[ Chapter 6 ]
Please read the chapter with any sort of connection for major fangurl feels.
New Photo for every sixth chapter!
Everyone: Why sixth?
Good question! Why not ask Taehyung ...?
Everyone: *turns to TaeTae*
Taehyung: Because I'm Cute and Sexy at the same time ... 😉
Kookie: No hyung! I'm cute and sexy at the same time!!
Me: No Jungkook... you're Cute And manly at the same time...
Kookie: ㅡ.ㅡ
Me: ...
Word count: 3k Good Enough?
- BcusILoveU ~ ❤❤❤
Third Period, You decided to let the three head off first while you take out your cupcakes from the kitchen.
Using a pair of kitchen gloves you pulled out the freshly baked goods, loving its delicious smell that flowed throughout the room. You placed them on the counter, starting off to count so that you could confirm that there are enough for everyone. And by everyone, that includes BTS, you, YoonJi and the teacher.
10 chocolate Cupcakes!
Just enough! Perfect.
You agreed to yourself to leave a cupcake on the teacher's desk, you wrote a small note that it can from your group and put a little bit of designs on it, childish but ye.
Taking the rest of the cupcakes, you instantly ran towards the music room where everyone else were.
You arrived in BTS' personal room, seeing most of the boys gather around on the couches.
There was Jungkook laying on a couch with his head on Namjoon's lap, talking non stop with a HUGE smile on his face.
Wait... omo, Fangurl feels.
There was Suga sleeping ,despite of Kookie's noise.
Jin reading a female magazine, and finding a lot pictures of unique food.
Jimin was working out? ... At the back. Don't mind him though.
Hoseok was riding his JHORSE, exaggerating his fanboy screams as he rode around in circles.
And lastly, as cliché as it sounds.
Taehyung was sitting one side of the sofa, playing a game on his phone while his arms wrapped around YoonJi who was on his lap, sleeping with her head resting on his shoulders.
Seeing that they didn't acknowledge your presence, you cheerfully exclaimed.
"Cupcakes Anyone?"
They started racing towards you, mainly Jin, Hoseok, Jimin and Suga. You happily gave each of them one, same did you do to lazy Namjoon, Kookie, Taehyung and YoonJi.
"My baby girl is the best cook, isn't she?" Stated Jin, taking a bite of your cupcake.
You tilted your head, confused by his words. "I'm sorry, what?"
Finally sitting on the couch next to Jin, Namjoon replied.
"Actually, uhm... (Y/n). We wondered if..."
"Sure!" You smiled, knowing what they had to say.
"YES! Finally! Baby girls!" Jin hugged you tight, after that he began fetching some brushes and accessories and started playing with your hair.
"Great! I didn't need to explain." Namjoon sighed, relieved.
"Well... I kinda over heard you yesterday." You stated, eating your own cupcake.
"Unnie..." YoonJi whined, holding a hand out to you. "... unnie can you do me a favour?"
"Yes dongsaeng, what is it?" You smiled sweetly at her, holding her quite cold hands with your warm ones.
"Hit Jungkookie for me."
"Huh?" You tilted your head in confusion. "Why?"
Jungkook paused on his spot, still biting on the desert you four made. He stared at you two, wondering and confused himself, for some reasons though, he just can't help but feel anxious.
"He... He....." She tried talking but accidentally choked on her food.
"HA! KARMA..." Jungkook beamed, although his grin was wiped off with your death glare.
"He was noisy..." Taehyung said.
Okay? You don't see the problem...
"He kept talking about you... NON STOP. It's irritating YoonJi because she can't sleep with his obnoxiousness." He explained, pressing a hand down at the back of her head so that she rested back on his shoulder.
You looked back at YoonJi and just realized how... pale she seemed.
"YoonJi are you sick or something?" You asked, placing a palm on her forehead.
"No... I just....." She started, then cut herself off by drifting suddenly to sleep. Ignored...
"Anyways!" You boomed, as if none of that happened.
"Jungkook, what was that about me?"
"Nothing! It was nothing." He nervously grinned, shaking his hands no.
