Chapter Twenty Two - Witch what?
{A/N: 😗 Minuet in Anime form, feel free to imagine him however you want!}
Isabelle's POV
Is it me or that, he looks...a bit... uncomfortable?
When looking closer, shadows flickered around the edge of his face making his face now look strangely hollow.
There's something he's not saying.....
"You might not be able to see her all the time, but you can hear and feel her". He continued.
His head shifted slightly from the fireplace and his gaze was now fully on me. His facial features were almost related to that of a feminine, but were only more attractive and handsome still.
The crackling fire blotted his irises with amber and crimson, as bright and warm as that of fire beetles, but maybe it was all part of my wild imagination or hallucination once again?
I mean...
He had emerald eyes and not... crimson obviously.
"Even if Alexis can't be with you...". He whispered. "I will...".
Double huh?!
"Say what?". I blinked.
"She didn't tell you, did she?". He rolled his eyes, with a disappointed frown.
"Uhh...I guess so?". I said unsure of what he was getting at.
"I owe her a life debt". He bluntly said.
"But what have that got to do with me?! No offense though". I cut in, raising my hand in the air.
"No need to be rude, it's not like I want this either..! I made a vow to her to protect you with my nine lives as long as you want".
Protect me?
From what..?
"Hold up...protect me from what exactly?! It's not like there are more monsters, that want to kill me, right?".
A grin creeped up from behind the boy's sleeve, like a crescent moon slicing through a fog. "You're quite the smart one, aren't you?".
"In that case, you should be the one figuring that out yourself. Why do you think such a powerful sorceress spent her entire life hidden in the form of an ordinary being?".
That's a...that's a lie...grandma might have powers!
But she's human!
"Uhh...maybe because she spends her lifetime at home and hates mingling with others for some other reasons, except for family meetings?".
"I mean...each time mum and dad requests for a family trip or something, she turns us down immediately. She preferred having little tea parties and chitchats at home than having a crazy adventure".
Minuet just gave me a pretty much mischievous smile as I spoke out some piece of my mind, he didn't object this time like he always does.
"Okay I get it, I'm oblivious...". I rolled my eyes when I listened to the words I've been saying.
He grinned in satisfaction and nodded slowly. "There's a reason she rejected all your invitations, this place is more like a refuge and at the same time a hideout...filled with your Grandma's greatest and most dangerous weapons".
Like a treasure trove of MAGIC?
Now that explains why grandma acted like an introvert...
"Which of course are now yours". He added.
"One question". I cut in.
He didn't shout or frown this time, but just gave me the 'go on' nod and look which gave me some relief.
"Why did grandma have to hide? I mean, wasn't she powerful enough against anything?".
"Good question". He clasped his hands with an impressed smile.
I felt a tingling of blush crawl up to my cheeks at his words.
"She wasn't hiding from wizards or sorceresses...she didn't need to anyways...she was the greatest and most feared of them all...".
Okay I hear a 'but' coming...
"But-". He sounded serious. "-she was hiding from witch hunters".
And there's that but!
Witch what now...?
"This fortress you see here is a actually a sanctuary she created all by herself for herself...without anyone's help...".
"W...witch w-what now? Is there anything like that?! All I've heard of are Vampire hunters and mere hunters!".
I didn't even give him the chance to talk, even though I saw his lips part a little to say something.
"So what you actually THAT...there are some frickin' HUNTERS or people...who want to HUNT me down as they wanted to HUNT down my granny?!".
"Well the thing is...". He started.
"And kill me?!!". I cut in.
"Not exactly kill though...". He shook his head.
"Oh, phew...for a second I thought that th-".
"More like TORTURE, ENSLAVE, CAPTURE, MOLEST and some couple of other disturbing sights". He grinned.
Okay his words aren't helping at all...
He's been grinning all throughout his words!
And for the sake of God....torture?!
"I think I'm already being tortured enough, Minuet". I pressed my fingers against my head with a sigh.
Minuet's grin just sharpened more, just like a blade whetting itself on my terror. His expressions never cease to amaze me huh.
"You know, where there are supernaturals...lays a hunter".
"Supernaturals?". I raised an eyebrow.
He furrowed his eyebrows. "Did you really think I'm just a cat?".
I gulped and shook my head. "Go on...start with umm... hunters".
He breathe in and gritted through his teeth, "Hunters are filthy fatheaded despising ill-fated scums. There's no other words to describe them other than them being pathetically stubborn and covetous in nature".
Whoa, those are very strong words.
