Gold is Edible
"That was awful," Amy muttered as she and the gang headed back into the TARDIS. "Are we going to keep trying to convince her?"
"Don't bother," Sherlock told them. "It'd be a waste. We need to go to the next spot on the list."
"Going, going," the Doctor muttered, running around the TARDIS, staring her up. "We'll be there in a minute."
"Where are we going?" John asked, studying the map he picked up.
"Who knows?" the Doctor laughed. "Everything's better as a surprise, right?"
"Um, no," Rory answered. "Not really...."
"Rory's right, shouldn't we maybe study where we're going first?" Amy suggested. "And find out who we're going to meet?"
"Nah, I'm brilliant," the Doctor assured her.
"What about with Sera... Sera... that person before," John asked.
"Oh, I was just caught off guard," the Doctor explained. Amy through up her hands.
"Hey, look, we're here!" the Doctor announced, turning away from Amy. "Let's go!"
The ponds and the Doctor walked out, and John started following them, but was stopped by Sherlock.
"This is probably odd for you," he told John. "But you aren't freaking out."
"I run run around with you, remember?" John asked him. "This is probably more odd for you, because you're out of your depth."
"Nothing is too odd for me," Sherlock argued as John headed toward the exit.
"Come on, you absolute child," John called back to him. Sherlock scrunched up his face in annoyance, but obediently followed John out anyway.
They left the TARDIS, and emerged into an almost normal looking building. The foyer nearly looked as though it could fit in on earth, if it weren't for the fact that everything was plated with gold. The floor, the walls, the ceiling, even the statue of the lion-dog statue posed like a horse in the middle of the room. The seats, where multiple people where sitting (glass people? Humans? Aliens? Who knows.) were gold too. It didn't look that comfortable.
Thankfully, the lighting was dim, so the shiny material didn't shine into the two friends eyes. Unfortunately, it meant that they had a hard time spotting the ponds and the Doctor, though there were only about fifteen people in the room.
"John, Sherlock!" a voiced hissed. The two looked to the left and saw the Doctor beckoning them. "Over here!"
After sharing a quick glance, John and Sherlock headed for their guide. They found themselves in a smaller room, probably for meetings, still plated with gold. In the middle of the room, there was a long table, but it looked vacant, except for the Doctor, the Ponds and the little girl from earlier, O.C.T.A.V.I.A's hologram. They were on the other side of the room, so John hurried to meet them. Sherlock, however, took his time, looking around the room.
Eventually, he reached John (who wasn't really paying any attention to the hologram, he was watching Sherlock), and whispered: "That's not gold."
John looked at him, surprised: "Really? What is it? Fool's gold?"
"No," Sherlock told him. "It's a plant...."
"A plant?" John repeated. "How do you-?"
"Yep," Amy confirmed.
"Um, yes?" Rory questioned.
"Of course," Sherlock answered.
"What?" John asked, startled and confused.
"John, please, we are talking about someones freedom here," the Doctor told him. O.C.T.A.V.I.A had disappeared. "Either pay attention or lie better. Anyway, let's go everyone, follow me!"
John was still confused. But he followed the Doctor anyway.
"I know what's going on," Sherlock bragged, coming up beside him. John gave him a scathing look.
"How? You were talking to me," John hissed.
"I multi-task," Sherlock boasted.
"Sure," John humoured him, rolling his eyes. Amy up beside him.
"Don't worry, I didn't listen either," she told him.
"You didn't?"
"No," Amy told him. "I hear stuff like that so often I tune it out."
"I tried listening to him," Rory told them from behind.
"We know, Rory."
"I didn't get it either."
"We know, Rory."
"Honestly, does no one appreciate my brilliance," Sherlock pouted from the front of the group, making sure not to go in the line of sight of the front desk. "Now, where's Aabdar Nahas?"
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