[ Chapter 2 ]
. (・ω・) 안녕 하십니까 여러분...
Hey, it's BcusILoveU... I haven't checked it twice since it's Friday morning... Literally. Its around 12:18 a.m. here. So forgive any grammar mistakes.
And That's all.
Thank you.
-BcusILoveU ~❤❤❤
Word count: 3.7k +
It was early in the morning, a sound of an alarm waking up a peaceful boy from his slumber.
He yawned, sitting up to fully stretch his arms wide, reaching out lazily silencing his alarm clock before glancing at the time.
5:45 a.m.
"Ah, Wae??" He groaned, slumping back into his comfortable blankets.
Maybe it was too early, the outside seemed dark and the atmosphere was still chilly.
Surely he has no plans in getting up just yet.
"Jungkook-sshi!" His mother called from the other side of the door, her furious knocking washing away his drowsiness.
"You better get up now or else you'll be late for school!"
"Eomma, it's just 5:45 in the morning." He groaned, grabbing one of his fluffy pillows and covering his head with it.
"What do you mean 5:45?" By that, his mother already barged in, her hands resting on her waist as she stand firm, giving him a strict gaze. She grab a hold of his clock and carefully inspected it's back.
"Pabo..." She muttered, pulling the pillow that covered his head.
"Your clock is ran out of batteries!"
She yanked the blankets down to his knees, causing him to shiver once the cold began to invade his upper body.
"It's 6:15 on our wall clock down stairs. Now hurry up, or else you'll be late for today's entrance ceremony."
Jungkook's eyes suddenly shot open in realization.
"You have 15 minutes to get ready, if you can't arrive at school within that time then-"
He didn't even let her finish and began kicking his blankets off his bed. He jolted up in an instant, dashing out of his room, hurrying towards the bathroom for a quick bath.
He soon arrived at their dining room, his hair still damped in water as he sloppily did the buttons of his uniform with a toothbrush still stuck in his mouth.
There he saw his older brother, Junghyun, eating a well prepared breakfast.
"Yah, Jungkook-sshi." Junghyun called out, his mouth still full.
"Hurry up and eat, you're gonna be late."
"I know, I know. You don't have to remind me." Jungkook replied, his voice muffled with the toothbrush.
Jungkook quickly passed his brother to finish brushing his teeth on the sink. After he did, he went to the tables and began eating his food.
↭ 10 seconds later ↭
Eomma! I'm done." Jungkook stated, rising up from his seat and trotting towards their front doors.
He passed his mother who held a tray of freshly baked cookies, quickly taking one without her noticing.
"Quickly Jungkook, the bus is already waiting outside." His mother informed.
He took note of this and rushed even faster.
Jungkook ran out, his bag slung over his right shoulder, his hair perfectly combed to his style.
He was ready enough to face another day of school, but surely wasn't ready when he bumped onto someone.
He and the other person fell hard on their buns, feeling a stinging pain from the powerful impact.
They both dropped their things, causing it to scatter almost everywhere.
Jungkook looked up seeing a girl with her head hung low, she seemed to be dizzy judging by te way her head moved in small circles.
"Omo! Are you hurt?" Jungkook asked, quickly getting to his knees and assuring that she is alright.
When she looked up to face him, both of them gasped in utter surprise.
"(Name), what are you doing out here so early?"
You synced as you both said each other's names.
"I'm going to school, my entrance ceremony starts at 6:30. And I'm late." You explained, rushing to grab your books and bag with the help of Jungkook.
"Here, let me help you up." He drew his unoccupied hand out, offering to assist you which you gladly accepted.
You hesistantly grab a hold of his hand, letting him pull you up with ease. "Thank You by the way." You shyly muttered.
"Here are your books." He smiled, handing your two books that fell, but a certain butterfly brooch with musical notes as tiny designs pinned on your uniform suddenly caught his attention.
"Omo! Are you from Music High too?! Wait, how come I didn't see you around?"
"Uhm... well..." You cleared your throat, not sure how to deliver your message. "I'm the exchanged student."
