Book 1. Chapter Two - Coincidence
"Isabelle Wintman, are you hearing everything I'm saying?"
"Of course, father. What makes you think the otherwise?" I forced a smile, dropping a hint of sarcasm in my voice. And thankfully, he got the hint and crossed his arms with a scowl.
"Of course I was not listening to anything you were saying! It's been hours already, but I'm not understanding anything you're hinting at!" Shaking my head, I stood up and walked away from them, "First, you say she's different now, then you say she's only facing difficulties from her past. What exactly do you meeean?"
After a brief silence, mum stood up and finally said in a small, shaky voice, "She can't come over, sweetie."
Frustratedly, I groaned and knocked some books off the shelf, "Of course I saw that coming."
"It has been five years since I saw my granny, and even though I tried all I can to plead on her behalf, you guys would always use one means or the other to divert the topic without me even realizing it!"
"I mean, I love Lola very much." I forced a smile through the stinging tears. "She might be crazy and all old but she's always there for me. Making me laugh, happy, excited and most of all, loved. I know that she loves me too; she always did. You're just making it even harder for her by doing this . . . all of these."
Raising my head up, I stared at my parents with a very disapproving look, wondering if anything I was saying made sense to them.
They knew what I meant.
They knew what I wanted.
"Please?" I pleaded. "Just one more?"
Dad sighed, "Isabelle . . ." and started walking towards me.
"Yes or no, dad." I gritted through my teeth, glaring at him to not move any closer.
"Well . . . you can't go . . ." He finalized.
I sighed and lowered my head down in defeat. Alas, I tried all I could to meet her.
"But she can come." Mum whispered with a smile.
Baffled, I squeaked, "What?"
"First things first, you have to promise us something." Dad interrupted, crossing his arms across his broad chest with a serious look.
"And what's that?" As far as I was concerned, I was ready to do anything to meet her again. Anything at all.
"Well, if Alexis . . ."
I rose an eyebrow and he quickly corrected himself, "I mean, if Lola . . ." making me quirk up a satisfied smile. "If she tries anything that seems too different, do not take her hands. Even if she's looking out of shape, don't look into her eyes, Isabelle. You're the safest here, right here with us."
"Dad!" I gasped and rolled my eyes almost immediately. Way too overprotective for a geek.
I had this mad urge to question them on what makes Lola so different from them, but I instantly shrugged it off. I should be happy, not anxious, for goodness sake. It's not an everyday thing to be pampered by dad, this is already enough to drive me insane.
It was indeed something I never saw coming. After so many years of being shut from her reach. After so many years of being in the dark, they finally give me a chance to see her once again.
"Thanks dad! Thanks mum! You're the best!" I ran to their sides and hugged them both in excitement. "I take back everything I said today! Well, most of them."
I can't help but smirk as they finally stood up, holding hands and glance towards the door. I knew the whole thing wasn't from their mind, but I'm still grateful for it. Grateful for this.
"Oh and . . ." Mum cleared her throat and pulled out something from her pocket, "Didn't know how to tell you, but Lola said you should've this."
It was a reddish-brown envelope, a strange-looking feather was attached to its bottom, its tips pointing to the thick, bold letters that read "Lola". For a moment, a burst of excitement and joy swept over me, but when my eyes landed on the three numbers pasted above her name, I froze. I was too shocked to absorb any of this; how long have they been receiving letters behind my back?
Quickly, I pressed the bridge of the nose, swallowing down the burning anger inside of me. "Mum . . . how long did you plan on hiding it from me?"
"Honey, it's not what you think!"
"Yeah . . . might as well think you shouldn't stay here any longer," I squeezed the envelope in my hands, but not so tight enough to crinkle it. "I've had enough of this whole good girl game, you both know that I'm not. I was never like any of the rest of the others from day one. I was different . . . wait . . .now that I think of it, I am different." I mused and looked up at them. There it was again . . . fear. With a sigh, I waved it off and threw the envelope on the bed. I should save everything for another time. "Forget what I said, I'd like to study and finish up my homework for tomorrow?" I wanted it to sound more like a statement but when I saw the hesitation in their eyes, it came out the wrong way. Well, at least they knew what I meant.
