Only a pure heart can fix a broken one..
Authors note- Pic above are their outfits for when it comes up, minus the spear,thank you. Also the second image above is for a wii bit of spoilers for this chapter cause why not? Ps I drew both da pics
{Ashleigh's POV}
Jax and I found a large cliff which you can watch the sunset from, about 4 or so hours ago. We also found a lake nearby as well which we swim in almost all the time now, since it's so nice. We often forget all of our problems and worries because we get that excited to go swimming and we have a lot of fun.
I told Jaxon and Tigger that I would be at the edge of the cliff watching the clouds. They decided to swim in the lake just for fun, I think Jax wanted to talk to Tigger anyway. We all agreed to meet at the bottom of the cliff in about 15 minutes.
On top of the cliff I just sat there in my swimmers that Jax had made for me, he is a really good clothing designer and I swam beforehand, with my legs hanging over the edge as the grass swayed calmly in the cool breeze. For a while i just sat their thinking about all the things that had happened only today, and what would have happened if they didn't call me for help. My ears had became droopy from thinking about that, I'm not sure why.
I push the thought out of my head for now and look out towards the beautiful valley down below smiling to myself. I started to become a bit emotional and kept my head low as a tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away with my thumb and felt a little bit better. 'Do'll be fine, just have your last moments here exciting...' the voice in my head told me. I nodded to myself and stood up, wrapping my arms around my stomach out of my own comfort, I grabbed a rock about the size of my palm and held it tight. I then sighed and said to myself:
"Whatever, it's just a jump, so let's go." My ears perked up in interest as my tail swayed side to side. I chuckled at the control I have over my ears and tail, none at all. I looked at the bottom of the cliff and quietly had a heart attack, I completely forgot I was afraid of heights. I took a few deep breaths and calmed down. I growled at myself for being scared at the stupid cliff. I always wanted to do this but, I was to scared.
I sighed to my self as I dropped the rock I was holding over the edge of the cliff. The rock wasn't that big, about the size of my palm.(or your palm, doesn't matter) My skin started to become hot from the sun being right above me. I walked about a step until I made it to the complete edge of the cliff, I was finally going to do it, and I was shaking slightly. The breeze was nice and the sun was warm, I smiled at myself and I feel calm. I crossed my arms over my chest (like how women do I'm soccer/football to defend know.... I have the right to remain silent) and fell forward, free falling. I'm not gonna lie, the cliff is really high up, about...1200ft?
Firstly I just fell for about 15 seconds and then decided to actually move. I made my body go into the shape as a star, then made myself into a ball for a few summer salts. I came out of the ball into a diver position, before I knew it, I had hit the water of the lake and swam to the top for air. I take a breath then I hear cheering from the side of the lake. There I see Tigger and Jaxon clapping, cheering and shouting.
I smiled at my friends and did a dab in the water.
I swim to the side of the lake and hop out, then realised that I'm bleeding on my thigh and ankle. I must have just grazed some rocks. Tigger grabs both my hands and tells me that I have to rest because something special is happening later. She told Jax to carry me so that I wouldn't be tired, I groaned and pleaded for me to walk, but she just told me its for my own good. She then proceeded to grab all of our clothes.
I groaned, again, and received a dead, cold look from Tigger. So I shut my mouth. Jax then told Tigger that I was wounded, she looked at me with sympathy and told me that we'll be home shortly. I nodded more so to myself because they had already started walking. Jax and I were about a metre behind Tigger so I asked him a question.
"Um.. Jax? Can I ask you something?" I felt a tingling sensation rise in my body, possibly from behind carried,or from being crammed into a ball, I'm not really sure. He responded after a little bit.
"Sure, what's wrong? If it's a girl problem, I'm not the best to ask." We both chuckled at his comment until I asked, still chuckling a bit:
"No, it's not a girl thing. But, um... I just wanted to ask, do you like Tigger?" His face became a little confused and embarrassed, oh, and don't forget le blush face. It was kind of adorable. He went to speak but couldn't find the words, I giggle because I found this hilarious. He inhaled and exhaled then found the words that he lost before.
"Um.. well, why would you ask such a question?" To be honest I have no idea WHY I asked, just because.
"Well I think you two would be cute together!" I said, my eyes went big and I covered my mouth with my hand. What. The. Actual. Heck. He went from pink paint to tomato real damn quick. He sort of opened his mouth as well in a shocked manner.