You didn't believed him though, yet you didn't bother asking. Staying on your spot, you let Jin brush your hair and design it however he likes.
Not so soon enough, there was a loud banging on the door, you all turned towards it wondering who could it be.
"Could someone get that please?" Jin requested, looking at the maknae line.
"Nope. I ain't doing it." Jungkook groaned, grabbing a pillow from the sofa and covering his head with it.
Jin turned to Taehyung who mentioned over to the ill girl sleeping on him.
Lastly Jimin held his hands up like he was in an arrest.
"I'm sorry Jin Eomma. Appa won't let me cause-"
"You got no jams." Namjoon cuts Jimin off.
Jin sighed. "Well I'm certainly not gonna get it."
The banging went louder, to the point that the door bursted open, hitting the wall with a crashing sound.
There came a certain... girl group, smiling those evil grins.
"Jimin Baby!!!" One of them squealed.
"Kookie! I know you love meeee!" Another followed.
"Taehyung Oppa! Let's go to the park!!" The last one giggled.
All of you paused in shock, clearly not expecting an entrance like theirs. And so did they upon laying eyes on the both of you.
"Jin Eomma... Who are they?" Jungkook asked, pointing at the three girls standing at the door.
"I don't know sweetie, just go back to sleeping on your father's lap though." Jin said in a caring tone.
"Excuse me, but who are you?" Namjoon asked, awfully confused by them.
"We are the Ultimate Armys!" They synced proudly.
"Sasaeng?" Hoseok asked in a simple word and they nodded.
"Oppa, what is Sasaeng?" YoonJi looked up at Taehyung who mentioned over to Namjoon.
"It means Stalker, dear." Namjoon replied, saying in English so that she may understand better.
YoonJi sweat dropped, looking at the three with shaking eyes. You thought that she's afraid of stalkers, which deemed you correct.
They gaped at you and YoonJi weirdly before saying. "And who are you?"
"Her name is (Y/n), exchange student." Jungkook answered for you.
"This girl on me is YoonJi." Taehyung added, embracing the little one who kept her eyes on the three.
"Oh My God! Taehyung! Are you cheating on me?!" The one who mentioned Taehyung earlier gasped in total shock.
And both Taehyung and YoonJi eyed her absentmindedly.
"I'm pretty sure that this is the first time we met." Taehyung stated awkwardly, making her gasp and act out a heart broken drama scene.
"So, didn't you think it's rude to just barge in on us?" Namjoon snapped after finally getting pissed.
"Psh, of course not." The one on the middle said with sass.
"We're VIP's."
"Get out."
Okay, it all came out unexpected. Namjoon kicked them all out for bothering too much, but they are so obsessed with BTS that they even fangirled when Namjoon kick them.
Stalker Fans? Sounds like trouble. You looked at Jungkook and the others, worry filling your eyes. This is going to be a lot more complicated, Sasaeng Fans might have a grudge for you two judging by how badly they wanted BTS for themselves. Selfish but Hey! They're Sasaeng!
The others reassured you though, and with their words, it was enough to fully convince you.
Last Period of the day, P.E..
You were just walking next to Jungkook, enveloping yourselves in a small conversation.
Taehyung took YoonJi to the clinic a while ago seeing her terribly pale. You don't know why how did she came sick, you swore that she was perfectly fine this morning. You decided to check on her after P.E. Class, and so you directed yourself to the locker rooms.
"(Y/n), I don't know why you're wearing a pair of Red Converse High. Not that I dont like it, because I do, but shouldn't you be wearing school shoes?" Jungkook mentioned after seeing you wear converse ever since the day he met you.
"Does it matter what I wear?" You laughed, entering the girl's locker room to change in your P.E. Uniform without him noticing and still following.
"Now that you said it, I don't think -"
He was interrupted by the loud screams of your classmates, female ones that is.
He stopped for a moment, realizing where he was before turning a cherry red hue.
"Oh My Gosh! It's Jungkook!!"
"He's so Handsome!!"
"Oh My Gosh! He's in our locker room?!"
"Jungkookie!! TAKE ME!"
Okay, the last one surely made you cringe.