"Sorry, we'll leave you to your opinions," Dad quickly muttered and placed his hand on mum's shoulder with a firm look, "we should leave."
Before I could heave the relief that I've been holding, dad suddenly turned back and stared at me. I tilted my head to the side and noticed that mum wasn't there anymore. He opened his mouth to say something, but clenched his jaw and whispered, "Sorry Isabelle, we couldn't help it. Believe me when I say we've changed."
And faster than you say morning to your next-door neighbors, he walked out of the room, shutting the door almost too quietly for his nature behind him.
"Couldn't help what?" I stared hard at the door, wishing for him to get back in and explain everything but remembering his last remark, I scoffed and jumped into my comfort zone. "Changed for the worst that is." I rolled my eyes.
It didn't take long for me to finally let out what I've been holding back. The tears, the pain . . . the longing feeling, everything came out in a swift rush. I didn't realize this until my groans slowly turned into small, quiet sobs.
I can't pretend I don't care. I need to read everything . . . now!
Like an angry wolf, I tore into the envelope, not caring if it got torn or messy. What really matters here are the letters in here, I chanted over and over again with the hope of calming my anxious self down, which kind of worked as the ugly hiccups turned into small mumbles.
Finally. The cool, nice feeling I got just from brushing the tips of the brown letters made me convinced that this was going to be really interesting.
"Dear cupcake," I read out loud, grinning like an idiot once I heard the nickname she had given me. I always loved when she called me that, and she knew it. "I'm sorry I couldn't come the last time. Some things have just changed this era, unexplainable things, cupcake. I promise that the next time your parents are celebrating thanksgiving, I'll give you a surprise visit!"
I held my breath when I realized something. This was written two years ago! Like, two freaking years ago, and I never knew anything about her coming or surprise thingy, nothing at all!
"This was only two years ago but this is the third letter here . . ." I closed my eyes, feeling the tears falling down my cheeks again. I'm sorry granny, I didn't know anything about this. Please, believe me.
"Stay strong," Out of nowhere, an oddly cool breeze brushed against my skin, nearly sweeping away the letters at my knees. I thought I had imagined it, but then the whisper came again, "Stay strong for us."
My eyes widened. Letters can't talk, read minds or see anything, right? RIGHT?
Suddenly, the intricate feather on the letter in my hands broke out of its hold and swirled to another letter, probably the last letter, fastening itself again like nothing happened.
"Okay . . . what just happened?" My hands were shaking as I reached out for the other letter, sighing loudly as the cool breeze slowly lingered away.
"To my dear Isabelle," I frowned, but pushed aside the confusion for another time and continued reading, "Forgive me for not asking about you, but I already know how you've been faring, cupcake. And just as much as you miss me, I miss you too, so much!"
I raised both of my eyebrows in astonishment, but still went on, "I'm glad to see that you're not anything like the Wintmans, I'm proud of you, baby girl." I blushed and smiled happily at her teasing words.
"Time have changed, people have changed . . . the world's changing fast, but you're still being the sweet girl I knew."
Now I couldn't shrug this one off like the others. Lola's been talking in parables since the first letter; almost like that of my parents. Isn't change . . . a good thing?
"Please remain the way you are, almost everyone's hearts are made of stone, cold rocky ones. Not everyone can be trusted anymore, including me. I'm sorry baby girl, but I don't think we'll meet anytime soon."
My heart immediately fell. Like, dropped out of my chest and on the floor, begging to explode into oblivion. I know it was stupid of me to joke at a time like this, but . . . you get what I mean alright.
"Close your eyes baby girl, suck in a breath and splay your hands on the letters; and always, I'll hold your hands and have you in my arms."
Almost suddenly, dad's words rang at the back of my mind. If Lola tries anything too different, do not take her hands . . . don't look into her eyes, you're the safest here, right here with us.
"What really is going on?" I shook my head, refusing to think further on any of this. "Lola, Lola! Why won't you ever show yourself? Why would you keep pushing me away, but somehow keep pulling me to you? I'm I now too grown up for you? Is that it?"
