Shipping ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cloudy: hii!
Balloony: hi
Me: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cloudy: Why alreaty?
Cloudy: Why you zhibbink uz alreaty?
Me: cause I wanna
Balloony: ...
Balloony: maybe that's not the author?
Me: (turns into coiny)
Me: yeah I'm here
Coiny: jUsT kIsS aLrEaDy
Me: YeS pLeAsE dO
Balloony: (dies of embarrassment)
Me: :o
Me: that was not the intended result
Cloudy: Viz iz keddink oud ov hant
Coiny: I'll get four
Me: ok
Me: (whispering to cloudy) do you wanna get coiny and pin together OwO
Cloudy: ov gourze!
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