The great escape
(Part of the story)
Only a pure heart can fix a broken one..
{Ashleigh's POV}
Another year of blood, hatred and disgust. Today, is my birthday. (not actually)Today I turn 13,the bad thing about it is, today is Wednesday, otherwise meaning I'm at school. The horrible torturous place. Everyone hated me here, teachers verbally abused me, boys would beat me up before and after school, and girls would make fun of my appearance and how stupid I was to be here.
Even my family hated me, my mum was awful and always locked me in my room, my dad is always drunk, hungover and abusive, my older sister, Beck, is mean to me, and embarrassed to have me as a sibling, and lastly, my eldest sibling Ashtyn, just looks at me in shame, as if I was unworthy of living.
Though, I didn't need friends,or my family, I could amuse myself. At lunches and recess, I always think about death, and if I'm actually meant to be alive in the first place, I would also draw as well, but unusual pictures were the only things filling my pages.Until, one day I stopped drawing and just started thinking and then,my quote unquote 'enemy' Willow, the prettiest girl in my year, and her boyfriend Daniel (not damn Daniel jeezus christ)came up to me after the half bell rang for lunch (half bell meaning, its halfway through lunch)and started saying things I didn't want to hear.
"Ashleigh, why do you come to school anymore? It's not like anyone cares about you! Hahahahaha! *snickers*" Zaffron muses me.
"Yeah, why don't you.. I don't know... move schools? It would be better for our school community! Then our school will be perfect." Daniel exclaimed
"*stares at them and zones out, 2.5mins later, comes back to reality*..I don't need to."
"Why don't you just die!" Screams Zaffron I stare at her is almost, almost, disbelief.
"Why don't you just die! No one loves you, everyone hates you, and we don't need you here!" She repeats.
I can't move,speak or breathe for a moment.
After a few seconds, I stand up, look at them, blink once, and walk away. Leaving them snickering and laughing and one-another. I slowly let the words sink in, and start to cry myself to a point where I can't feel anything, not even pain. (Honestly I have been like that for days, it's freaking me out)
Once I return home I head upstairs to my room straight away with my head down, not wanting my 'family' to think I'm a wuss, crying over a stupid argument at school. I lay my books down on my desk and start doing my homework. After I finish that, I lay down on my bed and cry myself to sleep thinking about all the things everyone had said.
~La Timeskip to 3:45am~
I woke up to a bed filled with cold sweat and horror,nightmares come to me easily. I freeze as I start to hear a voice telling me:
'Leave;grab you bag fill it with snacks, a water bottle, change of clothes, raincoat, brush, and your most precious valuable. Once done, LEAVE. Follow my voice, please, we are in need of your help. Go quickly!'
What was that all about? I'm scared but I do as told. I finish packing my bag and start getting changed into a shirt, my fav grey jumper with a pink target on it, midnight blue shorts, black boots, and my hair in a tight pony tail. (one of the pics above)Finally, my precious valuable, my favourite tiger plush toy, yes I know I act like a 6 year old with a big teddy bear, deal with it. It won't fit in my bag so I just hold it in my arms while I walk.
~Sorry but another Timeskip to 4:56am~
I have been walking for at least an hour now. It starts to rain, so I quickly grab out my raincoat, take my boots off because I don't want them getting muddy,put my boots in my bag, and put my plushie in as well so it doesn't get wet. I now put my raincoat on (standard yellow) and hide under a tree to look at the rain fall, it's so satisfying.
Suddenly, I hear police car sirens. Shoot, I forgot my 'mum' wakes up at 4:30am so she can go to work. I run in the opposite direction, towards the voice, then I hear over an intercom(or loudspeaker):
"Ashleigh Fay!! Come out of the forest if your in there! QUICKLY MEN!!GO, GO, GO!"
Then I hear footsteps running towards my tree. I curl into a ball so I can still see but not noticeable by others. After about 23 minutes, the policemen start heading back to the street.
Once they all pass me, there was about 10, I look back to see the police talking to one another and my mother...crying......crying people, crying. So much for not loving me, it's probably for just affect so the police will buy it. I jerk my head back when I see an officer look in my direction, I don't think he saw me...... ugh...... never mind. I look up to a police woman (une policière XD)looking down at me in a some-what crouched position. I start to tear up, but I finally speak.
"P-Please don't take me back there... they are awful people.." I start to sob when she looks at me with sympathy. She then says:
"I wasn't planning on it, I see right through your parents a cheap act, I know what it's like. Go!"
"T-T-Thank you! So much! I rea--" I was interrupted by a loud voice.
"WHERE IS OFFICER SARAH?!?!?!OFFICER #406 (with the zero say 'oh' plz)COME OUT!!THATS AN ORDER!!" Officer Sarah looks at me and sighs, she tells me good luck and runs off.
I look back as she reaches the police car and tells the Deputy she thought that I was spotted, but it was just a raccoon and chased it anyway just to see. The Deputy seems to buy the story and tells my 'parents' that there will be another search tomorrow.
I leave the tree and run as fast as my legs will carry me. Until I stop by a lake at about quarter past five in the morning (5:15am)to have a rest, I can tell the voice is getting louder, so I assume that I'm getting closer. While resting I eat a snack I brought. What did I pack you may ask? Well my friend, I brought Oreos.. gotta love 'em.
{??? POV}
"Jax... She's getting closer, I can feel it! Finally, the clan will be restored once again!"I exclaim with full happiness in my voice.
"Wonderful, then we our clan will be peaceful once agin...." he trails off and I smile.
I hope she comes soon.
{Ashleigh's POV}
After about 10 minutes I finish eating and having a drink so begin to walk again. Then I find this unique and unusual clearing of trees. I walk into the circle cautiously. Then, I am blinded by a bright blue light. Then all I remember is passing out...
OMG MY CUBS!! I have finally made this a book! Now just don't think that I made a new book there will be multiple uploads this week, because I am going into the Exam section of school...yay...grand.
But I do want to say thanks soooooooooooooooooo much for supporting me, in my books and on my account to (reading/following) it means an awful bunch to me and I really appreciate it! Thanks so much.
Bye bye my little Tiger Cubs!!~🐯🐯
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