You laughed it off, seeing a very angry and embarrassed Kookie glaring at you.
You had no problem with the others Fangirling over him by the way, well, he is handsome.
Heartthrobingly Handsome!
And he's also a member of BTS which was the school's most popular boy group. What more when he's the Golden Maknae?
Can't blame him and his Fame.
"(Y/n)! I swear I'll get you back!" He pointed at you begrudgingly then running off with the blush still on his cheeks.
You're doomed to him.
Do you care? Nah.
Jungkook was playing with his group, BTS, basketball for awhile now. And of course, it was Suga who gained most points.
They decided to take a five minute break, so they went to the benches and sat down to rest.
"Jungkook, is that (Y/n)?" Hoseok asked, pointing at a far corner to where you were.
You were with the other girls, warming up with a few exercises. You were in your gym outfit, (Colour) Shorts and a white tee, your hair was tied up onto a one sided pony tail and you barely hid most of your skin.
Jungkook had his jaw dropped, with you looking beautiful as this he couldn't plan a revenge to get you anymore.
"That's her? She looks Hot!" Jimin exclaimed, making the maknae glare at him.
He then again stared at you, but looked away when you began doing the squats.
'Okay, don't look at the booty Kookie. Don't even dare... to look.'
He kept chanting in his mind.
Later, he took a small glimpse to see if you were done, but instantly regretted it since he just literally saw you squatting lower.
'Please! Nooo, not the booty! I'm sixteen! I know nothing.'
Hoseok and the members eyed him mischievously, and began teasing.
"Jungkook! What're you looking at?" Laughed Namjoon.
"Nothing!!!" He hissed, trying to cover his eyes.
They all watched him supress an innocent smile by pouting, and continued teasing until he finally broke a small embarrassed grin.
"Wuah!! Our Jungkookie has grown!" Hoseok laughed, clapping his hands.
Class was over, finally freeing you from school.
You and BTS immediately went to the clinic, Jin who was worried about his youngest daughter ran frantically, carelessly bumping onto those who stood in his way.
It's not like YoonJi was on the brink of death, but there's something that seemed quite serious. You still don't get it though.
You arrived in the nurse's office seeing none other than a guy with soft charms. He was walking towards a young patient about your year level with a tray of medicines, you assume that he was the nurse's assistant.
He turned to the eight of you, smiling warmly.
"Good Afternoon, I am Lay from EXO. What can I do for you?"
"Uhm, We're looking for Kim Taehyung and Lee YoonJi?" Namjoon spoke. "As you can see our baby girl became terribly pale, she wasn't feeling so well. And we decided to check on her."
Lay nodded in acknowledgement, gesturing his hand to the first room.
"She will be in the First room. Sr. Kim is assisting her with her needs quite well."
You thanked him, proceeding to jog to the white door of her room.
You knocked to see if she was awake, instead you heard unfamiliar noises from inside.
'Yah! TaeTae! Are you trying to kill me?' You heard her hiss at the man who accompanied her.
'Ah, Mianhae... Did I choke you with it or something?' And you heard him reply.
The rest of you exchanged weird glances, curious to what is going on inside.
'I can do it myself. I'm not a child anymore.'
Jin snorted upon hearing her words. "As if. She can't deny the fact that she still is."
'You know, If you open your mouth more. I'm sure that you won't choke.' Taehyung chuckled.
'I'll choke if you shove it deep in my throat!'
"What the fudge is going on in there?" Jimin muttered, placing an ear on the door to hear clearly.
"I'm not sure." Namjoon replied. "But it's certainly not good. Honey, cover their ears."
Jin nodded to Namjoon's order and they both started to cover your and Jungkook's ears.
"Eomma. What's happening?" You asked Jin innocently who replied by hushing you.
'It's close. Make sure to take every drop of it.'
'Wait, Oppa.' YoonJi's muffled voice was heard. 'It's so bitter.'
'What do you expect? Now swallow.'
'I said Swallow.' Taehyung said more firmly, making her groan and do as he told.
From inside, Taehyung opened her mouth gently and checked if there are anymore left.
'Good girl.' Taehyung smiled patting her head.
