"Nah dip,I will,"
"You will!?"
"YEEET!"I screeched before covering my ears so I can deaf out Valt's please's.
He's been pleasing to join his BeyClub for more than last time!2 days,1 hour and 20 minutes,and yes I kept track of time.
"Why not!?"Valt whined,fake crying as Rantaro patted his back and shook his head at me like he was ashamed of having me as a kid.
I've been there.Parents left me so I'm glad.No More RULES!
"I train alone,"I said,letting go of my ears,"Like Shu over there,"I called out,pointing at him from the ground to the rooftop.
Then Valt gasped,grabbed my hand and pulled me to him,chanting if Shu joins then maybe I'll join.
We walked up to the rooftop,and Valt seemed to be jealous by me saying I'm not unless if Shu does.
Wait,why would he be jealous?
"Shu!"Valt shouted,letting go of my hand.I sighed and leaned against the fence and looked down at the smaller people.
"Hey,Valt,"Shu said and walked over causally,"Hey,Shukketsu,"Shu looked into my eyes and turned slightly red.
"Changed my mind,for short you guys can call me Kketsu,"I said,crossing my arms and kept looking at the people.
"Ok,Kketsu,"Shu said,now turning and scratching his neck in pure embarrassment.
Hey I know I'm as hot as a goddess dude,but at least they didn't nosebleed on me like someone called Valt Aoi.
"Shu do you want to join the BeyClub?"Valt asked as he ran next to him.I rolled my eyes,but followed by walking behind them.
"I...I train alone,"Shu said,trying not to hurt Valt's feelings.
Well you didn't,though he acted like a robot who lost power and went limp from the waist up,
because Valt had his arms limp.
"I told you Shu would practice alone."I said,patting Valt's back,"Anyways,no Shu,no Kketsu,"I followed the albino male,who was heading for the stadium to practice.
"Still,wanna have a battle?It may be the only time,"I said,watching Shu held Sprizen with his hand.
"Sure.Right now?"He asked,looking straight at me.I nod,taking out Kamigami and throwing it in the air before I caught it.
"And I'll be the referee!"Valt exclaimed,jumping out of nowhere.We flinch in surprise,thinking if this was an alien,but no.
We went to our launching positions,ready to fire.
"Go shoot!"
Kamigami's tip was gone,meaning it's on the offense.Sprizen went on the offensive too,and I guess Shu has a trick up his sleeve.
"Sprizen!Now!"Shu commanded,putting his hand out.Sprizen obeyed and attacked Kamigami with full force,wanting this battle to be his.
Well guess what,Shu.I have a trick up my sleeve,and so does Kamigami.
I kept letting Sprizen attack,waiting until Kamigami finally nodded at me,pretending to lose power and letting a wobbly spin.
I closed my eyes for a second,and reopened the,bitting my lollipop that made a crack noise.
"Now,Kamigami!You've done Trickster Launch,now do Nemesis Wave!"I yelled,making and X with my arms as a sign of doing the wave.
Kamigami obeyed,laughing evilly and without mercy.Her spin got stronger and sparks flew as she went for the attack.
Sprizen tried to dodge it,but Kami followed and clanked against him,getting power from the contact.
Sprizen was sent to the middle,still spinning without a wobble.
Kamigami hit the wall,but instead of flying or bursting,she went faster than the blink of an eye.
"No way.."Valt and Shu gasped in amazement,watching her circle Sprizen.
Kamigami went faster now circling Sprizen like a snake as the space between them got smaller and smaller.
Then,Sprizen burst as both made contact.Shu's eyes widen in surprise,and I grabbed Kamigami as she still spanned with amazing speed.
'You did good,Kamigami.Even you surprised me,'I thought,looking at her disk as it shined in the light.
'Thank you,master,'Kamigami said,her voice deeper and more powerful than Shisha's voice.Yes me and my bey communicate.
"A burst finish!2-0 to Kamigami!"Valt said,putting a hand to my direction.I picked up Sprizen,who was in three pieces.
"Shu,"I said,looking at Shu who kept looking at the stadium with amazement.He snapped out of his trance and looked at me.
"Here,"I said,putting a hand out.Shu looked at it but slowly put his hand out,almost hesitating as he did.
I put Sprizen in his hand,and the albino Male turned slightly pink as he clenched it tightly in his hands.
