PREVIOUSLY ON BIG BROTHER!: Hunter became the new HOH! Lily and Cyprus were nominated for eviction! After a crazy veto competition, Trey won the POV and used it to save his boyfriend Cyprus. Hunter put Aria on the block as a replacement nominee. Aria told Kobe her intentions if she stays in the game and wins HOH that she will nominate Hunter and Julianna. Lily told Hunter Julianna, Emily and Weston Aria's plan in order to save himself. Lily also formed an alliance with Hunter, Julianna, Emily and Weston called Mega Powers.
TONIGHT: Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house? Lily or Aria? Find out tonight on Big Brother!
DAY 34
*Omar is getting dressed in the New York room*
*Aria knocks on the door*
Omar: "Come in."
Aria: "Hey Omar, I just wanted to talk real quick. I'm trying to figure out my strategy for tonight's eviction. I think I got the votes to stay."
Omar: "That's understandable. I would be doing the same thing."
Aria: "I have Trey, Cyprus, and I think Wolf's and Kobe's vote to stay. Do I have yours?"
Omar: "I still haven't decided to be honest. Both of you are great friends and players."
Aria: "I respect your decision whatever you choose! Do what's best for you!"
*Aria hugs Omar and then leaves the room*
*In the Tokyo room*
*Kobe, and Kat are in there getting ready*
*Kobe is straightening her hair, while Kat is putting her hair in the a bow. Cyprus and Trey just finished their breakfast and walk in.
Trey: "Oh my gosh I love your hair Kat!"
*Cyprus grabs his clothes to take a shower*
Kat: "Thank you! My mom recently taught me it before I left to play Big Brother."
Cyprus: "Trey, I'm gonna take a shower.
Trey: "Okay love. I might grow my hair out. I thought about doing it for a while.
*Trey kisses Cyprus and Cyprus heads to the bathroom*
Kobe: "You would so cute with long hair!"
Kat: "I think you would look handsome too!"
Kobe: "I always wanted blonde hair like yours, it's so pretty!"
Trey: "Thank you! I always had bright blonde hair like this. My mom and sister has it too."
*In the HOH room*
*Hunter and Julianna are getting ready for eviction night*
Hunter: "I wish HOH was longer then a week. I'm gonna miss this room so much."
Julianna: "Me too. This bed is so comfy and I love this bathroom! Hopefully I win HOH next week!"
Hunter: "I hope so too."
*Hunter and Julianna kiss twice*
*In the lounge*
*Weston and Emily are laying on the couch*
Weston: *whispers* "I love your dress."
Emily: *whispers* "Thank you! It's from Forever 21."
*Weston smiles as he hugs Emily tightly*
Emily: "You are a sweetheart, thank you."
Weston: "Of course. I'm so happy I met a beautiful girl like you."
*Emily blushes*
*In the kitchen*
*Aria is eating cereal while Lily walks in*
Aria: Hey Lily, what's up?"
Lily: "Nothing really just getting ready for eviction. Nervous."
Aria: "Me too. I don't want this day to end."
Lily: "Me either! I don't wanna leave!"
*Lily brings her cereal over to where Aria is sitting*
Aria: *whispers* "I don't wanna leave either. If I stay I want my plan to go into effect, you know?"
*Lily nods*
Lily: *whispers* "Yeah. I wish you the best tonight."
Aria: *whispers* "You too! I wish there was a house for everybody when they leave and don't go home."
Lily: "You think they would do that, but oh well."
*In the bathroom*
*Wolf is shaving his face. Omar walks in to style his hair.
Omar: "Hey man, you ready for tonight?"
Wolf: "Yeah, I'm ready. I just wanna do the HOH competition."
Omar: "Same. I wanna play really bad. *giggles.*
Wolf: "Me too. I just want to win and be in charge for once."
IT IS TIME FOR THE LIVE EVICTION! Houseguests in just a few minutes we will begin the live eviction. Lily & Aria, you will each have one more chance to persuade your houseguests to keep you. Lily, you can go first:
Lily: "Hey guys! I wanna thank Wattpad for hosting a second season of Big Brother for all of us to enjoy! I wanna say hi to my family at home! I miss you you guys. I wanna everybody in this house for being my friend and having fun with me so far. I hope to stay in the house for another week, but if not that's okay. Thank you for an amazing summer so far and if I leave today it's nice meeting all of you. Thank you!"
Thank you, Lily! Aria, it is your turn.
Aria: "Hi everyone! I have had an incredible summer meeting all of you and hanging out! If it's my time to go then I will be happy to be reunited with my family and such! I hope I get to stay this week because I want to experience more of the game! Thank you all for being my friends and living with me for the past week!"
Thank you, Aria! Okay houseguests, one by one you will go in the diary room and vote. The nominees and HOH cannot vote.
Cyprus votes to evict LILY
Omar votes to evict ARIA
Wolf votes to evict LILY
Weston votes to evict ARIA
Emily votes to evict ARIA
Kat votes to evict ARIA
Trey votes to evict LILY
Julianna votes to evict ARIA
Kobe votes to evict ARIA
It is official, with a 6-3 vote, Aria will be evicted from the Big Brother House. Let's tell the houseguests!
Houseguests! When I reveal the name of the evicted houseguest they will have a few minutes to say goodbye.
By a vote of 6-3 Aria, you are evicted from the Big Brother house.
Lily: "If you seeing this, then you were evicted. I'm sorry this happened. I wish I could have saved you. I'm sorry for getting you evicted, I had to in order to stay in the game. I hope to continue our friendship after the game. See you later."
Omar: "I'm sorry you were evicted this week Aria. This eviction was hard because I love you both as players and people. I will see you in finale night!"
Kat: "Hey Aria! I'm sorry you are out of the house. Enjoy being out of this crazy house and I will see you on finale night!"
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