"Ashleigh.... do you, ship us?" I looked at him and scoffed. I was beyond furious at his statement. I absolutely hate shipping. (Sorry those shippers out there, I just hate it anyway back to le story)
"No. I don't ship ANYTHING. ITS STUPID!!" I shouted, too loudly so Tigger looked at us then directly at me. I sigh out of annoyance and broke the awkward silence.(sorry if u ship, but it sucks, as I said b4)
"Just, don't ask." I said looking down at the grass getting flustered. I am very easily embarrassed.(my bestie GryffindorGirl2004 would know...maybe😑😒)
She shrugs and turns back around and I look back at Jaxon with a 'Well?' face. He confesses:
"I'll admit she is very pretty, but I have never thought about liking her or anything like that..." He finishes with a face that means 'Why u do dis to me?' Oh well, they would be really cute though.
"I see, now. Could you be so very kind and PUT ME THE HELL DOWN?!!?" He looked taken aback from my sudden outburst, but he puts me down for me to walk literally 4 steps because then we made it to the hut. Come on! Jeez. Anyway, I walk in a lay down on my bed like Tigger told me to do and start to close my eyes. Slowly, falling into an unconscious state, called sleep.
~About 27 mins later~
I wake up feeling refreshed and calm, noice. I sit up and see that someone has laid out my good pair of clothes that I brought. I go to sit up properly but wince instead. I look at my tail and see that it is bruised in some areas. Jeez, well done me, they don't call me Captain Clumsy for no reason. Now that I think about it, I did hit the water of the lake a little roughly, plus Jaxon carrying me around for about 5 or so minutes, which probably crushed my tail, that could have possibly caused the severe pain.
Never mind, anyway, Tigger said something special was happening so I'll ask her about that. I walk trough the small hallway to Jax and Tigger's room (no, stop, right now.) to find it empty. I use my ears to hear for their movements, but surprisingly I hear absolutely nothing. Hmm, maybe outside? Nope, guess again. They are in the damn woods. Well, they are technically outside, but not in the perimeter of the cabin..... God I hate life.
I approach the two and wave as they wave back. Jaxon is sitting on a tree stump carving a piece of wood into something, whereas Tigger is hanging upside down on a low tree branch. Skills man. I sit next to Jax on the stump and look at his previous attempts at carving, so far he has made 5 wooden sculptures not including the one he is currently making.
I notice that all of his carvings are in the shape of a heart. Awww, I just ruined his life, good one me! We all are just talking about things until I hear a loud and irritated sigh. I look over to the noise and it's Jaxon because he just made another heart with a J and T in the middle of it. He crushed it until it was shattered into splinters. I look at him with sympathy, also with a face that says-
"I ruined your life, and I would be sorry, but I kinda suck at being nice and giving apologies. So yeah. I'm sorry, well, I would be if I cared, but I kinda do so uh, yeah. You probably hate me now. Sorry for that too." He then just shrugs and grabs another piece of wood.
Tigger and I (yeah....grammar) continue talking, when I ask her what was so important about today. She made a face which means- 'Oh yeah! I forgot about that.' she said:
"We are attending a party held at another clans territory close by. Jaxon and I have been close friends with the Empress, King, and members since we were 9, so they invited us to celebrate something special." She finished with a happy smile and her ears perked up a little. I'm still a little confused about why we have to go. So I asked her:
"What are we celebrating that's so important? Is it someone's birthday? Or is it a Victory from a fight?" I asked with my tail swaying back and forth. Jaxon then finished his new carved model, a tiger in a fighting stance with a cub next to it, aww. He gave it to me and replies with:
"We aren't sure, they haven't told us." I was half listening and half not because I was to busy looking at the figure with awe and those sparkly anime eyes that they have when they discover their Senpai likes them back, or something like that. I nod a little and he laughs at me. Tigger then realised something.
"Oh my god! We have to be at their territory in 15 minutes! Come on we have to get ready." She grabs both our wrists and runs, Naruto style, to the cabin. I just stare at her in shock and amazement about how fast she ran, that would have normally been a 20 minute walk but we got here in under 8 minutes. Jax just smirks and mouths 'Tell you later.' He then dashed to his room as I walk to mine.
I shut the door to my room and put my clothes that were on my bed on, after taking my other clothes off,excluding my necklace, then put my new pair of clothes on. I put down the sculpture of the tigers Jax made on my shelf. I look through my bag and find a pack of Oreos =3. I eat them super quick then head out. I see that Tigger is in the doorway and Jaxon just coming out of his room. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back, yeah boi he forgives me.
