[11] Truth Or Rumors
As days passed, things only worsened like the weather was worsening with the approaching winter season. Ron and Hermione's rift had gotten worse, especially after the week's Slug Club party.
But that wasn't the only terrible outcome coming out of that Slug Club party. Apparently, Draco had been wandering out in the halls after curfew again and was caught by Filch.
Now I am not the best person to say this but having overheard some of his conversation with Snape earlier myself, I couldn't help but feel doubtful of what he was really up to. He hadn't been himself ever since that year started and I could just feel that there was something terribly wrong with him.
He couldn't be under the Imperius curse, right? Because that's what Katie had been put under by Madam Rosmerta who also claimed to have been put under an Imperius by someone she no longer remembered.
A thick wave of uncertainty gripped Hogwarts and no one had the answer to the reason for that uncertainty.
Or perhaps Harry had a guess but I hadn't gotten the time to ask him about it. But when I did manage to ask him what was going on, his answer shocked me.
"Malfoy is a Death Eater," he spoke up, agitatedly pacing in my office, "I saw him show the mark to his group on the train. I know..."
Harry had come to discuss the slots for Quidditch training but somehow we had ended up on that topic. And what he just told me was shocking indeed.
"You can't say that for sure," I remarked, "did you really see the mark?"
He paused, "no. But I saw a glimpse..."
"Harry, you are suspecting him."
"And why are you also taking Malfoy's side, Kat?" He did seem quite bothered so I didn't interrupt and let him continue. "I went to Professor McGonagall after Katie Bell got cursed. I told her it was Malfoy's doing because he somehow wanted to complete a mission given to him. He's up to no good, I'm telling you. But no one believes me. Not even you."
I want to tell Harry that I believe him but I also don't want him to falsely accuse a student of being on the Dark Lord's side. True, Draco's family has had past ties with Voldemort but I don't think he would willingly become a Death Eater, and that too at such a young age.
Draco isn't like his father.
He's... Sometimes I feel like he has taken after his mother Narcissa.
"Look, Harry, I understand that you suspect Malfoy because he has been acting a bit suspicious lately to be very honest. He's no longer taking part in Quidditch and he claims that he's spending his time preparing for the exams. I talked to him about this but I don't think he's..."
"Kat, you're lying," his bright green eyes bore into mine and I stopped as if shocked by the abrupt statement, "you know deep down that I am right. You're just ignoring the situation for some other reason."
"Other reason?" I folded my arms defiantly, "what other reason could I have?"
"I don't know. I just don't know anymore."
He looked confused as well as frustrated and I kinda understood why he was feeling that way. He had somehow believed that Draco was working for Voldemort and he was trying to catch him in the act redhanded.
Even if I believe for a second that Harry's assumption was right, I still don't think it is wise for him to get involved to such a deep extent.
Considering that he was James and Lily's son, I knew he had it in him to go to the bottom of the matter and find out the truth. but what use would it be if it ended up hurting him? As his parents' friend and his well-wisher, I couldn't let that happen.
"Harry, sometimes people start believing rumors to the extent that they become the truth," that was all I could say to him at the moment. "Don't dwell on it so much that it ends up affecting you adversely. Please."
I remembered how things had been so tough for me three years ago as I was the only one who believed Sirius was innocent when he had broken out of Azkaban and everyone else suspected him to be after Harry. So what Harry was going through at the moment was something I could relate to even if the situation was somewhat different.
But I also knew that getting too invested wasn't the right option. I had suffered consequences due to it, a clear proof of it was the permanent scars etched on my back as an aftermath of a Dark curse inflicted on me by Peter Pettigrew.
I didn't want Harry to end up in a compromising situation and considering that he somehow always ended up in danger, I wanted him to stay away from investigating Draco and where his loyalties lie.
I would look after that myself.
"Here are the time slots that you can use for Quidditch practice with your team," seeing that he hadn't answered, I gave him what he had come for initially, "all the best."
I hope he would take my advice seriously because the last thing I want to see right now is Harry and Draco being at each other's throats just like Ron and Hermione were at the moment. There was too much going on already, I didn't want to deal with another argument between people I cared for.
I paused.
Did I care for Malfoy too?
I don't know.
"Kat, do you still have visions?" Harry's abrupt question shook me out of my thoughts which had wandered in a confusing direction.
"Visions? Yes, sometimes."
He nodded, "if you see anything about Malfoy, please tell me."
I shook my head with a soft sigh, "Harry, please. Let Malfoy be. I will talk to him."
"No, you don't have to do anything. He's not going to tell you the truth anyway. Why should he?"
He's right; why would Malfoy tell me anything? It's not like we're that close anyway.
Harry took the time slot note that I had written for him, "thanks, I'll see you around."
I doubt he's going to back off now that he's so invested in figuring Malfoy's true intentions out. I would just have to think about something else to stop Harry and also to confirm whether Draco really is up to no good or not.
I had been expecting Dobby to tell me about what Draco was up to anyway since I had asked him to keep an eye on him. What I should do next depended on what information I would get from Dobby.
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