Unclassified 2096
For a moment, no one could move; they were each suspended in different emotions.
The Doctor was not surprised, but pitying John's misfortune.
Sherlock's face was passive, as always, but inside, he was very, very scared. He himself didn't care whether John was an alien or not, but he couldn't bear to see his friend shut down on him again.
Amy and Rory were a bit surprised, but mostly they were pitying John, like the Doctor was.
However, John himself was still hopeful.
"Click it," he urged the Doctor. "Maybe it's not what we think?"
"Er," the Doctor gulped. "Maybe."
Hesitantly, the Doctor called out: "Can we see that result, OCTAVIA?"
The screen in front of them changed, and the Doctor read aloud for the rest of them.
"Project Moon Side," the Doctor read. "The British government has agreed to lend some of the soldiers in it's Army (listed below) to the American Air Force in ____ __ to oversee a test bomb that the Americans believe was sent from the Russians. More information below."
"I don't understand," John muttered. "I remember that. But it didn't have anything to do with aliens."
"I don't think you were told everything, John," the Doctor replied. "Now, shush, I'm still reading."
"Okay, scrolling past the names... names... names.... Ah, here we go. The bomb was in an unusual unknown aircraft that the US Air Force or the British government has never seen before. It had landed on the outskirts of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The US took care of it right away, with extreme secrecy."
"Of course they did," Amy commented, rolling her eyes.
"The US didn't know what to do with it, so they enlisted the help of the British. Since the US government was worried that the object was a weapon from the Russians, so they," the Doctor sighed. "Blew it up."
"So, do you think it was an alien thing?" Rory asked. "Not the Russians?"
"Still READING," the Doctor grumbled. "Well, the Russians claimed it wasn't them, and that gave the ufologists the foothold to start making their claims that it was aliens. They took over the investigation and have been studying it since."
John frowned. "Okay... but what has that got to do with me being an alien?"
The Doctor didn't answer, but kept scrolling down until he came to a picture.
"Hmm..." he mused, looking at the picture closely. The others leaned in, too, and saw an odd, almost whale shaped object. It was on a mound of dirt, and held down with bungee cords.
"Oy, John?" the Doctor suddenly asked making John jump.
"What?" John asked, looking embarrassed from jumping.
"After you went to the 'bomb testing'," the Doctor started, looking disdainful of the words: 'bomb testing'. "What happened?"
"I went back to England," John shrugged. "And shortly after I went to Afghanistan."
"Right but," the Doctor continued. "Did anything happen after you got back to England and before you left for Afghanistan? Anything specifically to you?"
John frowned, thinking. "Well, I got kind of sick..."
"Perfect!" the Doctor exclaimed, waving his hands in the air. Everyone gave him a confused look, excluding Sherlock. The Doctor grinned weakly, embarrassed.
"Well, in a minute you'll see why that's good..." the Doctor tried to explain.
"I already know," Sherlock interjected, raising his chin. The Doctor grinned.
"By all means..." he said, gesturing for Sherlock to explain.
"Well, it's obvious, really," Sherlock started. "John, I'm willing to bet your symptoms were at least one of the following: bad skin, hallucinations, sleepwalking, and extreme exhaustion."
"Er," John said. "Well, all of those, really..."
"Of course," Sherlock said, waving his hand. "So, if that's the case-."
"Oh, you both are going to take forever!" Amy cried, glaring at Sherlock and the Doctor. "Just tell us already!"
The Doctor and Sherlock looked at each other, and then the Doctor turned to John and said: "Well, the alien thing was a Fremde made craft, and it was supposed to be delivered to U.N.I.T, but it got lost along the way and-."
"Doctor," Amy warned.
"It's a vaccine of sorts!" the Doctor said quickly. "You immune to the disease!"
John looked utterly confused. "So I'm not an alien...?"
"No, John," Sherlock cut in. "You're not an alien."
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