I sucked on my breath and closed my eyes for a moment, clenching my jaws from bursting into tears, and then, opened my eyes again. Opening my eyes was the greatest mistake of my life, because I don't think I'm ever able to close it back.
This may sound too ridiculous, but I can swear that I saw and felt the world stand still. And just when I thought I should run to take some pills, a sharp movement from afar caught my attention.
That was . . . me?
THIS IS RIDICULOUS, but there I was, dancing around the room with Lola, laughing as she tapped my nose and ran out of the room, with me hot on the chase.
A strange déjà vu feeling washed over me when I saw me staring right through me, scrunching her face in jealously like I was a new, beautiful toy that she could never have. But before I could reach out to her, she giggled and walked through me to the other side of the room.
For the first time in forever, I felt myself go red in embarrassment. Of course this isn't real, I'm just reliving those memories again.
"Lola, why can't I have dolls like the other kids do?" I pouted, clutching my fists across my chest in a pitiful way. "Look over there, that boy has a toy! I wanna have a toy too!"
Lola sighed and patted my head, "Cupcake, we've been through this already. You're not like everyone else, you're . . . different." I felt a cold shiver run down my spine as she whispered the last word. I could've sworn I saw her stealing a glance at my direction, but again, I must just be imagining all these things.
"Not even that music box you play at night?" I pouted, pleading through my eyes this time.
Lola must have noticed this because she chuckled and ruffled my hair. "Anything that is Lola's is cupcake's. It's yours too, baby girl."
I remember this time vividly. Let me guess, I would run straight into my-
Before I could even finish guessing, I quickly dashed into the closet, tossing out whatever stood in her way, in search of the one thing that made her day, the musical box. Lola had given me, her - us this box as a birthday gift when I was a little kid as she noticed how I always left out in real parties. She always assured me that this box would leave me even better gifts if I trusted my instincts, and I believed her.
"Music never lets you down like humans do." She said.
And she was right. Ever since that day, I held on to the box like never before. And thanks to that musical box, I used to feel like she was actually with me, even though I knew she wasn't.
I liked that feeling.
This time I knew I wasn't imagining this because the next thing I knew she was staring right at me, wide eyed, then the strangest smile I've ever seen appeared at the corner of her lips.
I just stood there, staring too. I mean, what could I possibly do? I'm dreaming, must have fallen asleep right after reading those letters. Sigh, poor me.
I gulped when Lola suddenly stood up, slowly walking towards my direction. I knew I should be happy, excited even, but the look in her eyes . . . the way she's walking towards me as if I were her prey . . . it chills me to the bones.
Luckily, the dream wasn't over. In fact, it had changed; together with the other version of me, I was teleported into another room, another time, another day. This other me looked . . . eight years old, I think.
This other me was just there, standing in the middle of the room, sobbing and looking over a bowl of pasta to the nearest window repeatedly, almost like she was expecting someone or something to crawl out from there, which is kinda creepy if you ask me. Speaking of someone, where's Lola?
As if this girl could hear me, she started mumbling everything that happened. How Lola left the house without a word to anyone and never came back. She also mentioned something about Lola glaring at her parents and quickly walking away once she noticed her looking. She suddenly didn't want to have anything to do with them and kept keeping her on the dark side from that day till date. Judging from her story, my stupid parents must have created a scene as usual, only this time it crossed the line and she couldn't take it anymore and bam, vanished into the thin air.
She burst into tears again, and I don't know why but I felt almost everything she was feeling too. This is even so stupid! She's me, but she's not me at the same time. What am I even saying?
A loud gasp from her caused me to drift out of the overwhelming thoughts and forced me to look at what she was looking.
Seriously, she's like . . . everywhere!
Again, I still don't know how; but I could feel and hear her thoughts and emotions. And right now, this was what I was saying, "Maybe I was wrong about her being bad to me. She still cares about me! She really came back! Yayy!"