"You are? How come I realized that just now?"
Because you're too dumb to notice...
You internally laughed.
"Anyways, if anything, I'll be the one to escort you around the school! Not IU sunbaenim, Not any of your new Classmates, Not Even the Escort. Just me." He said rather proudly, as you started heading towards the stop.
"That's... uhmm..... Selfish?" You awkwardly laughed, insecure about your Korean.
"I am, I guess. But trust me that you will not regret your decisions." Jungkook said, grabbing your hand to drag you along the way.
"Seems like you kinda like dragging people." You chuckled, not minding the hold of his.
"Not really. Only you." He absentmindedly replied, causing a light pink hue to form on your cheeks.
Once you arrived at the bus, you noticed how some students giving you both weird looks, some actually trying to send flirtarous gestures at you which you ignored, and yes.
"Trying" because the death gaze that Jungkook was giving threatened 'Try that again, In front of me. I Dare You'.
When you two reached the very back of the ride, both of you sat down with Jungkook demanding some answers.
"Okeh! I have another few questions..." Jungkook began.
"Goodness, Again?" You laughed as you set your things aside.
"First of all, Have you auditioned yet?"
You tilted you head towards your right, confused as to why he asked a specific question.
"Jungkook, I'm an exchange student. I don't audition or anything."
He then facepalmed at the sudden realization. "Ah, right. Of course."
"Ya! Jeon Jungkook!" Next came an awfully familiar voice to him, it was deep and mischievous, and it only excite the maknae.
"TaeTae Hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed, standing to meet his favorite hyung who just happened to walk the isle towards them.
Both guys hi-fived as a warm morning greeting before taking their seats next to each other.
"Hyung, I got someone I want you to meet..." Said Jungkook with an arm slung around Taehyung's shoulder. "This is (Name), she's one of the exchange students. She's from out of the country."
"Hello, I'm (Name), call me (Nickname) whichever you prefer." You smiled, politely bowing your head.
Taehyung looked at you, completely awestrucked, his jaw hanging low as he just stared at you. It caused you to give him a puzzled look, but Jungkook leaned over to whisper.
"Don't worry, he's always like that. He's an alien. A 4D alien."
Taehyung obviously heard and hit the maknae quite hard at the back of his head.
"Ya, are you trying to make me look stupid In front of her?"
Jungkook snickered, mouthing the word 'Xorry.'
Taehyung then gave you his beautiful rectangular smile, he held his hand out as for you to give it a friendly shake.
"Hyung, She's not French." Jungkook corrected.
"Uhm... Hello, My name is... V."
Taehyung said, clearly trying to impress you with his broken English.
"Real name is, Kim. Taehyung Kim! My hobby... is a-"
"No Fun. NO Fun!" Another voice interrupted, it came from a Happy Go Lucky man crossing the isle towards them.
"You, No Fun!" Said he, pointing at Taehyung.
"Hobi Hyung!" Jungkook greeted, waving at Hoseok.
"Nice tu meet chu, (Name) ! I am your Hope! I'm your Enjel! I am Jhope!" Cheerfully introduced Jhope, sitting beside Taehyung.
"My real name's Hoseok."
"Nice to meet you too." You laughed, bowing your head slightly.
A man stood up from the seat in front of Hoseok, finally showing up after all this time of hiding.
"Handsome Guy man!"
"Yo, turn up!" Taehyung greeted the man, making you shift your head wherever he was.
It was some baby faced guy, he had orange hair and a cute eye smile. "Hello, I'm the hot, charming Jimin, and I'm back 'dark and wild'."
"Jimin hyung! I didn't see you there!" Exclaimed Jungkook In surprise.
"No, No! All English time, we speakeu. Okey?" Said Hoseok to both guys. "You know what I'm saying?"
You sat there, not so silently when you're failing miserably in trying to suppress your laughter. These guys are funny, you kept wondering how many of them are there in their group and where in the world did they keep coming from.
"Suga hyung is right here next to me." Jimin stated, pointing at the half asleep man with a pillow around his neck.
