Crazy Time
Only a pure heart can fix a broken one..
{Ashleigh's POV}
"WHAT?!?! WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU DO THAT!?!" I roared at the female as she cowered back. I was basically steaming puffs of smoke out of my ears.
My tail was straight and my ears were flat on my head. She nervously giggled and gave me a piece of paper. It was the letter that random girl sent me, but how? I glared at her and folded my arms. My gaze trapped her in the spotlight, like somebody staring down their enemy as they had done something awfully annoying. Her ears were flat too, out of guilt.
I tapped my foot impatiently waiting for an answer as she just played with her fingers. I felt like stabbing her to be honest, playing an awfully cruel joke me like that. She took in a breath and I unfolded my arms, even though I am shorter than her I had all the power in this conversation. I took a step forward and was looking at her face, which looked like she was mentally preparing herself for something major.
"Well, earlier when I walked in... I saw you looking at the letter. You looked, puzzled, disappointed, and sad at the same time, and I couldn't stand to see you look like that over a stupid letter. Then I noticed that there was a piece of paper on your wardrobe, and had an idea.
That's when I walked over and took it from you, holding it in the air like a bully with the victim's item. As you tried to get around me when I had it behind me, I swiftly swapped the papers and I felt awful but it had to be done. Then that's when I ripped to paper in front of you, when I saw your face after I had done that my heart broke. I couldn't do it but I already had, that's when I saw you fall down. I felt like I had killed someone close to you.
Then that was when that happened on the floor, the awkward moment. I'm sorry about that, I didn't know what else to do. But, please please forgive me. I'm sorry for myself doing that to you, I can only imagine how you're heart shattered when I did that.... I'm sorry Ashleigh...."
She walked over to me and swung her arms around me in a tight hug. I was shocked at first then I slowly hugged back, my eye was a bit glossy but I felt fine. My anger had settled and I was calm again. I rested my head just below her shoulder as I wasn't tall enough to reach her shoulder. She laughed at my action and pat my head. I lifted my head to look into her eyes and smiled.
"I forgive you. It's fine, I understand what you saw and didn't like what I was going through. You were just trying to help me, but I didn't see it that way at first. I'm sorry for shouting at you." I explained to her as I let go of the hug.
"It's alright, I can understand how angry you must have been." I smiled at her and she smiled back sweetly.
I sat on my bed and sighed, motioning her to sit next to me. She sat next to me and I felt comfortable. I looked down, slightly saddened. Tigger noticed this and put one of her hands on my shoulder. I looked up at the ceiling and forced myself to relax.
"When will we end up going to her quote unquote 'palace' though?" I asked as I turned my head towards her.
Her expression was blank and she removed her hand from grasping my shoulder. It seemed like she was zoning out into another realm or something like that, I waved my hand in front of her eyes and she shook her head. After that she regained focus and giggled nervously.
"Sorry about that." She rubbed the back of her head. I shook my head and waved her off.
"But, do you have an answer? I tilted my head a little.
"Yes. We will leave in a week." I looked at her surprised as the timeframe was short.
"Are you serious?" I pressed on to her response a bit excited, as well as nervous.
She nodded and I felt like I died a little. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I'm so nervous right now, I feel like I might faint. I took a large breath of air in, then exhaled slowly. I got up and started reading the letter again for any clues written in between the lines. Tigger just giggled at my weird behaviour and I just continued to read.
"Where's Jaxon?" I asked her and turned around to face her, as I was sitting at my desk while she was still on my bed.
"He's out at Paris and Oscar's place for something. At least that's what he told me anyway." She shrugged and made her way over to me.
"While your doing that, do you want me to make you something?" She looked at my desk that was covered in papers filled with sketches and drawings drawn from pure boredom, I laughed nervously as she saw ALL my pictures.
"Yes, thanks Tigger." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.
She picked up a few sheets of paper and scanned over them. I saw that one of the pages had a rip, going from the middle of the paper to the other side. I quickly grabbed the paper to see that it indeed, was ripped in half. But, luckily none of my sketches had been torn into or ruined.
I breathed out a breath in relief and sunk into my chair. Tigger saw that I was relieved and apologised to me.