"Kketsu!"Valt called out,jumping on my back before laughing slightly.I look at the males,who seemed angry at each other about me.
What the fuck...
"How'd you do that?"Shu asked as Valt nodded in agreement.I only shrugged.
"Takes practice."I said,now taking off Valt of my back and placing him down beside Shu.
"Come on,Valt.Lets find some members in your club,"I said,walking off.
Then hurried footsteps were behind me,and I smiled to myself.
I waited out this place where the puppet show was,listening to music and arms crossed as I waited for Valt to come out.
Yes,he thought about the kid Kensuke Midorikawa.
Hey wait,shouldn't I ask who he is since he looked so familiar to me?I gotta take the chance.
Valt came out running but stopped with a sparkle in his eyes.
"Ok,number one;something's wrong with your eyes,and two;What happened?"I asked,taking off my music.
"Nothings with my eyes!"Valt whined,"But Ken's not there so he's down town so let's go!"Valt grabbed my hand and pulled me like I was not alive.
We arrived and he kept running until well...he tripped and fell on me.I growl,getting him surprised by what I did.
"Did you growl,?"Valt asked,confused.My heartbeat came faster,and I clenched my fists before pushing Valt off.
"No.My stomach,"I said,and he nodded.I relaxed.
We walked until Valt scared the shit out of the child Kensuke.
I sigh.Valt can be scary sometimes.Valt has scared him like he did to me.Oh well,maybe Shu will get him.
"Valt,next time don't scare him."I said,smacking the back of Valt's head.Valt rubbed his head and turned red.
"Anyways,"I said,putting an arm over Kensuke's shoulders,"Valt has many words to say,and Valt?"I eyed Valt,who seems jealous.
Then I feel something warm on me,and I look down,only to see a red embarrassed child that squeaked slightly.
"Ken's sorry."The orange puppet on his right apologized,covering his eyes with his little paws.the other one,though,looked ashamed.
"It's fine.Free blood,"I said,wiping some of the blood with my middle and index fingers and licking it off with my tongue.
Now,Valt seemed jealous and slightly possessed over me about the blood I just licked off with my fingers.
"Wanna join the BeyClub?"Valt asked,making hand gestures and stuff like that to make it like joining the BeyClub is going to be entertaining.
"Say yes.."A voice said from besides Kensuke,who so suddenly jumped in my arms and hung his arms over my neck.
"Kokona,your twin Valt already scared this dude."I said,eyeing her.She groaned and crossed her arms.
"Wait Kokona want to-"Valt started,but was cut off by Kokona shaking her head.Valt awed in sadness.
"No,"The left puppet said,which was wrapped around my neck.Valt didn't take no as an answer.
"Just say yes.."I whispered into Kensuke's ear.He shivered,but sighed.
"In one condition,"The orange one said.Valt nodded,eager in what he could do so Kensuke can join.
"You let us battle Shu Kurenai,"The left puppet said almost coldly.Valt seemed completely bewildered.
"But why when you can battle me!"Valt exclaimed,putting his arms up.I sighed,completely on Kensuke's side.
"No offense,Valt,but this may be his only chance to battle him,"I said,before muttering something under my breath,"Like me,"
"Oh alright."Valt pouted,and I chuckled,"Lets go!"he and Kokona rushed out and went ahead of us.
"Hold up,"I said,and Kensuke was getting off of my arms.He was about to go ahead,but I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.
"Do I know you?"I said,studying him.He shivered once I went behind him and put my head on his.
"No,But you do know us,"The orange and purple puppets called.I hummed slightly.
"I don't know.You look like someone I had to babysit when I was about 8 or something.Almost like the older version,"I said,confused.
"Yeah,we asked ourselves that when we saw you.You seemed like someone we knew before.I indeed wondered about you and I had a babysitter before,"The orange puppet said,a hint of confusion in his voice.
"Use your voice,"I said in a my demanding voice.I heard him whimper slightly,shivering under my arms.
"W-why exactly?"Kensuke asked quietly,using his real voice.My eyes widen.Almost the same voice,but a bit older.
I stopped and leaned against the tree that was about 10 yard away.
"What was your nickname your sitter gave you?"I asked,ignoring the question.He used the blue puppet to answer.
