The Internet Would Like a Meeting
"Okay, okay, into the TARDIS," the Doctor ordered, shoving John and Sherlock toward the TARDIS. "Amy and Rory are already inside."
"Any specific reason they're coming along?" John asked.
"Er... moral support?" the Doctor answered.
"Brilliant," John grumbled. 'Here we go again...'
Once he and Sherlock were unceremoniously shoved onto the TARDIS, the Doctor stepped around them and up to the control panel. He started doing his usual routine of 'controlling' the TARDIS. John, Amy and Rory exchanged a few quick greetings before the Doctor announced his plan.
"Alright John," the Doctor called out, buzzing around the TARDIS's control panel. "So, I've completely forgot about this for.... well, about four hundred years, but I finally remembered this lady I met a while back, a big while, and she's basically like the alien AI version of giggle."
John blinked. "Do- Do you mean Google?"
"That's what I said," the Doctor denied. "Anyway, just a little warning, she might be a little angry, but as long as I just tell her that I haven't been ignoring her calls, my phone's just broken, everything will be right as rain. Probably."
"You gave her your phone number?" Amy asked, surprised. The Doctor's phone number was not something he gave to everyone, in fact, most didn't have it. Amy wondered what the Doctor and this person had done together for her to get his phone number.
"No," Sherlock cut in. "He didn't. If she is the alien version of Google, then she must have found it herself.
The Doctor nodded. "What he said."
"Oh," Amy replied.
"What does she even call you about, Doctor?" John asked.
"I have no clue," the Doctor shrugged. "It's all in code. But, I am figuring it out. So don't look at me like that, Sherlock!"
Sherlock fixed his smug face to a neutral one again.
"What kind of code does she send?" Rory asked, still very confused about the whole thing.
"It's a computer program," the Doctor answered. "But I've run it through every program the TARDIS has and it doesn't match up with anything. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I don't think the TARDIS is good enough to figure this out."
The TARDIS gave a violent shudder.
"Uh, no offense," the Doctor called out. A whine emitted from the TARDIS and the Doctor winced.
"Anyway," he continued. "I recorded it down and sooner or later I figure it out. Probably sooner."
"Where is this... AI thing?" John asked.
"Um... well, she's probably on the Winterstead asteroid, but, I may be a teeny ting bit off."
"Do you even know?" Amy sighed.
"Well, no," the Doctor admitted. "But the TARDIS is tracking her latest phone call right now, so we'll find her, don't worry."
"It's taking a while," Rory noted.
"Thank you, Rory, for that brilliant observation," the Doctor sassed. "And for your information, it's the exposition."
"I mean, exploration," the Doctor corrected, pausing. "Don't know where 'exposition' came from..."
"'Exploration' doesn't make sense either," Rory pointed out.
"Well, by 'exploration', I mean that this place is uncharted," the Doctor explained. "The person we're going to see is on an asteroid, and as you should know, asteroids move. So the asteroid moves into uncharted territory every once in a while."
"Why is she on an asteroid?" Amy asked.
"Harder to find," the Doctor answered. "But not for me!"
The Doctor flipped one more lever and the TARDIS stopped with another whine. The Doctor turned to face his friends and announced, with a grin that went from ear to ear: "Lady and gentlemen, we've arrived. Welcome to the Winterstead Asteroid."
"Um, one question!" John called out, raising one finger.
"Yes?" the Doctor replied, pointing at him.
"How are we supposed to survive on an asteroid?"
"Oh, don't be stupid, John, obviously we're inside the asteroid."
John rolled his eyes. "Ah. How silly of me."
"Right," the Doctor nodded. "Now, if there are no more questions...."
The Doctor walked over to the TARDIS doors and grasped the handles. "Then, I would like you all to meet... the OCTAVIA!"
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