24. Second Chance
Match and Pencil lied when they spread the rumor of the two of them dating. Only Bubble Ice Cube and Eraser knew. To Eraser, it was a mystery to why he knew but it was best not to question anything. All he knew was that Match and Pencil made the rumor up to get attention and he had no problem with it.
If Eraser was being honest, he could tell Pencil liked Leafy a lot. And she wants her back.
Days had passed and Pencil saw Leafy walking down the hallways. Then Needle. In a sudden flash, Needle shoved Leafy up to the wall real hard and left.
Pencil quickly ran up to Leafy and hugged her.
"It's okay Leafy, it's okay." Pencil meant what she said and carried the green sobbing girl to the nurses office.
Pencil was excused to take Leafy home.
"Leafy, what happened?" Pencil said looking worried. "Well Firey gave everyone a Black Friday gift but he forgot to get me one. I was sad and angry so I refused to give him my Black Friday gift to him and Needle called me ungrateful because me and him were arguing."
Leafy sobbed.
Pencil sat Leafy down on the nice snow.
"It's okay Leafy. It's okay." Pencil then cuddled with Leafy. Leafy felt Pencil's beautiful and cold hand on her face. "I'm sorry Leafy." Pencil said and hugged her even more. Leafy hugged back. "It's okay Pencil." Leafy said.
Pencil was glad Leafy was okay. She would be staying with her for since Firey kicked her out.
Inside though, Pencil was angry. She wanted to hurt Firey and Needle for destroying this blessing.
In Pencils room, Pencil was sitting on her bed, calling Match. "Hey Matchie, had to take Leafy home be..." Leafy smacked the phone out of Pencils hands, grabbed it and hung up. "DONT RAT THEM!" Leafy begged. Tears coming out of her eyes real badly. "Okay. Okay. I won't." Pencil said, calming Leafy down. "But I will need to tell Match, Bubble and Ice Cube as our little secret okay. They can help you." Leafy nodded. "Pencil." Leafy said. "Yeah." Pencil looked up. "Pin left me because Firey told everyone a lie that I was evil." Leafy sniffed.
Now Pencil was furious. "THAT WARM PRICK! I'LL FUCKING KILL HIM!" "NO!!!" Leafy said. "Fine, but Firey has to pay." Pencil said. "No matter what. Pin too!" "Well then can you do one thing for me in return." Leafy said. "Your mom?" Pencil asked, trying to cheer Leafy up even though it was the wrong thing at that moment.
Leafy crawled closer to Pencil until the two were face to face. Leafy smiled. "No you." Then before Pencil could do anything, Leafy had her way. Pencil grabbed Leafy and began to move her +!++!€$ around. Leafy then lowered Pencil until Pencil had Leafy's boobs on her face. Then Pencil removed all of Leafy's clothing as Leafy did the same with Pencil.
"Okay, now can I get back to sleeping on your breast feeders?" Pencil said. "Only if you let me breast feed you." Leafy said. "Fine." Pencil said. "But we have to stay trapped as girlfriends forever." "Okay." Leafy said smiling as the two covered themselves with blankets.
As Leafy breast fed Pencil, the green haired girl ruffled through her girlfriend's pink hair.
Leafy then held Pencil making sure she was unable to escape Leafy's breast feeding.
Then in the middle of the two having s@x, they fell asleep under the covers.
Later, Match came home to find the two half naked girls sleeping together.
Match was staying with Pencil so she felt lucky to have a cute couple living with her.
Luckily, Match was able to put their clothes back on before both of Pencils' moms found out their 12 year old daughter was having s@x with her ex girlfriend.
Why am I so perverted?
Sayem Ahmed the 50 starter
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