Open Sesame
Sherlock studied the door, frowning. It seemed to be voice activated, so he wasn't going to risk calling out to Amy, if she hadn't figured out what was going on already, that is. He sighed, turning around to look around the control room once again.
The Doctor and John were running through the halls again, only this time, they were taking their time, happy to not being chased. They were both quite proud of themselves, even though Sherlock did pretty much all the work for them (although, even if they did know, they would never let a tiny thing like that get in the way of their celebration).
The two of them were so cheerful, in fact, that neither realized that something might be wrong, since Amy and Sherlock were supposed to meet them halfway. Which is why both of them were shocked and confused when they rounded a corner and saw the door to the control room sealed shut with Amy trying to pull it open and keep Rory away with her stick.
John and the Doctor were so confused at first that they stopped in the middle of the corridor with their mouths hanging open. Amy must have heard them come up, though, because she wheeled around angry to yell at them.
"Really?" was the Doctor's intelligent reply. "And you still haven't managed to get it open?"
Amy didn't respond, she just rolled her eyes and stepped back, letting the Doctor go forward with his screwdriver and his confident smirk.
However, what she did not predict was for him to stay 3 feet away from the door, put away his sonic screwdriver and confidently say: "Sherlock the password is password."
A few seconds passed, and then from the other side of the door came a muffled 'password', and the door swung open.
"Oh, wow," the Doctor said, a little surprised. "It worked."
"How?" Amy asked, completely shocked. John and Sherlock were also thinking the same thing.
"I don't get this," John sighed, shaking his head. "But come on, we've got work to do."
Amy nodded, tearing her astonished gaze away from the door and to the Doctor. "John's right. So Doctor, what do we do next?"
"Right," the Doctor agreed, clearing his throat. "Okay, lets go back into the control room. Come on everyone."
The Doctor herded everyone back into the control room, then he paused for a moment. "Actually, John and Amy, keep Rory out."
"What? Why both of us?" John asked, confused.
"Because," the Doctor explained, pushing Amy and John outside, Rory trailing behind them. "The adults are trying to figure this out."
Amy snorted. "That's probably the biggest lie of the century," she muttered.
The Doctor ignored her, and instead shoved her and John unceremoniously through the doorway. Mumbling, they got up just before Rory was also pushed out. Amy held her breath, and then let out a huge sigh as Rory got up, not melted.
Inside the control room, the 'adults' were studying the buttons, levers and switches. The Doctor examined them, tapping his chin, before shrugging and pulling out his sonic screwdriver. But before he could turn it on, Sherlock stopped him.
"Don't do that," the Doctor said, not looking up from the booklet. The Doctor turned, ready to argue, but instead his eyes lit up when he saw the booklet.
"Oh!" the Doctor gasped. "You found a book! Good, we can defeat this thing with the most powerful power of all. Books!"
Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Sure," he told the Doctor. "But what exactly what are we doing?"
"Glad you asked," the Doctor replied, beaming from ear to ear. "We are going to save an entire species!"
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