"Lola! Lola . . . why . . . why can't you stay with us?" I whispered softly. "You ran away and now you're sneaking on me, did you come to say goodbye or stay with me?"
Lola pulled down a black hood and thankfully, couldn't see me. "I'm sorry, baby girl. Forgive me for not visiting." She kissed my forehead, "I can't stay here because I don't belong here, darling." She said with a strained smile and pulled me into a warm hug. "Your parents are never going to allow that. They're just too-" She mused.
"Cruel and nasty. Bad, bad, bad!" I spat the words out with bitterness and anger. Well, she's not wrong. "If you leave...I leave."
Her face scrunched up into a worrying frown at my determination. "No darling, I'll be back someday. They're just having a hard time with adapting to this world, okay? Give them some time, they'll learn."
I forced back a blink and mumbled, "What are they? BABIES?"
"Promise?" I cried out. "If you don't come back...I'd burn down this house granny." And I meant what I said that day.
"My goodness, don't do such a thing." She chuckled and walked away from me with a sad smile. "I'll be back before your youthful birthday, it's a promise, darling."
Before I could say anything else, the door to the room slowly creaked open, revealing my vexed parents. Of course, how can I ever forget these two? These two would always show up when things like these happened, and unfortunately, from the looks of it all, they weren't too happy with this, though from my predictions, they never got to see her again. That was even the last time I ever saw her around this neighborhood.
I let out a saddened sigh at that memory. Some things are best kept in the dark.
"They sure are," Lola whispered under her breath and flashed a smile at me. I made a squeaking sound when her eyes never met mine. "I'm sorry, cupcake. Sorry we couldn't meet earlier."
As crazy as it sounds, I began laughing, then sniffling before running into her awaiting arms, never for once letting go.
"I don't know what's going on, I don't know why I'm seeing this . . ." I raised up my head and looked into her lit eyes, "but I trust you, Lola."
"Isabelle," Pride swelled within her eyes and she hugged me again, much longer than expected. "I know you do, but . . . I still can't meet you, cupcake."
My heart wrenched again at her words. It was better for my parents to say it than for me to hear it from herself, it just wasn't what I was expecting, even in a dreamy state. Lola would never say something like this, especially out of the blues. Could it be that . . . she's really different now?
I didn't even realize that I pulled away from her, until a dull, buzzing sound brought me back to my senses. Once our eyes met again, Lola quickly snatched my hands and placed them on her cheeks, her eyes watering when she reads me like an open book. "Baby girl, you really can't meet me, but I can meet you. Even if you travel the worlds, you still won't find me. But if I should ever call on me and grab my hands, our worlds would collide."
Immediately, I grew pale and snatched back my hands, "Travel the worlds? Are you trying to say that you're . . ." I bit my lips. "Dead?"
Fortunately, she snorted and gave me a small, hearty laugh, one that sounded like she was very amused, not nervous. Phew, I really thought I was going crazier than normal.
"No silly," She smirked, "I'm not dead, I'm real. Realer than you even assume, baby girl. You'll see for yourself when I come out to get some fresh air again. As of now, you're too tired to take anything I'm saying to heart, so why burden yourself too much?"
I crossed my arms and pursed my lips when she made it clear that that was it.
"Any chance that this isn't a ridiculous dream and that you're real?"
"With time, you'll learn the real difference between reverie and actually dreaming," Her eyes glistened with an emotion I couldn't comprehend. "And why everything's looking foggy to you."
I pressed my eyebrows together in confusion and opened my mouth to say something, but with a brief, stern wave of her hand, my tongue felt too heavy to move, almost like I had suddenly gone mute. Widening my eyes, I anxiously began stretching -or at least tried to- but my whole body had gone numb too. I knew it wasn't panic attack, it never happened to me in dreams. Then, what the hell is wrong with me?
"A dreamy light . . ." Her voice compelled me to look straight into her eyes, drinking in the familiarity in there. "The lights shall visit you tonight, cupcake. Follow it, that's my signal for us to meet again."
"I love you, baby girl." She leaned her forehead against mine, and if not for the fact that I'm frozen solid, I would have flinched away. She was just . . . too cold!
