Chapter #20
Noticing the style of clouds out the open window and direction they float Cornelious senses, "something isn't right." He glances at a mechanical clock, "My clock has stopped too."
Dell peers out the window, "What do you mean? The sun is starting to rise in the east as it should."
Pointing to the clock the mage notes, "I have to wind it every three days. I wound it the day you returned with the King's treasure."
Thinking the clock is getting as old as its owner Dell replies, "Are you sure? Or is the clock wearing out? We are in the castle."
Studying the room, the mage suggests. "I think the couple hours we spent on the third plane of Hell. Have equaled a couple days back on our plane."
Pondering the idea Dell and Carr get lost in thoughts.
Not sure how to feel about it, Junior half jokes. "That must be why I'm so hungry."
Patting his belly Carr feels different, "I feel light headed like I'd been drinking. My head certainly pounds that way."
The tower lightens showing their torn up bloody faces, Dell points to Junior and Carr, "Holy you two need to wrap up those, gashes across your faces."
Junior points to Dell, "Where's the rest of your ear?"
The punctures to the top of his chest were taking away the dull pain in the back and stomach. Dell had forgotten about his ear, trying to touch what isn't there. "I think the Hag ate it."
Cornelious digs up some bandages for them, "Yeah you guys look awful." He hands them out, "You're also looking pretty pale. Better at least try to slow up the bleeding. Before the cleric gets here."
Carr tries to put loose skin on the face back in place. Quickly wrapping his own face, Junior leaves pieces of skin dangling.
Concerned with his chest more than his ear Dell gets Cornelious to help him remove the leather tunic and shirt from underneath. Sympathetically gasping Carr and Junior see Dell's chest. Six well defined, punctures across the top of the chest are oozing blood.
Carr stops them, "Hold on you'll need more than that wrap." He tears up the sleeves of Dell's shirt, "Best fold these up and pad up those wounds." Handing them pieces of material.
With only his eyes and lips showing from behind the bandage Junior comments, "He can see in the dark, fight, cook, and can be a medic. Carr you really should join up with us and Halford's army."
"Thanks," Carr chuckles, "but no thanks."
Trying to get past the pain Dell focuses on the iron chest and teasing Carr, "What do we need with a thief who can't pick a lock?"
That of course gets Junior's attention, "I got a dagger right here." He reaches back to retrieve the blade.
"That's not going to help." Carr studies the lock on the chest. "Cornelious, do you have any darts?"
The mage thinks about it.
Junior shows Carr the dagger. "I thought good thieves could pick a lock with a knife."
"Thin knife maybe." Carr informs him, "I have to move the parts inside the lock. Yes I can crack a lock with a blade."
Recalling he once had darts, the old mage gets up to search the room.
Just being himself, Dell taunts, "Well, show us how."
Carr points out the different spots on the box to use a blade on. No one wants to offer up a good blade for that recklessness.
"Ah-hah," Holding four old darts high Cornelious brings them to Carr. "Can't throw these ones anymore. The feather flights are coming undone."
"Thanks." Carr takes two. "I'll only be throwing them if I get frustrated." He kneels in front of the lock.
Junior immediately sits beside to see how its' done. Curious and willing to learn a new trick Cornelious sits on the other side. Feeling left out Dell stands behind Carr.
As they can't see the parts Carr pokes around inside the keyhole explaining to them how to move the insides the same way the key would.
Taking longer than normal Dell bores and sits. Giving Carr the energy he needs to unlock it. The click causes Dell's eyes to roll.
Nodding, Junior pats Carr on the back, "Can't wait to try that myself."
"Oh yah?" Carr jests, "Do you want me to relock it so you can try it yourself?"
Wide-eyed and willing Junior nods. "Yeah, sure."
"Come on now," Dell stops them, "Let's see what's in there first."
Glancing at each other, surprised to hear Dell's interest Junior and Carr smile and focus on opening the lid.
