Amy's Choice
"Okay, okay, maybe that was a bad explanation," the Doctor admitted, giggling slightly. Sherlock rolled his eyes. "Right, but here's what I think is happening:
So, the Fremde came to earth because their plant was destroyed, I think that would have happened by now, and when they came to earth, UNIT (who else) wanted to check them for any sicknesses they may have. So, they designed and built that room for... testing? No, that's not the right word... hmm..."
"Is it like a vaccine?" Sherlock offered, raising an eyebrow
"Yes!" the Doctor agreed enthusiastically. "That's it, a vaccine!"
"Okay, but they did it on... all of them?" Sherlock questioned suspiciously. "That sounds a little stupid."
"And didn't you tell me that the Fremde can control the dead?" John called from the door.
"Yeah, and how'd it get to earth, if it's in a spaceship?" Amy shouted, just out of sight around the door.
"Hold on everybody, I'm still explaining," the Doctor called back. "Yes, I will get to those part, be patient:
Anyway, yes the Fremde can control the dead, so UNIT wanted immunity to that, so they made a really basic version of the virus, so the UNIT people's bodies know how to fight it. But the basic version of the virus had on command: to spread, so that's what they did, and they eventually got to everyone on the ship. As for why it's on earth, my guess is that one of they managed to get out and land on earth."
"Wait!" John called from the door. "I have it, too, I think. So why haven't I turned? Also what are those weird one eyed birds I keep seeing?"
"The 'birds' are the bugs trying to get into your system," the Doctor explained. "And I think you ave not changed yet because... you were a military doctor, right?"
"Well, that explains it," the Doctor said happily. "Considering what you probably did as a doctor, I think you're immune."
"But Rory was a nurse," Amy argued. "So shouldn't he be immune too?"
"He is," the Doctor agreed. "But John was an army Doctor, he must likely has more experience."
For a minute, no one spoke, they just tried to absorb all of the information. Of course, everything the Doctor had said was a theory, he could be completely wrong but it did explain a lot. Also, it gave them a lot of new stuff to worry about.
"Hmm," Sherlock mused. "So I'm assuming that the reason they were all motionless when we came was because they had gotten to everyone on the ship, and they didn't not have anymore targets?"
"Or the virus was still figuring out how to 'work' them," the Doctor suggested. "But your theory makes more sense."
Silence fell over the group as they thought about this. No one seemed to want to ask the question. Eventually, Amy decided to just screw it, and asked: "Okay, so what do we do now?"
The Doctor inwardly sighed, knowing she would not like what he would say next.
"Well," the Doctor said slowly. "I think it would be best if we called UNIT, to make sure they can clean up the mess on earth."
"And?" Amy promoted.
"And then," the Doctor sighed. "I think we'll have to get into the TARDIS and skip ahead a few weeks, or months, maybe years and then come back to make sure everyone's fine. But, Amy, I know you aren't going to like this, but... I think we might have to leave Rory behind. To get better."
For a few moments, Amy didn't say anything. But eventually, she sighed and surprised the entire room by saying: "I know."
"Huh?" the Doctor asked, nearly shocked.
"I'm not stupid," Amy told him. "I know this is the only way Rory'll get better. But if he stays, I stay."
"No, Doctor," Amy interrupted. "It'll be fine. I'm sure there's food around here. I'll be fine. And before you say anything. No, you can't convince me to leave."
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