Chapter 1 - Golok
I am Samriddhi. Wait why am I even giving my introduction again when I already gave it to you? * thinking and then it strikes her head* Oh sorry, I had gone to sleep and memory had reset for few seconds. Anyways, I am here to tell the story, right. But I don't know where to begin from. *Starts thinking again*
*Brings her out of thoughts* Where is this voice even coming from. You might be thinking why am I even saying this. Actually, my entire room has thousands of racks of time globules surrounding my bed, dressing table and cupboard. These globules show me what is going around in the entire universe along with its different dimensions. Most of the time, the room is silent. But when a particular event is occurring at the same time, a specific voice or phrase gets echoed throughout the room. So, it's hard for me to understand which time globule started off that particular event.
Narad- *clears his throat*
Samriddhi- *turns around and gets shocked* Narad Muni, you are here. What bring you here?
Narad- I had come here to give you a message. But looks like you were busy somewhere.
Samriddhi- *smiles* Oh, actually I am in the process of telling my friends story, so...
Narad- Oh which story?
Samriddhi- The story which has love as it's base.
Narad- Oh for that why don't you start from where it all began.
Samriddhi- You mean, Go...
Narad- Yes, that place. Now describe it for them.
Samriddhi- Thank you so much Munivar. By the way, you had got some message for me?
Narad- Oh yeah, your friend was calling you.
Samriddhi- *smiles* I meet her later. Now let me my new friends this story.
Narad- Sure go on. *leaves saying Narayan-Narayan*
So, I will start the story from where it all began. That is Golok. You don't know Golok. You will get to know in few minutes.
Golok. The eternal realm of Sri Krishna and his love, Radha-Rani. Where Gopis would be busy in churning Makhan whereas Govalas will be busy in taking care of cows and milking them. The river overflowed with milk coming from the eternal ksheer sagar where Vaikunth was situated. Where trees were full of juicy fruits and shady leaves. Where the land was covered with lush green grass, which gave cows their fodder. Where peacocks and other cattles roamed with fear. Where everyone lived simple life, there was no difference between commoners and King. They concentrated in the worship of God and goddess of the realm who were also their leaders.
It was evening. Everyone was getting ready for the Raas-Leela. Radha was getting ready excitedly. Just as she put choodamini on her and started pining it in her hair, moonlight fell on face, making it flow. She quickly finished pining the choodamini and went to the balcony to look at the moon. Since it was full moon night, the entire area was lit up with moonlight. Radha's face lit up with a smile while looking at the surrounding. She quickly went inside her and quickly made the puja ki thali. After that she picked the dandiyas, which were made by her Lord specially for her. She took both the items in her hands and excited her palace.
She ran towards the open area where the raas-leela was about to take place. But just as she reached the area, she saw the other three wives of Krishna also hurriying to reach the place. She just smiled at them. Radha thinks"I don't want to get separated from my Nath again."
Somewhere in the Madhuban forest which was few metres away from the area, Krishna heard her wish. He gently smiled and thought, "But Radha, you need to be again separated from me. You need to again go to Earth in this Yuga, which is Kalyuga, to teach the mortals a important lesson of life which they are forgetting."
Samriddi Time to talk
I need to stop the story over here. Since it's late in the night for you guys and you need to save your precious energy for tomorrow's working day and also for listening to the interesting katha at night. I know you will wait impatiently but you should also learn to wait right? Now I will take your leave after giving you some questions to ponder on.
Why did Kanha want his Radha to leave him? And what lesson was he talking about? Why did Radha thinks she will get separated from her Nath?
*looks at the sky* Oh shit! I need to hurry otherwise my friend will kill me and not let me come back home on time to tell stories to you. By the way, you can also think about who is my mysterious friend. *Smiles and vanishes in thin air*
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