We head out and start walking I think in the right direction, I haven't been here before so I have zero idea. I took this time to examine both of their outfits. Jaxon is wearing a red singlet type shirt along with black trousers and no shoes. (gangsta life) He is also wearing a necklace with dog tags on it (I think that's what their called?) also these bandage like things that go from the middle of his forearm to his wrists. He looks really swag.
Tigger is wearing a blood red long-sleeved shirt with a pink heart on it, also wearing a black skirt with dark purple tights. (or leggings) She is also wearing a pair of the same shade of red boots as her shirt. Along with some make up, she looks beautiful. However, I am wearing my Star Bound shirt with ripped jeans(Photograph by Ed Shearen reference), with my hair in a high ponytail, along with no shoes like Jax, oh and my necklace. (As I mentioned b4 there is a pic above) We are still walking and I'm getting a little impatient.
"How much longer?" I ask breaking the silence. I look up at them both, since I'm the smallest, and I see Jaxon's aqua eyes fixated on me. I look at him and he makes his hand hold up a finger meaning 'One moment', I nod and he looks ahead of him and smiles and runs up to someone I haven't met before and gives them a high five and a 'bro hug'. I look to my left and realise that Tigger is no longer there. I start panicking, until I see her hugging a girl from the other Clan.
I stand there completely confused and baffled. I cup my hands together and start walking over to a path that leads into their village, hoping to not be noticed. But then I hear someone call out to me. Great.
"Ashleigh! Come over here! You have people to meet." I tense a bit then slowly turn around to see Tigger waving for me to come over to her. I do so and walk over to be brought into a quick embrace, then I look over at the the girl Tigger was hugging.
"Hello! I'm Paris, Empress of the Ember Clan." Paris says with a big smile across her face. I smile slightly and wave. I don't think I mentioned but I'm incredibly shy.
"H-Hi, I'm Ashleigh, Empress of the Tiger Clan..nice to meet you?" I asked with a little bit of question in my tone. She laughs at me and brings me into a tight hug, I hug her back. She lets me go and I get a full look at her now, since I was looking and the ground before, she is soooooooo pretty.
She has beautiful silky blonde hair, which is a little bit curly, that goes to her mid back, complimented with Auburn eyes and an amazing tan and I'm guessing she's about 17 at most. I also noticed she is wearing a gorgeous midnight blue coloured dress that has frills at the ends. As well as white heels. I am so jelly.
I compliment her saying that she is absolutely gorgeous and she just giggles at me and responds with a soft voice-
"Aww, your just the cutest little thing!" Tigger laughs along with Paris while I just stand there with a pink face, thinking 'Yeah, I wish.' Paris then suggested that I meet the King, dear lord of the almighty halp me. I nodded a bit too quickly in my opinion. There are so many things that could go wrong. I'm cut off from my thoughts because I hear Paris talking to me.
"Pardon, sorry?" I say. She giggles and repeats what she said earlier.
"When your ready, he is just with your friend Jaxon over there." She pointed in the direction of where they are, I look and nod at her as I thank her as well. Dear god I am not ready, uuuuuuggggghhhhh I'm so embarrassed. I walk slowly over to Jaxon, behind him, and tap him on the shoulder. He looks behind him and smiles when he sees me. I then I whisper to him these exact words-
"U-Um.... The Empress told me that I should meet da King, um yeah, not ready help me. Please...? Many things go wrong. Plz." He chuckled at my embarrassed form while I just glare. He turns around and pulls me in front of him and tried to introduce me to the King, tried. I just kinda looked at the ground, yeah, #Socially Awkward.
"Hello, I am King Oscar of the Ember Clan. You must be Ashleigh." He says to me I nod still embarrassed. I finally have the courage to look up and talk but Jaxon interrupted me. Damn you.
"Yes, this is Ashleigh the Empress of the Tiger Clan. She is just a little embarrassed so excuse her for a moment." I look at him with the face that means 'Rly? Why?' He just chuckled.
I look at Oscar and he just smiles, I wave a little and Jax grabs my shoulders tighter. Causing me to squeak and jump a little. I look down completely embarrassed while Jax smiles at me apologetically. I nod and look at Oscar again.
He is quite handsome I must admit, he has black hair with a streak of lime green, his eyes are an amazing shade of midnight blue while his skin is a little paler than Paris' and has adorable freckles across his face. I study his clothes to see he is wearing dark purple jeans, a grey t-shirt that read 'Rebel' in black text with a demon face on it, also a gold coloured cape that covered most of his body up until the back of his knees. The cape also has an ember stone on the part where it buckles up.
