part 2
VII. [GMPLYS] Gameplay Strategies and Tricks
Increase the Brightness Setting:
The "normal" brightness setting is so dark that at times you can't see things
that should be quite obvious. So go into the Graphics options and move up
the Brightness and Contrast settings!
Save a Lot:
The most important strategy in the game: Save often!
There are 3 times when you should definitely save the game. When you win a
battle, before you go to sleep, and everywhere else. You never know when you
will go to a new area, have your best warrior charmed, and have half your
party killed. So save often. Also don't just save over the same slot over
and over, use at least 10 slots. This also means you should probably avoid
the Quick Save. Well... not avoid, just don't use it exclusively.
What I would do is to create an "Archive Save" whenever you enter a new major
area. So when you get to the beginning of a new area save it as "Starting
out in..." and so forth.
Start with All your Old Items:
[from Dranyth]
When importing a character from BG, or even re-importing a character from BG2
to go through again, you can retain your character's equipment in the
beginning of the game (I imagine this would work in multiplayer as well as
single player, but I've only tried it in single player). First, give your
character all the great stuff you want to start with and then Export him to a
character file, then start BG2 and start a single player game, importing your
freshly exported character with all his goodies as your new character. Then
when you finish your character creation it begins loading the first area, as
soon as the loading screen completes but before it actually starts the game,
hit the Spacebar once, now when the game starts you should be on a black
screen and paused.
If the game isn't paused, you'll have to start over after the whole in-game
sequence is over, but if the game is paused you should have your sidebars up
and everything (if it's a completely black screen you'll need to hit H to
reveal the hidden sidebars), and you can go into your character's inventory.
Immediately put all of your character's stuff on the ground, then exit his
inventory and unpause the game, that first cry you give is where you lose
everything that is on your character. Now, after the sequence is over and
you're finished talking with Imoen (when you first have control over
yourself), go back into your inventory and you'll see that all of your stuff
is on the ground right where you left it, actually sitting on the floor of
your cage. Take your advanced equipment and go forth to kick evil butt!
(hey, if Minsc can hide Boo...)
Editor's Note: Another way to do this would be to start a new Multiplayer
Game with a new character. As soon as the game starts, then
delete this character and import your old one.
Magic Items and the Monsters who Require that you Have One to even Hit Them
At some point in the game, you'll get the "weapon ineffective" message.
This usually means that you need a MORE magical weapon than the one you are
using in order to hit that monster. For example, Iron Golems require that
you hit them with a +3 weapon or better. Kangaxx the Lich requires +3
weapons or better, but his Demi-Lich form takes a +4 or better to hit.
Generally you can tell what "enchantment" a weapon is by looking at its
bonus to damage or THAC0. If a sword grants +5 to THAC0, it is probably
considered a +5 weapon.
Some weapons, however, have an "enchantment" far beyond their bonuses. Here
is a small list of weapons that do more than advertised:
Staff of the Magi, +1 THAC0, hits as a +5
Melf's Minute Meteors, hit as a +5 (and ignore magic resistance)
Mace of Disruption +1, hit as a +4
Mace of Disruption +2, hit as a +5
Daystar +2/+4 vs. Undead, hits as a +2 (boo!)
Flametongue +1, hits as a +4
Hammer +1/+4 vs. Giants, hits as a +4
Alignment Familiar AC HP Abilities
--------------- ------------- -- -- ----------------------------------
Lawful Good Pseudo Dragon -2 24 50% magic resistance, renders
victims unconscious, casts Blur
Neutral Good Pseudo Dragon -2 24 (same as above)
Chaotic Good Fairy Dragon 4 24 32% magic res., casts Invisibility
10' Radius & Mirror Image 1/day
Lawful Neutral Ferret 0 24 50% magic res., 75% Pickpocket,
40% Stealth, 20% Detect Traps
True Neutral Rabbit -4 16 50% Detect Traps, 30% Stealth,
75% resistance to fire, cold, elec
Chaotic Neutral Cat 0 24 20% Pickpocket, 99% Stealth,
50% magic res.
Lawful Evil Imp 2 18 Polymorphs, 25% magic res.
Neutral Evil Dust Mephit 6 24 Casts Glitterdust 2/day, 10% magic
Chaotic Evil Quasit 2 24 Casts Horror, 25% magic resist.
Note: To get items that were pickpocketed by a Familiar, talk to the
Familiar and ask for any items they have.
Also, familiars get upgraded in Throne of Bhaal, see that section
above for more information.
Familiars are great. Sure, only the Main Character can have a familiar
(which means that if your Main Character can't cast Magic, you won't get one)
and sure if they die then you permanently lose one point of Constitution.
But Familiars make the best spies. They move faster than anyone else. Cast
invisibility on a Familiar and you can scout out an entire area. (too bad
they can't check for traps)
The best feature of Familiars? They add HP to their mages! Say you summon
a 24 HP Pseudodragon (size-wise think of that little dragon Eddie Murphy
voiced in "Mulan"). Then your mage gets a bonus of half that dragon's HP
added to himself, or a bonus of +12 HP.
Familiars are NOT fighters. Never use them as such. At best they have
special attacks that can render opponents helpless. In fact, unless you have
a specific task you should keep your familiar in your Backpack. To put them
there, talk to the Familiar (you have to click the Talk icon) and ask them
to go in your pack. They are completely safe in the pack. To get them back
out again, simply right-click the Familiar.
Note: If you are a Sorcerer, DO NOT LEARN THE SPELL FIND FAMILIAR!! You
can only learn a maximum of 5 spells per level and you don't want
to waste it on a spell that you cast ONCE. Buy a scroll and cast it
from the Scroll. (Put it in the Quick Item slot, then at the main
screen click that scroll) You will also find this scroll in the
De'Arnise Hold if you are having trouble finding it.
Warning: Familiars can be LOST during transitions to and from various
areas. Some that I know of are the Planar Prison and Jarlaxle's
pocket dimension. What happens is your party is automatically
teleported to a new area, but the Familiar is left behind. That
familiar is then lost for good.
Trick: The easiest way for a non-mage character to gain a Familiar is to
use Alex Malano's "Anyone can cast Mage Scrolls" strategy. Just
pause the game, go to your inventory, right-click a potion in the
backpack to drink it, then swap slots with the Find Familiar scroll
and the potion. Leave the inventory and unpause. You will cast
the spell and get a Familiar.
Trick: Using familiars as a bag of holding: Certain familiars can
pickpocket people, including party members. There seems to be no
limit to the amount of stuff they can keep on them. Drop all the
stuff except what you want to get store in your familiar. Have him
pickpocket you until he gets all of it. Interesting way for a solo
mage to get all the loot in a dungeon out in one go.
[from Xander77]
Trick: You can, of course, export a character after they got the HP from
the familiar. Then when you start a new game, you'll still have
the extra HP and can then summon a new familiar. Repeat as
desired. However, at that point, you're better off just getting
ShadowKeeper ( and setting
your HP as high as you want.
Keeping Summoned Monsters
[from Xander77]
The take away monster: The trick for taking a group of summoned creatures
through a doorway and into another area is fairly simple. Concentrate your
party near the doorway. Concentrate the monster group farther away from the
doorway. Pause your game. Have the monster group attack a character in the
party. Select the entire party (NOT including the summoned monsters). Click
on the doorway to enter it. Voila! You are now in the new area and your
summoned monsters have followed you there. At this point, they are colored
green, but are not under your command - the talk icon is shown when you click
on them (they have nothing to say, if you wonder). They will attack any
enemies they see, though. But this is not quite over. Save your game. Load
it. The summoned creatures are now under your command.
This works with 80% of the doors that only have a "Loading" screen when you
enter them, and 40% of the doors that have both "Saving" and "Loading" screen
when you enter them.
Duplicating items via Simulacrum
[from Xander77]
Have the book of many spells in your quick item slot. Summon a Simulacrum.
Make him turn the page in the book. The book should disappear from his quick
item slot. Kill the Simulacrum. The book is amongst his remains. This works
ONLY with the book of many spells and ONLY in SoA.
Full strength Simulacrum
[from Xander77]
The mechanic which the game uses for creating a Simulacrum is fairly
simple -- create a duplicate of the caster and afflict him with level drain.
If you cast a Simulacrum then cast restoration on him, you will get a full
strength duplicate of the caster. This obviously works best with a fighter
using Vhailor's helm. Make sure the Simulacrum has a couple of healing
potions in his quick item slot.
Weapon Effects While Shapeshifted:
[from K.C.]
When a character shapeshifts the effects and equipped abilities from whatever
weapons were equipped will still be in effect. I found this out when my main
character turned into the Slayer and his claws still had the stunning effect
of the Celestial Fury. Later I gave Cernd the Staff of the Ram and sure
enough when he turned into a werewolf he was still able to knock opponents
Cromwell the Smithy:
Throughout the game you will get spiffy little pieces of great items. These
pieces can then be put together by Cromwell the Smithy. His average price
is 5,000 gold and it takes a day or two to make. Oh, and you have to stay
and help him (so, I hope you weren't already late for something).
Here is a list of things he can make:
Item Needs (where it is)
The Equalizer Sword -- Pommel Jewel of the Equalizer (Irenicus' Dungeon)
Hilt of the Equalizer (Mind Flayer City, Underdark)
Blade of the Equalizer (Beholder City, Underdark)
The Wave Halberd -- Wave Blade (Sahuagin City)
Wave Shaft (Planar Prison)
Gesen Short Bow -- Gesen Shaft (Tanner's House, Bridge)
Gesen String (Spellhold)
The Crom Faeyr -- Scroll of Crom Faeyr (Shadow Dragon)
Hammer of Thunderbolts (Illithid Lair, Sewers)
Gauntlets of Ogre Power (Planar Sphere)
Girdle of Frost Giant Strength (Underdark)
Mace of Disruption +2 - Mace of Disruption +1 (Bodhi's Lair)
Illithium Ore (Athkatla, Bridge District)
Vorpal Sword -- Silver Hilt (On a Githyanki, Slums, Chapter 6)
Silver Blade (Saemon Havarian, Spellhold)
Ankheg Plate Mail -- Ankheg Shell (Windspear Hills)
Shadow Dragon Leat. -- Shadow Dragon Scales (Abandoned Temple)
Red Dragon Plate -- Red Dragon Scales (Windspear Hills)
These are without a doubt the most powerful artifacts in the game. The Crom
Faeyr is probably the best of these, since it sets one's strength to 25.
