A Summery Of The Oncoming Storm
Unfortunately, there was nothing else to find at the crime. Sherlock wasn't unhappy, though, as this was the most interesting case. However, John did not share his enthusiasm. In fact, John or the other man had hardly spoken since the incident. They both looked troubled and frequently looked out the window of their taxi. Sherlock was intrigued, but didn't dwell on it. Human emotions were something he never bothered to look into.
The problem got bad, though, as when they got to 221b Baker Street John was too shaken to give Sherlock any hints to where the drugs for cases were. No amount of yelling or shooting the wall would snap John out of his state. Sherlock was so frustrated he almost tried to kiss John to stop John from ignoring him. Fortunately, he thought of a much better solution before he could do anything silly.
John and Sherlock went through their day normally, but with a definite air of 'this isn't right'. John still looked traumatized and Sherlock was just waiting for the perfect moment. Eventually, John left to take his shower and Sherlock got ready. He grabbed his violin and when he heard the water start running he started playing. But he didn't play Bach or Beethoven, oh no, he played a very squeaky and loud version of 'Monster' by Skillet.
His scheme seemed to work, though, because he heard crash and a series of swear words from the shower. A moment later, John came out only wearing a towel and completely livid. They spent the rest of the evening with John chasing Sherlock down Baker Street.
The Doctor watched Sherlock and John run down the streets. He was glad Sherlock had been able to snap John out of his state. It took the Doctor and Amy and solid hour to get Rory back to normal (it involved a lot of plate smashing and TARDIS trips) and the Doctor thought they would have to go and help the duo. In fact, they were on their way when John and Sherlock came running out. The Doctor and the Ponds didn't stay very long after that. They were going to strictly avoid finding the reason John had only towel on and Sherlock was grinning to himself.
Once they were back, Rory told the Doctor and Amy the story of what happened on the crime scene. It was troubling and horrifying and gruesome, but the Doctor was excited. This was exactly what he needed. An alien invasion! What could be better?
The Doctor was so excited in fact, that he didn't even wait for the Ponds. He left Amy consulting Rory and, with a halfhearted excuse, left to his TARDIS. His destination was John Watson's childhood to see if there were any connections with Rory and that man.
However, the TARDIS had other plans. When the Doctor got out of his box, he found himself face to face with a mansion. It was nighttime and in the house, a light in the house clicked on. Shrugging, the Doctor went up to the mansion. To his surprise, he was met with a small black and curly-haired boy.
"Hello!" he called, but the boy just stared. The Doctor was reminded of Sherlock. "What would your name be?"
"My name is hardly of importance," the boy remarked, finding his tongue. "Who are you? Your not supposed to be here!"
"I'm the Doctor," the Doctor replied. "And, yes, I am supposed to be here." He took out his psychic paper and showed the boy. The boy scrunched up his nose at his.
"That papers blank," he reported. The Doctor was starting to grow worried.
"Well, aren't you clever?" he remarked. "And a clever boy should have a name.."
"I'm not-" the boy started.
"Well, how can I show you the universe, the stars, the moons and the planets if you don't tell me your name?" the Doctor asked quickly. The Ponds wouldn't approve, but he was the Doctor, so they would be cool with it.
"What?" the boy asked, clearly surprised. "While I see you are a traveler, how can you travel the whole universe?"
"I'll show you," the Doctor promised. "Just tell me your name."
The boy hesitated foe a moment, then he said "My name is Sherlock Holmes."
The Doctor drew in a sharp breath and young Sherlock looked at him curiously.
"I'll be right back," the Doctor muttered. He turned around, ignoring the heartbroken expression on Sherlock's face and ran to the TARDIS.
"Where are you going?" young Sherlock called, chasing him. The Doctor ran to the TARDIS and put his key in the lock. He couldn't change the past, not here. This was a fixed point in time and he couldn't interfere. So the Doctor did what he always did. He ignored Sherlock and left in his box.
The Doctor prepared to leave, but the TARDIS wouldn't let him. Or maybe that was him. The Musgrave Hall will burn tonight and Sherlock needed to be there. But maybe there was something else he could do. Yes. That's better.
It happened when the strange man left. Sherlock was heading back to the house when Mummy came running out. She was soon joined with his Dad and Mycroft. Mummy and Father were hysterical and panicking, while Mycroft was keeping his cool.
"What's going on?" Sherlock asked his brother while he was being dragged by Mummy.
"Don't be stupid, Sherlock," Mycroft sneered. "What do you smell?"
"I'm not stupid," Sherlock reported to his brother. "And I smell fire."
"Exactly," Mycroft said. "Now hurry up."
When they got out onto the lawn they found Eurus. She seemed to be waiting for them. Mummy and Father immediately ran to her and stared hugging her, sobbing. Eurus didn't react to them, she just sat there, smiling at her brothers.Eventually, Mycroft coughed to get her attention..
"Did you do this?" he asked calmly. Eurus grinned at him.
"It's so pretty," was all she said. Then she started singing the song she always sang. "I am lost, oh who will find me, down below the old beech tree..."
She continued singing, but Sherlock tuned her out, having heard the song a million time before. It still hurt him, though. He wished he could just forget this entire night....
A few weeks had past, and Sherlock had forgotten most of his night, and in the process, most of anything that would make him remember it. Eurus, his friend, the solar system, the man with the box...
So he didn't recognize the man with the bow tie. The man didn't acknowledge the night they met either, but he gave him a present. It was a skull, and no matter how many times Sherlock asked who it was, the man would never tell him. He would just respond with:
"This will keep you company until you meet him."
Sherlock didn't understand at the time, so he forgot the man again, but he never forgot his words. And years later, Sherlock finally understood.
Credit goes to angling-thpider on tumblr for the idea.
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