I grew more confident and we started talking about things, blah blah blah. I told them both I wanted to walk around the village, Oscar didn't mind at all, but Jaxon told me to be incredibly careful around the outskirts. He didn't say why though. I told him I would be fine and walked off. Their village is so pretty at night! There were houses and market stalls everywhere, there were also these really pretty fairy lights on poles and around the stalls.
I walked around some more and was greeted with smiles and 'Hi's' and 'Hello's' from the towns people. I was around the middle of the village when I saw.......the castle! It was huge! I stood there in awe for a moment until I saw a girl about my age sitting by her self reading. I walked over to her and smiles and sat with her.
"Hi. I'm Ashleigh, the Empress of the Tiger Clan, what's your name?" I asked she smiled at me and grabbed a piece of paper from her book and a pen, I was confused at first then I read what she had written. It said-
'Hello, I am Kiara. Sorry I couldn't respond to you, I am mute so I can't speak. I can hear you, but can't speak." I read it and felt bad for the girl, it must be really hard to communicate with people. I started up a conversation with her-
"Oh, that's ok. Do you use sign language to communicate?" She nodded then wrote-
'Yes, but most of the time I can't because people don't understand it. So I tend to just write on paper.' Aww, that's so sad.
"How old are you?" I felt a bit rude for asking but I already had so.. yeah. She put up ten fingers then four, 14 cool!
"Wow! Your only a year older than me. Sweet." I smile and she smiles back, I laugh and she giggles.(she can laugh, and scream but can't talk.)
"Do you have any friends? In the village I mean." She nods and writes down that she is only friends with the Empress and King. I nod. Then ask-
"Could you teach me some sign language? Please?" I ask with a smile as my ears drop a little and my tail sways back and forth. She smiles widely and nods. She then made had signs that meant 'I'd love to!' (Points at her, heart with her hands, holds up 2 fingers)
After about 20 minutes I had learned loads of signs and what they mean. I was to focused on learning I never really got to look at her features. The first thing I notice is that she is a Mef'wa, her ears and tail are black with white patches, cute! She has auburn hair, with greyish blue eyes.
Her skin is quite pale but it suits her, she's wearing a white top that says 'Born to live' with a heart underneath it and pastel like green shorts, also a black cap ,which is backwards, that says 'Squad' in cursive writing. Also black high-top converse.
After another 10 or so minutes Jaxon jogs up to us and smiles at us both and starts talking to us as well.
"I see you have made a friend Ash. Nice." He says I nod and I respond with-
"Mmhm! This is Kiara, she's mute and uses sign language. Kiara, this is one of my friends, Jaxon who is from my Clan."
She smiles and does some hand movements to me and I repeat them in words to Jax.
"Kiara says 'Nice to meet you, I hope we can become friends.'" He smiles and says that he was sent by Tigger to come grab us for dinner.
"Ok! How long will we be here for?" I ask and he ponders for a bit but then decides.
"We will be having dinner then we will stay for about another 45 minutes." He states and I nod along with Kiara. We get up and start to follow Jax to where we eat. We sit down along with the other members of the village and start to eat. There are multiple tables around the middle so everyone can fit. I'm on a table with Kiara, Tigger, Jax, Paris, Oscar, and their best fighters Kyle and Jasmine.
After we eat we all get up and start to find somewhere to talk. The King wanted to talk to Kiara and the fighters. So Jax, Tigger and myself are talking with Paris. After a while I get bored and tell Tigger that I'm going for a quick walk, she nods in approval and I walk off. I also wanted to get away because I absolutely hate being surrounded by people, it freaks me out.
{Tigger's POV}
I let Ashleigh go for a walk around the village because she looked a little bored, she'll be fine I know that. But I still don't think that she's fine on her own yet. I turn to Jaxon with a serious expression and say to Paris that we will be back shortly, she nodded and started talking to Kyle.
I bring Jax over to a table and look him in the eye. He starts to panic, I can feel it. He starts asking me questions.
"What's wrong? Is someone missing? Did I do something? Did you do something? Are you angry at me?" He asks a crazy amount of questions. I just sigh which catches his attention and I put my arms on his shoulders and look at him, then say-
"Keep your eye on Ashleigh, she's gone on a walk but still look out for her. Something doesn't feel right, just keep checking up on her."
He nods and we walk back over to Paris and we continue talking about things. I'm so worried about her, but I have no clue what it is. Oh well, Jaxon can handle the task I have given him.