"Mark my words, " She gave me a wide grin. "I'll never stop spoiling my princess."
"Uhh . . ." I blinked twice, almost flinching to see two lips hovering above my head. What. The. Hell?
"We heard your screams! Are you okay?" Mum asked, annoyingly checking my temperature over and over again. Even I had to swat her hands away from making me get more sick.
"I'm I okay?" I gritted through my teeth and sat upright. "Do I look okay to you?"
"Apart from the fact that you're suddenly pale and cold, and that your lips are turning blue . . ."
"What?" My eyes widened. I slowly reached out for my lips, almost licking it in the process. I flinched when the tip of my tongue felt very cold, even inside my mouth.
"Yes, she's up." I turned to see dad standing at one corner with his phone against his ears. Great. Just, GREAT. Now, he's probably calling another of his psychiatrist again.
"Mum, I'm fine." I frowned and tried to stand up, but her hand stopped me from going any further. "Really?"
"I told you we're not going hard on you anymore, just relax. It's a doc, a real one this time. I promise."
I looked into her eyes, seeing nothing but sincerity, and sighed loudly, throwing myself back into my soft, welcoming bed.
"You kept the letters in my drawer, didn't you?"
She bit her lips and nodded. "Don't worry, he wasn't here when I did it."
Internally, I let out a huge sigh of relief. I definitely didn't want him scrambling through my things, assuming that I'd suddenly gone crazy again.
Out of nowhere, she cleared her throat. "Did something happen? I mean, you're suddenly pale and . . . you know you can always tell me anything."
I flinched when her hand came on top of mine, and regretted it when there was a flash of hurt in her eyes. Well, it isn't my fault! I'm still mad about what happened in the morning! And what does she mean 'did something happen'? Today keeps getting creepier and creepier by the minute.
I narrowed my eyes at her. "No."
A beeping sound from across the room drifts our attention to him. When he noticed our stares, he sighed and smiled, "He'll be up in an hour, can you get dressed before then?"
I've never been thankful for my dad interrupting any of my conversations, till now. I cleared my throat and nodded, groaning when the headaches increased upon hearing the word 'dress'. Doesn't that also mean I need to shower? Ugh.
"Call us if you need anything, baby." Mum placed her hand on her cheeks with a sweet smile. God, I wanted to shout so much at her right now, but I'm too exhausted to move even my tongue. I could only force a smile and nod till I was sure they were out of sight.
With a satisfied smile on my face, I walked up to my dressing table and let my fingers run through the obscured embedded writings on the sides of the box. With a sigh, I clicked the red button at the side of the music box and listened to the relaxing tones it played.
This went on for about twelve to fifteen minutes with absolute silence-except the sensational tinglings from the dancing figures; a butterfly masked princess and a handsome hooded warrior, whom I suppose is a prince.
I wish you were here grandma...
Jingle-jangle. Jingle-jangle. Jingle-jangle.
Something about the dancing figures in the musical box seemed a bit off but just when I wanted to examine it more, my phone suddenly rang.
Squinting my eyes at the dialer on the screen of my phone, it was none other than my childhood best friend, Julius.
Well, some people are just full of surprises today.
Swiping to the right, I answered. "Wow, is this really you girl? So glad you suddenly remembered my existence. How are you doing over the holidays?" I couldn't help but giggle quietly.
Julius Anderson was my old-time best friend from childhood. Although, we didn't really grow up from kindergarten together, we became best of friends as toddlers. She's very similar to me when it comes to attitude, and what I mean by that, she's very insecure and timid. The only thing that made us different is that, she is redheaded and I'm a mix of a brunette and that of a blondie-during the day, my hair looks kinda blonde, but during the dark hours, it looks a bit darker than usual. Maybe it had something to do with the hairspray I bought two years ago? However, how we first met still remains a mystery to me.
"I'm good but I really don't want the holidays to end. I really hate that school's starting tomorrow, I had to cancel all my appointments with some persons." She answered on the other line with a brief groan.
