The future
Only a pure heart can fix a broken one..
{This chapter is a 3 year time skip}
{Ashleigh's POV}
I puffed out a breath of air and continued trying to climb up onto the roof after many failed attempts. I huffed and wiped my forehead as it started to sweat, Ember was sitting up on the roof as I tried to get to where she was. I put her up there so I didn't have to lean down and grab her after I made it up, that would hurt. My usual way of climbing up isn't working. After another several goes I finally made it up, successfully that is. But then I lost my balance and fell off the roof, then tried again and got up.
I carefully walked across the roof top to the part where I usually sit at night. I sit down and Ember sat next to me as I pulled my knees to my chest. I looked up at the sky to see millions of stars and a beautiful, dark blue canvas like background behind the millions of stars, setting the scene. I loved looking at the big sky, it's peaceful and comforting to look at. My eyes sparkled at the sight of it every time I saw it. It's just beautiful to look at. I then saw a shooting star and made a wish, but I can't tell you of course!
Ember nestled her head into my leg, I looked at her and smiled patting her back. I can't believe how fast time has passed, Ember is now 3 years old and I'm 16 years old now, it's almost breath taking. I heard a creak and sighed looking back at the sky, Jaxon is probably looking for me again. I've snuck up onto the roof about 24 times now without telling the guys. I think they hate me doing it, but they're gonna have to put up with it for about another few years.
I heard another creak, either Jaxon's walking around underneath me or I'm just imagining things. But anyway, Ember has started to fight with me and has become a lot stronger than she was when I found her. She's been a real help to us when finding food as well. I kept patting her and I heard a snapping sound, like something was breaking in half...
I looked around worried for a moment, but nothing was there. Then I looked underneath where I was sitting and saw the wooden boards snapping into pieces underneath my body. I sighed and had an emotionless look on my face and silently died inside.
"Shit..." Was all I said before the boards had completely broken and I fell down into the house.
I landed on my back knocking the wind out of me as I smacked the floor boards of Jaxon and Tigger's room. I groaned putting a hand to my face as I heard the two of them sit up clutching their hearts. Ember was laying on my stomach surprised as to what had just happened. I kept breathing in to fill my lungs with air, hoping I wasn't going to pass out.
"Jesus Christ Ashleigh, you scared me! You also broke the roof for about the 8th time this month!" Jaxon scowled me and I rolled my eyes laying my head down, looking through the new 'skylight'. I'm going to have to fix that once again. What can I say, I'm a klutz. I heard Tigger sigh sadly.
"Ashleigh? We're you looking at the stars again?" I could feel her eyes staring at me. They had softened unlike Jaxon's, whose were stern from being suddenly woken up.
I nodded not looking away from the night sky as tears started to well up in my eyes. I heard her get out of bed and kneeled down next to me helping me sit up as I started wiping my eyes. I started sobbing as she rubbed my back and moved the hair out of my face. Jaxon sighed and groggily got out of bed, mumbling and cursing under his breath, and came and sat next to me letting his head rest on my shoulder. I felt his hair sticking up onto my neck and my shoulder, it was messy and gross, but I couldn't care less.
"I-I-I..... I j-just w-want... t-to be u-up there..." I managed to choke out with tears streaming down my face.
"Shhh-shh.... it's ok, it's ok..." Tigger mumbled in my ear.
I was bawling my eyes out at this point with my friends next to me and Ember in front of me as well. I smiled through my tears and hugged Jaxon tightly needing comfort. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my back, putting his chin on my head.
"Hey, hey Ashleigh! Don't be so forward, that's my boyfriend there." After that Jaxon and herself couldn't control themselves anymore.
The both of them started going into a fit of uncontrollable laughter, practically dying almost from laughing so hard. I was kneeling now, as Jaxon had pulled away from me from him laughing, Ember came up to me and walked onto my legs and licked my tear stains that had dried onto my cheeks. I smiled slightly and tried my best to laugh alongside the couple.
It wasn't a forced laugh or an awkward laugh either. It was a genuine laugh that was coming from my mouth, a happy and positive sound that meant I was enjoying what was going on. The company, support, comforting, my friends being there for me, Ember being by my side, and them being like a family for me.