"What for?" I questioned her and she smiled sheepishly.
"That was the paper I ripped in half when I pretended it was the letter. Also, sorry for making you worry about your drawings. You take a look of pride in them don't you?"
"I suppose you could say that." I sighed out softly.
"When I was a lot younger I really wanted to be an Artist when I grew up, really badly in fact. So I began drawing my life away, eventually I was better than most of the other students in my class. Though, I didn't think much of myself I thought that I had finally found something I enjoyed and that I was also good at.
Then, one day I was outside my art class waiting for the teacher and I realised I didn't have my sketchbook on me. I looked frantically in my bag, locker, books, shelves, classrooms but had no luck finding it." I stoped to take a breath.
"The next day, I was walking home from the bus stop which was about a block from where I lived since we were so far away from town. Anyway I was walking up some stairs, because I had to walk around this work place, and something was chucked at me by a boy that went to my school.
He was kinda like the popular kid that was rich and liked making others feel like they were not as good as he thought he was. I looked at it and it was my sketchbook, but the boy was gone when I looked up to find him. I opened my book to see if he had done anything. The first half of the book was missing, all the first half was ripped out and shoved into the back of it with scribbles and lines drawn over them.
I was mortified at that, because I took care of my drawing things more than anything else, and to see my drawings treated so badly I just... felt like..." I clenched my hand into a tight fist at the thought of that memory. My teeth were being forced together as well as I became angry.
"I... just felt like, they were trying to toy with my head. Ever since then, I never brought any drawing equipment to school or any place other than my home ever again. I even had a key to open the drawer in my desk where they were all kept. So, that's why I always treasured my drawings, and I still do."
I sighed and felt like I had been to a two hour therapist session. I glanced over to Tigger and she looked at more drawings, at the same time she was taking in what I had said. I sighed and stood up picking up a sheet with a small drawing of somebody sitting on a bench, cuddled up next to their boyfriend presumably.
"Wow. I can understand that.... do you still have that sketchbook you mentioned?" She glanced over to me putting the papers down.
I pondered in my head for a moment and starting searching for it. I checked under and the papers on my desk and muttered 'nope' under my breath. I opened the drawer on the left side and didn't see it, because there wasn't anything in the drawer. I then moved to the right side. I opened it to see it stuffed with pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, unused pieces of paper, for some reason a paper plane, pencil shavings, and a few books.
"Jesus Ashleigh." Tigger stood there astounded and I just laughed nervously.
I returned to searching and felt something, spirally. I thought it was a bug of some sort and jerked my hand back and hit it on the roof of the drawer. I shook my hand and realised it was the spiral of the book holding it together. I grabbed it and brought it out, once I saw it was the same one I yelled 'aha!'.
I handed it to her as I stood back up from kneeling. She took it in her hands and examined it carefully, the edges were folded up and she spiral coil had been uncurled past the edge of the side. The book was also covered in a layer of dust that had possibly been there for about a month or so. It had gone through its fair share of damage.
"C-Can I look at the drawings in the book?" She glanced up at me wearily and cautiously. I nodded to her, letting her relax.
"Sure, knock yourself out. Just, with the pages that have been ripped out keep them in the same order please. Also, I need to get changed so please scoot out." (I forgot they were still in their swim suits .~.)
I moved her to the door and shut it when she walked out. I quickly started to change out of my swimwear and into my more comfortable clothes. I heard a muffled 'I'm back'. from Jaxon as he opened the front door. I also heard Ember barking at him as he walked in.
'I'm changing don't open the door, and I think Tigger is in the lounge room.' I mind-linked him just to be safe.
'Alright, thanks.' He replied.
I breathed out a puff of air and slipped on a jumper as I opened the door. I walked out and saw Jaxon and Tigger sitting next to each other looking at my drawings. I felt a bit awkward having them see all my previous drawings from high school. Most of them were about darker subjects that I don't want to talk about.
I came around the back of the sofa and put my arms along the top, glancing at the page they were on. It was a picture of a person in a ginger cat onesie suit with the words 'A cute kitty cat!' written messily above it, next to the person it said 'nya' above their head. It wasn't the best thing I've drawn, but it wasn't the worst either.