"I'm going to barge in on them soon." Hoseok said, disapprovingly.
"Hey. Hey. Don't. It's just called the War Of Hormones, Hoseok." Suga stated coolly.
'Oppa. Ehm Cold.'
'Let me heat you up then.'
"Okay!! That does it!!" Hoseok growled and opened the door...
... revealing a sleepy YoonJi in a thick blanket with Taehyung next to her cuddling.
"Oppa, can I check the medicine bottle? It has to be expired if it tastes so bitter." Asked YoonJi who reached out for the desk with the Bottle and a big spoon.
"For the third time, No." Taehyung replied, giving her the bottle and showing the expiry date. "See? It expires on Dec. 20, 2k17. Today is just Aug. Third, 2k16. Still a long way to go."
Soon enough they finally acknowledged your presence and stared blankly.
You arrived home a few minutes ago, for now you dropped by in YoonJi's place, unusually face timing on her laptop with Jungkook and Taehyung on YoonJi's bed.
"Jagiya!!!! Are you sure you okay yet?" Taehyung squeals at YoonJi who's tired.
"First of all, I'm not your Jagi." YoonJi rolls her eyes, making Taehyung pout.
"Yah, Taehyung can you move aside a little? I can't get into the camera." Jungkook said, trying to get in the middle while Taehyung does aegyo.
"Second, Your aegyo doesn't work on me."
She smirked, but that smirk was wiped off when Taehyung kept doing aegyo.
You chuckled at the soon to be couple, or so you thought, taking your laptop from YoonJi's lap.
"We're going now, it's already pass nine, and we still have homework to do."
Jungkook looked at his wrist watch, gaping at the current time. "Wait, What? I swear we didn't reach even an hour yet."
"You know what they say, Time flies by when you're having Fun." Taehyung stated as he kept doing aegyo which just made you uncomfortable.
"Of course. This is (Y/n) who we're talking to, she is the definition of Fun." Jungkook agreed, chuckling when he managed to make you blush once more.
"And you don't even acknowledge YoonJi?" Taehyung stated in disbelief. "Who are you?"
"International Playboy!"
"You're so cheesy!" You tried covering your face to which Jungkook and Taehyung snickered at.
"And I don't like cheese." YoonJi pouted, hiding under the blankets.
Your eyes widened and so did the other two, that line could only mean one thing.
"So You don't eat pizzas!?"
"And burgers too..." She added.
After discovering the amazing fact how YoonJi was able to survive until now without pizza nor burger, you walked your way home which was just next door. YoonJi offered to accompany you no matter how hard you protested cause she's still sick.
Standing in front of your gates, you looked back to her, she was still draped in her blankets. You wondered why did she brought it with her but meh.
Let her be.
You silently bid to her goodbye with a sisterly smile, embracing her shortly and pecking her forehead since she still felt like a kid. Then you moved to open the gates but were stopped when YoonJi said.
"Unnie, do you... perhaps like Kookie Oppa?"
You paused, turning slowly and faced her not knowing the red on your cheeks.
"Well... Yes? As a friend?"
"Not that." She shook her head. "Like... Like-Him Like-Him."
"You... you mean crush?" You hesitated to point out, much to your shock she nodded.
Scratching the back of your head, you muttered. "I don't..."
And she gave you that look.
"... Know." You quickly added. "I don't know."
She sighed, turning to walk away. "Well you should."
What did she mean by that?
You didn't bother to ask and hurriedly went inside. You still got a lot of things to do before you sleep.
YoonJi stood in front of her doors, trying to find a certain key dangling from her key chain.
Unfortunately, she didn't feel the presence of someone standing in stealth behind her.
There did a shadow loomed in the dark by her figure, finally alarming her as she was suffocated till she blacked out.
Just in case, I am not [ByunTae] 변태! Nor am I [Dohreowoyo] 도러워요 Minded.
I only like to tease readers and trigger their minds since I'm so evil.
I'll write those... things after three years. I'm 15, 16 in kr.
The story is probably gonna last that long XD. Why did I even tell? At least you know now.
-BcusILoveU ~❤❤❤
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