Chapter Twenty Nine - What's your name?
Despite our little arguments and disagreements, Minuet did help me out with my magical makeover - with some glamour spells and potions. It wasn't easy trying to be who I wasn't especially as it was a guy that was freaking changing me. He wasn't patient with me at all! It was at times like this I wished he was a dog - or at least a cute mascot like Acorn from the Overworld.
On the other hand, Minuet magically transformed into Xander to help me boost my confidence and practise in talking properly to him. And I thought he could shift into only animals, he keeps bringing on the surprise.
He was surprisingly there for me too when I nervously waited for Xander after school, but not in his human version that is. The black cat was perched on the edge of my shoulders, with it's tail dangling behind and paws digging into my skin.
"Oh no! His limo came earlier than expected!". I panicked with some self consciousness as the limo swerved into the compound. "Go hide, Minuet!".
The black cat just rolled it's eyes at my overreaction. We were already hidden by some trees surrounding the compound so there was no point in scurrying away.
I already thought about both of us wearing some cloaks that'd blend us in, but Minuet had turned it down with a sharp glare. I watched as he already fled into the deep woods until I could see were his emerald eyes.
Did he have to go that far!
I gulped as Xander's limousine parked outside the school's gate as usual. I was confident, but not until I stole a glance at his butler, I felt intimidated at once.
She's drop dead gorgeous.
She looked like she was in her nineteens--- or maybe even twenties. Who knows? And wow, she's in her physique and in her facial looks. What was fascinating was her eye color - she had the rare color, amber. What made her even more sexy was the structure of her pointed nose, soft plumpy lips and purple long hair. Unlike my real hair, hers was completely purple, compared to mine. Her eyes had that twinkle of confidence and attraction. The way she held her composure was another thing- God, I'm straight.
The look in her eyes were strict and cold - and it looked like she would break all my bones if I tried anything funny around Xander even.
Hold your nerves, Isabelle...she's just a butler, someone who acts like a bodyguard for him, and not against you...
But with the beauty and intimidation swimming all around her, I already hated the way I looked but my determination to fall in love with Xander won't let me give up easily.
I must carry on.
When the rays of the sunlight flashed in my direction, I knew that it was time.
I took a deep breath and let the bottle of emotions flow in and out immediately within me. All it takes for the spell to overtake me completely was trust and belief in myself. When I held the emotions in me - like a bottle I exhaled deeply to release the mixed feelings out of me. Earth. Air. Fire. Sea. Let the Goddess' beauty shine through me. I chanted the words at the back of my head while raising the purple amulet against the orangish rays of the sun. A black beam of light shot out from the sky and engulfed me completely, twirling me in the air to dance to it's tunes. I didn't even know that was going on because I had my eyes closed the whole time. When I felt nothing but cold air kissing my skin, I knew something had happened.
My body felt different.
I reached out for my face and slowly touched it to confirm my suspicions. I gasped when it was true.
I wasn't me anymore.
I wasn't the nerdy nerd anymore.
I wasn't the boring old girl.
I was different.
Beaming with smile, I stepped out from the shadows---with my sleek black stiletto clicking against the dark-brown ground.
In a black glamorous badass gown, I was a daring ooze of authority and confidence which most students lacked. It wasn't long before students started swooning around me from all corners of the school - some were cheering me out, some were trying to ask me out and some were trying to get my attention - but I've to ignore them and focus.
In the perfect timing, Xander came out of the school's gate and was now heading towards his limousine. He was so engrossed in his phone that he didn't observe the whole thing.
Now's my chance!
The butler bowed and held the door open for him as he approached closer to the vehicle. Finally, he shoved the phone into his pockets and paid attention to his environment. I watched as he furrowed his eyebrows a bit confused by the growing crowd.
Notice me!
Just as he was about getting in, he stopped in his tracks - like he was missing out something, which of course he was!
A smirk appeared on my face as I watched his head turned back to the crowd, scanning it carefully before looking towards my direction. His eyes widened in shock just when our eyes met. Eye contact - check. Catch him off guard -check. Now, for the smooth move.
And just then, the sunlight got the silhouette of my brilliant curls perfectly as I flung them over my bare shoulder with pride.
Ha, looks like Isabelle got his tongue...who I'm I kidding?
Who's Isabelle?
I chuckled behind my hands at my silly thoughts- but most of all at how I currently took Xander off guard. Game on, Hunters.
I held my pose dramatically under the sunlight and let the wind do it's job underneath my hair.
Oh my GOSH!
The view is perfect!
The setting!
The style!
Ever heard a proverb that says, "A leap goes before a fall". I was probably too confident now that magic could erase my clumsiness- I guess that was a big mistake, magic mocked me big time.
I took a sharp turn and regretted that instantly, a scraping sound rang into my ears, and looking down, the heel of my stiletto was stuck in a small hole.
Ugh, can't karma leave me now that I'm not me?!
I literally practised flying through the stairs, thanks to Minuet!
Before I knew it even, my body turned to the wrong direction and my ankle twisted-
I could already imagine myself laying on the bare ground in embarrassment and humiliation from the other students, but as my body began to tilt sideways-
I could see myself sort of freeze in the air, like something was preventing me from reaching the ground. Is it my magic that's holding me still?
