So what would it be like to date Free Da La Hoya??🤔
🦌He falls asleep when ever, where ever during the day.
🦌His sleeping pattern is crazy.
🦌Like you'll wake up during the night only to find him off training.
🦌Your shoulder is a full time pillow.
🦌That's okay though, because then you can lean your head on his own.
🦌Oh! And sometimes the two of you fall asleep near the old Bey stadium in the forest. He props himself up on his arm, and you'll use his stomach as a pillow.
🦌Sometimes you slap him up the back of the head for his sarcastic attitude, other times you laugh. It's a 50/50 thing that can honestly go either way.
🦌You often brag that the deer likes you better.
🦌Why is this boy so athletic though?!
🦌Sometimes the two of you go for a jog.
🦌You end up quitting halfway through because you can't keep up, and demand that he carries you back.
🦌You love it when he randomly picks you up when the two of you are alone, spinning you around until you laugh.
🦌Stargazing is a thing.
🦌There was alot of rage when you found out that he was planning on joining the Raging Bulls from Ivan.
🦌When he came back you joined Shasa in what came to be known as 'The Vendetta.'
🦌You lasted a few weeks longer than she did.
🦌All was forgiven when he dragged you out of training, throwing you over his shoulder.
🦌He sat down against this tree, hugging you and apologising.
🦌You accepted, with the casual threat for him to never pull another stunt like that again.
🦌Kris is your best friend.
🦌Sometimes the three of you just hang out in her office.
🦌She ships it the hardest, even coming up with your ship name herself.
🦌The two of you both ran off to stop the match between him and Valt during the semi finals.
🦌You clung to him a bit after that, a bit shaken up from everything.
🦌Free didn't mind though.
🦌He milked things a little bit when it was just the two of you.
🦌In the end you threatened to give him something to actually complain about if he didn't stop.
🦌He stopped for the most part, sometimes he'd keep at it just to see you get angry.
🦌There is no big spoon/ little spoon. It's you cuddling into his side, using his chest as a pillow.
🦌When he changed his clothes into what he wears in Super Z, you stole his yellow tank top.
🦌It is actually so comfy, what the hell?
🦌You wear it all the time. Not to be cute, or to tease him, or to make a claim. It is honestly your favourite thing to wear.
🦌Lazy nights in.
🦌Falling alseep on the couch.
🦌Hugs! All the time!
🦌He doesn't get too possessive. He'd trusts you with his life, so he doesn't exactly worry about some random person trying to steal you away from him.
🦌But if he sees you looking a little uncomfortable he steps in.
🦌Casually walks up, hugging you from behind. He rests his head on your shoulder, loving the way you relax into him. He doesn't say much, if the fact that he is Free freaking Da La Hoya doesn't scare them off, he gives them this little condecending head tilt that has them running.
🦌His intensity scares you sometimes, not alot though.
🦌Most of the time you love it, and go to watch him training.
🦌You don't force him to take a break, but you always make sure to have a towel and a bottle of water on hand.
🦌Never knocks. Ever. It is a foreign concept.
🦌"What if I was getting changed?"
🦌When you say that he gets this grin and you know he's going to say something blush or slap worthy, and you throw him out.
🦌Afterwards you can hear him laughing quietly on the other side of the door.
🦌The one time he did walk in on you getting changed he immeadiently covered his eyes and backed out, bright red and apologizing.
🦌His reaction was so fast though that you had barely anytime to realise he was in the room.
🦌He could barely look at you afterwards without blushing and stammering.
🦌So sweet.
Lol. My best friend and I were on the bus for an excursion, and I had gotten up early that morning and was exhausted. I used her shoulder for a pillow and she used my head. Comfy and it works, I could see that being a thing with Free.
Hope you enjoyed!
~ xx Avanni Cinders
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