Q&A section
Your Writer,
TheMysticalQueen 👸.
Thank you so much for adding my book to your favorite list or reading lists, thanks for your votes and comments and special thanks to those that went on sharing my book in groups and categories "Paranormal" or "Fantasy".
😭 Thank you so much for your thoughts and suggestions on this book as well! I couldn't have done this without you guys' cooperation and support.
Just like I promised, I'd make a book cover shops pretty much soon and create a Q&A section in each of the books I write!
Now, here goes the popular or most wondered questions on my story "Torn between Magic and Love".
Q: Why didn't you make your story under the category Fantasy?
A: "Well, I did at first but I came to think of it...why put it under fantasy when it deals with so many mysterious forces and unexplained scientific powers?
So yeah...."Para-Normal"... then later I ended up putting it under fantasy lol".
Q: Why on earth did you name him Minuet? Why not something more cuter and more popular?
A: "Hahaha, like I said in one of my chapters...I specifically named him Minuet because after racking my brain for some cute cat names, I found this in my e-spanish dictionary and was like...
Q: How did you get so much inspiration to write this story? It kinda sounds like a role playing story or something!
A: "🙂 My best friend gave me the courage and few of the ideas in here for my story since he was like literally obsessed with all these kinds of stuffs.
He helped me partly with the author notes and pictures😁 surprise!".
Q: I entered your story but it's telling me to reload it again, why?
A: "Cupcake? It has been edited fully 🙂 so you need to read that part all over again".
Q: Tell me more about the audio thingy?!
A: "With pleasure Cupcake, like I said...I'm using an app to currently translate all these pages into four languages; Spanish, Filipino, Japanese and Korean. If that doesn't work out, I'd just paste the audio in English form over here".
Q: What is this story related to?
A: 👉👈 Beauty and the Beast for Minuet, "Just Add Magic" for Isabelle/Cassandra's witchy life, "Bureau of Magical Things" for most of the scenes and the fallen angel for Minuet's God life. This is not a fanfiction!".
Q: Would you want this in a movie form someday?
A: Hell yes! I want my babies brought to life someday 👉🤔👈 but that's if I'd be ready for the trouble lol.
Q: If you were to dedicated this story to someone, who would it be? Why?
A: @ClaireMeisel, @Josephevans, @Cannoness and @BeckyRuef!
Claire has always been there for me throughout this story....from the beginning to the very end, making suggestions and comments on it, and because of that, I'd give her something in return 😄!
-Shoutouts on her profile.
-Free Book Cover from me, if she wants.
-Interview from any characters of her choice.
-And a special scene for her and her favourite character, the one and only..📣Minuet!
Joseph has always been a good role model for everyone and I happen to be among those people. His videos on episode life and that of YouTube has inspired my life so much. I know you'd be wondering how he inspired me?
Well, just when I was about to back down from this story...I went through his YouTube videos and saw a life-changing video!
Although we've been talking through comments on YouTube, we ain't that close 👀 but I see him as my mentor and always will🙏.
@Josephevans 👋 I'm the one that you talked to on YouTube, concerning your audio books and me sharing your books to my friends .😂 I doubt that you'd remember me but I'm Crystalwinters, your one and only fan!
I recommend checking out his amazing books↙
-Trinity Awakening
-Over world
-The Boy in Biker's jackets and many more!
Arigatou Joseph! Can't wait for your audio books to come out soon😄!
@BeckyRuef Gurl👀, I'm the one that stalked you on Web novel 😂 surprise! You never seize to amaze me! I didn't know you were over there until I saw the new cover of your book! And gurl, you've got so many badges in the app...tell me your secret 😭. 👉👈 would you be online? I wanna pm you something!
Your story's really something else!🤘👸.
@Cannoness is the Goddess of Paranormal stories herself 😭, I don't need anyone to remind me that personally!
All her stories are like bombs of pure fascination and imagination!