I was happy, happy about the life I was living and with the people in my life that I cared for the most. I loved it here, and I wouldn't want it any other way. I pulled everyone in for a group hug as more tears fell from my eyes, but they were happy tears. I tried to smile but my lips quivered more and felt a pounding in my chest, I broke down after that.
"I-I love y-you guys.... s-so much.." I hiccuped because I was crying.
Afterwards I felt tired and my eyes started getting heavy. I felt someone support my back as I slumped over a little. I felt happy, eventually though, I became more tired and couldn't last any longer. So I fell asleep on one of their shoulders, but I fell asleep smiling.
~Timeskip to the next morning~
I woke up with the sun's rays hitting my face with a bright light, I scrunched up my nose and pulled the covers over my face. Wait.. covers? I opened my eyes and noticed that I was in a bed. Didn't I fall asleep on the floor..? I turned over and saw that I was next to Jaxon........ JAXON?! Why not Tigger?! I freaked out and fell off the side of the bed, making a loud thud.
I hung my head and face palmed myself. I sighed and tried to untangle myself from the blankets as I mumbled to myself;
"Fucking idiot..." I heard stirring near me and saw that Jaxon had woken up.
"Seriously Ash? This is the second time you've woken me up in the last 24 hours. I need my beauty sleep." I rolled my eyes at his behaviour.
"W-Why was I in your bed and not her's?" I questioned him as I pointed my thumb behind me to her sleeping figure. She started snoring and my expression dropped. Perfect timing too, great.
"I didn't want you to disturb her while you slept so I offered to have you here in my bed."
"Your the sweetest thing." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me and stuck his tongue out.
"But why didn't you just bring me to my room?"
"Because we were both tired and I'm the only person here who could carry you at the time, but I was really lazy." I narrowed my eyebrows and looked away scoffing as I mumbled;
"I heard that!" He barked at me. (Ironically since tigers are big cats .~.)
"No shit, you have super sonic hearing because of your ears." I gestured to his ears which drooped in annoyance, as well as his expression which changed to a pissed one.
I sighed and stood up looking over at Tigger. How is she still possibly sleeping after that? Anyway, I left the room and walked into the kitchen, putting on my apron and started to make myself breakfast. I decided to make pancakes because they are my favourite breakfast ever in the whole world, then Jaxon came in and wrapped and arm around my shoulders and I sighed. He just smirked at me in a teasing manner, he's like an annoying older brother.
"Don't you have anything better to do?" I seethed at him through my teeth.
"Not really. What are you making?" He poked my cheek and I swear my eye twitched.
"Pancakes.." I death glared him from the corner of my eye.
"Ooohh yum." I scoffed annoyed at his, well..... annoyance. Don't judge me.
"I never said I was making them for you, idiot."
I saw him pout and he took his arm off my shoulders and went into his room. He closed the door softly and I laughed quietly. As I continued to make the pancakes I felt a nudge on my leg, I looked down to see Ember nudging her head on my leg. I smiled and leaned down to pat her, she was hungry. I made a miniature sized pancake to give her, but first I let it cool down before giving it to her.
I held my hand out with the pancake in it and she sniffed it. Then she bit into it and chew on it for a bit making happy sounds. She's gotten a lot bigger actually, she's a little bit bigger than an average tiger cub. When I found her she was so small, I could fit her in both my palms held together.
I had now finished the pancakes and set out three plates for us all. I know I said to Jax that I wasn't making him any, but that was a lie. I put three on each plate and put the rest on a separate one for if anybody wants fourths, that'll probably be me honestly. I left them to cool for a moment on the bench and went to their room to wake them up.
I opened the door quietly thinking that Tigger was still asleep, but no. The two of them were cuddling in bed together. They were really cute, though Jaxon kinda annoys me sometimes about it. It bugs me so much. I open the door a tiny bit more and they still haven't noticed me yet, but that changed when I spoke loud enough for them to hear.
"I finished making breakfast you guys. Also Jax try not to get her pregnant yet." They looked over at me as I walked back to the kitchen.
"A-A-Ashleigh!" I heard Jaxon stuttering and I cackled as I put the plates on the table.
They both came out a little bit distant from each other and I just laughed as their faces grew from pink to bright red. They glances at each other than looked away quickly, and I awed at them. They're honestly too cute.