"Did you just say school?" I raised an eyebrow at what she was insinuating. What does she mean? There was no school tomorrow.
"Don't tell me you forgot to do your projects and assignments, Isabelle." She sighed as I remained silent. "National Studentship Day, does that ring a bell now?"
I didn't answer but instead panicked and quickly went through my books, leaving the phone behind. Totally forgot about everything around me that moment. Of course tomorrow was the big day, how on earth did I ever forget that?
"Isabelle? Hellooo? You still there?"
Taking a deep breath, I pulled out a chair and sat at my studying desk, spreading out all my assignments before me.
Calm down Isabelle, It's just eight textbooks...
Eight science subjects.
Okay, I wasn't the best in science but I was probably 'one' of the smartest.
"Okay, over to Further/ Engineering Mathematics..." I stretched my sore arms a bit and opened the huge intimidating textbook before me.
"If f(x) =x3, evaluate f(x +h) - f(x)/ h, where h isn't a member of 0. Use your result the derivative of f(x) with respect to x." I could feel my eyes twitching at the complex questions.
"Yeah...I'm not doing that." I mumbled and went over in doing the easier subjects.
Not exaggerating, but it took me over three hours on each subjects. I didn't even realize when I fell asleep with the scientific calculator in my hands. Who said science was easy anyways?
Yup, as usual...I always forget something. I had forgotten to turn off the musical box, but that wasn't an issue at all. I guess it helped me have the perfect rest from all these stress.
While I was double-minded, I pondered over the most likely reasons that made grandma see this box as something beyond special. But I came up with no idea on what could possibly make this musical box special to Granny. However, I didn't even want to bother myself about it for now.
I just needed to talk to her.
My eyelid fluttered a bit before finally letting the darkness consume me.
"Isabelle? Isabelle!"
"Mm?" I mumbled.
My eyes widened as I shifted my eyes to the familiar sighting.
I was at class even! How the hell did this happen?
I didn't plan on coming to school today at all as I've already buckled up tons of excuses for my absence. As far as I'm concerned, Emeraldstone Girls College, my previous school, is far better and more enhanced than my current school, Hiddenville. Not that Hiddenville is bad or anything, it's just makes me feel odd and different amongst everyone. You could say I'm lucky as Julius happen to be schooling there coincidentally. If not that she was here, I wonder how I could've blended in with the others. Y'know, cause I'm still trying to keep that 'nerdy' profile everyone knows me to have.
But in the world is this possible?
What the hell was that all about?
The last thing I remember is a weird place...and this voice...I'm sure I've heard it somewhere before.
"Care to explain, Ms. Wintman?" The male teacher said, his arms folded across his chest and a visible look of anger plastered on his face.
Oh no.
"I uhh...I just...wanted to..." I started, terribly fumbling.
"She lost her pen and was asking if anyone saw it." A familiar voice cut in, saving me from my humiliation.
Looking behind me, I saw it was Julius. What surprises me is that Julius is quite the introvert-she avoids anything that involves long chitchats or gossips-and that applies to me too. For her to suddenly intervene for me is truly something I'd forever cherish.
"Y-yeah that...sorry." I apologized to the annoyed teacher, Mr Dylan.
Mr Dylan was one of the strictest teacher in the school, so no one wanted to be in his way cause it would create nothing but trouble. Nothing good ever comes out of that, trust me.
Apparently, he has a masculine look, blonde slicked hair, blue crescent-like eyes and a moustache above his lip. He should be probably in his thirties despite the fact that he wears glasses...I guess to look more responsible?
But don't be deceived by his looks, he's way tougher and disciplined than you know it.
"Hopefully, this is the last time, Ms. Wintman." He adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat.
I nodded and looked down when I noticed the whole class staring at me. But that wasn't the main issue now, someone I've been trying to avoid was amongst them-someone I couldn't even look into his eyes.
Shit, I look so stupid now.
"When did this class commence, Julius?" I whispered, twitching the end of my lips to sound very quiet.
"Are you serious? It started like two hours ago! Right after you were dragged by your mum to class! Although, you were acting all weird and strange." Julius replied, her face being neutral as always. "Something bugging you?"