"Ugh, that brings back wonderful memories." I said sarcastically as I took the book from Jaxon's hands.
I looked at the cover and noticed the pages that were ripped out, weren't in the back of it. I started to panic and freak out.
"Where are the ripped out pages?" I asked worriedly looking towards the two.
Tigger hand them in her hand and waved them showing me that she had the pages. I sighed in relief and held the book to my chest.
"Personally I think the ripped pages are you're better drawings, rather than the intact ones. To be honest, I think your an amazing artist Ashleigh." Jaxon complimented me. I looked away embarrassed and scratched the back of my head.
"Y-You really think so..?" I asked still a bit embarrassed.
He nodded and smiled and I saw Tigger agreeing with him. I laughed nervously and felt centred in the spotlight, I started to sweat and averted my eyes. I giggled uncomfortably and sort of scooted to my room putting the book away. I came back out to see them both laughing at me presumably.
"Oh! Jaxon, Tigger was telling me that we are going to head to that person's palace in a week!" I jumped excitedly as he smiled at me.
"Yeah, that way it gives us a week of preparation. I think also in the letter she said she was looking for a fight, didn't they?" I nodded eagerly.
"Mhmm! That's why we can prep and stuff and then kick her ass!" I yelled fist-pumping the air.
He just chuckled at my enthusiasm and shook his head. Wait. I'm meant to be reading the letter for clues, crap! I was worried for a moment and began running to my room.
"Uhhh bye guys, I need to do something important in my room for a while so don't disturb me!" I shut my door and it accidentally slammed.
I sat at my desk quickly and grabbed the letter, a pencil, and a blank piece of paper to wright down notes. I set my stuff out and took a deep breath and started to read and make sure I understood every single word in that letter and what it meant.
'Ashleigh what are you doing?' I heard Jaxon's voice in my mind and since I was deep in thought, I was scared. I smacked the desk with my hand, hard, and fell off my chair. I landed on the floor in an uncomfortable position.
"Holy fuck!" I shouted as I had just basically had the scare of my life. I heard two different pitches of laughter from the other room and got even more pissed.
"Assholes!" I yelled back as I tried to get back on my chair without accidentally killing myself.
I sat down and sighed lying my head on the desk, I was tired but I had to do this. Just to be thorough with what I was going to deal with over there. I picked my pencil up and began to scribble little notes down on an empty page.
'I'm writing down little pieces of information from the note that could be useful. Don't bother me.'
'Alright then.' He replied.
I heard Ember walk into my room as her small paws touched the wooded floor boards. She trotted her way over to me and jumped onto my lap as I sat on the chair, writing down stuff. I sighed and placed her on my bed and she curled up into a ball and slept peacefully, while I was working and drawing.
After about 3 hours I suddenly got this huge wave of exhaustion that swept over me and I couldn't bare it. I struggled at first, but I pushed myself to stay awake and keep working. I strained myself to keep my eyes open and not drift asleep, my arms felt like jelly and could barely move. I put my pencil down and ran a hand through my hair sighing.
I stood up from my desk and carefully moved Ember over so I didn't wake her up and got in bed. I lied down and pulled her up towards me and checked my phone for the time, 11:52pm. I set it down and yawned, I was beyond exhausted. I got into a comfortable position and closed my eyes to try and sleep, and in the blink of an eye I was asleep.
~Timeskip to 10:46am the next day~
I groaned as I felt somebody shaking my body, tempting me to wake up. I felt four paws on top on me and wander off my bed, hearing her claws on the floorboards. I rolled over and pulled the covers over my head childishly, I heard a sigh and whoever it was lied on top of me.
"Piss off.. I'm trying to sleep.." I said, still tired from last night. I managed to force the person off me and successfully sit up.
"You've been asleep for longer than necessary, Ashleigh. It's time to get up. It's almost 11 o' clock as well.." A defeated Tigger had announced and I heard her sigh once more.
"I don't care, I was up really late last night. I'm still tired." I groaned again and she literally, dragged me out of bed and down the hallway.
I was sliding on my back as she pulled me along behind her. I sighed, clearly aggravated. She just kept dragging me to wherever we going then I stood up and walked back to my room. I turned when I was at my doorframe and saw her chasing me with an angry look on her face.
