." he laughs. "Let's go tell the others."
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