Chapter 27
So I wrote a new story :3
It's an official one... Called
Temptation || K.TH 18+
YES, We are all thirsty for sum action.
Please have the time to check it out because I put my whole heart and dedication to it. It just started so yeah.
You stood in front of a very elegant looking house, feeling a wave of deja vu hit you. This was the home of your beloved grandparents and today was grandma's birthday.
Couldn't help but feeling excited you rang the doorbell, feeling all giddy inside. Your friends stood behind you, talking to kill some time while your grandma takes the door. Yoonji however looked like she was troubled.
She was on her phone, pacing back and forth.
"Heya, Love. So tell me the good news!" Her voice was loud and her voice seemed to force a happy tone. She was obviously pissed off, and it's so not like her. Whoever is on the other side of the line could easily notice her temper.
"... The hell you mean it's so use?... He rejected you again, huh?... Fricken hell, Bea, you wanted some mans and I gave it to you but you keep on ruining our plans..."
Wait wait wait wait wait....
Bea? Isn't that the girl your teacher Mr Ackerman said who was seducing your Kookie? I- I mean Jungkook?
You thought about it hard for a moment. It's probably just a huge coincidence. Bea is a common name after all.
You rang the door bell once more after a few moments had passed. Then you heard the sweet voice of you grandma on the other side. "Oh dear! I'm coming sweet. Do be patient."
You chuckled, grandma must've been so old now. You can heard the cats meowing for her.
However, your still suspicious of what Yoonji was talking about on the phone. "Bea!" She hissed under her breath, seemed like she was starting to be cautious if anyone heard. "You're so fucking dead to me. You told him her location?!... What do you mean he already knows... Jesus, all the hardwork I've put through to get this far without being suspicious... What? No, don't ask for that dude's help. I got myself kidnapped my by own worker's mistake in chapter 6 because he thought I was the freaking target... Call me only when you handled the situation there... " She threw her phone in her bag, stomping as she paced some more while looking at the ground.
Your brows furrowed in confusion. Something was definitely sketchy here. You realized that Vernon and Minghao noticed too because they were exchanging suspicious glances.
As if they communicated through their minds, Minghao nodded and went to interrogate her. Vernon then stood next to you firmly as he looked like he was protecting you.
"Hey, what was that back there?" You asked Vernon in a whisper.
He have you a shrug and replied. "Something strange I must say."
You gave Yoonji another glance and found her approaching with Minghao a sad look on her face. You decided to be nice and ask for her concerns.
"Hey what happened back there?"
"It's just my friend. She wanted me to hook her up with a guy but she kept being rejected because she was being a thot." She frowned pouting a little. Well, that sort of made sense on the first part of the convo. The second part however didn't make sense at all.
You blinked at her twice and gave her a small smile. "It's okay, maybe she'll find someone else one day, the right one."
She grinned at you and for some reason, it doesn't feel genuine anymore. Not after you saw that different side of her.
Meanwhile in Korea. Jungkook is already solving the first case with the help of his hyungs. Namjoon and Seokjin already had the person captive and it was awfully easy despite the person being cold.
As of now they were in bangtan's practice room, the person sitting on a chair while the rest sat across from them to ask some questions. They had their hands crossed, glaring at them for most of the time.
"So..." Jungkook began, holding some papers and evidence in his hands. "Care to explain... Nikky?"
His voice was cold and he looked like he could kill her. Even the hyungs find it terrifying. She however rolled her eyes and chuckled dryly.
"Okay well. First of all, Fuck you."
Jungkook's eyes hardened in anger. "Well, I suppose Y/n won't mind."
Nikky flinched, still mad but startled by the unexpected reply. "You nasty. Why don't you two eat each other already?"
He sat back, crossing leg over the other while clenching his jaw. "We probably already would have if it weren't for you and your little friend ruining us. Now tell us who was this little friend... "
She scoffed, a smirk forming her face. "Nasty boy. Like I'd tell you anything."
The smirk was returned by him instead. She must say, their gazes were so intense they were probably killing her in their heads. "Well, I have information that might help you speak up."
"Shoot, I'm all ears."
A sinister look was on his face as his lips devilishly curved up. She has to say, it frightened her a bit.
"Nikky Shibasaki. Real age, 22 years old. Leader of a gang named Unstoppable Gang. Shitty name actually."
Her eyes slightly widened, her hands started to form a fist. "Where the hell did yo-"
Jungkook stood up and read what's written on the papers. "Now where did I heard this name from? Chapter 1 of Beyond Melodies? So- uh Wait... I'm breaking the fourth wall."
He nervously cleared his throat, repeating his messed up statement. "Now where have I heard this from? Probably a few months back when Y/n was being harassed by a few men in han river."
She gritted her teeth, glaring so hard at the boy right now. "You little sh-"
"Gang was responsible for Y/n's many disappearances and Their leader, You, already has tons of hidden crimes."
Suddenly, Nikky jumped from her seat in an attempt to grab the papers. But she was held back by a silently wrathful Suga who forced her back into her place.
"Try that again and I swear I'll blow your head off." He pulled out a gun from nowhere, surprising the members as well.
"Hyung, that's a toy gun." Taehyung stated silently when he noticed an orange ring on the gun's shooting tip.
