1- Who Are They?
"Damn it"
Is all I can mutter after I have fallen from my bed early 7:23 in the morning. My stupid body decided that I didn't need a regular internal clock. It decided that I need one hyped up on sugar and drugs. So my high internal clock likes to find new ways to wake me, but most of the time it's me rolling out of bed and landing on the floor.
Since I was I already on the floor I decided to think about my next year at a new school.
Sophomore year....... Yay
I was going to foresting high school.
One fourth of the way into the year. Right when everyone was already lumped into their own respective friend groups and I will be the loner everyone will refer to as Pocahontas because I was Native American.
It's nothing new.
Deciding that I shouldn't sulk in darkness I raise my hand to my windowsill and tilt it to the right as light enters my dim room.
That is what I like to call light bending.
Yea I watch to much avatar and I felt like one of them, sad I know. However the point is that I have am able to control or at least guide natural and artificial light.
It came to be at the age of 12 and I never made sense of it. Since it didn't help that I was in my Harry Potter phase and I believed I was wizard and I would go out and look for owls to see if I could find my Acceptance letter. That lead to me getting nasty scar on my left arm.
After that i just let myself believe I was a freak of nature. Which of course I could not tell anyone because that would eventually lead me to be kicked out.
My parents are both native Americans so you would think that all there spiritual endeavors would make them more understanding to my ability. Yet it is exactly the opposite. Both my parents where adopted into regular American families who didn't make an effort to teach them their culture. So I am living like a regular American teenager.
Which kinda sucks because if someone asked me about Native American culture, I was unable answer them and it was kinda embarrassing.
So being just another Native taken away from their culture by "the white man" they made to believe that anything that couldn't be explained by science needed to be burned in hell.
After countless days of trying to help them understand that supernatural things were good, they just didn't believe. Leaving me with all attempts failed and me keeping the ability to myself and as selfish as it seems use it to my own advantage.
That included things like keeping the sun off me on hot days, moving necessary sunlight for heating food outside, and bringing needed light into my room in the morning before school.
Slowing turning my head to my alarm clock, I find myself cursing under my breath.
"Damn it, 7:56. I need to stop talking to myself in the morning"
First day of new school and I'm going to be late!
My stupid new school starts at 8:50
An hour later than my old school, which prompted me to be more excited for the change but the extra hour of sleep only makes life harder.
Leaping from the floor as fast as an extremely sleepy person could I rush into the bathroom to quickly do my business as I think of a plan to minimize the amount of time spent in there.
As I flush the toilet I strip out of my clothes grab my toothbrush with small toothpaste on it and proceed into the heated shower.
I feel like a multitasking genius as I brush my teeth and shower all at once.
Next thing I know I'm hoping out of the shower and put on deodorant before my black leggings and a grey t shirt as I grab my emergency "I'm pretty sure I didn't shower well, I need to smell good perfume" and spray a lot but not enough to seem cheap of the chemicals on my body.
Finally I grab some random not so white shoes and head out the house forgetting to formally say good morning to my parents which will get me an ear full once I return.
------------------at school--------------
Well to add onto my "wonderful" morning, I was chased by a dog half way to school.
Tired and sweaty I take in the pale eggshell white the old school was painted. I don't forget to notice a few kids where raising the flag and a what looked like jocks throwing around football.
Upon entering the school I take notice on how different everyone in the school was. Yet I couldn't get past how everyone looked so plain no matter what they looked like.
Getting over how boring these year looked like it was going to be, I drag myself into the the main office which was by the way painted a very ugly green.
I stepped up to the front desk to be meet with a balding man with almost pink skin. He had strawberry blond eyebrows and beard with two pierced eyebrow holes that could have gone unnoticed by an untrained eye but thankfully I worked and an ear piercing place last summer.
"Hello my name is Aussie moonlight and I'm new"
Without looking up or uttering a single word to me the he silently places a schedule on top of the desk and points to the right of me.
To find out what the man was pointing at I turn in that direction to find a very light brown girl with Asian eyes and messy lite brown curly hair that farmed her face very well, waiting patiently by the door. (I don't mean to offend anyone with that statement)
How did I not notice her?
Did I hit the door on her face?
I wonder where she is from? Taiwan?
"Hey I'm lily Chang and I'm your student guide for the next two weeks to help you adjust to your new environment. And before you ask I'm half Asian half African."
Well I feel dumb
"Ok thanks lily, can you take me to locker.... 745 so I can drop off some stuff."
"Ok lets, do this!"
As I follow lily down the hallways I taken In the school. Their mascot was the mighty bears and the school colors were red, green, and yellow.
Finally arriving at my locker. I Start filling it with a few of my books because surprisingly my first class is free period.
Well I got chased by a dog for no reason.
