C3- Red eyed Leaf
Leafy sits up on her bed, she has a headache. She holds her head in pain, she groans. She gets up, she walks into a mirror on the wall in her room. She opens her eyes, both of her eyes are blood red. Those new eye colours and accompanied by a demon tail catches her eye.
Leafy thinking she's seeing things, laughs it off. She pokes the tail, waiting for it to dissapear. It doesn't. Leafy gets another headache, but worse then earlier. She falls to the ground, it hurts. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, Help.
Leafy stumbles to the door, maybe someone can help her. Tripping over her tail a few times, she heads to the door. She tries unlocking it, but as Firey locked the door earlier. She isn't able to open it, she tries harder. But to no avail. She falls to the ground, she tastes something mettalic in her mouth. It's blood.
She starts sobbing, what has happened? She doesn't remember, why can't she remember. Where is Firey? Why isn't he here to help her? Where did he go?.. where is everyone? Metal sounds come from the door, like someone unlocking it. Leafy stays put, shes in pain.
The door opens, a green gelatin stands at the door. Looking at the bed in horror, then looking down. He's eyes meet Leafy's. "L-leafy?!" He yells, he holds on to the door. "Gelatin..what happened?.. to me?.." she asks, she covers her mouth. She still cries. Gelatin, scared still stands at the door. He is unsure whether or not he should call the rest of not.
"Please Gelatin, help me"
Leafy gets another headache, this one a much worser one. She holds a head in pain, scared Gelatin kneels down. He doesn't know what to do. Blood pours from her mouth. It stops after a bit. Leafy opens her eyes again, to the shock of Gelatin..Leafy's different.
Leafy's right eye is still infected but now her left eye is back to normal, she still has the tail. "I'm tired" "ah- of course" Gelatin jumps up and helps Leafy up. He carefully helps her walk to her bed at the corner of her room. The room is not big so it only took a minute. Leafy falls on her bed, she seems to not bother. Gelatin, doesn't know if he has to call the rest of not.
After a while,
Leafy has fell asleep, Gelatin still stands in her room. Leafy looks like her usual self, if you don't pay attention to her tail. Gelatin was confused, why didn't she eat him? Or infect him even? "Maybe..with their power of friendship??" He mumbles to himself. Sigh, Gelatin thinks with the power of friendship, Leafy doesnt get infected. But no, that isn't it. If it is, shoot me.
The door creaks open, Gelatin looks. It's Firey, he seems to be shocked as Gelatin. Firey runs to the bed, Leafy sleeps soundly. Firey stares in horror, "no..oh no no no.." he mumbles, he hugs himself. "She..isn't infected..no no no.." Gelatin stares sadly, he completely forgot that Firey and Leafy were friends again. This must hurt badly for him. But, Gelatin has good news for him!
"Acually..she might not be"
Firey looks at Gelatin, confused. Gelatin explains what happened earlier to Firey. All he does is nod, but it seems he still doesn't believe him. "Maybe..maybe we can let her continue to stay here?" Firey takes that as the final straw. "Gelatin, look" he turns to him. "an infected cannot be a good person..not anymore" Gelatin listens quietly.
"See that? She has a tail- and you said it yourself, she has red eyes!" Firey continues. "Shes infected! A bad guy!" He whisper shouts at him. Gelatin looks away, "evil Gelatin! Shes evil! She's probably gonna kill us sooner or later!" He says."oh okay" a female voice answers back. Firey and Gelatin shocked, looks at where the voice came from. Leafy sits up, a little heartbroken.
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