Suits and ties,
Burgers and French fries...
Camaro's and Challengers...
Sitting and waiting on their turn...
To achieve while they believe...
As they all take off,
Flying past the 9 o'clock lights that light up the streets...
Laughter spreading from ear to ear
Tears covered with pure worries...
As they fall down like snow flurries...
And even though we live behind gates with bars,
We're still reaching for the stars...
And they're within arm's reach if we think...
If we don't sink into our own pool of filth...
We can drain it and make new water...
Afterward, the light shine down on our sins...
That we create behind the curtains...
Bleed with your stress and let it run down like a river...
Dance of what was created since the beginning...
Let the rain relieve your eyes,
And create a surprise...
That not many realize...
That we are the carrier's to the future.
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