Chapter Eleven - The Council
Foxy grasped my left arm when the black hooded ritualists started to dip the shriveled skull in a basinful of fresh blood—particularly that of an animal. The sanctuary is surprisingly much more intimidating—shuddering than I assumed it to be. The only source of light in this temple was from the waxy coloured candles peeking out from the corners of the merciless, menacing looking statues. If there was any magic that would work perfectly here it would be that of thaumaturgy and black magic—perfect for complex conjurations and spirit possessions.
I watched from the corner of my eyes the other guilds fearlessly slaughtering some whining humans that were tied to a wooden stake—which was for a certain sacrifice that certainly doesn't concern me. Though, the blood that was oozing out from the headless bodies around me was starting to irritate me little by little—if not that this was a sacred sacrifice only the Lords know what my instincts would've done next.
A sharp cry brought my attention back to the group of guilds before me. It's very frustrating that the only thing I could make of their identity was the tetraskele shoulder strap across their terribly pale shoulders. I might even be correct with the assumptions of them not having a face and a body at all—and even if they do, they'd look no less than a banshee.
I watched closely as the head female of the ritual guild rounded off the initiations with the flickering of herbal leaves around my head, chanting a slew of jumbled words over and over again while the head male ritualist stamped the emblem of a tetraskele on the bare flesh on my chest. I tried as much as possible to convert the pains building up in my muscles into a pleasurable tingle, but the raging emotions in me only made it worse. Not to mention the loud bloodcurdling screams from the soulless disembodied spirits from the underground deadlocked world. As soon as the disembodied spirits' cries died down, a huge spasm struck my chest violently, nearly sweeping me away from my feet.
It was done.
Soon, the small tingle of pain spread out into a huge ball of energy and power. The ritual had heightened my senses, perceptions, wisdom and supernatural abilities. Leaning against the bloodstained pillar, I closed my eyes briefly to block off the metallic scent of fresh blood and demonic screams. It's surprising how a witch can deal with this kind of thing every single minute. As soon as this whole process is done, I'm heading out for some drink.
Foxy scoffed at my reaction and nudged my right arm with a small teasing wink. Rolling my eyes, I shoved my hands into my pockets and brought out a bag of coins to pay for the initiations. It was at times like this I'm grateful that the use of coins are still intact.
Foxy tried to get an eyeful of the occult spirits but she knew better and turned to me with a simpered smile, "I'm sure your parents would be very proud of what you've become today."
If they were here that is...
I wore a small smile at her several attempts to cheer me up. She has been doing this for quite a long time. Despite the fact that she's working for me, she never cease to make sure that I'm satisfied and get what I want. I wish I could give her something nice in return, but what?
Giving the ritualists a good amount of payment, we all made our way out of the temple and walked back to the mansion. The temple was just some metres away from the main building so it wouldn't be a big deal for our movements. I stole one last glance at the shuddery building we just came out of, watching as some beams of light around the darkened walls occulted its existence.
With a surprised hum, I heeled my attention back to the hallway we've just arrived at. Foxy must have noticed the distant look on my face because her grip tightened on my arm. "Stop worrying about every little thing." She snorted.
Then to her satisfaction, I wore a small, thin smile and squeezed her palm gently, reminding her that things like these were no match for me. I flickered my eyes to the side and nodded to the other hunters for us to split up, leaving just Foxy and I to handle this one. After looking around, we both walked through the hidden wall by our left—which opened into a secret passage adorned with various lifts and hallways.
Before we could even take another step forward, the walls around us suddenly gave way and sprang out gunnery and bubbling lasers.
I could've sworn I felt my dead heart beat out of nowhere again.
I totally forgot about the defense system setup.
We stood still as one of the hovering machines scanned our eye muscles, like a blinking gunsight. The machine eventually recognized us and gave us access to the groundings. Foxy then placed her hand on the left scanning device while I placed mine on the right. Blue and red rays shot out from the panels and scanned our hands continuously—in a back and forth manner.
Our hand prints blinked twice as a green light took its place. "Alexander Hunters and Foxwell Mea, it's a pleasure having you on board." The automated voice said.
"Thanks for the lift, Sparrow."
The lift opened its doors in response, awaiting our entry patiently. Sparrow wasn't a human but she always had a mind of her own, making her one of the most trusted artificial intelligence in our world.