(it's a War Hammer with +5 to hit)
The Wave Halberd should be kept for ToB as it kills elementals in one hit.
Cromwell Trick, Don't Lose your Ingredients!
[from Alessio Ronchi]
Cromwell takes your scales away only after he finishes his work and not when
he begins.
Of course this method works with EVERY artifacts Cromwell can forge. So if
you are disappointed because you have to give up the girdle of frost giants
to make the Crom Fayer, just kill and resurrect your player who carries the
artifacts and that's it! (I used Harper's call because it costs nothing and
doesn't make you lose 1 point of CON). Oh, you should attack someone who has
few HP, otherwise you just risk to injure him and nothing else... and your
stuff is are gone.
So this is my procedure:
1 - make someone attack your "carrier" before talking to Cromwell
2 - talk to Cromwell and have him forge your artifact
3 - watch...
4 - resurrect and recollect!
Editor's Note: I hear you can also just pause the game and remove the item.
Other Assembled Items:
These have nothing to do with Cromwell, but are assembled nonetheless.
Flail of the Ages -- Flail Head (Cold) (De'Arnise Hold)
Flail Head (Fire)
Flail Head (Acid)
Bronze Horn of Valhalla -- Silver Horn of Valhalla ("Fish" House, Bridge)
Diamond (anywhere)
Iron Horn of Valhalla -- Bronze Horn of Valhalla (Maheer, Promenade)
Beljuril (In a Chicken, Umar's Hills)
Human Flesh Armor -- Human Flesh (Tanner's House, Bridge)
Silver Dragon Blood (Underdark)
The Horns of Valhalla are made by Maheer in the Waukeen's Promenade. See
that section for more details.
Mordenkainen's Sword has a Greenstone Amulet:
[from Dranyth]
I was in Firkraag's Temple in the area just past the Orcish-Archers-behind-
the-walls ambush, in the hall where you get attacked by the various golems.
I happened to get attacked by an adamantite golem and two stone golems and
backed off to let the stone golems into the room to take them out first, then
went back up to see what I could do about the adamantite golem. I cast
Mordenkainen's Sword and sent the sword after it while I sat back and
watched. The golem had just coughed up one of his mini-Cloudkills and after
a round or two my sword somehow got poisoned by it and began taking 1 damage
a second. After it took 36 damage, the sword died. On the sword's body was
a Greenstone Amulet!
While I was writing this it occurred to me that if it had it when it died,
perhaps you could pick pocket it... so I just summoned a Mordenkainen's
Sword, had Yoshimo quaff a potion of Master Thievery to ensure success, and
sure enough, when I pick pocketed the sword it gave me a Greenstone Amulet!
I believe this is a very regular occurrence then, I hope it will be useful.
As I haven't fought Illithids yet, I'm not sure if these Amulets are that
useful against them or not, but from their description I'd imagine so...
ToB Note: This was removed for Throne of Bhaal.
Healing Flame Trick:
[from Mike O]
It turns out that raising a character's resistance to something above 100 not
only blocks all damage by that kind of element, but actually heals the
character by a small amount relative to the amount of damage that should have
been done. The place I discovered this is also probably the best place to
take advantage of it - in the Temple Ruins. If you stand on the incorrect
letter of the room where you are supposed to spell out Amaunator's name you
will get nailed repeatedly by a Flame Strike spell. But when I used the Red
Dragon Scale in conjunction with a Fire Resistance ring and one other item I
can't remember to raise different character's resistances to fire above 100,
I could just sit them there and watch their health bars quickly raise. If you
are evil in alignment you also get to enjoy their screaming in pain as they
roast :) Any trap that causes damage of a certain type repeatedly will work,
though fire traps are probably the most useful since items that provide fire
resistance are more common than any other kind.
Editor's Note: There are also Fire resistant spells. Further, this works
with any Resistance over 100%, including weapon resistances!
You really want a high reputation. The higher the better. Even if you have
an evil party you want a high reputation. If you have a good or neutral
party, try for a reputation of 20, if you have an evil party, you still want
a reputation of 18 (the highest you can go before all the evil people start
leaving). Because of these various things, I would not recommend having a
mixed alignment party. By mixed I mean good and evil combined. The best
part about a good reputation is that everything is given the "hero discount",
up to 50% off of items in stores!
Note: If you get an Evil person to join and your reputation is ALREADY
above 18, then they will stay. Unless your reputation changes
again. If you start at 20, get someone to join, then go down to 19
they might leave anyway. [from Moby]
Trick: You know how if your reputation hits 19, evil people will leave the
party? You can prevent this if you have Viconia. Whenever Viconia
joins you, you lose 2 Rep. Whenever you dump her, you gain 2 Rep.
So, whenever I found a quest where I would get a reputation point
reward (after my reputation had reached 18), I would just load the
game to a saved game before getting the reward, dismiss Viconia
(and ask her to wait right there). My reputation would become 20.
Then getting the reward would not change the reputation (since max
rep is 20). Then get back Viconia, and rep falls to 18 again. This
means that rep will always be 18 (you can always dump her to buy
and sell stuff, then get her back). I don't know if you need to
remove Edwin and Korgan too, but I believe they should be removed
before your rep hits 20 when Viconia is removed. They may not gain
some of the quest xp. Still, Viconia's level was good enough for
turn undead [from Jafar Sadeq, [email protected]].
Level/Ability Drain:
One of the more annoying abilities of Undead creatures (Shadows, Wraiths,
Vampires) is their ability to drain your characters stats or levels. First,
it should be noted that Stat drains are TEMPORARY and given some time your
stats will return to normal. No special action need be taken.
However, LEVEL drains are NOT temporary. They must be reversed with a
Restoration spell. Priests get the spell "Lesser Restoration" with their
4th level spells (A Priest must be on level 7 to cast 4th level spells).
There are also Restoration scrolls and temples offer that service as well.
Until they are restored, your people will be operating as though they were on
a lower level, however they still accrue experience as normal; so once
restored they will be fine.
The main character can have a bit of a romantic subplot with certain
companions who join you.
Male Character -- Viconia, Jaheira or Aerie
Female Character -- Anomen
Romances can only start in the city, or outside, NOT in a dank dungeon.
(usually, there are exceptions) I'm not entirely sure how these work and
assume that they just "happen". There is a slight consequence to having a
romance with someone, but it doesn't come up until Chapter 6.
Romances are essentially just the NPC and your character chatting.
Relationships develop depending on your reactions to what they say. For
example, Viconia respects strength, Jaheira honesty and Aerie niceness.
Also, Romances have various subplots related to them:
Viconia: attacked by a Drow and a Yochlol
Jaheira: attacked by Bandits*
Aerie: no subplot
Anomen: Seeks revenge for the death of his father
* I'd recommend downloading the Jaheira Improved Romance file, which you
can find here:
The Viconia romance has a "bad" ending no matter what you do. That is, you
sleep with her, and she then decides to break up with you. Nothing you can
do about it, really. It should also be noted that Viconia sleeps with you
really fast, then treats you bad before giving in to you once more.
In order to get a positive ending with Aerie, you must choose to NOT sleep
with her. This still ends the romance (completes it, you could say), but
on a more positive note.
Haer'Dalis and Aerie can even have a little "fling." (I've heard on the
official boards that Haer'Dalis was originally meant to be the second male
romance, but that it was taken out due to time constraints. That is, in fact
why he has a fling with Aerie, it was meant to be a Love Triangle, where he
eventually chooses your character)
Some things to keep in mind about romances:
The gender of the main character for romance purposes is fixed at the
very beginning of the game. This means that the girdle of gender bender
will not have any effect on romances, and that you can start a multiplayer
game with a male character, then switch to a female character and pursue a
lesbian romance with Jaheira, Aerie or Viconia (or vice versa with
Anomen - perish the thought). (Per Jorner)
Dropping a love interest from the party will terminate the romance, so
don't start one with someone you aren't willing to keep around permanently.
This means that you won't be able to juggle Viconia for the reputation
shifts if you're seeing her. (Alan Cherry)
Also, a bug in Jaheira's script will break the romance off if she gets
petrified after you're been summoned to the Harper Hold. After you de-stone
her, Jaheira immediately takes off for the Harper Hold when you try to have
her rejoin the party, even if you've already gone there. You can pick her
up at the Docks, but the romance is still over. (I didn't know this had
happened until Aerie started flirting again). You'll have to reactivate the
romance from the console to proceed with it. (Alan Cherry)
Editor's Note: You could reactivate it with the console:
or you could just download the program Shadowkeeper.
The romance talks work on real time not game time, for instance if your
having a romance with Aerie and she talks to you on day 10 you couldn't
rest in an inn for 10 days and then she'd speak to you. Rather it seems
you have to wait about 30 min to 1 hour of your time before she speaks to
you again. Unfortunately this doesn't mean your romantic NPC is going to
speak to you every time sometimes you have to do something else before they
talk to you again e.g. Jaheira won't talk to you after a while if you
haven't done the bandit quest. (Miguel)
Jaheira Note: Firstly if you buy Jaheira a necklace from a merchant in the
docks area (next to the temple) and then tell her you have
feelings for her this will start a romance with her, however
you will not get summoned to the Harper hold (after the Xzar
quest) until you have done the bandit Quest. Then After
being summoned to the hold and completing that section the
entire Harper quest is then tied up with Jaheira's romance
talks, after 2 or 3 chats the next part of the Harper quest
continues. (Miguel)
Romances will be continued in Throne of Bhaal.