"Suga Hyung! Introduce yourself to the new girl!" Says Jimin as he shook the drowsiness off him.
You heard Suga groan in annoyance, he turned to you, the irritation quickly leaving his face once he caught sight of you.
"Are you... A-Are you a foreigner?"
He attempted to speak in English, whilst you nod as a reply.
He blankly stared at you for awhile, you giving him an awkward wave and a nervous smile before he spoke.
"I'm rapper..."
Everyone gaped at him, unfazed by his blunt words.
You laughed at his straightforwardness, asking him. "So, you must be Suga, am I right?"
"Uh... No."
His answer left you confused.
"I'm... Louis Williams Suga Adams... the third."
You all bursted out with booming laughters, tears forming your eyes when you it became almost too much to handle.
"Ya! Hyung, where are Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung?"
Jungkook asked after cooling down his laughs.
"They're both in school, they went early today." Suga said, fixing himself on his seat to continue his nap.
"Then it seems like we're a bunch of later comers, aren't we?" You finally spoke with everyone agreeing to your statement.
"By the way, It's nice meeting you (Name)!"
You arrived at school, obviously late but not That late. The ceremony finished midway and it was finally time for the introduction of the Exchange Students on stage. You separated ways with the BangTan Boys, yes you knew their group name after they told you in the bus, and hurried to the back of the stage.
There you met two other girls, both of them seemed to be half in nationalities, you thought that they were both absolutely beautiful.
One of them turned towards you, her steel blue eyes beaming once she caught sight of you.
The next thing you knew, she skipped her way in front of you, furiously shaking your hand with a perfect crescent smile on her lips.
"Annyeong Haseyouuuu~!"
She spoke with a natural British accent. "My name is Lee YoonJi! But you can call me Lilith! What's yours?"
You were surprised that she just literally spoke to you in British English without suspecting that you may not speak the language, and you're just left speechless, especially when you're kinda weirded out about her a little too enthusiastic personality.
"Please forgive her, she's crazy." The other girl strode next to YoonJi in a composed manner, she had a small grin on her lips.
"I'm Nikky by the way, Nikky Shibasaki. I'm the exchange student from Japan, Half American Japanese."
"And I'm Lee YoonJi but you can call me Lilith!" Still shaking your had non stop. "I'm half British Korean!"
British Korean? Oh! No wonder she has blue eyes. And the other one's American Japanese? I can really see both nationalilties in her.
You thought to yourself, fascinated.
"Pabo, You introduced yourself twice." Nikky scoffed, hitting the back of her head to stop her from shaking your hand too long.
You smiled at them in a friendly manner, shyly introducing yourself.
"Hi! I'm (Full Name)! It is so nice to meet you."
Nikky nodded. "Likewise."
Then there the three of you heard the Principal on stage finally calling the attention of all students.
"Now students, let us finally meet the Three exchange students that we have all been waiting for. Give them a warm round of applause!"
"That's our cue." Nikky smirked, taking the lead to go on stage.
YoonJi followed, and lastly you.
The three of you stood in front a large crowd, students are all excited and amazed the see new comers. You bowed in sync and respect.
"Now, let us hear these three beautiful ladies' self introduction...
May we start with you, Miss."
The principal mentioned over to Nikky, making you sigh in relief that you didn't have to be the first.
"Hi, The name's Nikky... Yep, I'm done." She shrugged nonchalantly, causing you to drop your jaw in disbelief.
Well... erm.... that was...... short.
"O-Okay! Moving on?" The principal stated, more like questioned, not wanting to bother her more.
"Hellu~. My name is Lee YoonJi, I'm also known as Lilith, But you can call me whichever you prefer." Smiled YoonJi after she bowed again in a perfect 90° for like 5 seconds.
"So, Ms. Lee, your Korean seems a bit rusty." Says the principal knowingly.
"Yes, I am half British Korean and I came from England. I just studied Korean not long ago." She thoroughly explained.
"Oh, well then, we will have someone to tutor you if you're okay with that. Sounds good?"
Offered the principal with such politeness.
"Ye! Good!" Replied YoonJi with both thumbs up.
