No Post on Sundays
Rory was troubled. He had just told the Doctor about his dream, and instead of being worried, the Doctor looked extremely excited, which just made Rory all the more scared for his life. Not that he hasn't lost it before but....
Anyway, after being forbidden to go near any crime scene, the Doctor was at every crime scene he could find. He always took Rory with him, but thankfully didn't make him do anything, to Rory's relief. Or so he thought...
Rory and the Doctor were at another crime scene, safely hidden away in the TARDIS while Amy was investigating a different one. Rory wished they were doing more relationship things, as it was Sunday and the rest of the days he was working, but the Doctor insisted. The TARDIS was invisible and Rory and the Doctor were observing from within it. It was.... remarkably boring. It was the same as the last 7.
Unfortunately, the Doctor had a job for Rory this time. Rory could tell as soon the Doctor turned around with a gleam in his eye.
"Oh no," Rory said nervously, "I mean, uh, what do you want me to do?"
"So, this might be a little weird," the Doctor replied, Rory gulped. "But I'm gonna need you to find a closet, or something like that, and crawl into it."
"What?" Rory asked, startled. This was a whole new level of odd, even for the Doctor.
"Well, you see," the Doctor showed Rory the scanner screen. Rory didn't understand a word of it. "It seems that the small, enclosed areas are holding more energy than they should be. I think they may be a teleporter."
"Okay, cool, but how do I get in there?" Rory asked, annoyed. "We're banned, remember?"
The doctor paused for a moment, then he brightened. Rory inwardly groaned.
"I've got a police disguise in one of the closets," the Doctor answered cheerfully. "You'll fit right in!"
'Will I?' Rory thought, still nervous.
"The closets are down that corridor, turn left, then right, past the library, if it's still there, and the closets should be right in front of you," the Doctor continued, oblivious to Rory's discomfort. "Should."
Rory sighed and went go get them.
A short while later, Rory reached the main control room of the TARDIS again, dressed up in his police clothes. Honestly, it was better than he expected. There was still his face to worry about, though. The Doctor looked up at him as he came in.
"Hey!" the Doctor called. "You look great! You know what? We can be, like, partners! In fact, you look like all my other partners! Right before they mysteriously disappeared.... Anyway, ready to go?" Rory shook his head.
"Ha! That's what all my other partners said!" the Doctor laughed. He pushed Rory toward the door.
"Wait!" Rory called. "What about my face? They can recognize me right?"
The Doctor studied him closely, and then shrugged. "You're not really that memorable, so I think you'll be fine. But if you worried, here." He gave Rory a police hat. "Good luck. And I am right here, so don't worry, o.k?" Rory nodded and the Doctor pushed him at the door,
Rory emerged outside of an old rundown house. The victim was lying in the middle of the lawn. Rory tried not to look at them and instead focused on the weirdly out of place mailbox. It was tilting sideways and had the wrong address on it. He shrugged, put on his hat and went inside the house, forgetting about it.
It was freezing cold inside, perhaps a result of the colder weather outside. Rory was glad the police outfit came with a jacket. He was freezing.
Thankfully, the police didn't pay much attention to him and the inspector (Graham? George?) was too overworked to notice an extra policeman in his mist. Rory was able to investigate freely.
First, he checked all the closets. Nothing. Then the drawers. Also nothing. He was starting to think the Doctor might be wrong about this. He checked the cupboards and....nothing. Defeated, Rory went back outside to the Doctor.
As Rory walked to the TARDIS, he noticed that the mailbox was open. He frown. It wasn't like that when he went in. Anyhow, he decided against looking into it. He'd seen enough horror films to know where that choice went. Unfortunately, that was exactly what the Doctor wanted him to do.
"Don't worry," the Doctor promised. "I'll be right here." And Rory was sent right back outside. He trudged toward the mailbox with a sense of forbidding crawling up his spine. He stopped in front of the mailbox. It seemed so ordinary, but there was something off about it, a sense of 'shouldn't be here'. Rory couldn't explain it.
Rory took a deep breath, and looked into the mailbox and saw.... the inside of a mailbox. Rory let out a deep sigh of relief and turned to go back to the TARDIS.
Except the TARDIS wasn't there.
Or the house.
All Rory could see that remained was the victim and the mailbox. Him, the victim and the mailbox were in an alien spaceship. Rory fainted.
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