Also, you might want to visit the BG2 page at:
To find some interesting utilities dealing with romances.
Limited Wish:
The limited Wish spell can be very powerful... however it can also have some
pretty dire consequences. When cast it summons a Genie who will grant two
types of wishes: repeatable and one-time wishes. By repeatable it means that
you can wish for that again (such as healing your party), a one-time wish
disappears after it is cast once. Whether you can wish for something at ALL
is determined by how much WISDOM the caster has. Then whether the wish
is successful is also based on WISDOM.
Andrea Nicoli has this tip:
I experimented them with Nalia (little dumb girl with only WIS 9) and
lost all my spells. Then I discovered that, if you do not wait
for the Dao to speak with you, but talk to him yourself quick with
another character (I used Aerie who has WIS 17) you can get the whole
list! (I think that in this way you can get your big fighter to receive
the shapechanging ability, but I could not try because I had already used
the one time wish). In this way you do not need a high WIS mage to cast
this spell.
Repeatable Wishes: Wisdom Result
I wish for my entire party to be healed. (WIS 10+) -- Heals the party
I wish that none of my party would die (WIS 9-) -- poisons the party
of their wounds.
I wish that spells I have cast would be (WIS 16+) -- get Spells back
restored, that I might cast them again!
I wish for my spells to be restored! (WIS 15-) -- lose Spells already
I wish to make my party invulnerable. (WIS 12+) -- casts Globes of
Invulnerability for
the party
I wish that magic would fail to affect (WIS 11-) -- Party can't cast
me or my party. spells
I wish to summon a horde to overrun my enemies. -- Summons a rabbit
I wish to be protected from the undead. (WIS 10+) -- Negative Plane
Protection, Party
I wish to be protected from undead (WIS 9-) -- Summons Vampires
right now.
One Time Wishes:
I wish to be rich. (WIS 10+) -- gives 2000 gold and
several gems
I wish for a powerful magical item. (WIS 11+) -- Full Plate +2
I wish to be more experienced. (WIS 3+) -- summons several
Golems to fight
I wish to see all as it really is. (WIS 12+) -- Glasses of
I wish for an adventure like none (WIS 10+) -- starts the "gong"
I've ever experienced before. quest, and gives
you a scroll
I wish for control over time. (WIS 14+) -- casts Time Stop
I wish to be anything I desire. (WIS 6+) -- Allows you limited
I wish to be prepared for anything. (WIS 10+) -- casts Chain
I wish that all my enemies will die. (WIS 11+) -- casts Wail of the
Dual Wield Meteors:
[from Lani Weaver]
Here's a great tip for those dual or multi-classed fighter-mages: Put all
the slots you can into dual-wield, dual wield your best weapon in your off
hand, then cast Melf's Minute Meteors. You will throw the meteor, then
attack with the weapon in your off hand, from any distance!
Lockpicking for fun and Profit:
[from George Adam III]
Since your party gains experience for doing simple things, such as detrapping
and unlocking, there are naturally a few tricks to maximize this.
If you want to behave yourself and not steal from the shopkeepers, you
can still gain the experience from lockpicking their chests. There are no
consequences (rep. decrease, guards summoned, etc.) as long as you don't
actually open the chest.
Pickpocketing Strategies:
[from Henning Roes]
I spent some hours and pick-pocketed nearly everybody in the game who was not
hostile. It's easy even in the beginning with Jan and a potion.
Commoners and Peasants: Nothing, 1-10 gold and minor spells
Amnish Soldiers: 20-40 gold and a 30% to get a scroll (up to level 8)
Nobleman/Noblewoman: jewels and gold
It's worthy to take several trials on the last two categories if you need
money and spells in the beginning.
Special items:
Ribald in the Adventurer's Mart, Waukeen's Promenade: Ring of Regeneration
Guardian Telwyn in the Temple of Helm, Temple District: Helm of Glory*
Tolgerias in the Council of Six Building, Government District: Ring of Ram**
Taquee the Djinn in Trademeet: Bottle of Efreeti
Lord Feveron, in the Bridge district: Scroll of Simulacrum
Lady of the Keep, de'Arnise hold: Scroll of Protection from Normal Weapons
* Quest reward, if you want to have it before completing the quest
** He will drop another one after defeating him in the Planar Sphere
Regardless of how high the thieving skills are, there's always a 1% of
failure. Quicksave is a must. It's possible to steal from everybody who has
a cyan circlet. So you can steal the Ring of Gaxx and get another one by
killing him (but this seems to be cheating). Charming the creature increases
the chances of pick-pocketing, but don't do this to important NPCs.
A Stealing Trick:
[from David Weldon]
Here is a strategy that I used to great effect once I got the thieves
guild stronghold. It actually only requires that you find a merchant
who will buy stolen goods.
First, save up 20K or so to buy the most expensive item you can find in
Athkatla. Buy that item, then go sell it to the merchant who will buy stolen
goods. (for example, Jayes in the right part of Waukeen's Promenade)
Have a thief drink 5 or 6 potions of master thievery (you won't need any
more after this, so use all of them that you can buy from local
merchants if you want. I generally stopped at around 250 or so Pick
Proceed to steal and sell back the same item over and over to the
merchant. You can rack up any amount of gold that you would want, and
then never have to worry about stealing anything again.
I actually bought and sold 4 items at a time, because that's what you
can click on the interface screen without moving the slider. I netted
about 30000 from the four items each time, and in less than 5 minutes I
had more gold than I will ever need.
It's a lot more rewarding to rip off the thieves' guild and laugh at how
stupid their merchants are than it is to just edit your gold amount with
a cheat or editor. At least, I felt so!
[from Clayton a.k.a. Lord Nazgul, Monk Savant]
What you need:
- some gold (the more the merrier)
- a store selling high quantities of the items you want (i.e., selling 5
fireball spells as opposed to selling 5 single different spells)
- something to sell (that short sword the goblin had works well)
- a buyer with lots of room for the purchase
What you do:
- Select the items you wish to purchase (taking multiple copies where
available). The cost will go up as normal, but don't worry about the cost
yet. Notice the cost though.
- BEFORE purchasing, sell the short sword (or whatever else). Upon
completing the sale, you'll notice the cost will drop to the price as if you
only selected a single copy of each item.
- Complete the purchase. You will be allowed to make the purchase as long
as you have enough money to cover the "cost" that is displayed. The game
however still tries to charge you what it should cost. However, it will not
leave you with a negative gold value.
I've tried this in a number of stores now, and it has worked well. Works
especially well with the merchant at the city gate. He had some nice
scrolls, but I didn't have enough to purchase for all my mages. I figure
he's owes me one after I stopped him from getting killed.
Leveling up a Dual-Classed Mage Quickly:
If your main character was one class, and is now being dual classed to a
mage, you will be at quite the disadvantage until your old class abilities
resurface. (which happens when your current level, exceeds your old class'
level) To speed things up, we take advantage of the Experience for Spells
First, save it. Then kick everyone out of the party. Now buy every spell
you can, and learn every possible spell. Not only are you gaining
experience, but you will be quickly gaining whole levels. This probably
won't get you above your Dual Class requirement, but it will help a lot.
Learning more Mage Spells than Normal:
Normally mages are limited by their Intelligence as to how many spells they
can learn per level. For example, someone with 17 INT can learn only 14
spells per level. To get around this, simply drink a Potion of Genius (or
other INT raising potion) and learn all the spells you want. This also works
to increase the ODDS that you successfully learn the spell.
Although an easier way to increase the odds that you learn a spell is to
temporarily drop the difficulty of the game to 'normal' where all spells are
Anyone can cast Mage Scrolls:
[from Alex Malano]
First, go into the inventory screen and drink, use a potion (may work with
other use items, however I have not tested this). If you're playing in
multiplayer you'll need to pause first.
Then, replace the location of the "drunken" potion with any scroll of your
choice, and exit the inventory screen.
If done correctly, the character should start to cast the spell, and the
potion is not used up.
Editor's Note: Also an interesting way to get a non-mage main character a
Gem Replication Trick
[from K.C.]
Remember that bug cheat in BGI that let you replicate gems? You would place
a potion in your quick item slot, replace it with a gem, and then "use" the
gem twice to change the number amount. It still works in BGII. Just R-click
on a potion in your inventory to drink it and swap it for a rogue stone, for
example. The number will disappear. Now do it again and the number changes
to 65535, which is FFFF in hexadecimal notation. This is more than enough
gold to finance your entire game all the way through ToB.
Editor's Note: If you're in multiplayer, make sure that game is PAUSED
before doing this trick.
"Fake Talk" as Applied to Stealing from Shopkeepers:
[from Aleph]
Kudos to your "talk-fight" strategy. I have expanded on this a bit, and
would like to give you another way to use it beyond dragonslaying...
it's called the "Absent-Minded Shopkeeper".
1) Enter store.
2) Save game.
3) Ask to see goods and start stealing away from the Steal screen.
4) The second you are caught and the steal screen disappears, hit space
bar. Don't even wait for the normal screen to come back.
5) While paused, click on the storekeeper again (talk function) and
unpause. If timed right, you will be able to talk to them again, and
thus continue stealing. You can also quicksave while paused if you
doubt your reflexes.
6) At the end, talk to the shopkeeper without getting caught and you
should be able to walk away without their turning red, rep loss, etc.
Great places to steal are the armorer in Waukeen's Promenade, the mage at
the back of Ribald's, the scroll guy in the Promenade, Gareth's contact
(for glasses of ID), Trademeet (for acid club, inertia belt, others),
and Underdark. Also note that while you can't steal from Ribald's
goods, you can pickpocket him for a ring of regeneration.
Note: There are times when this strategy will fail, causing the people to
go hostile anyway.
Stolen items can then be sold at any shopkeep whose goods are "stolen".
(Roger the Fence, the Thieves Guild, etc.)