"You two are so cute together!" I held my hands together as Tigger went to grab the maple syrup from the pantry. I giggled as Jaxon sat down glaring at me. Then I felt someone smack me upside the head.
"We would be if somebody stopped making our relationship worse!" Tigger said as she passed me.
"Hahahaha..... ow. Hehe...." I said as I rubbed the back of my neck. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes from being hit so hard, but oh well I can't change it now.
I sat down at the table with them and Tigger just gave me an apologetic smile while I shrugged and smiled back. Jaxon just sighed and started eating the pancakes I made, I waved him off and he rolled his eyes. I looked at him with an annoyed expression and simply said;
"If you want to keep your pancakes and your life, don't roll your eyes at your girlfriend again. Understand?" He nodded quickly and I heard Tigger muffle a giggle next to me.
"Ashleigh your hilarious." She complimented.
"You think I don't know? Tch." I did a sassy hair flip and broke out into laughter with her. Meanwhile Jaxon just kept eating his pancakes. I stopped laughing after a moment and wiped away a fake tear.
"Are they good, Jax?" I asked him to get his opinion.
"Yeah, they're awesome!"
"Now are you happy that I didn't kill you?"
"Well not really I guess..." He shrugged and I looked at him confused, Tigger doing the same.
"I only stopped rolling my eyes because I wanted pancakes." Tigger broke out into uncontrollable laughter and almost choked on her mouthful of food. I just hung my head and sighed.
"Of course..."
"You can't complain Ash." Jaxon warned me.
"I know, I know." I quickly started eating my pancakes as Jaxon grabbed himself a fourth and fifth pancake.
Tigger managed to stop laughing and continued to eat. Sooner or later we had all finished eating and the two of them offered to wash the dishes since I had cooked. I thanked them and started to look for Ember. I checked my room, they're room, the kitchen multiple times, the storage room, and the attic but she was no where to be found. I started getting worried and began panicking, but just at that moment I heard scratching at the front door.
I ran over to the door and quickly opened it, I looked down at the floor and saw Ember with an envelope in her mouth. She ran in and jumped into my arms which made me tumble over backwards landing on my back. She had dropped the paper and barked while licking my face, I laughed and put her down on the floor and she ran in circles around me. I picked up the envelope and on the front it had my name and my age.
I looked at it confused. Who else could possibly know my name and my age other than my friends? I ripped opened the envelope and a letter fell on the floor. Well duh, what else was in there, an elephant? I walked to my room holding it, that's when I noticed the pink ribbon put in a bow on the envelope.
"Blegh............ gross.." I took it off and put it on my bedside table. Then I saw my finger tips were covered in black and dark green glitter. What the..? Was I being messed with? Other than those two things there were no other special little details that I could see.
"Ok then...?" I asked myself, and Ember had stopped running around like an idiot. I picked up the letter and unfolded it carefully. I was very concerned about this after I read it, more so scared in a way too. Here's what it read;
Dear Ashleigh,
I have been told that you have made it closer towards my palace, fantastic isn't it? This then means we will be able to see each other regularly, yay! Oh, I hope you like the ribbon colour, it's beautiful isn't it? Knowing you, you probably don't remember me. What a pity. I have also been confirmed that you have turned 16 about 5 or so months ago, same age as me funnily enough. Happy birthday, not. I despise you with all of my being, ever since that day you have forgotten every encounter we have had. Any interaction in the past has disappeared in your mind.
You're worthless, annoying, a tragedy, and above all, you are nothing to me. I cannot stand to even see you, you make my blood boil, and I can't take it anymore. When your ready all I want from you is this. I want you to head 183 kilometres North East of your current location. Oh I know that you're in your room, I just know these things. Then you will find me at my palace waiting for you, oh and one more thing. I won't go down with out a decent fight, I will see you when you arrive. You have 6 months remaining.
'Kind' regards,
Unbeknownst to you, yet.
At the end there was a neat signature I didn't recognise, almost too neat of a signature. There was also something really odd, a small picture with myself as a young child, and another little girl with black hair, pale skin, and light blue eyes. I couldn't believe it, they know who I am and have pictures of me. That's creepy, and stalker-ish. I'm scared and I don't want to know how or where they got the picture.
