Pregnant (Ken Imagine)
You cannot imagine just how much I love this sweet child (you probably can), I just had to write something for him.
💚 A ring would have been on your finger long before you found out you were pregnant
💚It would still be pretty early on into your marriage though
💚At first, neither of you would realize you were pregnant
💚But you'd begin to get suspicious with all the mood swings and vomiting
💚Eventually you'd buy at least three pregnancy tests just to be certain
💚At first you'd just sit there for a while as the reality of the situation sunk in
💚Ken would walk through the door that afternoon to be greeted by your two dogs
💚One wears sign saying "Mum is getting us a human"
💚The other says "Guard duty starts in nine months"
💚At first Ken freaks out
💚Like majorly freaks out and collapses with a nose bleed
💚But then he's just so excited
💚He's going to be a dad
💚Throughout the entire pregnancy he is literally just so attentive
💚"Ken baby...?"
💚"What ice cream do you want now (Y/N)?"
💚You'd answer with something ridiculous like 'green'
💚He wouldn't point that out though
💚Would go out of his way to make 'green flavoured ice cream'
💚No arguing whatsoever
💚Even if it's the most ridiculous thing, he'll do anything to make his angel happy
💚Does not care about the added weight
💚If anything he adores it because you're taking care of a little piece of him in there to make something beautiful
💚You wake up one evening about when you're about seven months along and Ken isn't in you're bed
💚It's two in the morning and his side of the bed is cold
💚You find him in the lounge room sewing tiny versions of Ker and Beus
💚Finally comes back to bed
💚The two of you stay awake while Ken rubs a lotion on your swollen belly while mumbling endearments to your unborn child
💚Neither of you wake up until 10:00 AM layer that morning
💚Baby is a few days late
💚At this point you're waddling around with an angry scowl on your face
💚He says you can't rush perfection
💚You're torn between bursting into tears of happiness or throwing something at him
💚Ken was pleasantly suprised to have his very teary and very pregnant wife hug him
💚Your contractions choose that moment to start
💚Dogs are howling
💚Ken has fainted
💚Contractions are getting worse
💚Finally he comes to after you dump a pitcher of water on his head
💚Bag gets thrown over one shoulder and he picks you up and carries you to the car
💚Thank God for all that extra strength built up from Beyblading
💚Finally at hospital
💚Ken calls literally all of your friends
💚Everyone is there
💚Terrifying screams can be heard from waiting room
💚A nurse comes in at one point
💚"Honey can you please quiet down? You are scaring all of the other mums that aren't as far along as you yet"
💚Nurse promptly gets nearest thing (a spare pillow) thrown at her head
💚You don't quiet down and continue to scream bloody murder
💚Actual doctor comes in to break your water
💚Pulls out huge device that looks like something from American Horror Story
💚"First time someone's ever said that to me," he mutters embarrassed
💚Eaves dropping Rentaro bursts out laughing
💚At one stage you grab Ken's hand and tell him that he has to be the one to push next, because you can't do t anymore
💚Finally you give birth to a beautiful baby girl
💚"Um, Doctor Jones? Doctor Jones should she still be screaming? Oh sweet God there are two of them!"
💚A loud thump of Ken fainting for the second time that day can be heard
💚You gave birth to another girl eight minutes later
💚Ben and Valt are both Godfathers
💚All of the honorary uncles jump on the bandwagon to never let them date
💚"I'm teaching her how to Beyblade!"
💚You get home a week later
💚All of the boys pitched in to decorate the nursery
💚Ken made sure to sew extra puppets
💚Both are the most well guarded girls in Japan
💚Both are accomplished puppeteers and Bladers with an adorable canine tooth just like their dad
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