Manipulating Things, without anyone Noticing:
[from Rolander]
For some reason, if you are stealthed or invisible and you manipulate those
objects, you do NOT come out of stealth/invisible mode and enemies (if
present) will remain ignorant of your presence. Dunno if it's a bug, but
it can avoid some unnecessary battle if you use a stealthed/invisible
character to go in, activate and get out. (e.g. in the Shade Lord quest, I
used a stealthed character to grab the 1st sun gem and snuck him past the
gathered shadows without a fight)
Getting an object from someone without killing him:
[from Nathaniel Ragatz]
Not wanting to kill off the fellow captive clonewoman who mistakes you
for Irenicus I charmed and then used pickpocket on her to get the key
needed to remove one of the wands in the later wand-trap room. I used
the same trick on Mook (the only Shadow Thief that detected as good)
in order to steal the shipment from her for Bodhi. It may help to
cast doom or greater malison on the target to make sure the charm
spell works. Keep in mind that you may need a high (potion enhanced)
pickpocket skill to do this and Mook's shipment weighs 50 pounds.
Getting hostile people out of the way without fighting:
[from Nathaniel Ragatz]
After I pickpocketed Mook I wanted to put her someplace she wouldn't
attack me when the charm spell ended. I brought us over to Mae Var's
guild (which I had already cleared out) used the trick where I told
her to attack a party member just before we went through the door.
Once inside I left Mook and hand the party leave. Mook stayed inside
and wasn't around to attack my party when the spell wore off, this can
be used on other hostiles as well.
Another way to get rid of people without losing Rep:
[from Nathaniel Ragatz]
Use a charm person or dominate spell on someone you want to get rid of
(this turns their circle green and makes them an ally under your
control). Then send them to fight the nearest monster without a good
weapon in hand. If there is no nearby monster just cast summon
monster spell and shoot one is a ranged weapon this turns summoned
monsters (except dire wolves) hostile (shown by their circle turning
red). The monster usually attacks party member or ally that is
closest to it (which will be the individual you want to get rid of if
you position them right).
Why do this? You don't get any exp but you get rid of bad people that
hide behind the rest of society. One example is the merchant that
tries to blackmail you into paying for his caravan in one of the
fighter stronghold subquests. People you sometimes give items or gold
to, such as this merchant may drop it if they die-thus you can give in
to the merchants demands and then get your money back (don't think of
trying this on shopkeepers as this will not work and you will not be
able to shop there again). Note: If you get rid of people important
for later subquests (like the Roenalls) before you do them then you
loose the chance to do that particular subquest (which can mess up
some of the fighter stronghold subquests as well as freeing Nalia when
she gets arrested).
Monks can wear Keldorn's Armor:
[from ROB]
If you read the description for Keldorn's Armor it mentions that "few others
than" he can wear it. Interesting. Turns out that Monks can wear it, if
they have these stats:
15 STR
17 CON
12 INT
18 CHA
You can, of course, improve your stats via items. Say you have only 14 STR
and 3 CHA. So, if you put on the Girdle of Hill Giant Strength and the Ring
of Human Influence, you will raise your stats and could then wear the armor.
This is the ONLY armor that Monks can wear! It has an AC of 0, +1 to Saving
Throws and Free Action on its wearer. Of course, when your Monk hits level
18 his natural AC is just as good as the armor, making it almost pointless.
(You still get the Free Action and Saving Throw bonus, of course)
So, if you have a Monk, go find Keldorn and swipe his armor. If you want
Keldorn in your party and feel bad about this, just remember that he can wear
any armor he wants, while your Monk can only wear Keldorn's.
Fighter/Mages and the Corthala Family Armor:
[from Henning Roes]
The Corthala Family Armor can be equipped by your main char if you can wear
leather. But you cannot wear it if your WIS is too low. Drink a potion of
insight, equip the armor. Then try a dispel magic on him and the additional
WIS is gone but the armor is still equipped. Good armor for a fighter/mage
early in the game since you can cast spells while wearing it, and it doesn't
evaporate in the sun like Drow armor.
Editor's Note: The minimum requirements for wearing the armor are:
6 STR, 18 DEX and 11 WIS
Also, this only seems to work on dual classed Fighter/mages.
(Multi-Classed Elves and Half-Elves can't wear it)
Fighter/Clerics with the above stats can also weaer the
Special Abilities:
Your main character (Protagonist) starts the game with the special abilities
that he/she had in Baldur's Gate. THESE ARE NOT SET IN STONE. If you
created a new character from scratch these will be: (based on main
character's Alignment)
Lawful Good: Neutral Good: Chaotic Good:
----------------------- ----------------------- -----------------------
Cure Light Wounds 2 Cure Light Wounds 2 Cure Light Wounds 2
Slow Poison 2 Slow Poison 2 Slow Poison 2
Draw Upon Holy Might 2 Draw Upon Holy Might 2 Draw Upon Holy Might 1
Vampiric Touch 1
Lawful Neutral: (True) Neutral: Chaotic Neutral:
------------------------ ---------------------- -----------------------
Larloch's Minor Drain 2 Cure Light Wounds 2 Cure Light Wounds 2
Horror 1 Horror 1 Horror 2
Slow Poison 1 Slow Poison 1 Draw Upon Holy Might 1
Draw Upon Holy Might 1 Draw Upon Holy Might 2 Vampiric Touch 1
Vampiric Touch 1
Lawful Evil: Neutral Evil: Chaotic Evil:
------------------------ ------------------------ ---------------------
Cure Light Wounds 1 Larloch's Minor Drain 2 Larloch's Minor... 2
Larloch's Minor Drain 1 Horror 1 Horror 2
Horror 1 Slow Poison 1 Vampiric Touch 2
Slow Poison 1 Draw Upon Holy Might 1
Draw Upon Holy Might 1 Vampiric Touch 1
Vampiric Touch 1 (new charts from Death Crow)
Souma has an interesting Evil Abilities strategy:
I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised by how useful some of those evil
powers are. Well, it is when you use the Call Woodland Beings spell (with
Jaheira natch). Not only do you get to cast Mass Cure as a Level 4 spell
instead of a Level 5 (sort of), but if you don't need the Nymph getting in
your way afterwards, you can use those evil Larloch's Minor Drain and
Vampiric Touches on it and gain big hit points temporarily.
Eventually you will lose these special abilities when Irenicus finishes
what he began at the beginning of the game. Soon after you will gain a
new ability, to become the Avatar of Bhaal, the Slayer. The Slayer is
immensely powerful, and immune to just about everything. However...
There are a couple things to keep in mind about the Slayer. First, you
lose 2 reputation points every time you become the Slayer. Not much, but
it can add up if you use it too often. Second, if you stay the Slayer for
too long at one time, you will die and the game will end.
Larloch's Minor Drain Trick
Casting Larloch's Minor Drain on yourself has some wonderful effects. You'd
think that you would lose Hit points, but you gain it back from the spell...
and more! You can actually heal yourself with an offensive spell.
Gain More Hit Points at Level Up
Casting Draw Upon Holy Might before going up a level (until level 10, after
which this becomes pointless). This increases your CON, which for most
characters, will give them bonus Hit points. Because your CON is higher
when you gain a level, you will actually gain more hit points than normal.
These hit points even stay with you when the Holy Might goes away. Very
useful way to use the main character's special abilities. This is especially
useful for fighter type main characters as they gain the full bonus from
having a high CON.
Dual Classing Restores Traps
[with generous assistance from the Lord of Fire]
One way to get Yoshimo's (or anyone's) Set Traps ability back (after having
set a trap) is to dual class, then cancel that dual. When that is done your
old abilities are restored to you, including your set traps.
Note: Kicking a thief out of the party will reset their traps as well,
however, any monster killed with the trap will NOT give you
"Sandman's Ring" and the Solo Thief
[from Xander77]
Most people I know, sort of disregard the "Sandman's rings" (the ones that
allow you to become invisible once per day). I found the invaluable for a
soloing thief char. You can hide in the shadows, walk into a battle, backstab
someone, turn the ring on, and then either walk out of the screen (if
somebody starts casting a True Sight spell or some such, or if you want to
let their defenses drop) then walk into the battle and backstab again. There
are 6+ such rings throughout the game, so you can make 6+ backstabs per
battle. And you don't have to use up potions or spells. (I really love
once-per-day use items, because I don't feel that I "wasted" something when I
use them)
Raid Watcher's Keep Early
[from zambkptkn]
Because Watcher's Keep is a high level dungeon, most people avoid it entirely
until late SoA or sometime in ToB. This is a mistake. Hit the first level
of Watcher's Keep early in Chapter 2. You probably won't be powerful enough
to take out the level's final guardians, but that can wait until later. All
you want to do at first is snag some of the fairly lightly guarded items on
the first level that will make your adventuring life much easier.
Specifically: The Golem Manual, the Case of Plenty +1, the Quiver of Plenty
+1, and the Ammo Belt. All can be acquired by a party of even 8-10th level
if properly equiped and played. At the very least, buy the Potion Bag from
Sister Garlena. You don't have to fight anyone for this and it is more than
worth the trip! The only downside to this strategy is having to keep track
of the Ritual Scroll and the Vigil Stone so you can have them when you are
ready to clean out the rest of the keep.
Project Simulacrum Images
[from Timy Gadeholt]
I discovered a neat little trick while playing BG2. If you have a sorcerer or
mage cast Simulacrum, both the caster and the simulacrum can cast Project
Image. Even better, the images can then cast Simulacrum on themselves (so
you now have 4 duplicates), which in turn can cast Project Image on
themselves. You can keep going on like that to get a huge army of simulacrums
and images, all of which can cast spells individually. So you could have one
group of copies casting insta-death spells on enemies, another group casting
spells like Greater Malison and Breach, and another group casting summoning
VIII. [GNRLMN] General Monster Fighting Strategies
Basic monster fighting strategies (ones that tend to work well against all
monsters) are in this section. The following sections have specific advice
for dealing with the tougher monsters.
Basic strategies
[from Xander77]
Backstab from someone powerful is always good.
Melf's Minute Meteors/Bolt of Glory/Ram's ring ignore magic resistance.
