Let Us Gooo Let Us Gooooo~!
"Okay, next place!" the Doctor cheered, hoping about in the hallway precariously. "Come on, Ponds! Hurry up, Sherly, John!"
"Sherly?!" Sherlock shouted in disgust. He stopped in the middle of the corridor. John chuckled and patted Sherlock with the absolute most smug grin on his face.
"Come on, Sherly," John teased. "They're waiting!"
"John!" Sherlock scolded, but John walked past him, laughing all way. Sherlock, pissed, followed behind, sulking.
The Doctor hurried them into the TARDIS, and then quickly started up the TARDIS.
"Where to next, Doctor?" Amy asked him.
"The next dot on the map," the Doctor told her, pointing to the map. Amy rolled her eyes.
"You don't know what it is?" Rory asked.
"I'll find out, won't I?" the Doctor retorted. "Right aboooouuut.... now!"
The Doctor landed the TARDIS with the usual ear piercing whine, and darted towards the doors. Abruptly, though, he stopped, right in front of the doors, grinning like a fool.
"Actually..." he told the assembled humans. "Who wants to go first?"
"...What?" Amy asked after a confused silence.
"Who wants to go first?" the Doctor repeated. "Specifically because I'm nice."
"Why can't you go first?" John asked.
"Because I'm nice," the Doctor explain irritably. "Come on, John, listen for once."
John opened his mouth to argue, but Rory interrupted him.
"So, if you're doing this because your nice, why do you never do it?" Rory asked.
"Because none of you do it right," the Doctor replied. "Sherly, why don't you do it?"
Sherlock turned his nose up in disgust. "Absolutely not."
The Doctor pouted at his disappointing passengers. "Well, fine, I'll do it myself."
Spinning around dramatically, the Doctor gripped the TARDIS and, without any hesitation, he threw them open wide, letting in sunlight akin to a super nova.
Both the Doctor and the humans stepped back, making shouts of surprise and discomfort, but soon, thankfully, their eyes adjusted enough for them to make any heads for tails of what they were seeing. It didn't help, all they could see was white, and very, very light blue.
However, the Doctor, deciding that having blind companions would not be good for anyone, grabbed a couple pairs of identical circular sunglasses and threw them to the respective personnel.
"Wouldn't it be better to give us these before you opened the doors?" Amy grumbled, blinking the pain away under her sunglasses.
"Where's the fun in that?" the Doctor asked, grinning at her. He also had a pair of sunglasses on.
"Where even are we?" Rory asked, looking outside the TARDIS doors. All he, or anyone else for that matter, could see was bright whiteness in every direction. The had started figuring they were on snow, but there was nobody around. Who were they supposed to talk to? Rory was really getting tired of these 'jokes' the Doctor continuously played on his companions. They were getting a tad bit annoying. Just a tad.
"We're in a forest," the Doctor answered Rory, as if it was the simplest thing in the world. Everybody blanked at him.
"H-How the bloody hell are we in a forest?" John spluttered.
"Well, okay, fine," the Doctor corrected. "We're on a forest."
"Patience, please!" the Doctor sighed , looking at his watch. "You'll know in a moment or two, just give it a second."
"Give what a second?" Rory asked, but the Doctor cocked an (non-existent) eyebrow at him with a mischievous grin.
Suddenly, the TARDIS jolted. Not much, but it was there. It made everybody scrambled around a little bit.
"Doctor?" Amy asked warily, wondering what the hell had just happened. The TARDIS jolted again, and the Doctor ran across it to close the doors. But not before Amy saw that the snow was much higher than before.
"Doctor?" she called again, even more warily. The Doctor was beaming.
"All of you, hang on!" he shouted, grabbing a railing. "It's going to be very bumpy!"
"Doctor, what's-!"
And then the TARDIS started falling.
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