It was hard to detect emotions from this kind of people but I could still tell she was a bit worried.
Wait, did she just say dragged by my mum to class?
Can my day get any worse!
I can't even tell the difference between dreams and reality anymore! Okay, calm down Isabelle, it's just a coincidence so there's no big deal about it.
"Right, sorry about that...I'm fine, thanks for asking." I quickly said before returning my attention to the teacher before us.
As I struggled with my thoughts, I couldn't help but feel that I was being watched or something. The stupid feeling strikes again, I guess. I felt the urge to follow the direction the invisible arrow was pointing at but I shrugged it off, assuming it was none other than Ruby himself—one of the meanest bullies in class.
It felt forever as the lessons went on and I literally found myself yawning and yawning. For once, I thought my jaw was going to lose it.
My actions made some of the students nearby eventually burst into laughter. As if that's not enough, Ruby was wriggling his eyebrows at me—not really in the flirty way—but in the 'you know what's getting at you' look.
Ugh, how annoying.
"Alright now...I'd like everyone of you to present your projects so I can grade you on your works." Mr Dylan announced, a huge grin plastered on his face as his hands folded behind his back.
"Hmm...his grins always makes me cringe especially when he mentions projects, so lucky I did mine." I stroked my chin thoughtfully, debating if I completed my assignments or not when suddenly the realisation struck me. "Wait a minute...I don't remember doing Further Maths! Oh my God!"
Shoot! I'm in big trouble!
I'm sooo dead...I never prayed on entering his trap, not today, not now and definitely not tomorrow!
I watched as everyone assembled to him in a line with their works steadied in their hands.
Exhausted and yet trembling, I buried my head into my shirt and hit my head against my desk, letting out a groan.
I don't even remember changing into this!
What's wrong with me?
Looking at my front side, I wore a comfy white blouse which had long sleeves, with a pink purse hanging across my arm. As if that wasn't enough, I had a wristwatch on my left wrist and had a black crazy jean on, my hair was also packed neatly with a black ribbon into a ponytail, alongside with a half moon necklace dangling on my neck.
Self consciously, I quickly loosened the band, making my blonde hair fall to my shoulders.
{A.N; This isn't my photo, nor does it belong to me, I only encrypted her name in the box as this is how Isabelle was looking at the moment.}
Maybe if I show him the ones I did, he would understand my situation...
Who I'm I kidding?
I'm busted!
Digging into my bag, I went through my books carefully, only for my hand to strike something. My eyes widened in panic when I found my musical box hidden under my maths textbook.
I covered my mouth to stop me from letting out a squeal fortunately, but that didn't still stop me from screaming internally.
H-How did it get in here?
Why would I even make a mistake of bringing it here....that's unlike me!
I can't let anyone see this... I'd be humiliated for life...what to do now!
I took a deep breath and brought out my textbooks but just when I did, a stick note fell out from one of them.
I bent over and picked it up, running my eyes over the handwriting and words on it.
It was strangely and boldly written in red and purple letters saying, "LET THE PAST MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER, NOT BITTER. WHAT YOU WANT EXISTS, DON'T SETTLE UNTIL YOU GET IT."
I blinked, not quite understanding whatever proverb this might be, but one thing I did understand is that I'm running out of time and that I'm being pranked.
Shaking my head, I shoved the note into my pocket and opened my textbooks to where the questions laid.
To my greatest surprise, the questions were all answered neatly yet boldly, just like that in the stick note I just found.
To be sure I wasn't hallucinating, I peeped at the note again but there were no words on it, other than it being crumbled.
"I swore I saw something it on it!" I panicked a bit but it only gave me nothing but headaches.
I slowly looked around to see if anyone might have done this to me but everyone were with Mr Dylan, murmuring and arguing over one thing or the other.
"Ms. Wintman? Can I see yours?" All heads whipped to my direction, making me go pale.
I froze once I heard my name. Even though it was all done, and answered correctly, I was shaking in fear and the feeling of insecurity.