The Inquisitor's Dispel makes every mage battle a lot easier.
Greater Malison + Doom + Instant death spell (Finger of Death, Polymorph
other, heck - even Chromatic Orb) = (usually) instant death.
Slayer kills everything.
The Invisible Door Blocker Strategy:
[from Phobia]
What you do is make a guy invisible with a ring, potion, stealth, etc. and
have him stand in a doorway (if the doorway is too big, you can have two
people standing there side by side, this only works in doorways that you
can stand in, the HUGE ones don't count). Then you send someone into the
room, the invisi-guys will move to let him through, then go back into
place, when the enemies see you, run back through the doorway. The enemies
will run into your invisible characters and not attack them because they
can't see them, then you can take the enemies out with spells and ranged
Editor's Note: I would turn the Party AI off for this strategy. You need
to prevent your invisi-guys from attacking and becoming
A Defensive Spin Trick:
[from Tim Marshal]
Blades can move while in defensive spin. All that is needed is to have the
free action effect on the Blade before or during the spin (i.e. potion,
spell, ring). Haer'Dalis has become one of my best lure characters. Equip
him with Stoneskin, several items that grant magical resistance, and the
ring of free action. Have him go into defensive spin and you are nearly
The "Fake Talk to the Enemy" Strategy:
This is one of the bigger exploits in the game, and it is incredibly
simple to pull off. Many enemies start out with the Light Blue circles
around them indicating that they are neutral, which means you talk to them
and they become hostile later. (Or sometimes they talk to you)
What you do is this. First make any normal battle preparations (cast
protective spells, haste and whatnot), then PAUSE the game. Now click on
every enemy as though you were going to TALK to them. Then switch over to
attack mode and Force-Attack your enemies. When you unpause the game they
won't attack you. And if there are more than one enemy, the others will
wait a while before attacking, watching you take out their comrades! This
can be repeated as often as desired, and if you want to keep doing it, be
sure to pause about every 5 seconds and continue it. (they will become
hostile after 6 seconds -- one round -- and attack you)
Where is this strategy MOST useful? Dragonslaying, of course! The three
dragons in the game all start out with Light Blue circles around them. So,
do the fake-talk to them, and start attacking. You will get quite a lot of
time before they raise their defenses, time that you can use to do some
Note: There are times when you absolutely should NOT use this strategy.
Some monsters don't die, instead they start talking when they
get close to death. With the Fake Talk, you won't reach this
point and the monsters will never die. Don't use it on Lassal,
Kangaxx, Lavok, Irenicus and anyone who is particularly crucial to
the plot.
Tough Battle Tips:
[from Adar]
Some basic strategies that I have heard of to kill tough monsters:
- Back away from the monster so that you can't see it anymore, then cast
Cloudkill. If you're a sorcerer or have the wand, drop as many
Cloudkills as you can. Their effects stack.
- Use a Monk's "Quivering Palm" attack to kill it.
- Have a Kensai/Thief backstab it.
- Have a Cleric cast Thac0 modifying spells on self, then cast Slay
Living on target. (Adar)
- Summon forth a Pit Fiend, then keep the party out of the battle.
Jan's Bruiser Mates in Overdrive!
[from Nolan Wright]
Jan's Flasher Master Bruiser Mate work exactly likes glyphs or skull traps.
One way to take advantage of this -- in battles with most liches or dragons
when you have to speak to activate the fight -- one can fire his amunition at
your own party. They will hover next to where the party member was but won't
explode because they aren't hostile. I've found that if you make a stock of
these it can make some of the hardest battles easier.
Project Image and Cloudkill:
[from Jafar Sadeq, [email protected]]
I rested once before killing the black dragon. I used the cloudkill
strategy, had Nalia memorize 3 project images and 6 cloudkills (using a
ring of wizardry). Then just project image, hit 6 cloudkills in general
direction of dragon, quickly kill the image with the best fighter (my
beastmaster dual-wielding the bone club and gnasher) so I could get another
image and set off more cloudkills as soon as possible. It took all three
images' cloudkills, otherwise the damage would be so slow that it would
cast heal before it could be killed. (I once managed to get an image to
project another image, but wasn't been able to repeat it.) I did not rest
once after this and finished the game without using any spell other than
one Protection from Evil 10'.
Editor's Note: Project Image is probably the most useful spell in the game,
and the easiest one to abuse as well. Using Project Image
you can have the image cast every spell you have, and when
the Image disappears, you will still have all those spells.
Also, the Image has no summon limit, it can summon as many
monsters as it wants. Very useful to summon up a dozen
Skeletal Warriors (or in ToB, a half dozen Planetars).
Infinite Lightning Bolts:
[from Brawny Lam]
I was fighting Kuo-Toa in the underdark exit: In the heat of battle, I
accidentally got Imoen to cast lightning bolt on my ranger PC. Luckily
enough my ranger was wearing the Cloak of Mirroring, so the lightning bolt
got reflected back to Imoen, who was wearing the Cloak of Reflection, so
the lightning bolt kept being reflected back and forth from my ranger to
Imoen and vice-versa.
Now here's where it gets interesting. Every time a lightning bolt got
reflected, the original lightning bolt would continue to bounce around the
room. So after a couple of reflections, I had about 4 to 5 lightning bolts
bouncing all over the place vaporizing everything in their path. I was
quite happy that the Kuo-Toa were being turned into ash before my eyes, but
not quite so happy when it killed my entire party as well, except for my
ranger and Imoen, who were still reflecting lightning bolts back and forth.
Not sure how useful this trick is, but I thought I'd mention it since its
cool looking at all those lightning bolts flying all over the place. It'll
probably be more useful if the party was protected from electricity.
Editor's Note: This doesn't work with a fully patched ToB game, where the
cloaks no longer bounce the lightning bolts.
Set Snare Tricks:
Strategy tip for dragons and other tough battles: I went to the
Windspear Hills right after doing Nalia's Keep on my first run-through,
and when I reached the Red Dragon. I was still quite low level, as I hadn't
done any of the town quests except Aerie's circus and the slaving ring in
the Copper Coronet. I figured, oh what the hell, I'll give it a go anyway,
and proceeded to prep for battle. By chance, I remembered Yoshimo's set
snares ability, and strung snares all around the big lizard before
attacking. They must have accounted for at least half the damage I did to
it, and I managed to kill it without any severe injuries to my party. And
there I was with a +5 Holy Avenger and no freaking paladin to wield it!
Anyway, I thought I should mention this as it seems many people have
overlooked this ability on the BBs I've looked at, and it can prove
invaluable in any number of combats (especially those you can prep for).
IMHO it makes the bounty hunter far superior to the other thief kits.
[from Geoff Ulreich]
To expand on that tip, lets consider this: with not only Bounty Hunter
kit's Set Special Snare ability, even a regular snare cannot be stopped by
any creature's resistance stats or saving throws. What that means is
thieves' snares are, in actuality, the best weapons in the game for
defeating just about every boss and mini-boss. What I usually do is to set
traps around dragons (they never initiate attack), rest, set some more,
rest, and set more.... Since snares do not 'expire' when you rest, you can
essentially blanket an entire area with snares. Not only can you do this
around tough enemies such as the dragons (Yoshimo killed the first two
dragons for me without a single member of my party having to go on attack),
but also such as the Mind Flayers, Beholders, and other tough(er) enemies
in this game, some of which you can not even go near without layers and
layers of protective spells. Just lure them to an area FILLED with traps
and Voila! [from Willis Su]
As you can see, this is so unfair it runs into game-balance issues --
another reason I was reluctant to share the tip. One warning to anyone
trying such a tactic: be diligent in removing snare notations on area
maps, or the map WILL cause the game to crash, since it's NOT designed
to handle so many snare notations.
Juky & 649 of 711 have a better Snares Strategy:
My cousin and I have found a really neat trick. With any thief or bounty
hunter, you can set infinite traps. Have the thief set all his/her traps,
and then reform your party. Remove the thief from the party. The thief
will then move to talk to your main character. He/she will ask your main
character if his/her services are still needed. Say yes. The character
will rejoin the party, and all his/her traps skills are refreshed.
I have tried this many times with Yoshimo, and it has made certain tough
battles a lot easier.
Note: You can also just click Dual Class, then Cancel to get your Snares
back. [from SMShadow]
This method is actually preferred, as the traps of a kicked-out party
member (even if they return) won't net you any experience.
How to Kill Civilians (without really trying):
[from Willis Su]
For those that are able, cast the necessary protection spells (Protection
from Evil), and summon forth a demon (Cacofiend, Gate, etc.). The demon
that you summoned will tear everyone in the vicinity to shreds without
affecting your reputation. Just make sure your party can contain the demon
so it kills whom you wanted it to kill, or else you may start to lose
quest-vital NPCs. This is in response to those neutral
characters/townsfolks that sometimes turn hostile either through thievery
on your part, or due to some other scripting bug. Use it cautiously.
The Death Spell
The Death Spell kills all monsters with 8 or fewer hit dice. (A "Hit Die" is
roughly the equivalent of a level) There are a great MANY monsters in the
game that fit this bill, including, but not limited to:
Trolls (although they'll still need to be hit with Fire or Acid, but you
get double experience for killing them twice)
Umber Hulks
Mind Flayers
The Death spell will instantly kill these bad guys. However, Mind Flayers
have Spell Resistance at 90%... which does limit its usefulness against them.
(Although the Flayers guarding Phaere are considered "summoned" and will die
instantly against this spell)
RCL has many battle tips and strategies:
"Um, seeya" strategy
I just wanted to emphasize that many groups of enemies (especially ones
with mages, such as the Slum Slavers or the second-floor enemies in the
Guarded Compound) will be much easier to kill if you move immediately back
downstairs/out the door, etc. (into another game area map) after they
decide to attack you. Some will follow you and some will not, and even if
they do, they do it one at a time instead of moving as a group like yours,
giving you windows to take them out one at a time. Also, if the
spellcasters do not follow you out, that gives you an opportunity to wait
until their protective spells expire before you go back in.