I remember when I first read her story "Traitor", I found myself falling in love with the antagonist of the story at the end 😂 how crazy of me. Not to mention the other lovely vampire and werewolves stories she has so far! Be sure to check them out and I bet you that you won't be disappointed! I don't know if it's weird but sometimes I wish to for once, enter your story world 👉👈 so I could actually hug the life out of the characters😣.
Q: Who did you ship in the first place of your book?
A: "Isn't it obvious enough🙄? The demon himself 👉👈".
Q: How long did it take you to do this book?
A: 👉👈 It should be close to nine months or so I think.
Q: Is this your first story so far?
A: As far as it concerns Wattpad, yes...but on other platform, meh.
Q: Are we allowed to tag this book in a showcase club or some thing?
A: Go ahead 👀.
Q: Can I have some pictures of the characters in your story!
A: Sure 👉👈↙
Minuet X Isabelle in anime form
Isabelle x Julius in human form
Mrs Alexis, Isabelle's grandma.
Blair in her badass form👀📣
Cady, Isabelle's long lost sister!
Isabelle x Sophie!
Isabelle's mum is the curly Blondie out of all the three pictures and three ladies!
Mrs Selena is the lady holding the flower in the second picture!
While the third lady is....🙄 someone random heh.
Xander x Cassie!
Lmao it kinda looks like Minuet in his beast form somehow to be honest 👉👈.
Q: "Who cursed Cassandra's parents?".
A: "A demigod I know of 🙄".
Q: "Did Minuet know about Isabelle's past life the entire time?".
A: "Yes! He made an oath with Mrs Alexis to say nothing until the right time comes!".
Q: "Since Minuet is a God, what does his power fall under?".
A: "The God of War and Justice".
Q: "I didn't get the hybrid part as well as the God thingy, could you explain?".
A: "This is why I said my story's a paranormal, it deals more with strange events than the fantasy world. You see, my boy here is a freaking god, and made some kind of contract with Mrs Alexis to stay low and watch over the next heir in line. At that time she had already found out his real identity and that was the only exchange for her to shut up. Since he was still inexperienced in using his powers, he had no choice but to comply. His mum was a Goddess while his dad was a hunter (human and not supernatural) and because of that, this made him a hybrid - his mum's gene activated some sides in him which weren't there, he can just summon any form he want to shift to, which is pretty cool but stressful!".
Q: "What happened to Julius?".
A: "Sophie and Julius got along 🙈".
Q: "What about Xander's Kingdom?".
A: ".😤 My boy's not ready to show off his castle but it'd really surprise you!".
Q: "Mrs Selena?".
A: "She's one of mum's workers as a nymph. I guess she came in human form at school to search for Cassandra".
Q: "Bro, where's the Wintmans?".
A: "Minuet took good care of them 🙄 (they're not dead but somewhere)".
Q: "What about Foxwell/ Foxy?".
A: "I'd lie if I say I didn't hate her XD, that's why you'd barely see her POV. She's just a random werewolf Minuet came across in his wolf form one time (Actually they did have a liking for each other but she's just a werewolf dude, go find someone your own rank)".
Q: "Who was the guy in the locket when a Isabelle was a child?".
A: "My very own cunny hunter. Yes he knew Cassandra but he didn't 'know' her like Minuet".
Q: "What is Cassandra exactly?".
A: "She's a silent killer 😤 (Lmao, she's a witch...the good one but...she's also a nymph!) Well, somebody's got to teach her somethings to awaken that side of her. Her being a witch is a blessing and is completely different from her being a nymph. She was born a nymph, forest nymph in particular, but was gifted with sorcery (That's why she was intrigued by nature as Isabelle)".
Q: "Who cursed Xander?".
A: "😤 When Xander was taken for granted, Cassandra's parents, the King and queen cursed him to feel the pain of being a supernatural".
Q: "Did Minuet know about Xander at first?".
A: "Nope. This guy was still oblivious of some obvious things before him".
Q: "Did the humans get to know about the secret worlds?".
