Happy Birthday to you (Birthday special)
The author: Today is someone birthday
All except author chan: Who
Drum, Arman, Gwyn: I know
All except author chan, Drum, Arman, Gwyn: Who???
The author: You three know it.........
Drum, Arman, Gwyn: Yeah
All except author chan, Drum, Arman, Gwyn :??
The author: Anyway Chapter start.
(Drum is a girl in this chapter)
Drum POV
Me and author chan is on the Victories building,we planning for someone birthday party, luckily Delta is no here....Author chan is write the plan for the birthday party. Suddenly Arman and Gwyn is coming inside, Gwyn ask me
Gwyn: What you two doing?
The author: Oh, hi Gwyn and Arman
Arman: What you doing?
The author: Oh, that......
Drum: Few day later, Is Delta birthday
Arman, Gwyn:Oh, can we help?
The author: Of crouse, I need someone help me..........
Drum: Oh, author chan, now we need to talk which part?
The author: The last part is about the party place
Drum: Hmmm.......
Arman: Let make the party is here
The author,Drum, Gwyn:Good idea
The author :Next, What we need of the party?
Drum: Beyblade battle
The author:?
Gwyn: Yeah, We can have a lot battle with him
Arman: Yeah
The author: (Smile) I think it is a great idea
The author: What next?
Drum: What about the birthday cake?
The author: You said birthday cake, I will make it
Drum: Thx author chan
Arman: Hmmm,What date is it, Today?
The author: Today is 25 July
Drum: We have two days left
Gwyn: Hmmm, it is something left we didn't write on the plan?
Drum: We need to have a surprises to him.
The author: Yeah
Arman: How about the present?
The author, Gwyn,Drum:Let me think.......
The author: I think I make the birthday cake is a present for him
Gwyn: I think I give him a new launcher
Drum: Emmm.....
The author: What is you present?
Drum: (Blushing)
The author:Ok, you can show it on the party
Fumiya,Ichika,Taka:Hi guys, what you doing?
The author: Oh that.......(Told the thing to them)
Fumiya,Ichika,Taka:Can we help?
The author: Sure.....
Fumiya:I need to battle him again
Ichika, Taka: (Giggled)
Ichika: Something I can help?
The author: Hmmm, how about you and Taka decorate the place?
Ichika: Ok.....
Taka: Ok
Fumiya:What can I do?
Arman: You and Gwyn can help me to buy something the party that we need
Gwyn, Fumiya:Sure
The author:What time the party started?
Drum: Maybe in afternoon
The author: Ok, tomorrow I will do the cake
Arman: And thinks of the present for Delta
The author, Drum, Gwyn:Yeah......
Next day
(In author chan home)
The author POV
Good, I put the cake body on the oven. Now wait more 15 minutes to done it...suddenly the door bell ring, I open the door, it Drum
The author: Hi Drum
Drum: Hi author chan
The author: What happened? You have problem on your present?
Drum: Yeah......I have problems
The author: What?
Drum: Actually,Other didn't notice me I am a girl.....only you know it
The author: Oh, you want to tell to others on the party?
Drum: Yeah.....I want to wear my dress, I want to show the other that I am a girl .....
The author: I think they are suprises, specially Delta.....
Drum: What?
The author: Delta is......(Ding) Oh, the cake is done.....(Take the cake body on the table) Ok, continue
Drum:You says what?
The author: Don't you feel that? Actually, Delta like you.
Drum: Me? No, I think he don't like me......
The author: What, no,he alway care about you....right?
Drum:....(Memory something that She with Delta )
Drum: (Twisted her right ankle)
Drum:ouch, how I can walk now? It so painful.....
Delta: (Walk near Drum) Drum, you ok?
Delta: No, you not....you twisted your ankle, right?
Drum: Hmmm (Want to crying)
Delta: It ok (Hold Drum on bride style )
Drum:! What you doing?
Delta: You hurt, you can't walk now, I bring you back on the Victories
Drum: Hmmm, thanks Delta.....
Delta: You welcome.......
End flashback
Drum: Yeah, he always care about me.....
The author: That good (Decorate the cake)
The author: You want to wear that dress?
Drum: Yeah, that blue dress
The author: You will so beautiful.....
Drum: Thx author chan.
Next day (Again......)
Delta POV
(In dream)
I was have a walk,What a beautiful morning, I watch the sunrise, suddenly someone is hug me from back. I wonder who do it? It Drum
Drum: Delta
Delta: Oh, is you, Drum
Drum: (Wear the dress)
Delta: Why you wear the dress?
Drum: I am a girl.
Delta: You are girl?
Drum: Yeah(Smile)
Delta: (In mind: She so cute and Kawaii)
Delta: (Hug Drum) Glad you a girl
Drum: Why?
Delta: Actually, I like you......
Drum: (Blushing) Me...too
Delta: You like me?
Drum: (Blushing) Yeah, but I always think you don't like me.......
Delta: That not like that (Put Drum on his chest)
Drum:!(Listen Delta heartbeat)Why you like me?