"Not another summoned creature!" strategy
For some of those monsters that have special attacks or cast spells, send
in a lot of little summoned creatures (one at a time) to bamboozle them
into wasting their memorized spells and special attacks (such as Dragon
breath), which I believe are limited in number. If you can control the
creatures, make them walk around the monsters a bit to induce the monsters
to cast spells instead of using physical attacks.
Marking enemies' location with junk
There are times when you want to move out of the enemy's sight and use
spells like cloudkills, etc. to kill him. An easier way to remember where
they are so that you can cast those spells is to drop some junk as markers.
Even with the fog o' war you will still be able to see the junk from far
For example, I killed the red dragon while virtually no one was severely
hurt by:
1. Walked right next to him and dropped some junk and set some snares.
2. Made him hostile, by sending in one character to talk to him.
3. The character then got out of the dragon's sight immediately.
4. Summoned any creature at spots where you know the dragon can see them
rising but cannot touch them without walking up to them. The dragon
naturally chose to use his breath on that creature, usually killing it
before it even started to walk.
5. Repeated with summoning creatures large and small, until the dragon
stopped using his special attacks...
6. Cast some area-attack spells where the dragon was, and then
7. Haste -> breach -> group charge -> dead dragon -> holy avenger and
dragon scales.
The 3 basic high level insta-kills
[from Xander77]
1) Chain Contingency + 3 Horrid Wiltings. Basic for killing groups of
enemies. If used to kill a single tough enemy, a spell sequencer - 3
pierce shield or 3 lower resistances is good beforehand. Also - Set the
contingency, rest, trigger the contingency in battle, then immediately
set the same contingency again.
2) Timestop + Improve Alacracity. Make sure your PC auto pauses after a
spell is cast. Lower Resistance, Pierce shield, then go Whacko. With a
Robe of Vecna + Amulet of power, your level 1 spells Magic Missile and
Chromatic Orb will have a casting time of zero, so cast the whole lot of
the first, then go with any kind of (overkill at this point) spell you
feel like.
3) Shapeshift + Timestop. Once Timestop kicks in, Shapeshift into the
Mindflayer. During Timestop, all your attacks are auto-hits. So once
timestop ends, your enemy is dead.
A stat drain will kill most of the unkillable "vital to game progress"
NPC's - even the ones immune to the CTRL-Y insta-death cheat. So,
Shapechange - Mindflayer kills all.
VIII.1 [GLMSVI] Golems
Golem Trick:
[from Greymane]
There is a great little trick for defeating any Golems you might run into.
Simply take the Ring of Earth Control and use it's Control/Charm Earth
Elemental ability on the biggest Golem around. Despite the description of
the spell, it actually works on the golems too! It might take a couple of
tries, but you can rest in the same room as the golems and try again. After
you've gotten the biggest on there charmed, let him kill off the others and
then loot the treasures before the spell wears off.
Clay Golems:
Clay Golems MUST be hit by BLUNT weaponry to score effective hits. Sample
blunt weapons are: Clubs, Maces, Morningstars, Fists and Staves. Hit them
with anything else and you will get the "weapon not effective" shtick.
One exception to this are weapons that have bonus damage, such as +1 fire
damage. The weapon itself won't hit, but it will still do its fire damage.
Iron/Adamantium Golems butchering
[from Xander77]
You can just engage the golem in hand-to-hand with +3 weapons, of course, but
I wouldn't recommend it - they deal massive damage and are usually contained
in rooms with exits through which they can't fit. The only place where they
run free is Suldanessalar, and there you can use the invisible door blocker
to keep them at bay - just have her move away a meter or 2 when the golem
uses the gas attack. A character wielding a +3 two-handed sword can
reach the golem and hurt him, while the golem can't hurt him. The gas attack
is sometimes capable of hurting him and sometimes not - haven't quite worked
it out. If it does hurt, just move the character away until stops. Go back
to hacking away at the golem.
- Personally I don't care for this one, but if you're desperate for the
experience and don't have any other means of handling the golem, you can
lower his MR once or twice then magic missile him to death. The golem only
has 80 hp or so - not too tough a task.
- Melf's minute meteors - ignore magic resistance. One casting is enough to
kill a golem (some kind of ThacO spell is preferable beforehand, though).
Great for killing magic resistant creatures.
VIII.2 [DMNSV2] Demons
Demon Fighting:
Find yourself fighting some mighty demon? Pit Fiend? Glabrezu? Well fear
no more! Simply cast Protection from Evil on your party and they will
ignore you! This is not a guaranteed strategy, some demons will attack
you anyway.
Demons killing
[from Xander77]
- As this FAQ mentions, protection from evil 10 feet radius works wonders.
Most random (non quest related) demons won't see you, thus giving plenty of
time to ambush them.
- Going hand to hand. Actually not that bad of an idea. By the time you start
running into demons, you should have several +2/+3 weapons in you party (if
you don't, you probably won't manage to get through the area where the demon
is) so you're capable of hurting him. There are often several annoying
distraction - quasits, genies, and such - around the demon. Get rid of them
using some are destruction spells. Then your buffed up (haste, chant, chaotic
commands on the main char [hold and stun protection] etc) party charges the
demon. A few ruffled feathers later, he should be dead.
- Bolt of Glory - 2 of those should handle most any demon. Possibly an extra
shot from the Rams ring and/or Melf's minute meteors. The reason all the
aforementioned work is because they ignore magic resistance (which the demon
has a plenty).
- Desperate measures (if you have to rely on this, then you aren't quite
ready to face demons yet) surround the demon with aerial servants and fire
elementals. They get stunned and slaughtered, but they have plenty of hp, so
you'll have some time before he turns to you. Now lower his resistance and
magic missile him to death (damn, this game would be a lot harder is some
monsters just bothered learning Shield)
- Slayer change. Also counts as desperate measures for handling one measly
demon, but it does the job quite effectively.
VIII.3 [NDDSV3] Undead
Turning Undead Strategies:
[from Xander77]
Cleric undead turning is really awesome - much easier killing them off with
tanks. One turning - and the undead explode. What's even better then is an
evil clerics (I.E - Viconia) undead turning - you don't blow up undead, you
turn them to your side. Generically speaking, your cleric level is usually
more then enough to turn the weaker undead you're facing to your side.
Beginning with level 20 you can turn Liches to your side.
Now to my point. Turning undead DOES NOT interrupt invisibility. So you can
cast one level 2 spell (which lasts 24 hours) on Vicky, and have her run
around turning undead. Its really fun walking around with 20-30 undead
allies following you. No risk involved.
Vampire Fighting:
[from Jeremy Treanor]
I found that having two clerics (Viconia + Aerie, my first time through)
does absolute wonders in the vampire dens and other places where there are
undead creatures affected by sunlight. Two simultaneous castings of false
dawn knocked out every vampire that swarms around you. If they should
survive, they're still confused and more than a little vulnerable.
The Mace of Disruption and Vampires:
[from Xar]
In Chapter 3, get into the lair, get the Mace of Disruption and pull back.
Upgrade it with the Illithium. With the Mace +2 and a Helm of Charm
Protection (or similar), one character can clear the entire nest. (The
vampires will obligingly leave their door open while you spend a day or so
with Cromwell.)
Editor's Note: You get the Illithium as part of the "Sir Sarles" quest that
the Temple gives you.
Fighting Monsters who Level Drain:
[mostly from Travis Archer]
There are many types of undead that will "drain" your levels when they
attack. You may be a level 12 fighter, but that vampire just made you
into a level 10 fighter. This is easily fixed with a Restoration spell,
but there are some other consequences of level drain as well. When a
spellcaster is drained, they lose their higher level spells.
So, to protect against this: Memorize your most important spells first. That
way, they're the last spells to get level-drained. Examples of Important
Spells: Lesser Restoration, Raise Dead, Heal. This makes mopping up after
vampire encounters a lot less annoying. When you restore levels, spells are
not re-memorized, so don't forget to do this before you rest.
Negative plane protection, which protects from level drain, has a
disappointingly short duration, and having to memorize and cast it 6 times
before a fight is obnoxious, so I recommend that you do one of the
1) Cast it only on your spellcasters (re-memorizing spells is annoying)
2) Keep your casters in the rear and don't cast it at all
3) Use limited wish instead to protect your whole party with one spell.
(best choice)
Lich hacking
[from Xander77]
- Sunfire. It's a shame that you can't have 2 daystars, since that option
doesn't hurt party members. Move your entire party except for the mage and
the guy with the daystar into the corner. Make sure that the guy with the
daystar won't be hurt with the mages sunfire. If possible, try to make sure
that both sunray and sunfire go of just as the lich appears. That usually
does the trick. If extra assurance is needed, then use ring of the ram before
the sunfire/sunray combo.
- Turn undead. If your cleric is level 20+ you can either blow up or control
the lich. This goes through all his protections. If you control him, either
use his spells against another enemy, or have him waste them into thin air,
then attack him.
- Annoying long way - have a bunch of summoned creatures mob the lich where
he first appears. If he manages to kill them all, summon a few new ones,
(better waste summon spells then to have him sling instant death spells at
the party). Now take your time while dispelling his protection. Ruby ray of
reversal, Khelban's warding whip (though if you have access to those, you
probably can just turn him with your cleric) breach, etc. Eventually he runs
out of protection spells and you can just pepper him full of bolts and
arrows. Cast a true sight before the lich appears, to dispel the
invisibility/mislead that he is sure to cast.
- Summoned creatures. Already outlined in this FAQ and my favorite strategy
for dealing with mages. Move your entire party, except for one guy, into the
corner. Put a summoned monster or 2 where the lich is supposed to appear.
Have the lich appear, talk to the char and turn hostile. Now have the char
run to the corner. The lich should turn up a few defenses, then fry the
summoned creatures. Then. it just sits there, waiting for its protections to
go out, because it sees no enemies on the screen. Wait a minute or 2, and
send another summoned creature in. If the lich's defenses have run out, he
should cast some new ones. Just keep doing this until he runs of out defense
spells (or, if you're extra cautious, until he runs out of major attack
spells) then charge him with your entire party. PS - Using a wizard eye or
farsight to supervise, make sure that the creatures gradually move him
towards the party. This strategy depends on the lich not seeing the party.