"I'm getting changed, leave me alone." Was all I said before I slammed the door in her face and walked away from it. I heard her mumbling to herself as her footsteps faded away. I also heard a muffled 'Jaxon' and a door closing.
I plopped down on my bed with a slight -poof- resonating through my room. I got up lazily and went to my dresser grabbing out some clothes to change into, I quickly stripped and changed into a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and my jumper. I opened my door and went to the bathroom grabbing my brush, and forcing it through my messy, tangled hair.
After 15 minutes of brushing my hair I set it down and walked down to the front door. I grabbed my muddy boots sat down and started putting them on, lacing up the worn out laces. Once done, I walked back to the bathroom grabbing a hair tie and put my hair up in a messy ponytail.
I left the bathroom and walked out side, Ember trailing behind me with her paws making soft pats along the floorboards as she walked. I opened the door to see the two outside, I picked up Ember and walked over to them. I crouched, setting her down near their feet -as they were standing- and pat her head quickly.
I stood up turned and started jogging away, I didn't know where I was going but I was going somewhere. As I was jogging, I made it to a part of the woods I had never come across before. It was out of the way of everything and was so beautifully set, trees with vines hanging down from every place, the dew still speckled onto the leaves, the tree canopy with the sunlight barely shining through.
I kept jogging and found a clearing with this huge lake, even bigger that the one near home. I stared at it in awe, with the sun glistening onto the untouched surface. A few ripples were seen as leaves had fallen into the crystal clear water. Without hesitation I jumped in and opened my eyes, it was a lot deeper than the one at home; too. I swam in the water with my clothes on without a care in the world.
I smiled as I swam. I felt like I never needed to take a breath again, but sadly I had to go up to the surface. I swam up and took a breath whilst floating on my back and looking up at the sun shining through the leaves. I saw squirrels jumping from tree to tree up above, fighting for acorns. Sooner or later I dove back under, feeling the water on my skin felt amazing.
I opened my eyes and was surprised to actually realise how clear the water was. It wasn't muddy, covered is moss, or dirt... it was beautiful. I'm definitely going to come back here if I can find it again. I felt free as I swam underneath the surface of the water, I felt like I had no problems, and the water was welcomingly warm.
I came back up for a breath and crawled out onto the bank and I surprisingly didn't feel exhausted, I felt refreshed and ecstatic. I looked back to the water to see little bits of mud that had come off the bottom of my boot, I forgot I didn't take those off. I kneeled on the side of the bank and looked around. It was remarkable.
I took in the scenery as I scanned it. Beautiful blue, purple and peach flowers, berry bushes, wildlife, the colourful mushrooms, the beautiful trees, and the sunlight scanning over the top of it all. It was a beautiful sight to see, and I saw a small animal approach me. A small chipmunk right in front of me holding an acorn with its soft, delicate paws. I stared at me and tilted it's head, chewing on something in it's mouth.
I sat there completely still and silent, smiling at the small creature. It dropped the acorn and set its paws on my leg, hesitate. I put a finger out for it to grab and it he happily grabbed my hand, I giggled and he climbed up my arm up on to my shoulder. I heard rustling in the bushes and I whipped my head around and saw Jaxon and Tigger emerge from the giant leaves.
The chipmunk swiftly jumped off me, grabbed its acorn and scattered away. I sighed and looked at the two who we're panting and staring at me with confusion. A girl sitting in completely drenched clothes by a lake, I sighed and took off my boots. I really don't feel like talking to anybody at the moment.
"Ashleigh you need to come home, now. Or else we'l-" I stood up quickly and dove in the water again. I felt happy in the water and I don't want to go back.
I swam to the surface and started to float around on my back with my eyes closed. I heard a faint sigh as my ears were under water, I also heard muffled footsteps along the grass. I opened my eyes and saw Jaxon around to where I was floating, I reacted quickly and swam underneath the clear water.
I faintly heard a 'seriously.' and an 'are you kidding me?' as I swam deeper and deeper. I opened my eyes underwater and saw a cave, like the crystal one at the bottom of the lake at home. I kept going down but then felt something grasp my ankle, startled I turned around and saw the male holding my ankle with his hand.