Then next came you, you were sweating nervously, the stage fright hitting your whole body numb. Once you had the mic in hand, you tried composing yourself.
"Hello, I am (Full Name). I'm from (country) and came here to learn more about music. Please take care of me."
You smiled, waving a hand shyly which everyone thought was adorable.
"Miss (Surname), you as well have broken Korean but it seems like yours is far much better than YoonJi's."
YoonJi pouted like a child, crossing her arms under her chest, as for Nikky, she didn't bother much to listen, she seems like the type of girl who doesn't care about a thing in the world.
"Would you like to improve it with a private tutor like Ms. Lee's?"
"No, No. I'm fine. I'll improve it myself somehow." You bowed your head, kindly rejecting the offer.
"So that may be all for now! Again, a warm round of applause!"
Second Period of the day and the class you were assigned to started immediately. Right now, you were in the Science Lab taking down important notes, you were in the very front seat of the room highly oblivious at the fact of almost everyone staring at you like you were some Goddess, yep. You didn't notice the boys swooning over the littlest things you do, girl's leaning over to just fangirl at your beauty and cuteness, the teacher maintaining a good impression for you.
Seems to me that you're the most naive girl in the whole campus.
A guy at the very back seat of the class was zoning out, his head resting on his palm and his eyes narrowed while they stared at you. Daydreaming was he?
Lucky for him, his seat mate shook him out of his thoughts making him blink rapidly once he realized where he was.
"Jungkook..." Taehyung called out, easily grasping his attention.
"Huh? What?? AH yes! What is it, hyung?" The maknae attempted to regain his composure by coolly responding.
"Class is over." Taehyung simply stated, mentioning over to the students who are quickly leaving the room.
"You kept staring at (Name) by the way, Something wrong?"
"I... uh..." Jungkook fumbled with his words, completely not knowing what to say. He then thought of dodging his question and began fixing his stuff.
"Jungkook-sshi! You're not planning to ignore my question are you?" Said Taehyung with a suspicious look.
"What? No, Of course Not. Class was just boring." He partially lied. And with that, Jungkook rushed out the room, not wanting to face his Hyung.
"Hm... " Taehyung hummed, deep in his thoughts. "Could Jungkookie be?? Nope, not at all. He's too young."
As well did he began arranging his things in his bag but when a thought crossed his mind, he paused.
"Wait........ OH MY Gosh! Our Jeon Jungkookie Has-"
And he was cut off by Jungkook who quickly sped back in the room. The maknae's hand covered Taehyung's mouth to prevent him from talking too much.
"Sssssssshhhhhhhhhh~!!!" The flustered Kookie hushed him, unaware of his 'dirty water' spraying out of his mouth.
"Ew! Say it, Don't spray it!" Taehyung freaked out with a desperate tone.
"Shush!" Jungkook warned one more time, grabbing a duct tape out of nowhere and taping his hyung's mouth.
All that Taehyung could do is innocently nod.
It seems like the ceremony took most of the time, and as for now, a morning schedule was cancelled for the morning program, another was taken over by Science Class and it skipped time all the way to Morning break, the third schedule of the day where you get a free hour.
You, YoonJi and Nikky sat by the Coffee Shop tables, conversing with each other, different types of coffees in hand, about your expectations for the whole school year.
"You know, I would like to finish the year with a prom dance. They said that Proms are very beautiful and are the best time of the school year. I would want to experience that too, what do you think YoonJi?"
You asked dreamily, your head resting on your palm, sighing deeply when a soothing breeze brushed by you.
"It does sound nice....." YoonJi muttered in her British Accent after a long time of thinking about it.
"But... the problem is that I probably won't have someone to date with."
She exhaled in depression, probably thinking a little too negative that you thought she would.
"YoonJi, don't say that. You're beautiful! I bet all guys would die to be your date!" You beamed in a way to cheer her up.
"You're more beautiful." She whispered. "I believe that you're so beautiful and If I was a guy, I would've probably date you by now."