{Ashleigh's POV}
I walk around the outskirts, surprisingly, nothing jumped out at me or attacked me for a good 15 minutes. Until I reached an area which had forest surrounding the outskirts, then I was 'attacked' by a hedgehog. I look around to see how far I've gone from Paris and everyone else, I have gone quite far and I can see Jaxon looking at me. I look back at him with a smile, which he probably can't see.
I put my arm up and wave it around like a kid in kindergarten who knows the answer to a question. I can see him chuckle a bit and he finger guns me. I laugh and give him a small wave and continue walking. I walk for about another minute or so until I see a girl with blue hair leaning on a tree.(picture below along with long authors note) I look at her and see that she is just staring off into the distance.
I slowly, and damn cautiously, walk over to her making as less noise as possible. I finally made my way close enough to her to be in a talking distance. I then ask her-
"U-Um, excuse me? Are you alright? Why aren't you enjoying the celebration? Are you lost?"
I manage to choke out and she looks at me. I can't see her eyes but she looks happy. She smiles sweetly at me, and slightly shivers. My ears lower as I get a bit closer, I have no clue why, and my tail stopped swaying. Then she breaks the silence by sighing.
"I'm alright, I'm not celebrating because I am not part of this Clan, and no I'm not lost. You just frightened me a little." She says calmly, her voice is so soothing. I nod a little and start to ponder.
"What are you doing here by yourself, and why are you in another Clan's territory?" She just looks down for a bit before looking away.
"I just needed some time alone..." She replies sadly.
" you want me to go?" I ask a little unsure, cupping my hands. She looks at me before shaking her head.
"No, you can stay. Your quite interesting... are you in some part of power? It's just that, your aura is incredibly relaxing and strong." I nod shyly as we both sit down.
"Y-Yes, I am the Empress of the Tiger Clan.." She looks at me surprised but nods. We sat there in silence for a bit, admiring the nice breeze. I turn my head to face her and ask-
"Can I ask you something?"
{Jaxon's POV}
Oh. My. God! I lost her!! You had one job man, one damn job! I feel like part of my heart was ripped out of my body, I consider Ashleigh as my younger sister. She's just so full of life and amazing in every way, even though she kinda put my mind through a hard time she's still awesome.
I feel awful for multiple reasons-
*I lost my Empress
*I feel horrible for loosing her
*and I'm going to have to tell Tigger that I lost her...fudge.
Oh dear lord of cheese biscuits help me. I approach Tigger quickly and ask to talk to her alone, she agrees being the person she is. I take her over to a table and start to play with my hands looking at the ground, embarrassed. My ears drooped instantly, along with my tail going between my legs.
"Well? What's up?" She asks worried. I hesitate and stutter but manage to force out the words.
"W-W-Well, I was looking out for you asked...." I start
"Mmm? Keep going.." She makes a circle motion with her hand. Oh god.
"U-U-Um, I saw her and we made eye contact and waved at each other. S-She started walking again after I made sure she was fine...." I stumble.
"Yeah...and?" She says agitated while nodding. I continue.
"I w-was talking for a l-little and looked up literally 3 m-m-minutes later...and she was gone! I couldn't see her anywhere and was so angry at myself that I lost her! I'm an idiot, I want paying attention I'm so sorry!" My last 2 sentences came tumbling out and I kinda stopped breathing for a moment.
Tigger had tears in her eyes and was getting emotional,her face was losing its usual tan. I panicked and put my hands on her cheeks and then hugged her. She recollected herself and stormed over to Paris with shaking hands and her breathing became faster and heavier. It broke my heart to see her like that! She's my best friend and Clan member, I feel so ashamed in myself.
Paris looked at her with concern and worry engulfing her in a hug. I followed and made my way over to Oscar. I got Oscar over to Paris and Tigger when she finally broke down. She was sobbing, her make up was a mess and hair ruined. I went behind her and started rubbing circles on her back with my hand.
She slowed down her sobs and wiped her eyes. She looked up at me and then to Paris. She then said-
"Ashleigh is missing. We need to find her." Tigger finished with her voice becoming strained and tired. Paris nodded and got Kyle and Jasmine to alert the other guards to help look around. Oh my god it's all my fault, I started rubbing my face with my hands and start to tear up. What is wrong with me, it was a simple task!
{Ashleigh's POV}
I asked her that and she just snickered at me and said:
"You just did, but what is it?" I take a breath while laughing at her statement, and looked up meeting her gaze.
"What's wrong? I can sense your sadness. Or is it something you don't want to talk about?" My ears dropped because I thought I hurt her feelings.