I blew out a breath of bubbles -in an attempt to sigh- and let him pull me out. When we reached the surface I was coughing and gasping for air, as I got my breath back I crawled out of the lake shivering. Even though the water was warm, the cool breeze was hitting against my body making me cold. Tigger handed me my boots and I took them, thanking her.
I stood up and wrapped my arms around myself. I softly said sorry to them both while looking at the ground. I glanced over to Jaxon to see him completely soaked from the water and frowned sorrowfully at him, he just put a hand on my shoulder and smiled. After a moment the three of us started to walk back home. At this point I was slightly shivering but trying to keep warm at the same time.
I looked ahead and saw the house with Ember staring at us through a window. I then heard my name being called from a distance, it was soft and almost inaudible. I snapped my head around to look behind me and saw nothing, I was a bit scared and slowly turned my head around again.
But just as before I heard my name being called out softly from a distance. I turned my head around once more and saw nothing again. I stopped walking as well as the other two who were curious at my sudden behaviour. I turned my body completely around to where I was looking and I heard it again.
"Ashleigh.." The voice was smooth but scared me as it called out to me.
"Ashleigh..." It repeated itself again and again and I dropped my boots.
I ran towards where the voice was coming from. I heard Jaxon and Tigger coming after me and calling my name, which didn't help the matter at hand. I didn't know where I was going but the voice was getting louder and louder as I grew closer, the voice was relieved. It sounded like it had been calling for me for so long without an answer for them, but then I had suddenly answered.
I pushed aside the plant leaves as I heard the relief in their voice, and realised where I had ended up. I had ended up at the lake. But how, how did it lead me here? I heard rustling in the leaves and a bark that followed as the couple and Ember emerged from the bushes.
"Ashleigh what is going on with you?!" Tigger shouted at me in disbelief. I 'shhed' her and held up a finger.
"Did you hear that?" She looked around confused as I stared at her. She threw her arms up.
"Hear what?!" I breathed out a shaky voice.
"The voice, it lead me here. I-It was calling my name, I'm serious!" I told her and she looked at me confused. Ember barked softly, making her way to me and pawing my leg.
I pat her head and heard it again, the voice. I snapped my head to the water which had only rippled once. I glanced back at the two to see that Tigger was the only one who was really reacting to this. I grabbed their wrists and looked them in the eyes.
"Follow me. Take a deep breath and follow me." I looked them dead in the eye and let them go.
"Follow you whe-" I didn't catch the rest since I dove in the water.
I opened my eyes to see small bubbles around me, meaning they jumped in too. I saw a patch of red fur which was Ember. I swam deeper with the others until I found it, a cave exactly like the one Jaxon and myself found 3 years ago.
Tigger was on the floor catching her breath, Jaxon was looking around, and Ember was standing by my feet sniffing the air. I looked over to Jaxon and saw him looking at me with wide eyes. He remembers, I smiled faintly and walked over to them. I helped Tigger stand up and she gladly accepted my hand.
"Remember Jaxon, we found a place just like this 3 years ago. Back at home." He nodded smiling goofily and I laughed.
"Yeah, I remember!" He laughed and I glanced around, there are a lot less crystals here than in the last one.
I heard a whip sound and felt a pain around my arm. I winced and looked to see a vine or root securing my arm in place. I struggled to get free and then felt another vine grabbed my other arm, I struggled even harder and Jaxon tried to break me free. I was lifted up by the vines and started screaming and kicking my legs. I was terrified.
I then felt stronger and thicker vines wrap around my calfs and ankles. I screamed louder than ever trying desperately to break free. I started to cry and struggle even more though it barely did anything. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Ember biting, scratching, and snarling at one of the vines holding my legs. A smaller one had kicked her away and I screamed 'no!' repeatedly.
Another smaller root slid its way around my mouth, which only made muffled cries and screams. I looked at the ground to see my friends held down as well as my fox who were also struggling but with no luck. Something jerked my head up and forced me to look forward and I saw this glowing light blue canvas. It was so bright that is almost blinded me. The blue faded and I saw a little girl in the reflection of a mirror... that's me! But it was before I had all my operations done. I stopped struggling, trying to focus.