"Hey lily why is my first block free, I mean I'm not complaining bu.... What the hell!"
Turning fully to gawk at what I was seeing.
Thus causing lily to.
"Ohh, well first your not imagining those guys; they are real. Those are the lercies"
How is she so calm about what she was seeing.
I see four people or creatures walking down the hall.
A Latino boy with tan skin and hard brown eyes whose feet were engulfed with flames every step he took yet never left any trace of the burning on the floor. He also had his left hand shoved in his pocket with his right hand is focused on clenching and unclenching. A clench produced a hand full of flames and an unclench extinguished the flames. He was on the fairly tall side, was wearing a black hoodie with dark grey pants and had the tips of his hair highlighted to look burned, which I don't doubt is how they got that way. Overall I would consider him incredibly handsome if he wasn't lava girl's long lost brother.
Next to him was a girl a who looked of African decent. She had long curly black hair with multiple strands of hair that where a sparkly whitish gray color which reached her mid back, she had dark brown eyes and wore a thin ream of snowflakes around her head. She wore a high rise pair of jeans, a black skin tight shirt with an olive green jacket. She left an odd impression on the floor as each step she took produced shards of ice and snow to surround her feet.
Right behind her was a pale looking girl with limp brown hair that hung below her bottom.she had vines and flowers wrapped around her entire forearms and disappears into her arms. She wore a light pink shirt with faded jeans. Oddly enough she didn't wear shoes but had it up to her ankles with vines and flowers and left on temporary mud tracks without her feet having any sign of dirt on them.
Finally next to her was an Asian guy with shaggy hair that reached his lower neck. Despite Asian stereotypes he was on the buffer side and had add a flirtatious smile glued to his face as the group moved down the hallway. He wore a red and black plaid shirt with dark jeans. As normal as he looked compared to the rest of the group, their was something very unnerving about the guy. He didn't move around by walking but by being carried by a wind current only around him as he sat in a crisscross applesauce form.
The four were a sight to see. But the bell rang before I could question lily any more.
After the third ring lily wraps her fingers around my wrist and starts to drag my to an on unknown location
"Come on, I have free period as well and I will tell you as that I can about the lercies in the library."
That definitely made me move faster.
"Where are we"
I decide to look around my surroundings to find out where I was but I just couldn't get it.
"We're in the library"
Oh you have got to be kidding me! There is literally no books in here. Library would have been among my last guesses.
Getting back on topic is the first thing I do once we find a space to sit.
"What are the lurchies"
She gives me a duh face before continuing.
"Lercies, they are supernatural. They are both loved and hated. Respected yet feared. They were people that science couldn't explain. And for some the bible"
"There are a lot of overly religious people living in this town who believe that they are god forsaken and children of satan himself. Well that's what they call Antonio"
Noticing my confusion she continues.
"Antonio was the one that was engulfed in flames. I suggest that you stay far away from Antonio, the kid was a real hot head. Though he wouldn't use his power to hurt you he could verbally abuse you and make the rest of your high school a living nightmare"
"What about the others"
I need to know as much as could about this people. They seemed like what I was looking for. People like me.
"Oh next there is sapphire, she was the one that looked like an ice queen. Despite that she is the most pleasant to talk to in the group. Also her powers are not limited to ice, she is water but prefers ice because it is solid and easier to use at her disposal. Next there was the guy was Clayton, the one who floating on air. He is the most open minded of the group. Yet he is a constant flirt and a heartbreaker. He is the kind of guy who can literally sweep you off your feet"
They seem so interesting!
Look at me already fan girling.
"Wait lily I thought there was four of them."
Immediately after I say that Lily's nose scrunches up.
"Oh and finally the girl who has ruined multiple lives and broken up multiple friendship is Kiara. Even with her small girl harmless looks she is a female dog"
I laughed at her lack of curse words.
I gesture for her to keep going.
"She still has many adoring fans like the rest of the group. They actually have a fan club. And a club dedicated to getting them out of our city."
Before I could ask anymore questions lily was pushing me to my next class.
Once I arrived I took a seat towards the back observing the classroom until a flame at the door caught my attention.
They four lercies were walking into this class.
The same class as me!
Crap I'm fan girling again.
Do not copy my work!!!!
Ok first chapter is done. It was a long chapter and I had fun writing it.
Please comment and vote!
I will probably have the next chapter soon
Oh! I haven't figured out how to put a cast list on here so I will write it here until I figure it out.
Antonio- Alex Aiono
Sapphire- Diamond White
Clayton- Booboo Stewart
Kiara- Bailee Madison
Aussie- Stella Hudgens
Lily- Cassie
(Yes, Stella Hudgens is Vanessa Hudgens sister and yes they are Native American)
("Cassie?" Just search her up)
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