A: "Meh, for their safety, they don't. Not especially what happened when Julius found out about everything and tried to use it selfishly".
Q: "Was Minuet single before he met Isabelle?".
A: "He's that kind of god that doesn't have interest in love or friendship. He prefers to be on his own, so technically... Yup".
Q: "Does he possess some powers as a demigod?".
A: "Yes yes yes! He has been secretly learning how to control them fully the whole time he's been watching and tutoring Isabelle. What a smart ass 😂".
Q: "Does he drink blood since he has some vampiric features?".
A: "🙈 Vampires are vampires...".
Q: "Any siblings, Minuet?".
A: "Nah...he's a pure loner".
Q: "When did Minuet develop liking for Isabelle?".
A: "🙄 The time she gave him 'a peck of gratitude' ".
Q: "Dude, who was the REDHEADED hunteress with Xander?".
A: "😤 The one and only intimidating Amy Hunters. Anyone with 'Hunters' as their surnames aren't siblings but are partners".
Q: "Who pushed Isabelle off the building on prom night?".
Q: "Since when did Julius have a liking for ISABELLE?".
A: "🙈 Childhood, and yet she was strong to not give up".
Q: "What chapters or scenes are linked to each other with meanings?".
A: "Lmao, I don't know the specific chapters but in the first chapter, Mrs Alexis talked about 'party' and 'person'...she was referring to the prom! In chapter two, the first sticky note about the past making her better and not bitter, and that what she want exists was referring to her sad memory of her Grandma, the assignments and as well as her crush, Xander. Also when the sticky notes mentioned her making someone smile, the person ended up being Alexander. If you notice...Alexander has been repeating the same words over and over again (You're stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and braver than you look... or something like that), he was casting a spell on her! Chapter Eight, Isabelle wished for a companion and her wish was granted, more like Minuet was waiting for it to be a perfect timing for him to come in".
Q: "Why does the Wintmans, especially Emily hate ISABELLE".
A: "Hate is such a strong word 😤 but I can say that it's pure jealousy and envy".
Q: "Did Minuet get intimate with Isabelle to remove the poison from your body?".
A: "😤 My boy respects a lady's dignity, he would never do anything against her wish. He only erm...you know...read that part of the Chapter again!".
Q: "No one talked about Isabelle's transformation when the hunters almost captured her".
A: "She remembered nothing about it, thanks to Minuet 🙄".
Q: "Why did Minuet dislike Xander at first?".
A: "Boys are always boys 🙄, always been protective of their ladies".
Q: "How was Minuet able to shift without Isabelle knowing?".
A: "That garden...that garden...that garden, remember? The very one Isabelle keeps on dreaming about! He's the master of disguise when it comes to the night-time because that's the time Isabelle would've been sleeping, that's his perfect zone of shifting to his forms comfortably".
Q: "What was Xander's point in hunting?".
A: "To balance the equation of power on the humans and the supernaturals and ultimately to avenge his parent's death".
Q: "Did anyone lose their v-cards?".
A: "🙄 Maybe yes, maybe no".
Q: "Did Xander get along with his family?".
A: "Yes, his two favorite persons".
Q: "I'd like to ask a question that's not here. Can I?".
A: "Go ahead!".
If there's anything you'd like to ask me that isn't included here, feel free to fill the quiz below[optional] and list out your questions. I'd try my best to get to it quickly when I've the time, that is.
Ratings on this story out of 5 stars:
Favourite Ship:
Favourite scene/Chapter:
Isabelle's real name:
What is Xander's utmost reason of despising Minuet so far?:
Who is Isabelle's first love?:
What happened to Mrs Alexis and why was Minuet with her the whole time?:
What kind of beast is Minuet?:
Clue: What is his race's name?
I guess that's it for now 😅, let me not spam your notifications heh....Buh-bye and till we meet again!
Oh and the girl above is none other than Isabelle.... someone made that for me ^~^ on Instagram I really appreciate her for her efforts 💖.
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