(I drew this just for the sake of the chapter, be happy. Though it sucks I kinda like it)
I read the letter not twice, not three times, but FOUR. FOUR TIMES, just to be sure I wasn't imagining things, even though the glitter and ribbon look real. I'm so confused, who are they and how do they know me? My hand started trembling and Ember was whimpering while pawing my arm. My throat felt dry and I started panicking, what do they mean 'You have 6 months remaining'? I heard foot steps approach my door that was closed. Jaxon opened the door and I shot my head up.
"Hey Ash, we were wondering if you wanted to come out to the lake for a quick swim. We were gonna head down in about 10 or so minutes anyway if you're inter-" He cut himself off when he saw me, and at that moment Tigger came in.
"Ash? What's bothering you?" Tigger had set her head on Jaxon's shoulder. (Rip Sosuke's shoulder) I looked down and frowned closing my eyes.
I handed them the letter and Jax took it from me and started reading. I assumed after a few moments that Tigger had finished reading and was taken aback and her eyes widened, then she skimmed over the letter once more taking it out of her boyfriend's hand. He glared at her for her action.
"Hey! I was reading that!" He whined and pouted. He then looked over her shoulder continuing where he left off.
They had both finished reading and stared at me in disbelief as I sighed. I looked up and saw their faces and took a breath.
"That's not the creepy part." I picked up the picture of me and the little girl and handed it to them. They once again looked upon me in disbelief.
"Who are the people in the picture?" Tigger questioned.
"The brunette is me and the girl with the black hair..... I don't know who she is. Truthfully I have no clue." I shook my head.
"That does make sense if you put the pieces together. But what we need to know is how they got the picture in the first place. Though, at this point we can assume that the writer is the little girl next to you in the photo, and that she has or had a special connection to you. That's my theory anyway." She crossed her arms and shook her head.
"Besides, she wouldn't have written to you in the first place if they had no clue of who you are. Would they?" She smirked and I nodded agreeing with her. Jaxon pecked her check and smiled.
"This is why we need you." A small blush made it's way across his face.
"You guys are seriously too cute."
"But, that's one piece down. I'm confused on the '6 months remaining' part..." Jaxon came over and sat next to me on my bed and put his hands behind his head. He then laid down next to me.
"Maybe she means that you have 6 months to think about heading over there." Tigger shook her head than sat on the other side of me.
"No I don't think so, that's too simple."
"I guess..." I mumbled as my ears drooped. I heard a sign from Jaxon.
"Then I guess we should give up." Jaxon mumbled and shrugs.
"No stupid!" Tigger shouted slapping his shoulder, hard. (Once again, rip Sosuke's shoulder)
"Owwww!" He whined grasping the shoulder that was hit.
"What if that's her game? Simple and straight forward." Tigger clicked her fingers and smiled hopefully.
"Maybe..." I mumbled again. I heard an almost silent screech next to me. He grasped his shoulder in 'pain' and formed himself into a ball, he is such an idiot.
"Don't be such a wuss Jaxon!"
"But it huuuurt!" She sighed and face palmed herself.
"I think for now we just leave the letter and come back to it later. I don't really want to deal with it right now..." I said as I stood up. I turned around to face them and smiled.
"Now, what were you saying about going for a swim in the lake?" I did a closed eyed smile. I opened my eyes and they both nodded.
"Then let's get ready and go!" Jaxon said enthusiastically while fist-pumping the sky.
I ushered them out of my room and started to get changed. After I had finished changing I grabbed my towel and looked at the photo that I found in the letter the girl sent to me. I picked up the letter and looked at it sadly as my ears dropped. What could I have down to upset her so badly? I heard my door creak open slightly and Tigger stood in the small crack.
"Come on Ash. Jaxon's waiting, let's go." She looked at me and saw I had the letter in my hand. She walked over and took it from me and held it above her head. I dropped my towel and walked over to her.
"Hey! Give that back!" I was jumping up to try and grab it when she started laughing and held it behind her. I growled and tried to reach it but failed, this is why I hate being short.
I went around her but she follow me in suit. She held the paper in her hands and ripped it. I looked at her in disbelief and she just giggled. What the hell does she think she's doing? I fell to my knees since my legs felt wobbly and weak, and my eyes threatened to spill out tears. I looked down and my lips were trembling.
