PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER: Zoe's wish came true and Mitchell became the first Big Brother juror of the season after being evicted (5-1). After another question and answer HOH, Candy became the new HOH! Candy already made her targets known with her CASZ alliance! Candy nominated two members of the trio, Travis and Jameson and she is determined to end their reign!
TONIGHT: Who will win the power of veto? And will it be used to save either Travis or Jameson from eviction? All this and more on Big Brother 4!
DAY 52
*In the Kitchen*
*Candy is making something to eat and Gavin walks into the kitchen*
*Gavin sighs with attitude*
Candy: "Don't be pissed off and have an attitude because I put your boyfriends on the block."
Gavin: "Candy, that's funny because you acted wild and crazy after Marcus went home. And well, who evicted your man? Who was the HOH, sis? Oh, right! IT WAS ME! I evicted YOUR man after HIS HOH reign!"
*Candy rolls her eyes at Gavin*
Gavin: "And Marcus got Zoe evicted and guess who's back in the game! Zoe! So I'm confused why Zoe is even working with you! You sent her home!"
Candy: "She knows my true character unlike yours."
Gavin: "Well, it is not my fault her social game freaking sucks and she didn't wanna talk with us. That's her game flaw."
Candy: "Running your mouth is your game flaw, Gavin."
Gavin: "Yeah, and you being a floater is yours, sis! You think you are making big moves but you really aren't. Because if Jameson or Travis goes home, they aren't voting for you to win boo! Just saying."
Candy: "I don't need your votes if I make it to final two."
Candy: "My alliance and I made this decision to nominate Jameson and Travis this week."
Gavin: "Wow, putting your alliance members under the bus! You know, you picked losers as alliance members while I picked winners. Where is your alliances members? Let's look at the memory wall, oh! They are gone!"
Candy: "I gained two of your alliance members actually. So you are loosing boo."
Gavin: "Well, they weren't loyal honestly and you are going to loose them because they play both sides. Candy, I hope I am picked to play in the veto because I am going to win it and ruin your plans. How do you like them apples, sis? Your messing with the wrong trio.
Candy: "Okay, Gavin."
*Candy giggles as Gavin walks away*
DR: Candy: "Gavin I just digging his grave for his game because if myself of anybody in my alliance wins the veto, we might just save Jameson or Travis and put Gavin up this week!
*In the Lounge*
*Travis, Miko and Jameson are all sitting together*
Miko: *whispers* "I wish Gavin would just stop talking sometimes. He is making this worse for all of us."
Jameson: *whispers* "Gavin is too damn stubborn. He doesn't know when to stop and that's a flaw he has."
Travis: *whispers* "I agree. He's going to be ending up on the block!"
Miko: *whispers* "Yeah or me! I don't wanna go on the block because of Gavin's nonsense!"
DR: Miko: "Working with three men is worse then working with three women! These three are so dramatic and annoying at times!"
Jameson: *whispers* "I'll make sure you won't go up. You don't deserve to go on the block because of any of us."
Miko: *whispers* "I just worry. I'm sorry for getting angry and upset.
Travis: *whispers* "It's okag! I would feel the same way if I was in your situation.
Jameson: *whispers* "It's okay, don't worry about it. You are fine."
*Jameson and Travis then hug Miko*
DAY 53
*Candy runs out of the diary room with the box of chips*
Candy: "Hey everybody! It is time to pick players for the veto competition!"
*Everyone gathers in the living room and sits on the couches while Travis and Jameson stand on each side of Candy*
Candy: "Myself, the two nominees and three other houseguests picked by random draw will compete in the veto competition! As HOH I will draw first."
*Candy reached in and pulls out a chip*
Candy: "Akira!"
DR: Candy: "I am SO HAPPY that I picked Akira to play in this veto competition! I just hope either myself or Akira win this veto!"
*Travis then reaches in and pulls a chip*
Travis: "Miko!"
DR: Travis: "WOOOO! I picked Miko! But also I feel kinda annoyed I picked her because I have a feeling that she wouldn't use the veto on me."
*Jameson then reaches in and pulls a chip*
Jameson: "Siobhan!"
DR: Jameson: "Ugh, I am so annoyed right now! I didn't want Siobhan or Zoe playing in this veto competition. However, I am so glad that Travis picked Miko to play in the veto competition."
Candy: "As HOH, I need to choose a host for the veto competition and I choose Zoe!"
Zoe: "Thank you, Candy!"
Candy: "Big Brother will inform us when it is time to play! Good luck to everybody!"