Like a clue, I felt a strong grip around my waist steadying me from behind.
It's Xander!
"Are you okay?". He asked. "I noticed that you're not from this school, so I'm guessing you're a new student".
Before me were a pair of brilliant green eyes staring intensely into mine. His eyes often reminded me of Minuet's. Sometimes, I get confused on whose eyes are more enticing and charming- but at the end of the day, I concluded that it was Xander's, even though it wasn't the full truth.
That's...too...intense!...he's heating me up!
Must control!
Just as much as I didn't want the moment to end, I wanted to prove my other side as well. I wanted to prove that Isabelle isn't as weak as he thought and that she can be around him without interferences.
I struggled to remove the heel of my shoe out of the hole and steady myself as well. I won't let my stupid clumsiness ruin this moment!
And with a small cracking sound, it was out of the embarrassing spot, but that wasn't the issue now, Xander was still holding onto me and his grip was very strong! It's hard to believe he has this much strength and doesn't squash everyone!
So tight...can't breathe!
Like he could read my mind, he instantly let go of me and glanced at the spot my shoe just released itself from.
"Sorry about seemed a little off". He sighed with an apologetic smile.
Why let go?!
Agh, now I've to concentrate more!
I gave him my most brilliant smile hiding few of my teeth which my magic had magically whitened and straightened.
"Why apologize, gentleman? Thank you for helping me- and saving my face". Unlike my usual squeaky voice, my magical voice came out quite deeper with confidence, but as sweet as melody.
Xander seemed intrigued by my voice as well, and that's what I needed from him!
"Of course, you're welcome".
Step Four: Smooth Conversation-Check.
"May I ask your name?". He asked, signaling his bodyguards to give us some privacy. "It's hard getting to know everyone here".
"It's Isab-".
My name!
What name do I come up with!?
Gah, what was it that Minuet said again! Cindy? Sophie? Beauty? Emily? Sandy? There's no way I'm answering one of those jerk's name, especially Sandra!
I could already see Xander looking at me from the corner of my eyes and I felt tensed up immediately. To avoid suspicions from him, I pretended to be lost in admiring the school and apologized quickly.
Taking a deep breath, I replied. "Oh, it's Blair and you?".
Step five: Avoid suspicions- Nailed it!
"It's Xander, for Alexander...". He said through a smile and he folded his arms across his chest. "Nice to meet you, Blair".
Does he always have to kill me with his smiles before I say something!?
"The pleasure's all mine, Xander".
"Not that I'm not happy to see you, but what brings you to our school, Blair?". He gazed at me, not ever looking away. "Did you come to see anyone?".
Hehehe, time to uncork the bottle...Blair.
Even though I'd like to swoon around him, I allowed the bottle of lies within me pop out of my pretty cute lips.
"Well you see Xander, I was to have a pretty fancy date with someone from this school but uhm...".
I deliberately trailed off in my words and turned my face away from him to stare at a distance, to make it look convincing.
With a sigh, I give Xander a meaningful look and flipped my hair a bit. "Guys these days are just not worth my far as I'm concerned, I'm far better than them all".
Step six: Play dirty- Nailed it.
"Poor shame...maybe we could savor this evening as an exchange for that? I know somewhere that we could hang out for a while...Foxy can take us there". Xander gave me a warm look of sympathy before giving me another different cute look. When it comes to hypnotizing expressions, he's the master of that. One moment he's cute, and another he's sexy. "If you don't mind, that is".
Uhh, foxy?
"Foxy?". I asked.
"That's my sweet servant over there". He turned to the left, pointing to the lady standing by the side of the limo, the very one I envied.
Without hesitation, the so-called Foxy gave me a cheerful wave, but that wave did nothing but made me more scared of her as she flashed me a dirty look.
"That'd be very sweet of you, but I can't...I'm not up for anymore dates". There's no way I'm going with him when he's giving me the creeps.
"I heard that there'll be a masquerade party with free coupons of champagnes, wines and other treats". He cut in, like to encourage me to accept his invitation. "C'mon, it'd be fun- more fun that your supposed date".
Hmm, should I really risk going?
This is my only chance.
Xander's POV
"She's the one". She mindlinked.
"You feel the aura too, right?". I shifted my stare to the limo and confirmed my suspicions - when Foxy was glaring at the bubbly girl besides me.
It's quite funny to see this witch run into me deliberately. Darn, she's so good at lying too. For a moment I almost believed her lies - but the strange vibes she's giving out, plus my sensitive instincts, detected her filthy powers.
What's surprising the most is that, this so-called Blair exposed herself carelessly without having any means of defense or something. Experienced witches knew better than that.
But wait-
That could only mean one thing - the fact that a new witch has been chosen. The last thing I want her to do is find anything suspicious of me. Even though she seems pretty much inexperienced no one knows the kind of damage she might incur.
Because she called out for my attention, I'm beginning of have suspicions that she's from this school. She's someone I must know or at least must have come across. Who is she and why's she crawling to me suspiciously?
She came for a game.
Well, game on Blair.
I decided to make Xander and Blair to get closer 👀 so I can make more miracles happen, especially as they're rivals, stay tuned to see what happens to this unlucky sorceress🕵.
Your Writer,
TheMysticalQueen 👸.
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