"Don't worry about her Ash. She has no clue what she's in for." She bent down to where I was and lifted my chin up to look at her. She had a small, but soft smile on her face. I blinked and swallowed as a tear fell down my cheek, but her hand had already wiped it away. With her other hand she moved away the hair that was covering her eye. (Remember she has one eye covered like Ashleigh and...many other of my oc's... Don't judge me, it's a lot easier that way than drawing 2 eyes cause I'm lazy.)
My eyes widened in shock since I had never seen her without her hair covering her face. I stared into her beautiful gold eyes that were welcoming and bright. She giggled a little and I focused properly on her. She winked at me and left me there in shock, sitting on the floor of my room. I focused after she left and shook my head and stood up, grabbing my towel as I walked out the door of my room.
I walked out side to see Jaxon and Tigger smiling and trying to hold back laughs. I sighed and looked at the ground walking over to them. I felt somebody put their hands on my shoulders, which caused me to look up and I saw Tigger looking at me. I felt betrayed and frowned, looking away from her but she grabbed my chin and forced me to look at her. They've done that to me way too many times, what am I a test subject?
"I'm sorry, and when we get back there's something I need to show you. Ok?" I nodded and averted my eyes once again to the floor. I nodded slightly rolling my eyes.
"Ok guys! Let's get going!" Jaxon said and started walking.
Just at that moment Ember ran outside and jumped on top of me barking, making me fall to the ground. I picked her up and set her on the ground next to me and got up. I followed after Jaxon and Tigger and Ember started to trail behind me at a quick pace, as she sniffed basically every single uneven patch of grass there was. There was a lot of them which made it annoying to chase after her.
Sooner or later we had made it to the old crib. I stopped walking along with the guys and looked upon the ruins of it. It's all run down and mouldy, turning a greeny-white colour. I saw a few slaters and ants crawling up the doorframe as well as vines weaving they're way up to the roof. I saw weeds growing through the cracks in the wooden floorboards inside, as the door was slightly ajar, and there was a beam of sunlight shinning directly onto the small green stems. Then there was a crash, a couple old boards fell to the ground landing on one another. Clashing together like swords in a fighting match, competing against one another for victory.
I winced as the sound was loud and it caused Ember to jump too. I took one last glance at the place and kept walking, after a second or two Jax and Tigger were walking by my side again. I watched as Ember excitedly ran to every tree and patch of dirt possible, when I caught a glimpse of the lake off the edge of the cliff. I gasped silently and watched the sun's rays reflect off the water, making it glisten beautifully. My eyes sparkled at the sight, I held my arm with my towel in it to Jax and mumbled 'hold this'.
He took it from me with confusion and I ran off to a tree close to it and saw the beautiful lake down below, in the barren valley. I ran over to the edge of the cliff and dove down into the air, waiting to feel the water on my skin. After a few seconds I hit the water hard and hurt my arm a little. I resurfaced for air and coughed out water, that was when I noticed I had blood dripping down my forearm. I heard and saw two more splashes in the water and saw my friends reappear from the crystal clear liquid.
"I didn't break the tension. I guess I was a bit too eager and forgot.." I mumbled to myself as I examined my arm. It's not a bad cut but it was still bleeding a lot.
I swam over to the side of the beautiful water source and sat there for a moment. I felt a cloth like fabric fall over my head and I muffled a 'Thanks', as I assumed one of them chucked my towel at me. I took it off my face and saw them both floating on their backs on top of the transparent liquid. I smile to myself and start to wipe down my arm with the towel, I managed to stop the bleeding and cleaned it up a little bit. I hopped into the water and tried to rinse off the dried blood, after a bit the blood had rinsed off and I saw something under water. It was held between a few small grey rocks.
It shined in the sun light from above. I looked at it confused and a few small bubbles had escaped my mouth. I was losing air, crap! I quickly grabbed it and swam up for air. I resurfaced and coughed as I had made it up just before I had run out of air, I never really noticed but the lake is actually pretty deep. I brought my hand with the object in it in front of me so I could have a look at it. The sun glared on it and blinded me for a second, I shielded my eyes and blinked a couple times. It was a necklace with a blue crystal hanging off it. The chain was a sort of ropey material whereas the crystal was pure and shined beautifully in the sun light.