She freezes looking shocked, but I still can't see her eyes. I hope I didn't make her feel horrible..
{??? POV}
I freeze as Ashleigh asked me that question. I have always hated my past, but I can't stop thinking about it. Ugh forget it! It happened 8 years ago, I'm 15 now! But I still can't stop thinking about it...
~Flashback~ [this girl is 15 so 8yrs prior to when she was 7]
I was with my friends playing in the play ground at our school. We were having fun, laughing, playing tag, and other fun games. I was with my best-best friends, Lily and Georgia, until they asked... that question.
"Hey Cammy? Why do you never let us see your eyes?" I looked taken aback, but recovered from Lily's sudden curiosity.
"Why do you want to know? Their just eyes." I say, a little mad.
"We think that you would look pretty with your eyes showing! You never show anyone your eyes! Please Cammy!" Georgia said. I finally let out a sigh and agreed. I took them over near an 'abandoned' area, so that no-one could spy on us without me noticing.
"Are you sure?" I ask shakily.
"Yes! Positive!" They both say in unison.
"Promise that you won't freak out?"
"Pinky promise!!" We all intertwined our pinky's and I move my hair out of the way so that they could see. I was so scared to show them because, I don't have eyes...I was born without them but had the ability to see. I was always afraid that they would judge me or get freaked out... and that exact thing happened.
They were shocked to say the least and started to cry. They both ran away screaming their heads off, saying things like, 'Get away!' 'She's a monster!' 'Help me!'. I let a tear of blood escape Yes you're not reading wrong, blood. I always cried blood. The tear fell onto my hand and I just stood there until I whispered something to myself.
"Y-you.... promised.." All of a sudden a rushing wind surrounded me and I didn't care. I let a sigh out and ran to the bathroom. I locked the stall and cried.
~Time skip to 5:45pm~
I was watching my favourite show when the news came on-
"This evening at 5:30 two bodies of young students were discovered in the local school grounds, Lily Skite and Georgia Naran.
Police have found no trace of the culprit or any signs of a murder weapon. Both the little girl's parents were interviewed for this report. Here are their devastating responses to their daughters being found dead, in their own school."
My mother walks in after listening to the report and turns her head sadly to me and asks-
"Sweetie, aren't they your friends?" I nodded sadly and she came over and rubbed my back and gave me kisses.
I have never felt so guilty in my life.
~Flashback over~
I turned to Ashleigh and have her a hug and cried. I needed so much comfort right now it's unbelievable. God I am such a bad person.
{Ashleigh's POV}
The mystery girl give me a hug and cries onto her arm from hugging me so tight. I hold her and pat her back, I notice that she has blood on her arm, I then see a tear of blood come from her eye. I panic and ask her if she was ok.
"Oh my god your crying blood! Are you alright?!" She nods and wipes her eyes.
"Sorry, I've always done probably want to know why I'm crying don't you?" I nod anxiously. She sighs and explains her problem leaving out some parts. I feel so bad for the girl, her past is horrible. Worst than mine.
"What's your name?" I ask.
"...I can tell you if you look at my eyes without being creeped out." I nodded and said that I would like to see her eyes.
"Can I see you eyes? Please?" She hesitated but agreed.
"Please don't get freaked out?" I nodded and said-
"Promise." She holds out her pinky finger, I nod and I intertwined mine with her's. She moves away her hair so that I can only see dark holes where her eyes are meant to be. I'll admit, it's a little scary but none the less, cool.
"Woah.." Was all I could say. It was so amazing, she looked surprised but smiles and told me her name.
"My name is Caroline, but my friends call me Cammy, I hope we can be friends." She smiles sweetly and nod my head with a determined look on my face.
Hey guys! *cracks knuckles* that was a long one jeez, anyway I'll explain the start where Ashleigh jumps off the cliff. Well, earlier in the chapter it said that she and Jaxon had found a cliff and a lake and that they were relatively close. After about 10mins of her sitting on the cliff she decides to jump.
People would think that she is committing suicide, but no. She isn't. As mentioned it says she picks up a rock and drops it over the edge. She does this to break the tension of the water, so she won't die on impact or break any bones. Though she does say, and I quote-
'Just have your last moments here exciting...' Ashleigh says this because she is going to jump off the cliff, so then she isn't on the cliff anymore, so in conclusion her last moments on the cliff was here jumping off. There you go. Also here is the picture of Caroline. OMG I have typed so many words. So bye. (6021)
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