He held his angry gaze, cranking the gun and taking the orange tip off without removing his gaze. "Not anymore."
Everyone seemed baffled, they continued the conversation nonetheless.
"So, as I was saying. This picture..." Jungkook showed a picture. A corpse along with a hooded figure beside it. Nikky's eyes widened.
"You killed this man didn't you?"
His monotonous voice spoke.
She however couldn't fully take in the situation. "I- I... Shit...." She doesn't have a clue where he suddenly got all of this information but regained her posture and slammed the table with her fist. "The fuck you trying at..."
Jungkook then slammed the papers on the table. Shocking everyone and making the girl flinch in fear. "28 Stab Wounds!"
"I'm not saying anything!"
"We could just walk in and turn it to the police you know? Either way you already lost so why don't you just speak up." Jin sighed, getting enough of their current situation.
When she refused to speak, Jungkook and no choice but to take his phone out. "I'm calling the polic-"
"Wait..." And then she spoke. "It's... It's Yoonji."
They weren't expecting it to be Yunji, after all, they loved her and cared for her as well.
Taehyung's breath hitched at the mention of her name. He began to listen carefully, her words catching his full attention.
"She's a part of this too." She finally admitted. She suddenly felt tiny with the boys ganging up on her like that. For the first time in years.
He abruptly felt a wave of anger in him. "Stop framing her. We all know that she was kidnapped as well, if she were a part of this then she wouldn't have gone through that."
"You wanted the truth didn't you?" She retorted, sighing in defeat. "Sorry to break it to you, but the love of your life is actually part of-"
"Bullshit!" Taehyung growled, kicking a chair in disbelief. "Say all the crap you want, Yunji is not that type of person. She didn't do anything, and most of all she's not a part of this lunacy."
He stomped off to the sofa on the other side of the room, angrily slumping down on it. If he could walk out he would've done it already but he knew his hyungs wouldn't let him. So he silently stayed there.
Namjoon mentioned for her to continue and she did. "It's was our plan from the very beginning, everything was a set up in order for her to look less suspicious because if you were smart enough you probably would've noticed how she suddenly she approached Y/n, and the way that she's always near her."
A clicking of tongue was heard, it came from Taehyung who was still furious. Nikky's eyes narrowed at the sight of him. "I kinda feel sorry for Yunji. She really did love Taehyung..."
Everyone was silent at the confessions. Now that the truth has risen they wondered what could be the best option.
"If she really did..." Taehyung spoke, his voice firm but less angry. "Then is that the reason why she kept rejecting me from the start?"
Nikky nodded. "She didn't want you to be involved in her fucked up plan. She didn't want to hurt you if you really knew who she really was."
Taehyung sighed, resting his head at the palm of his hand. "Please... At least Tell me that she was genuine with me and that she wasn't faking for our relationship."
"She was. She was very happy with you that she considered ditching the plan. She really did love you Taehyung, she still does." Nikky's soft statement made everyone less angry.
Taehyung however still had his doubt. "I still don't fully believe that Yunji's a part of this, but judging from your evidence..." He trailed of. Massaging the bridge of his nose. This was all too much to take in for him.
He took his phone from his pocket and began to dial a number. Meanwhile Jungkook returned to question Nikky.
"Do you have any idea where she is?"
"America, she left to visit her brothers." Nikky replied, seemingly giving up on hiding.
"Well, Y/n's in France." Jungkook stated to his brothers. "Her cousin told me, she's there to visit her grandma. They are far from each other and Yunji doesn't seem to know where she is so we have some time to think this through." That's when Jungkook realized why you were studying French.
They nodded, getting ready to come up with a next plan.
While the room was silent, members getting ready and Nikky giving up, the only thing that sounded was a phone ringing. It was Taehyung's and finally someone picked up.
"Hello?" A familiar voice was heard as the phone was on loud speakers. Everyone paused in shock as they all watched Taehyung. He, however, felt relief to be able to hear her voice again.
"Yunji..." His voice was no longer jolly unlike the other times when he calls her. "Where... Where are you right now?"
He hoped that she was gonna say that she'd be coming back to Korea, because after all he misses her and doesn't want to believe in anything Nikky said. But a part of him felt hurt since he couldn't fully trust her anymore.
"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you but I'm... In France right now." Jungkook's breath hitched.
He prayed that what he thought couldn't be tru-
"And I'm with Y/n right now... We're visiting her grandma and-"
That very second, Taehyung instantly stood up and harshly threw his phone on the wall, hence breaking it into pieces. No one could believe what he just did... It must've been so tough for him to know these things.
He was breathing heavily, tears pours from his eyes. He stomped out of the room with Jimin and Namjoon quickly following him.
"I can't believe her... I can't."
"Taehyung, stop. We're all shocked."
"Don't you think it's better to accept the truth."
"I am but I still love her!"
Jungkook watched as his older brother was in pain. He wanted to help him but he knew that he'll only cause more conflict since he too was now involved. Knowing Taehyung, he'd side with Yunji despite of what he just knew. If they want to stop this madness, they knew they should stop Yunji and Taehyung will never let that happen. All he could do for now was ensure Y/n's safety as he gets more help.
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