Chapter Thirty One - My nightmare
What? F-filthy? Whore?
I couldn't believe him anymore and neither could I understand what he was talking about. What is he trying to insinuate? That I sleep around with guys or what!
Something black and sharp sparkled fiercely between us but I couldn't get what the heck was that- for all I knew, it was growling loudly.
Just then a dark shadow stood still at the corner of the room. Before I could try recognizing the shadow, it made a swift move and leaped towards our direction.
The shadow then made a low familiar hiss. It then hit me suddenly.
Minuet in his cat form leaped towards us, both I and Xander were taken back by the creature's agility and speed. I don't want to know how he found us but I'm glad he did!
I was about to brace for impact when something hard pushed me to the ground. Raising my head a little, I caught a glimpse of a dark shadow standing in my front protectively- while Minuet leaped on Xander. Two persons? How's that possible?! Something chattered on the ground like a metal and when I saw what it was, I wished I never did.
A black gleaming shackles with shuddery spikes- and enchanted gems protruding both inwards and outwards were now laying still on the bare ground.
What in the world...
Minuet was growling as well at Xander who was slammed against the wall. My eyes widened when he faced our direction. I couldn't recognize Minuet anymore. Nothing about his features seemed like the friendly one I had known. I tried to search for what seemed like pupils but I could only see the violent red colour in it's stead. He almost looked like a...demon. Was this a replica of him or I'm just seeing things again? I had to be imagining things.
"You'd thank me later, Cinderella". A mocking voice - or rather someone's thought came running freely into my mind, and I recognised it to be Minuet's.
Xander had rolled up his left sleeve with a dark cold look swimming within his irises. Tangling on his left wrist, was another wicked looking shackles.
"Well, well, well...depending on your familiar this time, are we?". He laughed coldly, wiping the blood dripping from his lips. "I knew he'd come for you, he always will".
Trailing my eyes down to the ground, I realised that the one on the ground was attached to the one tangling on his wrist now.
Was that....meant for m-me? Was he...
Was this whole thing a set-up all the while?
I could barely react when he suddenly made a sharp flicker with his hand, making the shackles aim straight for me.
From the corner of my eyes, I could see Minuet growling at me to move, but for a reason I just couldn't...the shock was too much for me and it felt like some kind of force was glueing me to the ground.
Before I knew what happened again, Minuet had tackled Xander and leaped towards my direction. But as the ends of the shackles spread out like a trapping net, more like a cobweb at me, I knew it was too late.
I closed my eyes and braced for impact. Tears trailed down my cheeks and the urge to save myself hit me really hard. I need to get out of here by all means. When nothing happened, I opened my eyes slowly, and to my greatest surprise, what greeted me was the dark blue night sky - shimmering with stars and planets probably from the distant small cities. There was some kind of protective layer of light surrounding my body, just like a shield! I gasped in realization- the rune of magical protection! It activates when a witch is in desperate need or life's in trouble!
But w-where I'm I?
W-wait...I'm floating?!
Seriously?! You mean that I could just fly away the whole time?!
My magic keeps on playing tricks on me more and more...
Below me were cities, houses, rivers, forests and mountains- it was like I froze mid way in the sky, but the question and why?
All of a sudden, a sharp terrifying howling from the distance made me panic, making the shield and the environment fade away gradually.
With a blink of my eyes, I was back to the very rooftop I and Xander were dining at, and to my horror there were more of them. There were thirty weaponed huntresses standing at the corner of the room while fifty more hunters trooped into the centre of the room. T-there's no way I can take out all these hunters on my own! Where the hell is this coward?!
As if on clue, the hunters all walked backwards one by one, revealing their psychopathic leader - who stood at the mezzanine floor.
Xander had his hands placed around his hips and his left foot placed against a stool. Where is Minuet?! Wasn't he with Xander?! I gasped when my eyes fell on what was in his other hand.
"How dare you!". I snarled.
The spiky club and shackles of doom were crisscrossed around Minuet, forcing him into a ball of black fur. Shit, he'd lose his form soon and be forced to transform back to his real form - exactly what Xander wants!
The painful part was that Minuet's emerald eyes were flustered open - yet he wasn't struggling at all. Three gems shimmering per second on each side of the shackles suddenly caught my attention and that solved the question at last.
Those gems are stopping him from moving, aren't they?
It's as if it paralysed him..
Cold chills ran all over my body at how I'd have been the one trapped instead of him and how I've been pinned down helplessly and unconsciously even.
I felt my muscles and jaw clench when I saw Xander at the edge of the balcony dangling him over the rail, giving me that same sweet smile he always does! You mean to tell me that that's his smile of doom all those while?!
"My my, haven't you heard of manners, Blair? It's very rude to bring someone along to a VIP room, when not granted permission to".
I started stomping towards his direction with rage burning through every cell of my body. He's so dead for touching a strand of Minuet!
He raised his eyebrows slightly and lowered Minuet further down with a smirk. "I'd not do that if I were you, Blair...". The hunters pointed their weapons towards my direction, making me to halt on the spot.
I wanted to shout, scream, cry and also strangle the life outta him, but with the music and events going downstairs all that would be in vain.
I don't understand Xander, I this really my Xander?
"It's really a beautiful buzzing here and there... humans dancing their hearts away. Don't you think it's perfect for a nice evening?".
Now it all makes sense. The fool deliberately chose here to cover up his ACT!
The possessiveness and strong urge of protection within me wanted to burst out and teleport me away from the threatening danger, but I couldn't leave Minuet. Not again.
Different pictures starting roaming in my mind as how Xander would torment and torture him because of me, and he didn't deserve that at all.
"I want to protect you just as you'd protect me too, Minuet...would you teach me how to do that?".
A flashback of the day we first met ran freely into my head and with that, I was more determined than ever to stand for my familiar, to stand for...Minuet.
"Let. Him. Go". I hissed in a deep and stable voice.
Even though I seemed intimidating and mysterious, deep within me I was still me, the scared and terrified me- I didn't want him to know and feel that too.
Xander just gave me a more innocent smile and tapped his chin with his other free hand. "Go? Why? I've found the one thing that had me go insane for years. Besides...we've not even had that magnificent dance in the ballroom, that's quite too early".
He took small steps towards me and bowed magnificently or should I say- bowed maniacally.
He then stretched his upturned palm towards me with a calm smile like nothing had ever happened.
The hell I'd take that filthy hand of yours.
I'm not a fool Xander, not this time...
"Get your filthy hands away from me, you disgusting bastard!". I growled, slapping his palm away from my view. "What exactly are you?!".
"I'm your nightmare". He whispered lowly. "I'm guessing your too dense to know what I am by now".
"Let. Him. Go". I repeated angrily, slamming my fists on his chest. "You son of a-".
"Hmm, I was gonna take it slow and easy, but I guess you're quite the playful one".
"If you dare tou-".
Xander lifted his hand upwards a bit, turning his palms downwards as something dark shot out of his hands. To my horror, the shackles were moving by his command. It was aiming for just one person.
{Pssst, hey there!}
{Yesh, you there!💗}
{I've a little message from Minuet himself..}
{Hey minions, enjoying this story so far? Why not share with your friends and also comment what you think so far about our story...and make sure to ship meow!}
<A little gif I made myself ^~^>

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