Candy: "And awww, Gavin! You won't be able to win the veto because you weren't picked!"
*Gavin rolls his eyes at Candy*
PLAYERS: Candy, Travis, Jameson, Akira, Miko, & Siobhan
DR: Gavin: "UGH! I really wish I was playing in this veto to piss Candy and Akira off! I'm so sick of them!"
DR: Candy: "I need this veto win so I can have full control of my HOH week! I don't want anybody ruining my hard work!"
DR: Jameson: "This veto competition looks very intense and I'm nervous about it! But I gotta put my nerves to the side and try to win this veto for me!"
PLAYERS: Candy, Travis, Jameson, Akira, Miko, & Siobhan
The houseguests must reach into the put of snakes to retrieve 5 small tokens! Whoever does not collect all five tokens will be eliminated from the veto competition.
DR: Siobhan: "There is NO way I can do this! SO GROSS!"
DR: Candy: "I HATE SNAKES! This is my worst nightmare but I gotta do this and win!"
*After five minutes of playing*
Siobhan is evicted from the veto competition.
DR: Siobhan: "Sorry Candy, I couldn't handle this competition anymore! Snakes are GROSS!"
PLAYERS: Candy, Travis, Jameson, Akira & Miko
The houseguests must dive into the ice-cold water and receive four tokens! Whoever does not collect all four tokens will be eliminated from the veto competition.
DR: Travis: "This water is SO FREAKING COLD! It is making my body hurt!"
DR: Akira: "Holy crap this water is cold! I feel like I am going to shiver to death!"
*After five minutes of playing*
Travis is evicted from the veto competition.
DR: Travis: "This really sucks that I couldn't win the veto and save myself. I guess my time here is over."
PLAYERS: Candy, Jameson, Akira & Miko
The houseguests will be pelted with paintballs as they try to balance on pegs. Whoever falls off their peg first will be eliminated from the veto competition.
DR: Miko: "I really don't like paintballs! I got hit with one before when I was younger and it has scarred me for life."
DR: Candy: "These damn paintballs HURT! OUCH! I am going to be bruised for weeks!"
*After five minutes of playing*
Miko is evicted from the veto competition.
DR: Miko: "I feel like I let the boys down by not winning this veto today. I feel like a shitty Big Brother player right now."
PLAYERS: Candy, Jameson & Akira
The houseguests will have five minutes to transfer three balls with your device from point A to point B. Whoever does not make it with their balls within the five minute time limit will be eliminated from the veto competition.
DR: Jameson: "Holy crap, these electric shocks really really hurt! I'm pushing through the pain though! I gotta win this!"
DR: Candy: "I need to focus and get my balls to the target the fastest! I can't have Jameson win this!"
DR: Akira: "These electric shocks HURT SO BAD! I can't believe Big Brother is electrocuting us! This is INTENSE!"
*After five minutes of playing*
Candy is evicted from the veto competition.
DR: Candy: "I just couldn't hang anymore! This freaking sucks! Now I'm relying on Akira to win this veto for me and I hate relying on people!"
PLAYERS: Jameson & Akira
The houseguests must match sodas by their tastes within five minutes. Whoever does not match all of their sodas in the five minute time time limit will be eliminated from the veto competition.
DR: Akira: "This is the last round and this is getting crazy! I gotta drink these sodas and figure out what flavor it is! They are so nasty! Yuck!"
DR: Jameson: "These sodas are the most disgusting sodas I have ever tasted in my life! So gross!"
*After five minutes of playing*
Jameson is evicted from the veto competition.
Zoe: "Congratulations, Akira! You have won the Power of Veto!"
DR: Akira: "WOOHOO! I won this crazy veto competition! Now I have control on what happens! I don't know who Candy wants on the block on eviction night so I am going to have to talk to her."
DR: Jameson: "Ugh, this sucks! This really sucks for the Perfect 10 alliance. I feel very defeated right now."
DR: Gavin: "Akira won the veto, which sucks! However, maybe I can some how persuade him to either not use it or even use it on Jameson! Sorry Travis, you aren't the best Big Brother player."
*In the Pantry*
DR: Gavin: "I need to talk to Akira. I need to some how persuade him to NOT use the veto! If he uses the veto, I am going on the block and I will definitely be going home this week. I wish I could save both of my boys. I hate knowing one of my boyfriends is going home this week. But at this point, I need to save my game and myself."
Gavin: *whispers* "Hey Akira can we talk?"
Akira: *whispers* "Sure."
Gavin: *whispers* "So, I am assuming that I am Candy's target now."
*Akira giggles and nods*
Akira: *whispers* "It was Travis but not it's you."