I gasped, "God, I had no idea that they're this... troublesome and threatening. Are they these threatening?".
"They're trouble - these are the ones you look out for because they'd look for ways to use your weakness against you".
"Did...have you...come across them before? Was that... why you were following me? What were you freaking doing on the highway?! I've so many questions to ask you right now!".
" question at a time".
I frowned.
He went on, "Yes, I've come across them before and it didn't end too well with them". He chuckled. "They summoned my presence and tried to choke me from there. Little did they know that I had other plans for them".
"D-did you kill them?". I swallowed back the urge to run.
He shook his head. "I don't need to kill them. All it takes is just 'one look' and they're dead".
"One look?".
He growled, "Okay, enough of the questioning of the questions already".
"It's not my fault! I need to know everything that's going on here!".
"Now, dealing with the supernaturals and mysticals. Here, you can see... familiars, wizards, sorceresses, vampires, eudaemons, werewolves, gypsies, guardians, maguses, demigods, necromancers, fairies, elves, hybrids, nymphs and lots of other creatures. They're the ones that practises magic---that of black and white, thaumaturgy, necromancy and other 'non-human' arts. White magic is of various things: Healing, Curing, Foreseeing and some other good purposes whereas black magic deals more on conjuring, demon possessions and death contracts". He paused, staring at me to see my reaction. "If you're clever enough, you'd discover that I'm actually a supernatural and I'm one of the things I just mentioned. I'm more than a familiar and your guardian but we'd leave it as that now".
"Whoa, I'm just...stunned by this revelation. If I'm correct, you're my guardian because...I chose you? I remember Grandma brought umm...".
He furrowed his eyebrows. "She gave you two energy crystals. I don't know the colours and numbers but I'm guessing...diamond was included".
I nodded slowly.
"Just what I thought". He forced a smile. "Those aren't just crystals Isabelle. Every crystal has a numen. I'm a numen of black crystals, specifically diamonds. Diamonds have particles that have the ability to absorb both dark magic and white magic and that's my main catch".
The more he spake, the more and more I became really curious. I elevated my eyes to meet his' when he made that statement. He stopped talking and gave me an amused smile.
He tilted his head. "You want to see an example?".
"I-I guess...".
"Give me your hand". He asked, stretching his hand out to me.
I stared at him for a while and placed my hands in his. It was then I realized how small my hands were and how huge his were.
"I won't hurt you".
I gasped as lights swirled around us in a circle, passing through Minuet as he continued to splay his fingers. The lights bounced from the air and hit the ground, springing forth images of various gemstones---pearls, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, jewels, solitaires and of course diamonds. Each images of the diamonds floated in the air, rotating slowly around me like how virtual pictures in virtual reality games does---almost computerised.
Minuet began, "This is diamond". The diamonds floated to my front as he spoke. And wow, they were so pretty! "It has several parts in it". He continued. The diamonds split into several parts as he went on. It was as if they understood what he was saying and was doing exactly what he was saying. The more he pointed at them, the more they glimmered in response.
I don't know why but I decided to ask him. "Isn't this dark...magic? Like umm... demonic and all demons stuffs?".
The items in the air froze including the guy. My face went pale when I realized I had said too much. I placed my hand on his shoulders with the hope of him not confirming my words.
But the moment I did that, he paused at some point and pursed his lips and at the same time furrowing his eyebrows like he was thinking deeply about something.
And before I could ask what was wrong, the coldness swimming in the pool of his pupils took me by surprise.
"I'd be upstairs now...". He stood up and paused. "Forget about leaving this fortress, henceforth you're living here and here alone. I strongly demand you stay here for the rest of your life as a matter of fact".
I didn't answer but stared at him really stunned. Maybe he had knocked his head on some trees on the way here.
Does he seriously think I'm a joke to him?!
I left my damn house all the way to this I don't know...a fortress!
And now he's saying I should get used to being stuck here for eternity?!
Okay, no more miss nice anymore!
That totes does it....!
A/N: Witch hunters 😂🤘.
The thought of putting that down came across my mind and I thought it was something ridiculous indeed, but when I saw it being used in movies on YouTube...I grinned XD.
I mean, if eventually supernaturals always have hunters, just like the case of the werewolves and vampires...why wouldn't a sorceress have one too, lmao. After listening to the music and reading at the same time, you could watch the video of you like 😆 but it's not mine.
Oh and...if you've got any Questions concerning the characters, my story or me in particular...I'd create a Q&A section in this book soon so you can fill it out.
Thanks for dropping by!
Your Writer,
TheMysticalQueen 👸.
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