I was fiddling with the hem of my dress that I was wearing it was yellow with a black belt around my waist. I was so small back then, a lot smaller than I though I was. Behind my reflection was another girl with black hair and light blue eyes -the same size as myself- prancing around in her dress happily. She walked over to me and jumped onto my back, causing me to stumble around. I smiled at her, who was she? The girl looked about 5, as did I.
"Ashleigh, Ashleigh! Look, it's me and you!" She giggled cheerfully into my ear as she pointed to the mirror.
I looked at myself and started to pull at the sleeves of my dress. I also noticed my hair was really short too, just reaching my shoulders. I looked presumably uncomfortable. She was wearing the exact same dress as I was with the same belt, why is that? I looked at the screen confused.
"--9:;/-£?$+{>." There was a glitchy sound that caused me to jump a little. But in the scene, it appeared to be myself saying something in the reflection. But I don't know what.
"--9:;/-£?$+{>, how can you wear that dress! They're soo uncomfy!" I whined to her, could I be saying her name? Why is it censored out, who is she? She just giggled to herself and skipped away. I followed after her.
The vision faded and was replaced with another. I was looking through someone's perspective, where am I? I saw the person look around and I realised I was at an adult party it seemed. There were other children everywhere but I was only with one person out of them all, the girl from the mirror scene. I looked at the screen with confusion.
The vision looked toward the left and I saw I was holding her hand, she looked scared. I looked and saw I squeezed her hand and lead her over to a corner. We sat down and started talking, there was a boy in the background staring at us. I looked over to him and he walked over, he was taller than we were when we stood up. The girl looked terrified.
"Why are you to always together, and why are you wearing the same clothes?" The boy questioned me. The character looked down and I saw that I was wearing that yellow dress, as well as the other girl.
"Because, we're $);&'sdg2!" I replied to him, but there was another glitch sound. Why does that happen? What is it hiding?
"You don't look like it." He frowned and folded his tiny arms. The other girl replied with:
"T-That's because we're $/?(&:'chd 8he &);..." The boy looked angry, there were more glitches.
"You're lying to me!" He went to hit her but I blocked it. He had slapped my cheek really hard. I gripped it with my small hand.
"Ashleigh!" The girl cried and went and got..... my mum? The girl and my mum walked over with a tall man, but he wasn't my dad.
The man grabbed the boys arm roughly and forced him to apologise. He had teary eyes and mumbled 'sorry' quietly. I assumed that was the boy's dad. I didn't respond to him since I was crying. My mum gave me a hug and I hugged back. The second vision faded and the screen was back to being a glowing light blue. Once again, it was painful to look at since it was so bright.
What just happened? Who was that girl? Were they memories of mine? I'm so confused...
I was set down and let go by the vines and so were my friends. They ran up to me and asked me if I was ok, I just nodded to them. I looked up to see the vines retreating to the state they were in previously. I swallowed and looked back towards my friends, I saw that Ember had recovered from being hit earlier. I smiled down at the small ball of fur.
I crouched down next to her and pat the fur on her back, slightly wet from the water. I stood up and walked towards the pool of water and dove in. I felt the water change from cold to warm as I passed the magical 'barrier'. I opened my eyes and turned around waiting for my friends, they made it out and I looked up to the top to see we were trapped in.
My eyes widened and swam up quickly and took a quick breath, something had been shoved over the top to trap us! My head was above water but only just, I pounded against the object but it was too strong to even inflict damage. I glanced around to see no gaps to help the situation. A few seconds later I saw Jaxon emerge from the surface, taking a breath of air.
"What the hell?" He growled and swept hair out of his eyes. I saw Ember paddling up and Tigger not far behind.
The both made it up and Tigger was just as shocked as we were. Ember climbed onto my shoulder and placed her head up, I picked her up and handed her to Jaxon who put her on his shoulder. I took a deep breath and swam back down, opening my eyes to hopefully see the cave we just came from. But it wasn't there. Where did it go?!
I'm terrified just enough already, my eyes widened and I swam back up. I gasped for breath and coughed a little. I looked over to the others with a defeated look on my face and shook my head.