First Carr hands back the darts. The mage takes a second look at his darts.
Having practiced his lid openings Carr tortures, them with a long pause. Hearing Dell move on the bed, Carr tosses back the lid.
Inside the men see a dusty old robe.
"Clothes I knew it," Dell sits back discouraged.
The wizard points out humoring himself, "And that's no magic robe."
"It's just what's on top," Carr hands the robe to Junior, for no other reason but to make him hold it.
Underneath a thick, leather-bound book, picking it up Carr says to the mage, "I guess no matter what you'll want this more than us." Handing it to him.
Eyes sparkling, like a child receiving a long-wanted gift, Cornelious takes it, "Oh yes. Thank-you, new reading material is always welcome." He drops the darts and begins flipping pages.
Setting the robe down Junior pulls out a satchel from the box, "Well what's this?" He pulls out a small dried stick with gems tied to it.
Seeing some of the other items in the satchel Carr advises Junior, "I don't think either one of us should be dealing with those things."
If it's the only thing of value Junior doesn't want to part with it, "Why?"
Looking up from the book Cornelious warns him, "Junior that's a wand of fire balls, put that back."
"Oh yeah?" Carr looks at it, "It's so small. I think that satchel goes with that book."
Putting the wand back Junior wants to keep the satchel, "How can you be certain?"
Cornelious shows him a page with the wand drawn on it, "What do you think?"
Nodding Junior reluctantly hands the satchel to the mage. It of course makes Cornelious very happy to know he's making out the best. Sitting back down the old mage hides a smile behind a long beard and mustache.
Watching it go Junior inquires, "Isn't there any thing for us in there?"
Snickering Carr hands him the next item.
Junior takes an elegant green dress, "What would that ugly old Hag want with this?"
When Dell sees it, he laughs, "Hey, Junior. You could get a freebie at the brothel for that."
A sly grin forms behind Junior's reddening wrap, "Good idea, but not Bee." Folding the dress neatly he sets it aside.
Flipping a small, framed painting over Carr exclaims, "Wow! Check out this woman."
Figuring Dell would be interested Carr hands him a facial portrait. The attractive woman is of early twenty years, long fair haired, with blue eyes."
Junior steps around to get a look, they both agree on the appeal. As they ponder who she is they suggest a name that grabs Cornelious' attention.
Carr pulls some other garments out of the chest checking out each one.
Cornelious looks over, "Let me get a better look."
"A real angel," Dell holds the picture up for him, "Don't you think?"
Studying the face's outline the old man puts a name to the face, "I think I know who that is."
Taking another view of the picture Dell can't recall a name, "Who?"
"Tetra," Cornelious sits up nodding, "Before she became that creature we vanquished."
"What? No," Junior jerks the picture from Dell's hands, "I can't believe it. I can't believe I was wishing to marry her."
Hurting himself from laughing Dell teases them, "Ah, Carr spoiled her anyway, with a kiss."
"Whaaat?" Staring at Carr strangely, Junior inquires. "How was it?"
Thinking they're just messing with the young rogue, Cornelious looks up to see how Carr handles them.
Having been knocked out Carr doesn't fully recall the little details or wants too but can still taste her, "Well, she had death breath. And the forked tongue was a little much."
Hearing the response, the group laughs hard momentarily before moaning from the pain created.
Having found something in the iron box Carr changes the subject "I think we have our pay right here," From the bottom of the chest he reveals a finely crafted, jewelry box.
Closing the chest's lid Carr sets the box on top. Opening the small lid, simple mechanical music starts playing. Their eyes light up scanning the small pile of rings, bracelets, broaches and necklaces.
Dumping the contents on the iron lid Carr asks, "So, how do we divi it up?"
Thinking wisely Dell makes a query to the mage, "Cornelious, do you think any of these are enchanted?"
Setting down his new things the mage pulls his seat behind the box. "I do see a couple already." Spotting the slight enchantment glow he pulls out the ones seen.
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