"Ken Kungs,or just Kungs.Why?"the blue puppet said in a rude voice.I gasped and tackle Kensuke down into a hug.
"It's you!"I said,purring as I cuddle with him.
"It's him!Its him!"Shisha howled in happiness,running in circles.I feel you,man.
"Hold up.What did your friend call you in a nickname?"Ken asked,using his real voice again and without stuttering.
"Oh wait,hold up,"I said,getting off and getting over 17 yards away now."Ket,why do you ask?"I circled the place a bit before getting tackled to the ground by him.
"Shukketsu!"Kensuke cried,cuddling into my arms.I cuddled back,and in accident,we kissed...on the lips...
"I-I'm sorry,Ket,"he stuttered,turning red as a tomato.I held him by the cheeks,and kissed him softly on the lips,and hugging him.
"Let's go already.I wanna be first on the rooftop,"I said,smirking at him.Kensuke nods quickly,
getting off of me.
"Don't tell me your going to use your super speed,"He asked,and I nodded.Kensuke groaned and shivered.
Yes,I have told the Midorikawa's child about my secret,since he was interesting in wolves and dogs.
He agreed to never tell my secret to anyone,not even his parents,and I am proud of this kid.
He's so cute and adorable I can seduce him already.
"Hey,Kungs.Remember the V I did to you?"I asked,laughing to myself.I look at him,and he's so red that it's like he's being suffocated.
"Shut up,and do really want to...fuck me?"He asked,hesitating on the last part.I chuckled darkly.
"It'll be easy to seduce you,anyways~"I whispered into Kensuke's ear,and I felt him shiver against me.
I hug him,carry him bridal style and sprint off to the rooftop,and passed my nut-headed sister and Valt,who walked causally.
We arrived so fast and so early that Shu was still practicing with Sprizen,until he saw us.He seemed jealous of me holding Ken here.
I shrugged it off,and sat in the corner with Ken in my lap,who turned really red as I rested my head on his shoulder.
Then I went to sleep so I can wait for the other two to arrive.Hey,that rhymed!
Kensuke's POV(for Kensuke fans or LOveRs):
Oh god,oh fucking god,oh fucking fuck god.I found Shukketsu again,which I thought I wouldn't ever find her,and she is the Spin Empress,and the first one.
Guess that practice did pay off.She has been practicing while babysitting me.
And especially when Shukketsu gave me that kiss,twice..well,the first was an accident and the second was on purpose.
I don't think she was joking on the words she gave me back there,about me being easier to seduce.
Anyways,Kokona and Valt has arrived right now,in about 20 minutes.Does it really take that long to walk from there to here?
Her sister looked at me as I threw a small rock at her hand.Kokona looked like she was going to murder me if I do that again.
I mouthed the words,"help me,I'm stuck,"at her,not wanting to interrupt Shukketsu's sleeping.
Trust me,she'll murder you if her sleep is interrupted.Its no mistake if you do.
I did that once when I threw a basketball at her in accident.Ket looked at me like I called the police and went after me until she had me and kept me like a teddy bear,and I couldn't escape nor breath.
Kokona sighed before getting asked by Valt what happened to me and Shukketsu over here,but I hope nothing weird happens to me.
Kokona's POV(I want people to see how it is on others POV):
I watched Kensuke and Shukketsu cuddled in the corner,almost awing at the cute way they were cuddled into a ball.
I sighed,face palming softly.
"What happened?"Valt asked out of nowhere,looking at the couple in a cute ball of love.I flinch at the sound of his voice.
"Just that the lovebirds are there in the corner."I answered,watching Valt and Shu's eyes from my point of view.
"Wait,"I said,smirking,"You two are jealous,aren't you guys?"I asked,getting a how'd-you-know look.
"I knew it!You guys are in love with her!"I laughed out,my sharp teeth showing up as I laughed evilly.
Both guys whimper,putting there heads down in defeat.I shook my head before looking at the lovebirds love.
I regret seeing what I did.
I saw Kensuke turn red,breathing faster as Shukketsu nibbled his ear softly.I turned red in embarrassment.
He squeaked as her hand touched his covered crotch,purring slightly and in please.
"I wish that was me,"Valt muttered under his breath,watching the couple get steamy on this.
"We gotta stop it!Doing it on an exposed place?!What the fuck!?"my wolf,Midori,who is NOT related to Kensuke in ANYway,barked.i nodded.
