O.C.T.A.V.I.A's Stand
Sherlock Holmes, the high functioning sociopath, the cleverest man on earth, was at a loss for words.
I mean, how do you describe that?
Well, there was a lot Sherlock had seen in the last few months, a human-looking idiot genius, a space, a spaceship that was bigger on the inside that looked like a police box and aliens. He, recently, had seen things he no longer questioned, and while his brain was on the constant hunt for answers, he had long excepted it.
But why, on earth, in the universe, in time and space did the TARDIS have to have a bloody maze.
Now, this was not Sherlock's first tangle with a maze. Ever since he was little, Sherlock excelled at mazes. At first, it was dumb luck, but soon he learn how to predict the mazes. Of course, much later, Sherlock learned to navigate the busy, confusing (or at least that's what John told him) backstreets and alleyways of London, that took a lot of practice.
But, in the TARDIS, none of his tricks worked, and Sherlock didn't know if the TARDIS' halls changed or what, but it was getting on his nerves.
"I am following the exact route I went before," Sherlock huffed. "Why have I not gotten to the control room yet?"
He glared at the TARDIS walls. If he didn't know better, he would say that the lights were messing with his head, and therefore O.C.T.A.V.I.A, but he was Sherlock Holmes, and his brain was something he could trust.
And then, as if this were a movie, he saw it. Directly in front of him. Sherlock grinned maniacally.
"There! There it is! C'mon you lot!" We're almost there!"
"Oh, thank god," Rory huffed.
"Look, it's Sherlock!" Amy shouted, pointed.
"Sherlok?" John asked, looking around wildly. "Sherlock?!"
"Sherlock!" John shouted, finally seeing him. Sherlock jumped, and then glared angrily at the approaching newcomers.
"Quiet!" he hissed. "We need to be careful or else-!"
Sherlock froze as the Doctor ran right be him into the control room.
"Come on!" John shouted at the detective, running past him with the Ponds into the control room. Sherlock, though annoyed, followed.
"O.C.T.A.V.I.A, stop!" the Doctor shouted, raising his hand to stop the computer. Sherlock wondered what the Doctor thought he was going to do, you can't touch a hologram. Until, at least, he saw a glowing green light at the end of it.
"Ah," Sherlock realized, turning back to O.C.T.A.V.I.A.
O.C.T.A.V.I.A, wide eyed, whirled around, and glared at the new intruders. Quickly, though, the surprise melted from her face, leaving behind a emotionless face.
"Leave," O.C.T.A.V.I.A warned, her voice carrying as much emotion as her face. "Leave, Doctor. This needs to be done."
"Does it, O.C.T.A.V.I.A?"
O.C.T.A.V.I.A's eyes narrowed slightly. "You won't stop me."
The Doctor's eyes narrowed determinedly as well. "Don't be so sure."
At first nothing happened, but as O.C.T.A.V.I.A prepared to actually turn the TARDIS against them, her form blinked.
O.C.T.A.V.I.A paused her hologram blinking in and out even more now. She stared at her hands, a mix of shock and anger evident on her face.
"What...?" she whispered, and then louder: "NO!"
Her form completely blinked out, and the Doctor lowered his sonic screwdriver triumphantly.
"Don't celebrate yet," Sherlock warned. "She'll be back."
The Doctor's face fell. "Yes," he started walking to the TARDIS control. "Yes, she will. Soon. But don't worry, I've got a plan."
Groans echoed throughout the control room, which the Doctor completely ignored. He continued tapping away at the control panel of the TARDIS.
"If this doesn't work," he said aloud. "I don't know what will."
"Something bad always happens when he says that..." Rory sighed.
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