Chapter Thirty - It's a trap!
"A mask is exhausting, isn't it?".
"I heard that there'll be a masquerade party with free coupons of champagnes, ice creams and other treats". He cut in, like to encourage me to accept his invitation. "C'mon, it'd be fun- even more fun than your supposed date".
Hmmmm, this is my only chance.
"That sounds lovely! But you sure though? What about other plans for tonight? This is quite sudden, I really don't want to interfere in anything".
"Trust me, you're not interfering into anything, all my schedules have been overruled already by my butlers". He said.
It took my whole strength to let out a cute chuckle rather than an embarrassing scream of joy. It's finally happening! He's going to take me out!
"You're quite the charmer, aren't you?". I couldn't just help it. I ended up flirting with him, though he seemed very comfortable with it.
"Thank you. That's quite sweet coming from a lady that's charming herself". He chuckled and gave me a flirty wink.
"Shall we then?". Before I could even react, he held out his hand to me like a gentleman- and without hesitation, I took it into mine, and boy were they gentle and soft! I felt an electric spark run through my arm when our fingers touched. Was that normal? Perhaps. It looked like he didn't feel that too.
"I can't say no to a charmer". I teased.
Heads stirred towards our direction as we walked off together, I could already feel the pride and possessiveness rising within me. There's no way I'm letting go of this one now. Isabelle may give up but Blair never gives up.
I can't still believe I have a date- like seriously a date with my crush was beyond my widest dreams! I don't want this dream to end! He's mine now.
But before I say more, two someones- were stalking us from behind, and before I could say nothing, the arrogant female slapped my hands off and locked arms with Xander, making some unnecessary pathetic flirtings.
Like I said, Sandra always makes my life miserable and never lets me rest- even as a student. What the hell does she want now?
"Excuse me?!". I snapped, glaring at the disgusting brat up and down. "And who are you?".
Xander whereas didn't feel comfortable and somewhat managed to pull away from her. He looked angry just like I was.
"I don't know where the hell you came from to seduce my man but you're going back to that hell!". She snapped, pointing a finger at my face. I scrunched my face in disgust when I could feel her saliva smearing on my puffed cheeks.
I let out a small dark chuckle before averting glaring to Xander. Now that I'm no longer me, I can teach them a little lesson someday. "I suppose this is your girlfriend?". I air quoted.
"Sandra get lost, me and you never happened...please stop trying to make a fool of yourself and leave us alone". Xander growled to my very surprise. "You've chased away so many girls from me and I was fine with that".
"I'd win you! You and your heart belongs to me, xander! You may hate me but I love you and would get you soon!".
Xander let out a sigh, rubbing his hand against his temples. "Just take care of her, Ryder and Alen".
Ryder and- Holy shit!
They're huge!
Two pumped up muscular and huge men stomped towards our direction and a grin of satisfaction appeared on my face as I watched them jack Sandra and her minions away from us.
Step eleven: Get those girls out of my way- It's a go!
"This isn't over you witch! He's mine and mine alone". cried sandra.
Those five simple words sent me off guard-"This isn't over you witch!". Even though I knew it was a mere insult, it felt so true to me- and guilt waved over my face entirely. I've never been this ashamed before.
Does she know...?
She's just being Sandra...
"I apologize for her attitude, she's such a headache". He turned his attention back to me with a frown. "She's one of the persons you'd never want to meet in person".
If only he knew.
"Totally understood. I guess it's not only guys that aren't worth my time now". I bit my lips and rolled my eyes to calm myself down. I can't let my emotions get the worst out of me.
I smiled when a chuckle escaped his lips and held his hand once more when we successfully approached his limo. Bingo.
Who knew that being in a limo was pretty much an adventure itself. During the ride, I and Xander couldn't get our eyes off each other- it was so nice, but I actually felt bad for leaving Minuet on his own. I can't believe I left him!
"Minuet? You there?".
There was silence on the other end of my mind- I was getting worried a bit when he didn't respond to the link.
"I'm so going to kill you when you get home".
I was relieved to hear his voice again, even though he was clearly mad at me.
"Sorry". I cut off the connection so Xander won't notice anything funny and focused on the environment.
Let's say things went pretty smooth- just like expected. Xander had booked us a private/ VIP access to the Lá Callus Miller- which happens to be one of the most famous 5 star restaurant around. We had access to the french rooftop, and the sighting below and above was indeed beautiful!
The view's soooo blinding at night!
The keys of musical instruments below the topmost floor, which we are on, filled the atmosphere swiftly.
It's just like melody in my ears.
Xander and I clicked our wine glasses together and raised it to the air before taking a sip. The atmosphere around us was magically melodious and beautiful although, including that of my man. It feels good to be with someone without restrictions for once.
Well, it wasn't easy for our conversations amongst these sounds as we just kept murmuring to ourselves during our talks. I hardly heard what Xander said- but from the grins he gave me, I knew it was something nice, so I smiled back.
I was very ecstatic and curious why he suddenly gained interest in the mysterious me. He had been asking about my life, where I moved from, my family, my school, my status and all that.
But just like I rehearsed with Minuet, I laid out sweet beautiful lies like a melody in a note.
Then one thought suddenly hit me.
Xander would never be interested in me, the real me...Isabelle...of course not...
He seemed more lively and sweet as he leaned towards me- and even closer- with his head slightly tilted a bit.
He was silhouetted against the setting sun, the warm and vibrant light reflecting on the sides of his face.
His expressions seemed more intimate and his eyes never left me, but I was still on my guard as Blair.
I could feel some energy within us, one that I've never felt before as you know who- but I shrugged it as the attraction bond.
Too bad "I" can't get to see him swoon over "me" this way...I feel nothing and helpless now- at least I'm happy that Blair exists for him.
As the sun slowly went down, our excited talks slowly became peaceful- and comfortable silence settled in the atmosphere. The sun has started to kiss the ends of the city goodbye- my magic would wear off when the full moon surfaces, thankfully.
Even though Minuet and I made a deal to say everything he taught me, Xander kept pressurizing me with some questions that were a bit tricky- that I had to add more lies to spice it all up.
The music from the floors beneath us were now getting a little intense, I bet Xander saw the look of concern in my eyes because he patted my back reassuringly.
"They're having a masquerade party tonight, remember? Parties like this are always the loudest". He answered, and that seem to calm me down a bit. "Soon, everyone would've their masks on".
"Oooh, that sounds like my thing, Mystery!". I cut in with a grin and wore a charming smile to spice up my look.
Xander chuckled while shaking his head gently and leaned back in his chair with a sigh, closing his eyes briefly. Then he just stared at me with an expression that all said utmost fondness.
"Having a mask all the time is quite exhausting, isn't it?". Normally, it was just a mere statement, but it wasn't just a statement! My face went pale at the sudden tension.
He stood up and came sheepishly to my side of the table, circling me all of a sudden- like a hawk would do to a chick.
What's happening?
Bending down, he tilted my chin up so that now our faces were only inches away before our lips could meet, all I felt on my face and lips were just his warm breaths.
"I'd love to know you more...Blair". His words came out quite dark and low, and his voice raspy against my skin.
"Get out of there Isabelle, it's a trap!".
"What do you mean, trap?".
I didn't even blink when his hands trailed to my fragile back, pushing me closer to his body.
I was still pondering on what Minuet said when Xander's hands were now trailing from my back side now to the lower back. Something snapped within me when I saw him giving me a nasty look from the corner of my eyes.
"You'd enjoy that, wouldn't you? You filthy whore...".
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