I heard Kensuke groan quietly to himself,breathing with his mouth open and Shukketsu purred louder.
"Marshmallows,I'm doing Ken already,"Shukketsu mumbled,rubbing her face against Kensuke's cheek.
"Shukketsu..."Kensuke said,elbowing her slightly.Shukketsu hummed a "yes" response to him,
opening her eyes slightly.
"Can you...can you stop?"Kensuke asked,almost whimpering.Shukketsu sighed,but whispered something into his ear,which caused him to turn red.
Kensuke was let go,and he sat on the other place,telling me with his eyes that he needs 10 minutes to overcome what Shukketsu said.
"Valt and Shu.You have 10 minutes to be with Shukketsu.Go,"I said,pointing at my sleeping nut-headed sister.
They cheered and started cuddling with her.
"Kensuke,what did Shukketsu tell you?"I asked,curiosity getting the best of me.Kensuke looked into my eyes.
"She'll meet me tonight and she is going to do what she wants with me,"he said,blushing more worse.
I sigh.Thats my sister for you.
Shukketsu's POV:
Look,I didn't want to be taken to Valt's home so suddenly.
Kokona and Valt agreed to meet his parents,so they know about me and some other children in his club.
Hey,I hadn't seen Rantaro in a while.Where is the great and powerful boss?Did he die?
But here I am,with the twins,in the kitchen,talking about their beys and what they can do to make them better bladers,until there was a knock on the door.
I of course,didn't do anything but stay and watched the light,which was so beautiful like me the goddess.
And who appears at the back of the door?Well,it's Kungs!I make a peace sign at him,and he seemed so nervous that he said he'll join the club and tried leaving,but was pulled back instantly by Valt.
I rolled my eyes,chuckling at his actions.Kensuke may be shy,but he has limits,and I feel your pain.
"You will sit down and eat with us!"Valt's mom commanded,making Kokona flinch and me whimper at the voice.
She sounds like she could be the Luna of a pack,to be honest.
We all ate something(so we don't make Valt's mom angry as fuck like mother Luna),at least and were able to go the same time.
I told one of the wolves in the forest to follow Kokona and take her safety home,as I was with Kensuke.
The wolf bowed his head and followed Kokona,who was already walking off.
"Knock on the door,Kensuke,"I said,poking his nose.He smacked my hand away and knocked anyways.
Wish me luck.
The door opened,and Mrs.Midorikawa appeared on the doorstep.She looked at me,and gasped in surprise.
"Shukketsu!"She exclaimed,hugging me like I was her long-lost kid that finally appeared on the doorstep.
I groaned.I don't really like hugs,but she hugs hard,harder than mother Luna.
"Honey,come here!"She called out to Mr.Midorikawa,who called out he was coming from either 1-2 rooms away.
Ok,that sounded weird with me saying it,and yes I'm a pervert and dirty-minded and I'm proud of it.
Mr.Midorikawa looked at me for a few seconds before hugging me like I was his mother who just returned from surgery.
I groan and put my hands in my face,really embarrassed about this.I guess this is how father Alpha felt like around his parents.
"I swear the Midorikawa's hug to hard,"I mumbled under my breath,relaxing as I was let go by them.
"Please,Shukketsu.Come inside."Mrs.Midorikawa said with full respect in her voice,"We must have a small reunion about your finding,"she opens the door wide for us.
"How did you guys remember me?"I asked as we all were in the living room.I felt so comfortable in there house,that I sat Kensuke in my lap.
"Well,your hair."Mrs.M(I shall call her that for ever and ever) said,touching my hair a bit.I rolled my eyes playfully at her.
"Same dark blue hair,"I said out,"though still mixed as black hair,"I said to myself quietly,touching my own hair.
"Now,excuse me,"Kensuke said,getting up and walking to some direction I don't know."I gotta go to sleep.Goodnight."he went causally into a room and closed it.
I slid into my chair.Im cold again.Damn the cold.
"Shukketsu,you've been acting weird sometimes while caring for our son."Mr.M(see?I told you)said,"What bothered you during that time?"he asked,almost worried.
'Oh shit you've been caught!'Shisha howled.I rolled my eyes at her acting,'werewolf backup.
Um...tell them the truth and run to the door!'I sighed at her thinking.
