Chapter Forty Five- His Cinderella
I can't take it anymore. Why is Amy so mean to me all of a sudden? First, she blames me for our failure in the first round and now, this?
With an apologetic curtsy, I turned to leave the stage, alongside with the girls that had contested and participated.
I was about to walk away when a hand firmly held my hands, causing me to turn abruptly to the person's front.
My eyes widened to see Xander holding our hands gently, before raising them up in the air.
I turned back just in time to see the hateful look in Amy's eyes, right before she stormed off.
"And our king has chosen his own Queen!". The commentator roared with excitement. "And now, let's see the votes".
"X-xander, n-no...". I turned to him nervously when everyone paid attention to the castings. "I-I can't...I'm not the best for this position".
He didn't answer me but gave me an amused smile, probably from my pleas.
"X-xander...hear me out and stop...stop giving me that smile!". I turned my face away from him as the intimidation on his face grew stronger.
"I found the only one that could run the position perfectly". His voice was very smooth and mischievous. "And there's nothing she can do about it".
I became stranded in my decisions and looked down shyly with a small stupid smile. Our heads then stirred to the direction of the noisy crowds. It seems like they were about to make a decision.
"It's obvious you chose the wrong girl". I snorted. "How can you tell me that they would actually pick me. I mean seriously, you can't tell me that out of-".
"Congratulations Wintman, you got the highest vote!". The stage guy announced, heading to my direction. "Not only did you bring up a new dance, but you decided to make a matching gown with the King. I'm very convinced that it's final!".
The crowd roared with applause and started making chantings of my name.
I mean like what-
"Congratulations, Wintman". The announcer gave me a soft smile and extended his hand for a handshake, which I timidly shook.
With a nervous laugh, I replied."I-It's Isabelle actually".
"Isabelle it is!". He declared and held both of our hands- that of mine and Xander's. "Do you want to have a stage name, Isabelle?".
"Not that I can think of". I laughed, making some of the audience laugh alongside. "But...just maybe...cinderella".
"Awww". Part of the crowd echoed, making me melt.
With an excited smile, both of us came forward for the decoration of our crowns and sashes.
"And she always said she's not enough for anyone". Xander teased in a whisper as his crown was placed on his head.
A small chuckle left me when I looked at myself to see a golden tiara placed on my head and a purple sash of honor across my shoulders- with my name embedded on it.
I've never imagined everything to turn out this way. Not even in my wildest dreams. Okay, maybe just once- but not this way.
"How do you feel about this and what would we all gain from this...". The announcer asked and brought the mic to my lips with a teasing pause. "Mrs hunters...?".
I cleared my throat a bit to distract myself from my thoughts before focusing on the environment.
"Uhm...I...I feel alive?! Thanks so much for voting me as your queen, I never really thought I'd gain this position honestly, infact this is the last thing that crossed my mind today". I explained as another round of applause was been heard. "I promise that I and my Lord would do everything in our power to bring you happiness and justice in the school, thanks once more!". While I was saying my speech, everyone were silent and listening attentively with high hopes and excitement sparkling in their eyes.
Everything was just so good to be true. Despite my intentions of scouting Xander and tricking him more, I couldn't help but still feel attracted to the glorious figure besides me. I don't just know but, it felt like sort of a bonding?
"And what does our king have to say about it?". Another mic was given to Xander for the clarification of my speech and acceptance as well. No one knows if he would actually accept me or give a second thought. "Do you accept Cinderella as your Queen?".
Xander wore a sheepish smile and glanced at me for a while before taking the mic for a speech.
"I do...". He answered shortly and held my hands with a sweet smile. But behind that smile, I could see another emotion laying underneath his tone and actions.
And that emotion...
That emotion is...shyness.
Pfft, yeah right.
Like the legendary Xander could be anything but timid.
And did he just say I do?!
Why does it sound like we're marrying or something!
Okay, enough thinking and more actions...
With a shy smile, I interlocked our fingers and turned my stare to the crowds once more before raising our intertwined hands in the air as a showoff.
I found myself giggling surprisingly and smiling all the while and had no idea the stares that were on me the whole time as well. The music was back on and Xander brought his gloved palms towards me, requesting for us to dance.
Sheepishly, I placed my hands in his and wrapped my arms around his nape while he wrapped his arms around my waist. As far as I'm concerned, he didn't seem to care about what people thought about us this way. All he cared about was just me.
All me.
But why?
Unlike the awful experience I had with Amy, Xander was very patient and gracious with me. He waited for me to learn some steps I didn't catch earlier, before dancing with me. We danced for so long that I don't even recall what time it was. We were just too engrossed in each other that I didn't catch a glimpse of the time- though it wasn't that late.
"Let's go somewhere else". Xander whispered behind my ears as his hands tightened a little on my curved waist. "I don't want my queen to be whooshed before my very eyes".
His breath against my ears were enough to make me feel flushed and red all over. I still don't get how he made me feel this way everytime. I chuckled at his words.
I couldn't mutter a word so a nod would do just fine but not until a picture of Minuet still amongst the crowd flashed in my mind. I can't leave him hanging. I've to inform him of my whereabouts.
"Xander and I are at the backstage, take note".
"I'm way ahead of you..". He hissed to my surprise. "Cinderella".
I shrugged a bit and blushed as Xander led the way, since I'd probably get lost through the crowds.
"Actually...I-I...". I was about to come up with an excuse but ended up stuttering as his intense eyes elevated to mine.
Without warning, he placed his free hand on my other hand and grabbed me out of the stage to the backstage firmly, but not enough to hurt me.
"X-xander...the music is out there...n-not in here...". My eyes widened in more fear than shyness as I noticed that we were alone in the room. A hunter with a witch all alone in a lonely world.
"That's the point...". He stated, like it was something obvious and grinned. "I figured out that we could get to know each other more, like you requested earlier".
"Oh, now you want us to know each other?". I folded my arms and faked a frown at him. Although, I had every right to be angry at him. Do you know what it feels like to be played and be toyed with, especially as that person is your weakness?
He exhaled a deep sigh and stared at the wall, with his back almost facing me. I couldn't read his emotions like I could earlier, which is sort of strange.
"Look, I get it...w-we're of different c-classes...and that I'm umm...". I was cut off before I could even continue.
"That's the thing with you! Seriously...nothing has to do with that, Isabelle...". He suddenly hissed and turned abruptly at me with hurt and sadness on his face. "You seriously don't know how much that hurts when you put it that way".
I flinched at his sudden action and cocked my head to the side in question. I've never seen him this pissed off like this before- well except for the time Minuet kicked his ass and the time I outsmarted him as you know who.
Not that I wasn't scared, but if it wasn't classes or I don't know...the ranks, what could be the reason for this unnecessary tension around us then?
"I just don't want you interfering in something...". He looked at me apologetically, holding my hands with warmth and compassion in his eyes. "It would do more harm than good to you".
You mean, something like hunting?
If only he knew.
Too late buttface.
Biting my lips, I found myself doing the one thing a witch should never do, not around a hunter that is.
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