How they came about?
Not your problem.
I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall as the doors slowly shut and watched as the girl besides me clicked the buttons furiously. One thing for sure is that she hated buttons.
The thought made me smile a little but it soon faded away when the lift had somehow reached our destination in a swift. Hand in hand, we walked some more steps before entering our destination; the ground floor. The burden in my chest had now vanished, finally making me to breathe with ease.
What a relief.
"Now that you're a full hunter, act like one too." She sneered in a motherly tone, tightening the loose necktie on my collar. "Or do you still need Foxy to teach you how to wear a tie well?"
"Tsk tsk, I'd like to see you try." I said in a low daring tone. It's funny but she's saying the truth. I cared less about ties and tie tacks. "Have you informed the other hunters of my intentions?" I asked. Information is the upmost priority of every hunters—so we don't end up miscalculating our movements. If we all lack the information we need from our reliable sources, we could all get deformed and ignorant.
"Well, that's actually a problem," Her voice sounded nervous and debatable. "You won't be going anywhere for now." She stood her ground.
"I'm sorry, what?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the detected challenge in her voice. What is she up to?
Her eyes darted to the left and I tilted my head to the direction she was staring at and found myself frowning in a huge disfavour---when the ground of the other room, the weapons room gave way--- revealing a group of men and women.
I raised an eyebrow questioningly at the approaching Council of the Hunters. I never invited them over, nor negotiated anything with them, their presence therefore insinuated two things; trouble and reports.
"What are they doing here?" I mind linked Foxy with a frown of disapproval. "Don't tell me you did what I think you did." The last thing I wanted her to do at the moment was to leak out the whole planning phase to the elders. How could she do this! She better not inform them of my initiation or she'd be sorry. I frowned and pulled away from her when she didn't answer.
"Ha! You should've seen her face when all her dirty games backfired against her."A voice stated with a hint of mockery.
"The thing is very wise and cunning, who knew these creatures would momentarily have the guts to try to seduce us from the clans". Another voice replied, filling in the curious men.
Wait - another creature on the loose?
Before I could make efforts to ask the person, Foxy had dragged me by my arm to the council's front to look more...perhaps respectful?
"From our reports, you said you saw this exact culprit when you were a child eleven years ago, I'm I correct?" One of the elders, Dr. Denton, inquires in a deep intimidating tone. "Is that correct, Mister hunters?"
"Are we still into this whole 'witness' case again? I told you already-" I gritted through my teeth and cursed myself for bringing them into this in the very beginning. "-I was there when the bastard killed my parents...with his bare hands!"
Hunters are meant to lean on each other's shoulders because one man can't do everything alone but no, in the case of these greedy ones, all they want is hush monetary donations---even though they're already filthy rich in nature. I'm sick of trying to be the only one who wants justice on my side. Sometimes, I feel like they're hiding something from me---but I better hope not.
If I could do this on my own then there'd be no use involving them in the first place---but I can't, I'm not fully equipped for this---I need years of experience as it takes experience to have a taste of justice.
If they keep doing this, I'd engage Sparrow's attacking system against them without hesitation.
"Someone's forgot to have manners lately". Foxy whispered in a low sing-song to my hearing while pinching my elbow from behind.
"What he's trying to say my Lords is that, he beheld this same magical being that murdered his parents and that of two bourgeois' freely roaming in this city---almost like it was in search of something. We all know that these magical beings are nothing but a threat to the society, and therefore we need to declare action fast!".
"Hmm, you've spoken well my child". Dr Aaron stated, looking at Foxy from under his dark tinted glasses with a pleased nod. "You remember those times when we looked into this issue in the past and found nothing?". Foxy nodded briefly.
The man continued, "Surprisingly today, we were going through the most dangerous creatures in history and got hold of few of them. We identified two of the creatures to be a magus and necromancer".
The room was filled with silence.
A necromancer was no good to our kind. Just a snap of finger could create a catastrophic disaster. I won't say they're the worst but they are one of the worst kind of the magical realms---that are terribly skilled in the conjuring of the dead, banshees, demons and few other soulless spirits.
He continued, breaking the silence. "There was just one we couldn't identify. We tried casting spells to summon it's soul so we could conduct a scan on it's weaknesses but the creature-". He paused and sighed.