Note: The above works only if your summoned monsters keep the enemy well
away from the party.
- Stoneskin + Protection from evil + Polymorph self. Turn into a jelly and
just sit there. The lich's pit fiend can't hurt the jelly and the lich should
take care of him himself. The efreet's first few opening numbers are spells,
so you don't have to worry about that. If he hangs around long enough to run
out of spells and start attacking you physically (unlikely) just have your
party take him out. Your Stoneskin should absorb a few blows anyway. By the
time you Polymorph ends, the lich should run out of defenses and use up most
of his spells. Now go and kill him.
- Protection from undead - the lich doesn't even see you. Wait until his
protection from magical weapons runs out, and just wallop on him. The only
drawback is having to refresh the spell. If you have the protection from
undead amulet, then it's just unfair.
- Mace of disruption +2. Ignores all protections (even protection from
magical weapons) on a critical. Also known as BOOM.
- Lich in the in at the town gates - door skipping cheat. Run through the
door whenever he begins to cast a spell. The spell is wasted. Run back in.
Wash-rinse-repeat until he runs out of spells. Doesn't work in ToB.
Fighting against liches and especially against time stop. Use fog of war to
your advantage, hide in the "fog" and summon creatures to attack the lich
(don't follow yourself, only send your new minions). You won't be able to
see anything but you will get message at the bottom to know what's going on.
The Lich will waste some of its spells, usually wasting its Time Stop as
well. Don't cast all your summoning spells at once, Death Spell will get
rid of them all. [from Max Chen]
VIII.4 [DRGNSS] Dragons
Dragon slaying
[from Xander77]
Luckily enough, most dragons in the game allow you to surround them and buff
up before taking them on, except for the lame black dragon and the even lamer
abyss dragon. They still alert you to their presence and give you time to
buff up, though.
Buff up and surround him is actually all you need, but here is a more
detailed game plan:
Note where the dragon is, and do the following just outside his sight (for
the shadow dragon specifically). Drink any potions you feel like drinking
(some stuff to raise your resistance to his breath weapon is good). Summon up
5 long-term monsters. Fire elementals (druid) invisible stalker, skeletons,
Killthix (the spider figurine). Cast protection vs evil 10 feet (most dragons
are evil, it will protect both you and your summons, and should last you
until the end of the battle and then some). Now get your personal buff spells
up: Stoneskin, Blur, Mirror image, Fireshield for mages. Ironskin, Barkskin,
Armor of Faith and maybe celestial protection for druids/clerics. You can
also do draw upon holy might/ strength of one, but I usually don't bother -
it does little good, and wastes one round of protection spells. Maybe a
Simulacrum from Vhailor's helm and a lesser restoration on it now. Now for
group buffing spells: Bless, Chant, Defensive Harmony for druid's clerics
(you should have 2 clerics/druids and 2 mages/sorcerers in the party). Haste
for the mages and maybe mass invisibility (level 6), and. that's it. The
preparations are over. (You should start casting the next spell as soon as
you're done with the previous, except from Bless Chant and Defensive
Harmony - those should be cast just before you run into combat)
Run up to the dragon and make 2 circles around him. One circle, which touches
the dragon - summoned creatures. One circle, which uses ranged weapons - the
party members. The point of this arrangement is to make sure that if the
dragon uses his breath weapon, he can't hurt more then 2 summoned creatures/
1 party member at the same time and to make sure that if the dragon uses wing
buffet on the summoned creatures he doesn't hurt your party members. Note:
The shadow dragon will cast a death spell on summoned creatures if he sees
them, so its best that they go into the 4 corners of the room while hugging
the walls, and converge on his location when you're ready to begin the
Now issue a formal challenge to the dragon (or not. Doesn't make much of
difference). Personally I prefer to challenge him when everyone has just
began casting their spells. Have everyone attack. The Dragon should go
Stoneskin + haste + greater malison + lower resistance to breath weapon
(btw - if your resistance if equipment based, you can get it back up by
taking your stuff off and re-equipping it) + (maybe) immunity from magic
weapons. You go: remove magic to handle the haste and the immunity to magic
weapons. Pierce magic to handle to Stoneskin and take his magic resistance
down. 2-3 Lower magic resistance. Now just magic missile him to death. (Did I
say that this game would be a LOT harder if monsters bothered learning
Shield?) You can add smite evil/silence/bolt of glory/lighting bolt and other
damage spells to the mix just for the hell of it, but magic missile is the
greatest dragon killer of them all (fireball happy guys - ice storms aren't
that bad of an idea. Especially since summoned creatures that get caught up
in the damage don't seem to turn hostile). When and if he manages to kill
some of your summoned creatures, take a moment to summon a few more. Make
sure that he's always boxed in between at least 3 monsters, and is therefore
unable to move up to one of your characters and attack her.
Note: You can, of course, have you fighters attack the dragon in hand to
hand. Makes it a bit more exciting and a lot more dangerous. Magic
missile-ing him to death is a lot easier. If you do go for the hand to
hand - good resistance to breath weapon is nice. So is improved haste
on your main dragon slayer. Make sure to surround him from several
sides, so that he won't be able to breath on 2 or 3 characters at
once. And when he blows you off the screen with the wing buffet,
consider it as a break in the action and take a round or 2 to fully
heal up.
That should handle any dragons in your path. The black dragon and the hell
dragon give you time to buff up and summon, but you can only form a
half-circle around them (try to get the summons to circle them, though).
PS - The greatest Dragon slaying tip I ever got, from Charlie Yeah Charlie:
Polymorph him. Ok, so it's the toughest squirrel you'll ever have to fight,
but at least he don't look so tough.
3 of the 4 Dragons (in SoA) have no resistance to electricity and even the
4th one is weak against it. This is where lighting bolt come in. Bounce it
off the wall a few times and watch their HPs go down. [from Max Chen]
VIII.5 [NMYSPL] Enemy Spellcasters
Mages have increased in power by LEAPS and BOUNDS since Baldur's Gate.
They're much more annoying now. Two spells in particular make them tough
to fight: Contingency and Sequencer. These allow mages to cast spells
almost INSTANTLY at almost any time. Then add in their new protective
magics -- Protection from Normal Weapons springs to mind -- and defeating
mages in Baldur's Gate II becomes much more difficult.
Mage does: Protection from Normal/Magical Weapons
Counter with: Breach (lvl 5)
Mage does: Shadow Door/ Invisibility AND Protection from Normal Weapons
Counter with: Purge Invisibility or Glitterdust or Remove Magic
THEN Breach
You cannot Breach anything that is invisible, so you have to get them
to be seen first.
Note: True Sight dispels any and ALL protections from the illusion school.
That's right, no more Mirror Images, Simulacrums or Invisibility!
(or thieves hiding in the shadows, for that matter)
Dispel Magic is more of a "clean up" dispeller to be used in sequence
with Breach. It usually takes care of whatever Breach doesn't,
leaving your enemy mage wide open. I like this spell for its
versatility (removing negative and positive status) but you're
better of using Remove Magic in sequence with Breach as you won't
end up removing your own protections, plus you'll want to save your
Dispel Magics when baddies start throwing out Maze spells.
Generally, Ruby Ray of Reversal gets rid of everything that protects
from spells while Breach takes care of anything that protects from
weapons and elements. [entire NOTE from John Winkleman]
I let my archers take care of mages most often, so countering their Globes
of Invulnerability is not a priority. A Spell Thrust could be used to cut
a Minor Globe out, however.
Two spells that work wonders against mages are Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting
and Skull Trap. Don't target the mage directly, but drop the spell just
off to the side, this bypasses their direct protections, and can hurt
them pretty severely.
Summon Nishruu/Hakeashar
Leo Wang recommends summoning Nishruu (and their higher level counterparts,
Hekaeshars) to deal with mages. Nishruu are mage-eaters for the most part,
as they are drawn to mages like bees to pollen. Magic attacks heal the
Nishruu and best of all, Nishruu cause mages to forget spells. Summoning
up these bad boys make the end game mages (such as Irenicus) pretty easy.
Nishruu are a 6th level spell, and Hakeashars are 7th.
Cyrille Artho doesn't think too highly of Nishruu's:
Just a comment about the usefulness of Nishruus and their "relatives": I
used them now and again vs. wizards, but did not like it very much when
one of my Imoen was charmed and turned against me (incidentally she had
summoned the Nishruu herself). What would the Nishruu do? After I killed
the enemy mage, it would "home" on Imoen. Until I had realized that and
disposed myself of the Nishruu, it had already eaten some magical items
(among them the Bracers of Protection!). That really pissed me off, and
I didn't use Nishruus anymore. Not to mention that they might also
degrade items that you would otherwise pick up after the battle.
Henning Roes has an interesting tip for fighting mages:
Normally the high-level mage casts heavy protections on himself and it
takes some time to take them down. In my second game I found a new
strategy to get rid of their protection-from-magical-weapons like mantle
etc: I used normal weapons in that case. I didn't do that in my first
game because I wanted enchanted weapons as much as anyone. So I never
thought about how useful non-magical weapons are.
Fighting the Cowled Wizards for Fun and Profit:
[from JP]
You can't cast spells in Athkatla unless you want to face the Cowled Wizards.
And if you want to get them off your back you must pay Corneil at the Council
of Six building. I finished the game as a paladin (I imported my character
from Baldur's Gate) and then played it again as an Invoker. I didn't want to
pay Corneil the 5,000 gp because I saw the cowled wizards as a potential
source of both gold and exp. If you want to face off with the Cowled
Wizards, here's what I recommend:
1. Isolate your mage from the rest of your party.
2. Go to a spot anywhere in Athkatla (I did this near the archway in the
bridge district) where there are only a few people, lessening the risk
of killing someone accidentally.