"And what happened to your eyes?"Mrs.M asked,pointing at my eyes.I guess Mr.M didn't see because they started talking.
Ah,shit.I forgot of my eyes.Your eyes fog when you start taking to your wolf.Fuck werewolf life!
"Ok,I'll explain,"I said calmly,walking slowly to the door."If you two start running after me,then I'll get a head start,"I leaned against the door.
"U-uh me and K-Kokona are s-something you c-call werewolves,"I said,shivering slightly as I explained to them.
"But,werewolves aren't real,are they?"Mr.M asked,very surprised by my answer.I shake my head,
and I shift into my wolf.
They were scared now.Oh well,and damn it's been a long time since I was in wolf form.Ah damnit that hurt.
Now I'm a very large wolf,in the living room,where the front door is,in my great clothing and on the floor,panting.
Everything hurt.I looked at the parents of my lovey,my golden eyes saying 'everything-hurts-like-Satan-had-battled-Jesus' look.
I stood up on my paws,almost falling over them.Its been so long since I have been on them.I bark loudly and wag my tail,shaking myself and falling down.
"So,werewolves do exist,"the two parents said,as I nod,growling as they said us wolves don't exist.
Oh well.That was a weird night.
Kokona has insisted on taking me to Valt's home and since I'm not really interested in making friends,she decided it was the perfect opportunity to.
It's kinda bad when your relatives or siblings don't understand your personality.
Kokona has to stop stalking people as they go home or something.It gets on people's nerves,believe me.
She's done that to me once when I was 10 and she was 8,as I went to babysit someone I already took care of before,which was 3 months,but I threw a piece of pie at her direction.
Kokona stopped stalking me then.What lessons we learn each day.
Did I ever tell you guys I'm an 18 year old?and Kokona is an 16 year old?if I didn't,now you know.
Anyways,we knocked on the door.Kokona some feet away,and me hiding behind some bushes so I don't get caught and get dead.
I was sitting behind them with my knees slightly bended and hands on the grass.I had my eyes closed for a second before I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.
I turned,but growled loudly as I saw who it was.It couldn't be.
Okami Otoko.
His cold green eyes pierced my golden eyes.Okami's lips turned from an evil smirk to a rude like expression.
"No hugs,no welcomes?Thats sad,"he mocked,fake crying before I pushed him off me,growling slightly.
"What do you want,now?"I said,biting my lollipop and throwing away the stick in the trash can.
Okami sat with his legs open and hands in the middle.
"I was searching for werewolves here,until I found one,"He said,his trap landing on me from above.
"Get this off me,"I said,growling as I feel Shisha on the surface.Okami shook his head as he laughed coldly.
That's when I snapped,and Shisha took over.
Shisha POV:
It feels good to come back out,but this way in the middle of a war is not cool.How dare this miserable human Okami offend Shukketsu.
I rip the silver metal bars with ease.
Silver hurts us werewolves,but when wolfs take over them,it doesn't do anything.Its just like normal things.
Okami seemed surprised and shoots me with a gun on my arm.I only turn my arm and looked at it,seeing a bit of blood crawling down.
I watched it heal quickly and look at Okami,who looked scared.Well,kid you should be.
"Leave!"I roar,my deeper voice boomed throughout the place,making the miserable kid shiver in fear.
"Or what?"he asked,clenching his fists.
Not smart kid.Respect me.
I scratch his face and grab him by the neck,and throw him as far as I can with my super strength.
I growl louder than Shukketsu when she can't get what she wants.I stomp out from behind the bushes and breath heavily from that idiot.
"Shukketsu?"a voice asked from behind,and I turned,only to see Kokona.
I whimper,"It's Shisha!"I bark,breathing heavier than some seconds before.They've got to know who's who.
'Hey let me take over again!'Shukketsu growled from my mind,making me face palm and let her take control.
Shukketsu's POV:
I took a deep breath as Kokona stood next to me,confused for a bit.I shook my head slightly before crossing my arms.
"What happened?"Kokona asked,putting a hand on my arm.I groan quietly and turn my head.
"...Wait,"my smaller sister said,sniffing my scent before growling slightly.I growl too,knowing how upset she is.
"Okami,wasn't it?"Kokona said,disgust in her voice.I nodded,sniffing out Valt's scent that leaded from the front to the schools direction.I followed it.
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