Someone continued in his stead, "The creature isn't a creature Hunters". Everyone turned to the man quizzically, "It's a demon...".
I stiffened at the answer. "Do you all know what a demon is? Double check your god-damned powers again!".
"Are you questioning our abilities?". Aaron growled, "We know what a demon is son...and this demon we're talking about is aware of our presence as we speak. During the evoking of it's soul from the spirit realm, it's freaking eyes opened! And you know what happens when you look into a demon's eyes!".
You'd see death.
Death visits you if it ever gets to look into your soul.
I felt myself calm down a bit when Foxy rubbed her thumb against my palm. This revelation was a huge bomb to all of us. So we're not only after witches now? We're after a demon?
Then the answer to one of questions clicked in my mind, "So the creature that killed my parents wasn't just a creature". I looked up at them. "But a demon".
They nodded, making the knot of revenge within me aching to explode.
I watched as the elders debated amongst themselves for a while before finally nodding to themselves in agreement.
"Have you witnessed something odd lately?". Dr. Sebastian, the oldest of them inquired. "Perhaps an object that doesn't have the aura of lifelessness?".
My mind went back to Isabelle's box in school. I know it's just a box but something about it's aura gives me the creeps---almost like a numen. Even if it wouldn't turn out to be a normal box, I trust Isabelle one-hundred percent. She's too innocent and gentle to be involved with these crock and filthy creatures.
With a shrug, I overlooked it as nothing serious as I didn't want to involve an innocent person in this, not Isabelle specifically.
"Well?". Dr. Sebastian demanded.
"Not...really...". I replied reluctantly, shifting my eyes to somewhere else.
"You do know the suspect could be anywhere around here and you're still playing a carefree game young man". Dr. Amos, the youngest - the least experienced one of them all, scowled and frowned at my plain response. "Remember you're the only survivor from the royal blood line - which makes you the Lord".
I didn't talk back at him as I didn't have the time nor energy for anymore arguments. Instead, I simply bowed in defeat. I hated to admit that they were always right. I wanted to be the one that that would take down the murderer all these while...and yet, I always become hesitant in all the decisions made. Thia case of a demon on the loose has done nothing but disturbed me terribly now. I've to do something before it's too late.
"We beg to take our leaves". Foxy declared, interwining our hands as Dr. Denton nodded for our permission. Her pace was always the tough one to keep up with, when she was either running or walking briskly.
I'm glad she saved me from doing anything I'd have regretted but I don't appreciate her roughness either. I just finished doing some mind altering initiations and hearing a mind-blowing disclosure--- and she's here pulling me violently!
"Look, when I said catching the bait...I meant I sensed someone--- or at least a witch's aura when we were coming home, so that's why I ordered the council before now to clarify what I sensed...". Foxy explained in nothing but a whisper. "Please don't be mad at me for summoning them".
My eyes widened at the unforeseen confession. I've never been so happy to finally hear at least good news relating to my parent's deaths.
"Why didn' say so?". I breathed with a satisfied sigh. "Why did you have to wait till now?". I frowned, wondering why she would do this to me.
"Well, you're quite the...I don't know...the barking and umm...worrying type, so I had to wait for the right time". She said with a small nervous laugh.
I frowned at her statement but I wasn't angry with her or at her right now. Infact, I was more of impressed and encouraged by her.
"That's why I gave you that amulet, these creatures are nearby and this amulet would protect you from their powers, plus you should really keep your eyes open because it weakens the culprit when magic is used".
"Like you said, my parents would be've been nothing but a loyal guardian to me...but I'd take it over from here now, okay?". I smiled and pressed my lips against her forehead, before leaving her flushed figure right there.
Now that I've gotten what I need I don't care if my identity is at risk anymore..
No one starts a game without ending it...
No one....
{A/N: That's right folks! No one starts a deed without having a latter intention of ending it. And that includes this book as well, lol. But don't you worry I promise, no...pinky promise that this book would've a beautiful ending, but that's if you can endure the long and large chapters hand has suddenly turned into a typewriter that cannot go below 1500 words lol. Thanks for your all patience and time with me, it really means so much to me as a writer! And also as a reader...If you come across any YouTube video or link pasted along the story line or above the story line, I'd highly recommend that you PLAY THE MUSIC. Thank chu once again cupcakes 😘. Until next time...
Your Writer,
Themysticalqueen 👸}
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