With a surreptitious gulp, I fixed my stare at the floor as I clutched my books and made my way to the front.
I could see his eyebrows twitch as he ran his eyes over the pages in each of the books.
What if they weren't all correct?
"They're all correct!" He said in an astonished tone and looked at me in surprise.
I've to say, I myself was indeed surprised too. A female student hardly makes an A throughout his subjects.
There were gasps and murmurs all around me now—probably from my haters and stalkers.
"That's not possible!" One shouted.
"Of all dweebs, it's her?" Another shouted.
"Someone must have done this, she obviously paid someone!" A familiar mean voice snorted, making me to roll my eyes even though he's partially correct.
"This' a miracle indeed! Someone finally released the tension on the females." Someone else said but I just couldn't unmask the voice.
"You surprised me Isabelle, wait behind class..." Mr Dylan said with a little pride in his tone as he patted my shoulders.
I intend of running off immediately...dammit projects!
I nodded with a nervous smile and walked back to my seat, alongside with my classmates. Some gave me a high-five, thumbs up, a smile, a wink and a pat while some gave me a glare, disapproving look, and some threatening demonstrations.
I smiled to the kind ones and ignored the mean ones, simple and short.
"How did you do it, Isabelle?" Julius asked, pinching the skin below my elbow teasingly. "Tell me ya little secret."
I laughed and flinched a bit at that, with a 'I don't know' shrug making her to giggle behind her knuckle.
Could these all be coincidences, or something that I forgot I had done earlier?
Within me, I hated the idea of taking the credits of something I didn't do and intended on investigating this matter, once the bell dismisses.
Mr Dylan's words suddenly rang into my head, like to tease me that very moment.
Right after class then...
I leaned my chin against my palm, trying to solve this prank or mystery as the class went on. When suddenly, I felt a tingling in my palms which was weird. I had the urge to open my hands but I was forced to rub my palms together to stop the tingling.
My eyes widened when I saw the same red and purple letters written in between my palms, but this time it wasn't bold like before, just simple and neat.
It said, "Look around and tell what you see."
Instinctively, I looked around, expecting to lock eyes with the prankster but it never happened.
I picked up a pen and jotted behind the back of the paper. "Who are you?"
I dropped the paper by the edge of my table and waited for it to disappear like it always did but it never did.
I rolled my eyes at once and wrote again. "Frustration, I see frustration."
After folding it neatly, I shut my eyes for five seconds and opened it back again. And I was right. It was gone! But wait - it wasn't really like gone.
There's another note.
It said, "Well then, you're someone's reason to smile, you'll be in luck of smiles this hour."
Hahaha, very funny.
I had no friends, except Julius, so this finally concludes the fact that I'm hallucinating.
Indeed I was scared because I never for once saw this culprit. Julius can't even play this kind of prank on me, she'd rather tell me to the face not through stalkings.
Oh crap...
I held my head feeling some aches and dizziness but it wasn't that serious anyways. I tried to take my mind off this coincidences and focus on my environment instead.
Finally, the bell rang and students were already dismissing the class for the lunch break while I was here stuck with aches and one of the strictest teacher in the school.
I looked around to see that I wasn't the only girl nor person here. There was Ruby, Amy and Xander.
"Xander?!" I screamed internally.
Xander was like the guy of every girl's dreams, including mine. He wasn't only charming and filthy rich but was perfection himself. He had a long dark silky hair, which when straightened, I bet it'd reach his neckline.
He also possessed what my dream guy looked like-a pale oliver skin, black eyes with a little shade of green, and a pair of rosy-colored lips, you shouldn't be surprised when he appears to be supes intelligent and athletic as well.
He's the leader of all the recreational activities that goes on within my school, Hiddenville, as he is the head prefect. But, can you believe he comes to school in a limo with two body guards? I mean that's literally insane for a student right?
I could feel the inside of me about to explode when Mr Dylan called me to his desk. What was I going to say?
I didn't do it?
Someone helped me?
I'm hallucinating??
I took a deep breath and walked to his desk, ready for the multiple interrogations that'd await me but his next action wasn't what I expected at all.
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