"The cave... it just disappeared.... it's gone..." I said in between breaths.
"Shit." Jaxon cursed under his breath with an angry look on his face as I took Ember from him.
I started to feel tired from kicking and paddling, I looked around and saw a root forced out the side of the dirt. I quickly grabbed it to keep me up and gestured to the other few roots for the other guys. They noticed and thanked me swimming over to one each. I growled under my breath and looked up at the blocked entrance. I set Ember on a small dirt ledge thing for her to rest.
I saw Tigger looking around in the water for something, she took a moment until she presumably found it. She took a few small breaths and then a deep breath and dove under, what is she doing?! She grabbed something and I saw she had been caught by a vine which held her arm in place. She blew out a few bubbles for help and I swam down quickly.
I tried to break it but it wouldn't budge. I glanced at her face which was filled with fear, she was also loosing oxygen because her face was going red too. Shit. I felt my pockets in my shorts and couldn't find anything. I blew a few bubbles and got Ember's attention and I heard faint barking. Jaxon glanced down and let go of the root.
"Shit!" He shouted and dove under.
I pulled him down and he swam up to her putting his arms around her waist. He tried to pull her free but that didn't work either. He cupped her face and kissed her quickly, giving her some oxygen and he swam back up for a breath to do it again. I then remembered I had pockets in my jumper, I checked those and I found the blue necklace I found at the lake! Oh my god why didn't I think of this earlier, idiot, idiot!
Jaxon swam back down quickly, repeating what he did just before. I felt the edges of the crystal and they were fortunately sharp, I then realised I needed a breath and swam back up gasping for air. I tried to cut my hand with it to see if it was sharp enough, thankfully it was though I just cut my hand which now is bleeding.
I swam back down to see Jaxon coming back up, I grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to her. We were losing her, she was turning blue now. I handed him the crystal and he looked at me like I was insane. I showed him my bleeding hand and he understood what I meant and started to cut it. The blood dripping from my hand leaked into the beautiful clear water, possibly staining it forever. It was almost completely cut and he swam back up for air. I took over and ripped off the thinner part and it snapped.
The vine limply fell the the bottom and I swiftly grabbed Tigger and pulled her up, she had fainted from the lack of air but still had a pulse. I broke the surface coughing and wheezing and handed her to Jaxon who kept her above the water. I grabbed Ember, putting her on my shoulder and grabbed the crystal, forcing it into the thing covering the top.
It split open a fraction and I tried again, with Jaxon trying to help Tigger wake up. I saw out of the corner of my eye Ember scratching at the surface making a few marks here and there helping me along the way. I heard a cough over to my left and realised that Tigger had regained consciousness. It was getting hard to breathe in here.
"Oh, thank god." I heard Jaxon mutter as he kept her head up above the water.
"Almost got it!" I shouted as I almost broke the top into pieces.
I broke a piece off and it was large enough for me to see out. I laughed a little and then heard a gurgle sound, I was just paddling and felt the thing force us down. It was trying to kill us!
"No, no, no, no, no, no!" I shouted and took a breath.
"Take a breath!" Jaxon told her and then I went under.
We were going to drown in here. I opened my eyes and found the others, I hugged them tightly and mind linked them one at a time.
'I love you guys.' I started to cry underwater. (That sounds weird. wtf.) I got responses from them one at a time.
'I know. Sorry about this.' Jaxon..
'I'm sorry Ashleigh..' Tigger..
'What are you apologising for? It's all my fault!' I was running out of air and I stroked Ember's soft fur. I then felt a sudden stop.
I looked above me and saw nothing, then I felt myself being launched up and out of the lake. I screamed and closed my eyes tighter than ever. After a second or two, I felt myself land on a rough surface. I opened my eyes and puffed out a breath of air, I'm in a tree? Huh?? My eyes widened in shock.
"What the-?!" I fidgeted around and fell off the branch onto the wet grass.
I landed with a thud and put a hand to my head. I groaned and looked around, I saw a flash of black hair and heard a scream, then got myself winded by Tigger landing on my chest. I winced and she got off me, I put my arms over my sore chest and she rubbed my arm.