Delta:At first, I am don't like you, think you are annoying.....
Drum:Oh(Sad face)
Delta: But after the Diabolos is broken,you invite me to join the Victories,that feeling, I was never feel it, Thank for invite me.
Drum: (Blushing a little) You welcome
Delta:Actually, you so beautiful that you wear a dress
Drum: Really?(Blushing)
Delta: Yes (Kiss Drum face)
Drum: (Smile) Hmmm
?:Wake up, Wake up, Delta......
Dream end
Delta: (Open his eyes) Who wake me up?
Drum: (Lay on Delta)Wake up Delta
Delta: Uh, Drum?(Sit on the bed)
Delta: Your costume......
(Drum costume)
(Hair clip)
(Socks and shoes)
Drum: Have problem?
Delta: You are girl?
Drum: (Blushing) Yeah.....
Delta: (Hug Drum and put her head on his chest)
Drum: De..Delta?
Delta: Kawaii (Blushing a little)
Drum: Hmmm (Blushing madly)
Delta:(In mind: My dream is come true)
Drum: Hmmm, Delta,I have something to tell you?
Delta: What?
Drum: I...I...like you.....
Delta: I don't like you
Drum: Oh, you already like someone?
Delta: What? No....
Drum: It ok....(Crying)
Delta: I not finished me sentence(Wip Drum tears)
Delta: I love you, Drum
Drum: (Crying more)
Delta: (Hug Drum tenderly)
Drum:I through I was late to tell my feeling.....
Delta: Never (Pat Drum head)
Delta: What time is it?
Drum: Now is 6:30AM
Delta: Today we need to training right?
Drum: Oh, today we have special things to do , so we don't need to training today.
Delta: (Lay on his bed) That good
Drum: (Take off her shoes and lay on top of Delta and listen his heartbeat) Hmmm, you heartbeat make me feel better.
Delta: (Smile and kiss Drum forehead)Why you so cute?
Drum: I don't know (Show cute face)
Delta: (Smile) Hmmm
Drum :(Yawn) zzz
Delta: (Smile and put his blanket on them)
Drum: zzz
Delta: (Hold Drum tenderly) What a lovely dia (Whisper)
Few hours later
The author: Wake up Delta (Open the door)
The author:!(See Delta and Drum sleep together)
The author:(Smile)
Arman,Gwyn Fumiya,Ichika,Taka:Hey author chan (See Drum sleep with Delta)
Arman,Gwyn Fumiya,Ichika,Taka:!
The author: Shhh
Ichika: Drum....Delta...wake up (Take away the blanket)
Arman,Gwyn Fumiya,Ichika,Taka:!
Arman: Drum wear dresses?
The author: Yeah.....
Taka: I take the photo
Arman,Gwyn Fumiya,Ichika,Taka:I want it
The author: Me too....
Delta: (Yawn)?
Delta: (Notice all of them is here) Why you her?
The author: We just call you, but we didn't know Drum is sleep with you
Arman, Fumiya:Ship it
Gwyn: Drum is a girl?
Delta: Yeah......
Gwyn: Yes
Ichika: Here Gwyn, you win this.......(Sigh and give ten dollars to Gwyn)
Delta: (Sweat and Smile a little)
Drum: (Yawn)
Drum: (See all of them) Ahhhh
The author: It ok Drum, we already know it....
Drum: Really?
Ichika: I so glad you are girl, Drum
Drum: (Smile nervous) (Sit on Delta lap)
The author: Oh, Delta (Put a birthday head on Delta)
The author, Drum,Arman,Gwyn Fumiya,Ichika,Taka:Happy birthday Delta
Delta: (Blushing) Thanks you guys, wait, you all know my birthday?
Arman, Gwyn: Drum and author chan told me,
Delta: Thx you guys (Crying a little)
The author: Let go down,there have a party wait to you...
The author: Here
Delta: Wow......
Delta: (See the cake)
Delta: Who mamade that?
The author:I made it, you present
Delta: Thx so much
The author: (Put the candle on the cake)Make a wish
Delta: (Cover his eyes and blow the candle)Done it......
Delta: Hmmm,delicious
The author: Thx
Gwyn: (Give a box to Delta) Your present
Delta: (Open the box) What that?
Delta: (See the launcher)Oh that beautiful, thx Gwyn.
Gwyn: You welcome
Drum: Delta.....(Give a white box to Delta) You....present.......
Delta: What that?
Delta: (See the watch)
(Like this)
Delta:Two watch? I take the black one, You want the pink one?
Drum: Can I?
Delta :Of crouse (Take the pink one and put on her right hand)
The author, Gwyn, Ichika: Ship it......
Arman: Delta, battle with me
Delta: (Smile) Sure
Arman: This time I won't lose
Delta: Hope you can......
The author,Gwyn: (Smile)
The author notes
Happy birthday again Delta 🥳🥳
, Hope you guys like this
How did you think about this chapter? Please write down in the comments and vote it. It was one of the powers that I do more and do my best. See you next time. 😉😉
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