2B. Drop a bit of Junk on the ground to mark this spot.
3. Cast a summoning spell, preferably summon nishruu. The "spokesperson"
for the cowled wizard should appear shortly after the nishruu
materializes. Don't expect the nishruu to do heavy damage. His only
purpose is to distract the cowled wizards from attacking you.
4. Don't wait for him to appear! Quickly walk away from him and then
attack him using your nishruu.
5. He'll say something short and three or four other cowled wizards will
appear to attack you.
6. Walk away until you don't see them anymore (or until they're covered
by the fog of war). Your nishruu will attack them and they'll attack
your nishruu.
7. Look for your Junk. It marks their position.
8. Wait for a few moments to let some of their protective spells expire.
You don't have to wait that long anyway. Cast shadow door.
9. Cast area effect spells like death fog, cloudkill, web, ice storm,
skull trap, etc. On the ground near where you last saw them. You can't
see them and they can't see you, but you know where they are, so use
that to your advantage.
10. Use multiple web spells if you have to so that they don't approach
you. In time, they'll all die and you get around 14000 exp. Search
their corpses for potions, scrolls and gems.
I did this a lot times and it paid off rather well. It's not infinite.
You'll eventually face a high level wizard, who will cast time stop and
summon a pit fiend. Before I could beat him he cast dimension door and
The final fight with the cowled wizards will occur when their spokesperson
tells you that the highest members of their order have come to fight you.
To beat them, simply repeat the process I said about defeating them. But be
careful! One of them (her name's Zalladora, I think) can (and probably
will) cast two time stop spells at the beginning of the battle! Keep your
distance from them. When Zalladora is near death, she'll attempt to cast
her third time stop spell. If she does, she'll cast gate and summon a pit
fiend and cast dimension gate to get out. It's up to you if you want to
prevent her from escaping or if you want to fight the pit fiend instead.
Either way, if you survive, the cowled wizards will never bother your
spellcasting in Athkatla again.
Matt Warner has an easier way to cast spells in Athkatla:
I've just found a neat little way to rid yourselves of the
interference of the Cowled Wizards without paying the hefty 5000
gold bribe, or going through the effort of killing wave after wave of
wizards until they give up on you, though that will probably yield a
bit more treasure than my method. If you just want to be done with
them quick and easy, do this:
Have a mage cast any spell that will attract the attention of the
wizards, stoneskin or mirror image work well. Of course, so does
everything else but those spells are nice and non-offense.
A lone wizard will dimension door in to yell at you before bringing in
several more wizards to kill you. He'll have some kind of hefty
enchantment up (stoneskin?).
The *instant* he actually shows up (i.e. has the blue ring around
him), pause. Employ the fake talk strategy: Have someone talk to him
and unpause. Pause again (before anyone actually walks over and
starts talking to him) and force-attack him while he still has the
blue circle around him. You probably won't be able to hit him due to
his powerful protection spells, but this doesn't matter. Every 5
seconds or so, back off and fake-talk him again. As long as you keep
doing this, he won't go hostile and his friends won't gate in.
Within a short period of time, his spell wears off and he returns to
a more normal-looking color. He will now fall easily.
After this, no more wizards will show up and attack you for
spellcasting. Apparently, since he never gets to speak, the game
never triggers any more attacks since the first attack was never
completed. Since more wizards won't show up in the middle of a wizard
attack if you cast spells, this catch gets applied for the rest of
the game. This doesn't appear to screw anything up (it's just a flag
not getting set to "true", shouldn't affect anything else. Hasn't yet
in my game, anyway.)
Protection from Magic Scrolls
Protection from Magic scrolls make whoever they are used on immune to magic,
but also removes any buffs from the target, and makes it impossible for
them to cast spells. So, instead of using them on yourself, you can also
use them on an enemy mage and completely shut them down.
VIII.6 [BHLDRS] Beholders
Beholder Tactics:
[from Paul Dickinson]
Beholders have interesting behavior patterns. If any party member
is visible (and hostile), a beholder will immediately start pelting them
with gaze attacks, cause wounds, slow, paralyze, petrify, or whatever.
If not too busy pelting party members with nasty magic, they will move
towards the nearest foe and chew on them. Note the distinction between
foe and party member. Beholders don't seem to want to waste their gaze
attacks on summoned creatures. This means that one can have a stealthy
or invisible party member observing (and thus allowing control of the
battle), while one or more summoned creatures trash the beholders, who
have really pathetic physical attacks. The moon dog figurine works
quite well here. It moves fast, can heal itself, and stays around for
long enough to kill quite a few beholders.
[from Xar]
Give the Cloak of Reflection or Balduran Shield to a berserker and then sit
back and watch. Why a berserker? Elder Orbs have Imprisonment and
Berserkers are immune while berserk. (Managed to complete the Underdark
Beholder zone with one character – Korgan)
VIII.7 [MNDFLY] Mind Flayers
Invisible Stalker Strategy:
[from Mishael]
An easy way to kill Mind Flayers is to summon a bunch of Invisible
Stalkers, then cast Haste on them. Invisible Stalkers are immune to all
sorts of Mind control spells including charm, domination and confusion. As
far as I know, they cannot be mind devoured. You may see some marks of
confusion on their head, but they are not confused. You can control them
as long as they are alive. :)
Archery Strategy:
[from Jonathan Zimmerman]
I wanted to share my battle strategy for the mind flayers in the Underdark.
I use both pairs of boots of speed on my two best bowmen, and cast chaotic
commands on them. I move the rest of my party off in a corner. The bowmen
pop into a room with the flayers and start shooting arrows. While the
flayers take time using their psionics, my fighters are pumping them full
of arrows. Once they try to close and drain your intelligence, just back
up and start firing again. They will never catch you. This works best if
you've cleaned out the entire city, up to the first door you need a flayer
to open. That way, you have plenty of room to run around. This strategy
does use a lot of arrows, though.
Editor's Note: Not if you have the Tansheron's Bow (from one of the
Merchants in Trademeet).
Bottleneck Fighting Strategy:
[from Henning Roes]
Only one spell (chaotic command) and one fighter are involved. Cast it on
your best melee fighter and he's protected from psionic blasts. This spell
lasts for a long time. Then give him the best AC (-11 does it). Since Mind
flayers have to hit your Fighter in melee they have to make a critical hit
to drain the fighters brain. Just slaughter them while standing in the door
so only one or two of them are able to attack. The INT-lowerance disappears
after a short time so there's no need for a restoration-spell. Ullithids
drain 4 or 5 levels (better than the usual Mind Flayer) - INT 5-6 is a
must. Don't care about the Umber Hulks in the Under Dark. Use them as a
shield while fighting and healthy. I finished the Mind Flayer City with
only 1 spell and some healing potions. Even in the sewers in the Temple
District it's very easy. Equip a shield to get a low AC. My fighter wasn't
hasted or othwerwise improved.
Kill Mind Flayers with Undead:
[from James Victor]
Let someone cast Wizard's Eye and have it position itself wherever the
mind flayers are situated. Have your mages/clerics cast animate dead and
let the wizard eye guide them the way. Since animated skeletons have no
brain, flayer's psionics are useless and since mindflayers have weak stats,
they are easy to slaughter. For better results, have a cleric cast
Strength of One and another spellcaster cast Haste for better results. A
couple of batches of "enhanced" skeletons would do the trick.
Editor's Note: The Wizard's Eye doesn't do anything itself, it is simply
used so you can see where the skeletons are going. This
way you can keep your party well away from the battle.
Skeletons and Skeletal Warriors will still fall to Mind
Flayers, so send in as many as you can. Use the Project
Image trick if you need to. (Project Image, Animate Dead,
Animate Dead, etc., repeat
Mind Flayer Mind Control Collars:
[from Travis Archer]
Some SPOILERS ahead.
These devices are one-shot mind control items which never fail. Only 1 is
necessary to get to the Elder brain, maybe 2 if you're unlucky. Which
leaves 2 or 3 extra. These come in very handy in tough fights. These
devices make the most impossible combats _easy_. The mob stays under your
control until attacked. It won't leave the map, but it's still your pet
when you come back.
I used one on the Demilich, and one on Shangalar, because: The Demilich is
probably the single hardest opponent because he Imprisons at will. He's
immune to almost every spell, and he's beefy like an Adamantite Golem.
(Weapons do 1-5 damage depending on enchantment) With one of these devices
I made him my pet! On a funny note, you can make him Imprison himself, but
then you don't get his loot or experience. :( So, I used Freedom and then
just ambushed him while he was still "green". By the time he turned red he
was dead.
I used this on Shangalar and he wasted his buddies while I watched, then I
finished him off. (Wait until he gets all his defenses up before you use it
on him)
This can be used on Dragons as well, which is amusing as hell, but not the
Avatar of Rillifane who is immune to everything. :(
ToB Note: This strategy doesn't work in ToB.
Note: If you give the collars to your mage, then cast Project Image, you
can use the image's collars and keep the real ones forever.
Ring of Free Action:
[from John Welch]
As I was going through the Illithid city in the underdark, I discovered
something interesting that you have not mentioned. The ring of free action
grants the wearer complete immunity to the flayer's psionic blasts. I realize
that when you think about what psionic blast does (holds the person, to be
killed), it makes perfect sense, but I thought it should be pointed out for
those who may have more rings than they do fingers.
VIII.8 [WRWLVS] Werewolves
Regenerating Monster Fighting:
[from Jeremy Treanor]
I've found a lot of the battles with the monsters that regenerate quickly
(greater werewolf, the prince in underdark, etc.) rather annoying when you
can't seem to do enough damage to hurt him to 'barely injured', but I did
find one trick that seems to work consistently. Firstly, you need to knock
down some of its magic resistance. Cast harm and hope that your priest/druid
is good enough to make contact. (Having autopause when a weapon becomes
unusable helps too.) If you make contact, the creature should be down to
about 1 point, so you hit him with a magic missile. Since his resistance
should still be down, he should die.
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