"Sorry, sorry!" She apologised to me.
I then heard another -but louder- thud and saw Jaxon on the ground a few feet away from us. My legs were too sore to walk so I crawled over to him, as well as Tigger to. He had a hand on his face and then removed it. He saw us and smiled happily, I then heard an echoing bark from somewhere. Ember? I glanced around but didn't see anything.
"Oh my god! We're alive, we're o-" I heard a light thud as well as a groan and saw Ember on top of Jaxon.
I'm assuming she supposedly landed near his groin area. He groaned again but softer and rolled over into a ball, facing away from us. His ears were flat on his head and his tail was in between his legs. I just sat there as Ember trotted her way over to me. I giggle and saw Tigger go over to comfort him.
I just realised that I'm in drenched clothes and so were the others. I grabbed Tigger's shoulder with one hand and placed my other on Jaxon's arm, as he was on his side. I kneeled down next to them and Ember walked over.
"We should head back, we're drenched and we'll get sick if we don't change soon."
"Right, let's go." Jaxon announced and stood up, he then picked up Tigger in bridal style and she just giggled.
"By the way Tigger, are you ok? You almost drowned!" I asked her as we, Jaxon and myself, started walking. She nodded slightly.
"I'm ok, but I was beyond terrified when I felt myself being grabbed. Then you guys came to help me and I felt a little bit better, but I was still scared." She rested her head on Jaxon's chest while blushing a bit.
"But most importantly, thanks for saving me. Both of you."
"That's ok, you're our friend after all. Why wouldn't we help?" I did a closed eyed smile.
"Jaxon was scared for you though." I said while giggling.
"W-huh?! N-No I wasn't!!" He said with a pink face. I just giggled at him.
"Yes you were!~ I saw the panic in your face Jaxon!" I laughed alongside Tigger. She pecked his cheek lovingly.
"I love you to, Jaxon." She giggled, kissing his jawline and he went a bit red. I giggled to myself and I felt something fluffy tough my legs.
I looked down and saw Ember rubbing the side of her soft body on my leg as we walked. I smiled bending down and picking her up, I stood up straight and held her in front of me. I leaned forward and her nose had touched mine, it was a bit wet but it was cute.
I giggled bringing her away from myself and she barked happily. I smiled and looked at her large, gorgeous grey eyes.
"And I love Ember!" I set her down and I heard Jaxon mumble something under his breath.
"Yeah, she loves the fox because she's single.." My ears drooped and I looked down at the ground.
My hair fell over my face as I walked and I smirked to myself. I slowed down my pace the slightest bit so that I was behind the two. I looked and saw that they had kept walking. I smirked again and a dark black and purple aura surrounded my body.
To him, I suddenly appeared right next to him and scared him, making him scream and dropped Tigger on the floor. She made an 'oof' sound as she hit the soft grass out of surprise. I smiled creepily at him with closed eyes and the aura darkened, making it look like fire.
"What was that you said, Jaxon?" I smiled even creepier than before and the aura burst out with life.
He screamed and ran all the way home, afraid of me. I giggled softly and I saw Tigger get up. She rubbed her sore head and glanced up and me as the aura disappeared. I saw her cover her mouth trying not to burst out laughing, I did the same. We both couldn't hold it in.
I cracked first then herself, we both burst out into uncontrollable laughter and fell to the ground clutching our stomachs. My sides were starting to hurt really bad after laughing so much. After what seemed like an hour, the laughing eventually died down.
She stood up still chuckling a little and helped me up to my feet again. I wiped a tear from my eye and brushed my hair out of my face to reveal my other, 'robotic', eye. I frowned and stoped laughing, Tigger looked at me cautiously and grabbed my shoulder with her hand.
I looked up at her and giggled quite creepily. She hesitated to remove her hand but I held it in place with my own. I looked to my side to see her and she had a questionable expression on her face. I felt a soft patch of fur brush my legs, circling them. Ember.
"What's up Ash?" She glanced at my facial features carefully and I just smiled at her, showing my teeth.
"I'm going to kill him when we get there." I took my hand off the top of her own and kept walking.
I'm coming for him... ha ha...
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