The Hidden Truth
Only a pure heart can fix a broken one..
(Every chapter I'm going to start with that sentence^^)
{Ashleigh's POV}
I groan as I wake up from the sudden bright light to arguing, but, I feel a peaceful aura as well.(hehe *wispers* read my other books.. x3 jk) I can't really hear the conversation well, until I have this sudden burst of hearing, I feel like I can hear things from across the world! I start listening to the conversation while trying not to have a fangirl attack in my head.
"We could have lost her Tigger!! She was a first-time realm crosser, OUR ONLY HOPE COULD HAVE DIED!!" Wait.... what..? Only.........hope? Me? Yeah right....
"I know Jaxon! But, at least she is here now instead of in that horrible realm.. Earth..." Okay... Jaxon, and Tigger are their names. Now I just realised I'm on a bed, next to me is my plush tiger, while my bag is on the floor next to a chair.
I decide to call out just in case they didn't hear me wake up, just in case. But... it's not like I'm important at all, right?
"H-Hello? Anybody here?" I call out shyly, but then I hear a gasp followed by a squeal of delight, I think they completely dropped the previous conversation, but they come around the corner wall of the tent. (It's a 3 part tent- entrance, and 2 rooms either side) I see a girl and a boy about the same height, I assume Tigger is the girl and Jaxon is the boy.
"J-Jaxon...Tigger?" Tigger nods and says:
"I'm so glad your awake Ashleigh!! We have been worried for so long...we thought you didn't make it.." I wince at the sudden volume change. They look at me worriedly and ask what's wrong and if I'm okay.
"W-Why are you talking so loud?" They look at each other with excitement and hope. Then Jaxon explains that he made me drink a potion which enabled me to grow tiger ears!
I feel my head hesitantly and I am surprised and smile for the first time in years as I feel beautiful, soft, tiger ears. (XD) I then sit up in excitement and wait for their response to my question I want to ask.
"Woah! Awesome! Wait... H-How old are you guys?" They reply at the same time.
"13 turning 14 on the 5th of December!" They state proud.
"Just like me!! I thought I was the only one!" I say with complete shock and happiness in my voice.
{Tigger's POV}
I am so glad she's okay, and happy. I am also glad that Jaxon is happy about this to. I know that we could have lost her but... it's fine now because she's here, she's happy, and smiling for the first time in forever. (no Frozen quotes here)
Now we just have to break the news to Ashleigh.. oh boy, I'm bad at explaining, this will take a while...
{Ashleigh's POV}
Jaxon and Tigger grab some chairs and sit around the bed while they say there is something important they would like to discuss.l nod my head and let them speak.
"W-Well... Ashleigh, do you have any idea why we have lead you here?" Tigger manages to choke out.
"Umm... No ideas in particular.." I say, thoughts running through my mind of what they want to say.
"What she means Ashleigh, is that, you.... *sighs and smiles slightly* your.... the Empress of our clan.." What.. did he just say..?
"C-C-Could you repeat that..? I don't think I heard you correctly." I manage to say.
"Ash, you are the Empress of the Tiger Clan." He repeats while Tigger is just trying not to have a fangirl/panic attack.
"Your... joking with me....... right? Because, I-I ugh *sighs* I can't be.. I'm not Important at all.." Jaxon just laughs quietly at my statement and says:
"But, Ashleigh, you are very important." Tigger gets up and hugs me then goes back to her chair. She then starts to explain a story to me.
{Le story time}
"About 2 years ago when we were just turning 11, we were the only people left in our clan, and we packed up our tent and supplies, then started walking to reach a village to ask for assistance with wounds we previously had.
It started becoming dark, so we set up the tent and slept the night, until about 2:30am in the morning I woke up to a startling sound of rustling bushes. I woke up Jax so we could have a look, we brought our weapons with us just isn case of any danger.
We exited the tent to investigate, and to our horror, a Morphing Monster that had been following us the whole trip was right in front of us. We grabbed our weapons, ready to fight, but he was stronger than we thought. Also considering that we had horrible wounds from our previous fight.
Before we knew it... our souls had been captured into a Soul Realm. A Soul Realm keeps a Soul from dying, if a clan member was still alive the souls would remain intact instead of becoming corrupt and die off. We knew that you were alive, and we also knew that you were in a complete different realm. That's why I contacted you.
Then when you entered our realm, Jax was able to take over your soul, I don't have enough Majicks to make me able to switch souls. Anyway, the switch of souls also caused you to pass out. Jaxon found the Soul Realm and opened it and we were released. Your body was in such poor state from hopping from realm to realm, so I carried you to the tent and laid you down to care over your wounds.
After about half an hour of fighting between Jaxon and I, we heard a voice. Then we knew that you had woken up, we couldn't have been more worried in our lives. So, Ash, you are the Empress of the Tiger Clan."
{End of Le story time}
{Ashleigh's POV}
I can't believe my ears... I am so grateful that they have taken care of me, after all, I'm not worth anything. I get up off the bed shakily causing me to almost fall, tsk, I'm such a clumsy fool. I look up at Tigger and Jaxon, who are taller than me by about 0.7". (inches even though I'm not American, sorry American's) I then walk over to them and hug them ever so tightly..
I love my new family....
Thx guys for the support! Keep reading for more updates!
Bye bye my little tiger cubs!~🐯🐯
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