I looked at it carefully and noticed a carved shape in the side of it. It was a weird symbol that I didn't understand. I looked over to the others and they were still floating, I swam over silently and noticed that their hands were interlocked. I smiled and poked Jaxon on his stomach, he freaked out and I just laughed at him. That was hilarious!
"You need to be more aware Jaxon! That was priceless! Bahahahahahahaha..!" He looked at me annoyed and sighed.
"I guess you're right. But what do you want?" I handed him the crystal necklace and folded my arms.
"What does that say?" I asked. He turned it a bit and saw the engraved symbol on it.
His eyes grew wide and his face looked shocked. He turned and grabbed Tigger's shoulder as she was floating, she stood up and looked at what he was holding and she put a hand to her mouth. She looked at me at the same time as Jaxon had turned, surprised and shocked. I gave her a confused look and unfolded my arms.
"Where did you get this?" She asked me worriedly.
"I-I found it on the bottom of the lake, in between some small rocks." Tigger had grabbed it from Jaxon's hand and grabbed my own.
She was holding my hand and looking into my eyes, the hand with the necklace in it had been placed over mine. Her larger hand covered my small one and she dropped the charm into my hand. She let go and folded my fingers, covering the beautiful piece of jewellery. I looked up at her and she had a serious face on, looking straight back at me. I swallowed and felt uncomfortable, she nodded at me and held my cheeks with her delicate hands.
"Promise me you will look after this, ok?" She asked me.
I nodded weakly as she still held my cheeks in her hands. She sighed, relieved, and smiled at me. I heard Jaxon sigh behind us and Tigger had turned her head to look at him, I stood there as her hands had fallen down to my shoulders.
"I thought I was your boyfriend." He pouted, tigger giggled and walked over to him. She kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Awwww~! Your jealous of Ash, how cute! But, I think she's not into girls Jax." I blushed and saw him chuckle.
"I suppose you're right." He kissed her forehead and snuck his arms around her waist.
"Let's head back up why don't we, it's getting late too." He continued on. Myself and Tigger nodded and went to the bank to grab my towel.
I just noticed that Ember had been sleeping next to my towel. I sat her on top of it and picked her up, like she was sleeping on a pillow. I started to walk up the 'twisted path way of torture' and heard the others foot steps behind me. As I was walking I heard something and stopped. It was a giggle, a creepy giggle.
It was faint and it sounded like a little girl, who had just won a game of Hide & Seek. I continued to walk but I could still hear the small sound. I got distracted by it and almost tripped, luckily I caught myself just before I had fallen and almost dropped Ember. I puffed out a breath of relief and turned around to see the others were way behind me, I must have got lost in my thoughts and walked ahead.
Once I made it to the top I decided to wait for them to catch up to me. After ages they had finally caught up and I was dying because it's hot standing in the boiling sun. Oh, and I could shield myself with my towel since Ember is sleeping on it! I glared at her for a moment, but realised she was asleep and wouldn't see me anyway.
"Ughhhhhh, God you guys walk really slow.." I slouched over a bit and frowned.
"Sorry Ash, let's get going." Jaxon apologised.
"Yes, let's do that before I die of a heat stroke. It's way hotter here than it is in...."
I sort of just, stopped taking halfway through my sentence. I don't want to talk about back then. I shook my head and stared at Ember as she slept while I walked. I couldn't bring myself to talk about them anymore, it's almost unbearable to.
After quite a while we had managed to make it back unscathed. Sorry nothing happened, I just wanted to say that because it sounds awesome. I'm really annoying, sorry. Anyway, we made it back and it just dawned on me that Tigger had something to show me. I half smiled and gave my towel with Ember on it to Jaxon.
"Oh hey Tigger, didn't you have to show me something?" I asked as one of my ears tilted to the side. She had a moment of realisation and motioned me to follow her.
When she showed me what she wanted to, I was extremely pissed off.
Hey guys! I'm actually really proud of this chapter tbh, but anyway thanks for you're continued support on my books (even though most people aren't reading this book) and I will try to continue to make my chapters better and more exciting to read.
Even though I'm not updating my books at a regular, steady pace I'm not going to quit on these books until they are completely finished. I hope you guys stay with these books until the very end too! Also, and as always everyone-
Bye bye for now my little Tiger Cubs!~🐯🐯
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