You stumbled speechless by her words, not able to get rid of the stupid blush that covered your face. She was flattering, and also crazy when the happiness strikes.
But you really appreciated her, even if you met today.
You were about to make a remark when a familiar guy abruptly sat next to YoonJi with an arm draped around her shoulder. She herself was surprised and shocked at the sudden entrance, however once she glanced at the man, she rendered herself at loss of words.
"Hello! My name is V! But you can call me Kim Taehyung for short!" Taehyung grinned like the enthusiastic guy he was.
"Uhm... I'm YoonJi, call me Lilith if you want." Nervously replied YoonJi.
You looked at your side only to see BangTan quickly approaching with two other members, you suspected that they were Namjoon, Aka Rap Monster, and Jin.
"Your Korean is kinda bad. Do you want me to teach you the basics right now?" Taehyung smiled mischievously. "I was assigned to be your tutor for the rest of the school year!"
"Really?!" YoonJi squealed with her eyes sparking in delight. "Teach me your ways Senpai!"
"Okay! Now, follow my lead. Ji-"
"Ye! Good!" Taehyung cheered, his thumbs raised up in agreement. "Now, say it again."
And the exact time when the rest of BTS came...
"Ji.min. I. Pa.Bo?" YoonJi repeated, aware of it's true meaning.
So... what about Jimin? He obviously heard.
"What the heck?" He muttered, not believing that it just came out of her mouth.
You choked on your latte, wanting to help the younger one and leaned to whisper in her ear.
"YoonJi, you just said that the guy over there is stupid."
All of her blood from her face drained. She quickly stood up bowing a hundred times with an approximate 100° angle.
"I'm so Sorry!"
"Tch, Idiot." Nikky smirked, now returning back gazing at the far corner of the school.
"Hey, (Name)!!!" Hoseok chimed as he approached you, BangTan following behind him whilst he dragged a flushing maknae.
You sat there confused but nonetheless smiled genuinely at them. "Hope Oppa! What is it??"
"Well, as you can see, our maknae here wants to tell you something. And it's very important... "
The rest of the members nodded in agreement, except for Kookie.
He tried escaping the grasp of his hyung several times, but kept failing...
"Ya! Hyung!!! NO! Its embarrassing." Jungkook tried covering his face though Namjoon kept him right in place.
"This is Child Abuse!"
"Son, do as your father has told." Namjoon filmly said, before finally placing the maknae in front of you.
Jungkook knew that he couldn't run away cause he'll be caught before he'll even try to, so he kept still, nervously fidgetting his fingers.
"Do it." Suga threatened, and the poor boy only groaned, feeling the pressure overcome him.
You were anticipating at what he was going to say and so you said.
"Come on Jungkook, it can't be That bad." You smiled that beautiful smile of yours.
Jungkook responded with a gulp and worry.
"No, (Name). Trust me. It's not Bad, it's worst."
That only made you more curious. "It's Okie! Tell me, please?"
Jungkook ran a hand through his hair in frustration, resisting the urge to escape this pure torture. But since YOU'RE the one who said it. He can't back out now.
The next thing you knew is that you were no longer sitting, you were on your two feet and in Jungkook's embrace. Your breath hitched as you did not know what to say, to see how the distance between the both of you vanished and Jungkook having his head buried at the crook of your neck, you felt his warm breath tickle your skin, it was more than just a shock.
You were both creating a scene, though Jungkook doesn't seem to care. He could smell the fragrant lavender and lemons on you and to him, it's almost heaven.
You heard your heart beat pounding on your ears, and you just stood there for awhile, not knowing what to do.
Soon you heard Jungkook's voice close to your ear, you're too sure that your blushing like crazy.
You hummed in response, not trusting your voice.....
What you heard next isn't what you were expecting................
To be continued!
Pampararam! End of Chapter ².
Yes. Yes. I know! Everything went on so fast!!!!
But! Its not what you expect....
Hehehehehehehehehe... Yep.
Write in the comments on what you think might happen next! Let's see if you got it right...
So..... Tell me what you think about this chapter??
-BcusILoveU -❤❤❤
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