John tapped his foot nervously, biting his lip as he, once again, anxiously looked over at the doors of the TARDIS. Sherlock rolled his eyes, and thankfully John didn't notice. If he had, Sherlock would probably be getting a snarky response right about now.
Eventually, John spoke up, cutting through the silence. "So, um, do you, uh, think we should go get him?"
"No," was Sherlock's immediate response. "He'll by here soon, stop worrying. Humans."
This time it was John who rolled his eyes, but at least he stopped worrying, for a little while.
Suddenly, the TARDIS doors burst open and the Doctor walked through. John sighed in relief.
"Alright, everyone!" the Doctor announced, smiling gallantly. "Sorry for the delay, but I'm back now. Let's do this!"
Ignoring John attempts at questioning where he was and what he was doing, the Doctor walked over to the TARDIS controls, before Sherlock stopped him.
"You have to call and warn UNIT, Doctor," Sherlock reminded him.
"Ah, yes," the Doctor agreed, nodding and spinning back around to the TARDIS doors. "Let me go do that."
"Yeah, good idea," John told him while Sherlock rolled his eyes (again).
After the Doctor got that sorted out (it had included both a lot of explaining and yelling, something about what on earth was he doing on a top secret space station) he walked back into the TARDIS, rubbing his hands together happily and making sure to keep his gleeful attitude up.
"Well, gang?" the Doctor asked. "Ready to go?"
"Obviously," Sherlock stated, annoyed, while John just nodded.
"Well, then," the Doctor told them, smirking. He grabbed the TARDIS controls. "Geronimo!"
The TARDIS lurched to the side and threw almost everyone to the ground except the Doctor, who was holding on.
"Sorry, sorry!" the Doctor yelled out. Don't worry, I got this. I just forgot about the force field."
"Be careful!" Sherlock hissed angrily at the Doctor, momentarily breaking his usually unemotional attitude. The Doctor gave him another string of apologies and excuses.
"So, where are we going to first, Doctor?" John asked when his eyes stopped ringing. "I mean, when... This is so odd."
"Well, you see, I gave Amy my number so that she could call me whenever they get better," the Doctor explained. Then he turned to Sherlock. "Seeeee? Smart."
"Uh huh," Sherlock scoffed.
"Wait, wait?" John asked, still confused. "H-how does that work... I don't get this..."
"Oh yeah, basically, we're- I'm- speeding up the time outside of the TARDIS, so that we don't miss Amy's call. When she does call," the Doctor explained. "Now do you understand?"
"Er... no," John admitted. "But I don't understand anything Sherlock does either, so I guess I'll just do what I always do."
"And what's that?" the Doctor asked curiously.
"Follow along blindly and hope for the best," John answered. Sherlock snorted.
"Oh, right," the Doctor said. "Yep, I can see that."
"So, can you really speed up time outside of your spacecraft?" Sherlock asked after a moment of silence.
The Doctor shrugged. "I don't know," he told them. "But I guess we're about to find out, eh?"
"That's stupid," Sherlock warned him.
"Well, yes, but..." the Doctor argued, grinning like a mad man. "It is fun."
"Is it though?" John asked, about to throw up.
Neither Sherlock or the Doctor answered, the Doctor too busy with the controls to answer and Sherlock too aloof.
They waited in silence for several minutes, waiting for the eventually ring of Amy Pond, of each member of their small group grew more and more agitated as time passed. The Doctor kept his eye on the time, the outside time, and he bit his lip as a week passed...
Then two...
Then a month...
Then two...
Then thre-
Ring, ring !
A sudden sound startled them all out of the worries.
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