Gavin: *whispers* "And I am also assuming that Candy wants you to use the veto?"
Akira: *whispers* "I haven't talked to her but I'm assuming that's her plan this week."
Gavin: *whispers* "Well, I have an offer to tell you about. You can take it or you don't have to. That's up to you."
Akira: *whispers* "What's your offer, Gavin?"
Gavin: *whispers* "My offer is, if you don't use the veto and keep me safe this week, during the next HOH competition I'll throw it to you."
Akira: *whispers* "You don't wanna save Travis or Jameson?"
Gavin: *whispers* "I am pretty sure that Travis is going to go this week because he's a floater and he knows that. He isn't upset or anything. I just wanna remain safe."
Akira: *whispers* "Can you tell Miko and Jameson about the plan so they throw the HOH competition too?"
Gavin: *whispers* "Of course! They will all know. We would love to work with you too. I know Candy uses you a lot for her dirty work and has done it for a long time. But with us you can be yourself and not be used."
Akira: *whispers* "That sounds like a good deal to me."
*Akira and Gavin shake hands*
Gavin: *whispers* "Sounds good."
DR: Akira: "Gavin's plan sounds like a plan I wanna have! A for sure HOH win? Yes, please!"
DR: Gavin: "Would I throw a HOH competition to Akira? Absolutely not! I just tricked his ass and he doesn't even know it! I am so good at this game!"
*In the Lounge*
*Miko, Jameson and Travis are all sitting in the lounge*
*Gavin walks into the lounge and sits next to Travis*
Gavin: *whispers* "Hey guys."
Miko: *whispers* "Hey, Gavin!"
Jameson: *whispers* "Hey, Gav."
Travis: *whispers* "Hey!"
Gavin: *whispers* "I think I persuaded Akira to not use the veto or even use it one of you this week."
Miko: *whispers* "I didn't believe that Akira would use the veto on either Travis or Jameson because he would be doing Candy's dirty work which you don't want."
Jameson: *whispers* "That would be freaking hilarious if Candy tells him to use it and he doesn't."
Travis: *whispers* "That would be funny."
Gavin: *whispers* "That's why I talked with Akira. I gave him a deal that I won't do at all and he took it right away and he said he isn't going to use the veto."
Miko: *whispers* "How stupid is he to take a deal that won't happen?"
*Jameson and Travis both giggle and laugh*
Jameson: *whispers* "I can't wait to see Candy's face when Akira doesn't use the veto."
Travis: *whispers* "Me too!"
Gavin: *whispers* "I gotta win HOH next week as evict Akira. I can't have him in this game after giving him that deal."
Miko: *whispers* "Yeah, definitely. Akira has to go."
*In the HOH room*
*Akira and Candy sit together in the HOH bed*
Candy: *whispers* "That was a crazy veto competition."
Akira: *whispers* "It was. I'm really shocked I won it."
Candy: *whispers* "I am so glad Jameson or Travis didn't win it. And I am so glad that you won it."
Akira: *whispers* "I'm glad I won it too! Now, who's your target? It was Travis but Gavin has been harassing you nonstop since the nominations."
Candy: *whispers* "I want you to use the veto on Jameson so it is Travis and Gavin on the block. With Travis being on the block, there is a better chance of Gavin going home. Gavin's gotta go. I thought I could deal with him, but I can't take him anymore."
Akira: *whispers* "I'll do it."
Candy: *whispers* "Thank you so much."
Akira: *whispers* "You're welcome!"
*Candy and Akira hug*
DR: Akira: "I'm just telling Candy what she wants right now. Gavin's deal was too good to pass up! He is willing to throw an HOH comp to me! Like I need an HOH reign under my belt! I'm tired of doing other people's dirty work!"
DAY 54
Akira: "Hey everybody, it is time for the veto meeting."
*Everybody sits in the living room. Travis and Jameson sit in the nominations chairs. Akira is standing in front of everybody*
Akira: "This is the veto meeting. Travis and Mitchell, you've both been nominated for eviction. But I have the power to veto one of Candy's nominations."
Akira: "And I have decided to not use the power of veto. This veto meeting is adjourned."
*Akira shuts the veto box*
DR: Travis: "This freaking sucks! Period! Ugh! I am so aggravated."
DR: Candy: "I am so pissed off at Akira right now! He was suppose to take Jameson off and I was suppose to put up Gavin! This kinda sucks because I really wanted Gavin gone this week but at least I know one of the trio members will be leaving this week. And hi, Marcus! I miss you so so much, baby!"
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